At the breakfast table, Tear gazed at her cousin. She tilted her head, amused at the other woman's behavior.

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Alice was definitely acting strange. The flush on her face, the daydreaming—forcing people who addressed her to repeat themselves. What happened? The succubus had to know. If only she had the power to dive into daydreams, but every person of her kind knew how difficult that was. She'd need to get stronger for one—maybe even two thousand levels so… Okay, possible exaggeration.

Tear wasn't an ordinary succubus. Not an ordinary noble succubus. She and the Supreme Demon Lord shared that trait.

Tear felt a nudge. She turned to see Kitome standing next to her.

"What's up with blondie?" she whispered.

Tear shrugged and replied in the same conspiratorial whisper.

"I think something happened. I've never seen her like this."

"Nyyyaaa," Neko said, seeming to appear out of thin air. She spoke in the same volume as the other women. "Suspicious. You know, Harumi was acting like this the other day."

Tear flinched. She and Kitome made eye contact.

"It couldn't be," the succubus said softly.

"She has demon blood running through her," Neko said. "There is no doubt, she'd be just as sensitive as us, even a few hours after the deed."

Tear looked at her cousin with a slightly worried expression. Beneath that lied wishing. If it weren't for the stone-viper games, maybe he'd… Then again, it was thanks to the ancient game that they'd even met. He put his life on the line for her. She wondered if she even deserved it.

Tear stood.

"I'll be back."

On her way back to the room, she met Natalia.

"Tear-sama," she said, anime-diving into her embrace. "How are you this morning?"

Tear smiled at her best friend. Trapped in a child's body due to a curse, the succubus wondered how the woman carried out her days so happy-go-lucky.

"I'm quite well," she said, caressing Natalia's head. "Did you eat yet?"

"Not yet," Natalia replied. "I hope we have toast left." She folded her arms. "Last time, the tsundere got the last one." She hurried off. "Don't eat all the toast Kitome!"

"I'm not!" Kitome yelled back.

Tear proceeded into what she nicknamed, the Love Nest. Where did he go? She noticed the bathroom door closed. Slowly she approached, hearing voices. Yuki and her Clyde. Smirking, eyes starry, she barged in only to frown in disappointment. The demoness was simply washing his back. The succubus figured the sex was probably long over and done with. Still, Yuki would be a nice addition to her photo collection. A good tease for Clyde—especially when she figured out how to dive into his dreams.

"What's with the disappointed look?" Clyde said.

"Oh nothing," Tear said. "So, what did you do to make Alice so giddy this morning?"

Tear saw it—just the micro-flinch in his eyes to confirm it all.

"It's nice to see Alice cheerful in the mornings," Clyde said. "You know how much she sleeps in. And the cute sleeping face…" He paused, clearing his throat. "Anyway—"

"You two were having sex last night," Tear said. "Don't deny it, I'm a succubus and I felt the sexual energy. Two rounds seemed normal at first, but now that I think about it, she was enjoying it much more than…" She froze. "Even Neko knows. So, both Harumi and Alice."

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Yuki's eyes widened.

"Seriously? She is?"

"It surprised me too," Tear told the other woman, "but she seems so happy." She locked eyes with a smiling Clyde. "You do realize that eventually, both healers will be out of commission."

Clyde sighed.

"I know. We'll have to find someone to help Kanako."

Tear watched him carefully. A golden aura flickered briefly around the young man. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the only reason why you or Natalia can't learn healing magic is because of your dark affinities?"

Tear blinked.

"You call that a guess? It's not that we can't learn, but more like, our healing abilities are practically useless. Healing is mostly light or holy magic. A succubus or a witch infused with demonic energy will not make sufficient healers."

Clyde nodded.

"Of course. Just like in the games."

"Games?" Tear said skeptically.

"Nothing," Clyde quickly said. "If we can find a decent magic book, Sazuki or Ming could take up that position."

"I think we should go with Misaka and Ashard," Yuki said. "If properly trained, Misaka's phoenix fire can be used for some impressive healing. Ashard on the other hand is half-fairy."

Tear nodded in agreement.

"Sounds like a plan," Clyde said as he stood, reaching for a towel on a nearby rack. The succubus quickly snatched it away, invoking a frown.

Yuki chuckled.

"I'd better get ready for the day. We're leaving in an hour or so, right?"

When the demoness left, Tear grinned.

"So, father of two? Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Clyde fixed her with a blank stare.

"If I recall, you also wanted—"

"That's beside the point," Tear interrupted, blushing. "Are you seriously ready?"

Clyde quickly snatched the towel and began to dry himself.

"I can always tell you something, Tear," Clyde said, "but I think it's better to show you with my actions." He stretched. "I need to do something about the Supreme Demon Lord. I'd like a son." He quickly cleared his throat. Tear laughed.

She felt the truth from him, but how could he not be worried? Maybe he hid it well. She thought about the vision she saw when he accessed his War form through her. Shuddering at the horrific thought, the young woman forced it away. She had no right to invade…but why was she shown such a thing? Even Alice… And he didn't remember. The tragedy, locked away, most likely for his own good.

"Tear. Tear!"

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Tear flinched, coming back to herself.

"Are you okay?" Clyde asked.

"I'm fine," she said.

"Are you?" he asked skeptically. "This better not turn out to be one of those clichés—"

"I said I'm fine," Tear interrupted, smiling half-heartedly. The feeling of pain and dread faintly remained. "I'm going to make coffee. Would you like a cup?"

"Sure," Clyde said as he followed her out of the bathroom. Before she could make it out the door of the bedroom, he pulled her to him. And she melted into his kiss. "You can talk to me about anything, just remember that."

Tear felt her face burn of embarrassment. She also felt something hard press against her. Upon realizing it, the succubus almost tossed away control.

"Hurry and get dressed," she said. "Oh and you're my seating partner on the bus."

"The hell he is," Chika said, barging into the room. She shared a mutual glare with the other woman. "He's sitting with me—"

"No arguing. It's too early for that," Clyde said, although his boner continued to strengthen. Tear leered at the details, hands feeling grabby. She caught herself losing control and yelped.

"I'd better go make coffee. Don't be late." She hurried off, but not without kissing Clyde and leaving him one last promising look. Chika mentioned something about a…Chi-quickie. Strange girl.


After breakfast, Clyde and the others loaded suitcases onto the charter bus. Hinako still muttered angrily to herself for being the first stuck with driving duty.

"It's a rule in the animes," Natalia said. "Teachers with boobies must drive."

She quickly hid behind Harumi and stuck her tongue out, while the busty professor comedically snarled.

Kimiko and Chiyo, the Rose Dragon sisters, stopped by for a quick outside meeting. Clyde told them everything. They promised to watch over Liru. The young man snuck a glance at Fumi, but decided at the last second to allow volunteers, excluding her. She gave the young man a grateful smile. Toru's mood remained at its all-time high. Undine tried to volunteer Noona. The blonde, roleplaying as…what the young man guessed was this world's Agent Smith, responded with,

"You hear that, Undine? That is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of your death. Goodbye, Undin—"

"Enough," Clyde interjected, shaking his head. "Noona, change out of the suit and sunglasses. No roleplaying today." The demoness gave him a pouty face, but magically changed her outfit. "Everyone else be ready in twenty-minutes," the young man continued. "Chika loaded the bus's fridges with food and snacks, but if you've got specific needs, now is the time to get them. Dismissed."

Clyde allowed himself to sit and enjoy the delicious coffee Tear made for him. He couldn't remember a time in his life that coffee tasted so good. It helped clear up some of the tiredness from the Chi-quickie.

Seth, Toru, and Yusuke joined him.

"I think I'll volunteer," Seth said.

"Why?" Clyde said.

Seth fixed Clyde with a glare. Yusuke smirked.

"Tell him," Yusuke said.

"He's the only one without a girl," Toru answered with a snicker, spiraling Yusuke into laughter. Seth elbowed him in the gut.

"This isn't a vacation trip," Clyde said.

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"Says the guy with a harem," Seth said.

"If you want, I'll invite that one cute girl, what's her name? Maya," Clyde said, laughing.

"Oh piss off," Seth said. "Anyway, I'll stay behind with Liru."

"No can do," Clyde said.

"Why the hell not," Seth said.

"Only a girl," Clyde said. "She already told me she'd feel uncomfortable otherwise."

Seth sighed.

"And here I thought…"

"You thought what," Clyde said. "That you could somehow get on with Harumi's older sister."

"You attract older women," Seth accused. "Hell, technically I do too, with Maya. Why shouldn't I go for Liru? Let me guess. You're going to keep this one to yourself too?"

Clyde waved that off.

"I've let a load slipped twice, have no room for more, but I'm not letting you stay with Liru. You weren't complaining for the past two days about our living arrangement. Why now?"

"That's because we had the liberty of walking the city," Seth said. "I even got a date or two with some of the local girls." He smiled perversely. "Ah, you should've seen—"

"Don't bring up the blonde glasses boob girl for the thirtieth time," Toru said. "We get it, you banged. You owe Fumi an apology for exposing her to that one's loud moans."

Seth smirked.

"What can I say. She's a screamer."

Yusuke looked at Clyde.

"Can you make me a paper fan?"

"Sure thing," Clyde said.

[Clyde activated Special tier skill: Energy Materialize.]

[Special Tier Skill: Energy Materialize. Type: light, deity. Class: epic. Form weapons and objects made of energy in your hands. The more MP invested, the larger the object. Chance to inflict light blight at 4% Chance to burn at 2%].

He passed the paper fan over to Yusuke, allowing the man to deliver divine punishment.

"Ow!" Seth said.

"Seth, stop being a drama queen," Toru said. "Fuyoko, Misaka, Sazuki, Kiko, Tetra, Maki, Sophia…should I continue making my point?"

He sighed.

"True." He chuckled. "I forgot I wasn't the only one single. Although, I doubt I'd have a shot with Sophia. She's so freaking hot."

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"You won't know unless you try," Clyde said. "But stay away from my Stone Maidens. You can't have any of them."

Seth glared against the young man's grin.

"Pssh, who'd want Sazuki. Super cute but cold as ice. She'd freeze your dick off."

Sazuki whacked the young man on the head.

"I'm not cold as ice, idiot."

"Where'd you come from," Seth said, laughing nervously.

She gave him a look of distaste. The anime girl look of disgust, reserved for perverts, creepers, and anyone they hated.

"Maybe if you'd have some situational awareness, you would've spotted me coming out of the house." She turned to Clyde, the look of disgust replaced with a cheerful smile. "You're making us official Team Stone on this trip, right."

"Yep," Clyde said. "In fact, as of right now, you're officially Team Stone. I actually meant to graduate you guys days ago, but things got in the way." He stood up and offered her a hand. Sazuki eagerly accepted. "Welcome to Team Stone. Tell your sister the news."

[Sazuki, student council president and her younger sister has joined your party!]

[Sazuki is a chaotic party member.]

[Know this, a chaotic companion on your side could dramatically alter the battle in your favor. Remember your vows. Anything promised to them will serve as motivation while they eagerly await the award.]

[List of chaotic companions: Chika, Ruri, Kanako, Naoko and Sazuki.]

[Chaotic energy has reached 1 point. You've unlocked passive skill Chaos Power.]

[Chaos power. Type: Anti-deity. Class: *Relic* When five or more chaotic companions are in your current party, you may pay all but 10% of your HP and MP for a 1200% attack/special attack increase for your next attack/spell.

Second effect. Any duo attack with Sazuki will be increased by 500% for one time.

Third effect. While Sazuki is your fiancée/wife, your resistance against deity + light and its attributes will be increased by 50%]

[Relic level passive skills each have three effects. So yes, rarity means everything! Good luck finding relic or above level skills.]

Clyde blinked.

"And Sazuki, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to approach me."

She blushed.

"Sure." He let go of her hand. "I'll go tell Kiko the good news."

"Jiiiiii," Seth said.

Clyde glared at him.

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