After several complaints, Clyde ended up extending the time to two hours. Remembering his promise to Melody, he took her out to lunch. Of course it wasn't easy—some of the other women overheard, insisting on a group meal instead. Seeing the growing hurt in the redhead's eyes, he declined and threatened to remove the time extension. He also bribed Nina and Naoko to keep Natalia distracted. The kuudere loli munched on the chocolate bar with twinkles in her eyes. The gothic loli accepted it, while protesting that she wasn't some kid. Clyde pointed out the chocolate around her mouth. She wouldn't be able to continue her tsundere act.

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After the date, Clyde and Melody returned to the loading area. Hinako boarded the bus, resigned to her fate. The young man gave her a sad smile.

"Pervy husband onii," Natalia said as she anime-dove into Clyde, snuggling into his abs. Melody shot her a micro glare. The loli-witch looked up. "Why didn't you just get a plane, baka-husbando?"

"First of all, no," Clyde said. "There simply wasn't enough time. Toru and Chika's parents sure as shit wouldn't allow any of their private aircraft to get in our hands." He conveniently forgot to mention his dislike of planes. The young man also didn't want that to end up being a Shonen Jump plane episode. The pilots screaming, the plane transforming several different times. The pilots transforming too for some reason. There was just too much that could go wrong there. "Anyway, on the bus you go."

He walked over to Liru and the dragons to say his goodbyes. The pink-haired girl gave him a nice full-breasted hug. If the young man felt arrogant that day, he would've grinned evilly at Seth. Honestly, he was glad that the dragons agreed to look after the kind woman.

"I'd like a hug too," Chiyo blurted out, blushing.

"Chiyo," Kimiko scolded.

Clyde shrugged and pulled the woman in. She smelled so good and honestly had boobs that matched Liru's. The kimono was a little short, revealing plenty of leg.

"Sorry," Kimiko said, faintly blushing. "She keeps comparing you to her favorite anime hero."

"Am not," Chiyo defending, still not letting go. Suddenly, she took a deep whiff of the young man, causing the surrounding women of Melody, Kimiko, and Liru to blush.

"Alright, I'm going to have to stop you there," Harumi said, pulling Clyde away from the dragon. There was almost a dragon vs. kitsune micro-glare off between her and Chiyo. That melted away when the white-haired woman blushed.

"Sorry," she said. "Anyway, please have a safe trip." She bowed Japanese-style.

Clyde was wise enough not to comment on Chiyo's cuteness in front of Harumi. She hugged her big sister, before pulling Clyde to the bus. Melody held his other arm.


Lot City, Yaponiya…

The previous afternoon…

Clare's café…

Naomi was seated across from a supposed aspiring journalist named Hijo, not that she believed him. He went to her school after all and not once had he spared a glance for the Newspaper club. She only agreed to meet with him because he seemed pretty geeked out for Team Stone—the fanbase for the group continued to skyrocket. Well…she needed to pay rent and the money the green-haired young man paid certainly cleared that problem up. As long as he stuck to the usual geeky questions, the journalist would entertain him.

Naomi took a sip of her coffee and addressed the smiling young man. Good thing he went to her school—that she had all kinds of information on him, otherwise, she wouldn't feel safe. Of course, having the meeting at Clare's café for extra comfort didn't hurt.

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Five strange women took that time to enter the shop, dressed in shrine maiden outfits—standing out more than the…bickering that seemed to be going on between them. The leader, who looked familiar somehow, comedically snapped at them to pipe down. That almost got a giggle from the green-haired young woman. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"So, what would you like to know about the heroes of Lot City," Naomi said as she devoted her attention to her client. Hijo smirked.

"Straight to the point. I like it."

Naomi pulled out a notepad, but accidentally dropped it on the floor. Hijo started to pick it up for her, but she said, "it's fine. I've got it."

Little did she know, the moment she ducked to retrieve her notepad, Hijo slipped something into her coffee.

"This girl is too cute," Hijo thought, licking his lips. "I could use some lunch."


Prior to the meeting between Naomi and Hijo…

On the way to Clare's café…

Arch Priestess Ichiko, leader of the Stone Maidens, let out another sigh, shaking her head. After all of the arguing, the maidens finally agreed to just let the leadership retrieve the Stone. The Arch Priestess and all four high priestesses in one place. What a disaster brewing. Ugh. That useless red-cloaked entity didn't actually tell her where the Stone lived.

"Where are we going?" Megu said. "This walking is killing me and my feet hurt. And Emi looks like she's about to start crying again."

"I am not!" Emi said. "You're the one complaining about the walk. Maybe if you stop being lazy—"

Loud potato chip crunches interrupted the duo. They turned to glare at Jae. Even Ichiko wondered how she ate so much junk without gaining a single pound. The hungry high priestess almost seemed to smile in ecstasy as she munched on another chip.

"Really, Jae?" Megu deadpanned. Jae said nothing, emotionless as usual.

"Yumi, you sure are silent," Ichiko said. "Is everything alright?"

Yumi stared blankly at the Arch Priestess. Not as much humor as usual danced in those eyes—she seemed a bit twitchy. "Well?" Ichiko pressed.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Yumi said.

Emi softly facepalmed.

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"She's always either wanting to go to the bathroom or spending all day in her room. If she weren't finishing her chores so fast, I'd believe her to be as lazy as Megu."

"I'm not lazy!" Megu snapped. "I'm just mellow, unlike you, crybaby. And your cooking is almost as bad as Ichiko's."

Emi pouted, although she suspiciously looked as if she was holding down tears.

"There's nothing wrong with my cooking!" Ichiko angrily whined, blushing heavily.

The group stared at her, shaking their heads.

"Says the woman who mistakes sugar for salt," Megu said. Ichiko continued to blush, resorting to glaring at them.

Little did the other women know, Yumi masturbated obsessively, every single day. She couldn't help it—raging hormones and other things….ugh, maybe she was a pervert. She'd go at it at least three times in the morning, another before entering the temple, a dozen or so times during workhours in the guise of bathroom breaks, and especially after work and during the night. She could already feel the dampness of her panties and just wanted to…

Ichiko pat Yumi on the back, snapping the petite brown-haired woman out of her daze.

"We're finally here." She pointed at the shop. "Clare's an old friend of mine. She doesn't know I'm a Stone Maiden though. I hadn't called her in like a year." She glanced at the…café. "I guess she's a normie now. Come on."

"Normie? Don't say such terrible things," Emi said.

Ichiko pushed open the door, leading the group inside. Of course Emi and Megu started bickering, prompting Ichiko to snap at them to shut up. Yumi seemed to start a tiny "I have to go to the bathroom" dance. The arch priest considered asking for her.

"Excuse me," she said to the silver-haired girl at the register. "Is Clare here?"

"She's in the back," the silver-haired girl said. "I'll go check."

Ichiko felt strong magical power emanating from that one. The same applied for other staff, though not as strong. They were…magical girls.

She turned and caught something that set her blood to a boil—even made her heart weep. First, Naomi was also a childhood friend of hers and Clare's. Rumors of her leaving the city after her parents died in a car accident spread among their circle. What made her angry was the boy seated in front of her.

She saw his attempted slide-of-hand—to put something in the green-haired girl's coffee and then insist on her drinking it to "energize her brain." Ichiko marched over there and swiped the cup in time.

"YOU SCUM!" Her backhand hurled the young man into the wall. "You piece of rotten shit. To put something in her drink—and boldly in front of witnesses. Emi, call the police."

Clare emerged to the scene, took one whiff of the coffee, then set a dark glare at the downed boy.

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"Openly committing crimes," she said softly. "No amount of connections will get you out of jail. Agent Ling will make sure of that."

Ichiko turned and finally hugged her old friend. Then rushed over to Naomi to spread the love. It took only a second for the green-haired girl to remember her.

"Ichiko? Is it really you?"

"I'm back," Ichiko said softly.


Ring City, Terravon of the Zextral Continent…

In front of Clyde's house…

As Clyde boarded the bus, he could not help but feel this was going to be an easy, relaxing three days. No quests, no burdens, no monsters until they arrived to Alon. He wasn't sure what to think of some wizard gang.

[System prepares to end your career.]


[Quest line: *Road trip! These set of quests are mandatory and cannot be refused. Failing will result in penalties so deadly harsh that the system decided to protect your fragile little mind by not unveiling them. However, you would have to be literally stupid, blind, and deaf to fail them. Reward: a various amount of EXP and possible items per quest completion.]

[You will be notified when it is time to complete the first quest. Until then, you may relax, desu.]

Clyde frowned, a little baffled at the system prompt. Few things surprised him these days, but quests during a freaking bus trip. Come the fuck on! This evil, sadistic system…

The charter bus….no, the Billionaire's bus looked amazing. Tinted windows with curtains, a luxurious interior with couches for seats that folded into comfortable beds, TVs for each seat, tables, a bar area in the back, carpeted floor, four AC's, changing areas, a kitchen with a microwave—and so much more. This was basically a billion-dollar tour bus.

"Holy shit," Clyde heard Seth say from behind. Clyde found a nice spot all the way in the back and relaxed. Hinako had already started the vehicle, grumbling about the forced training from Chika's servants. Tetra and Sophia muttered angrily too, knowing they were next in the rotation. Maki was confined to the front of the bus until given permission by Yuki otherwise or cleaning.

The young man, though hogging up an entire couch, felt the women approach, eager to claim their spot. Eventually they came to a compromise on their own. As the leader of Team Stone, he'd sit by himself—unless of course Clyde invited them or they wanted to talk about a legitimate problem. Natalia raised her hand to make a false claim, but Tear gave it a swat.

"No lying or you'll be punished," Tear said.

Natalia pouted.

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Neko boldly laid at Clyde's feet, purring and rubbing her head against his leg.

"What the hell are you doing, cat?" Alice said, Gin smile on her face. Anger aura stirred up around her.

"Nyyaaan, don't mind me," Neko said. Ruri grabbed the catgirl by the tail, tossing her out of the way.

"I've been waiting all day for petting," the hellhound snapped.

"I want petting," Matsume and Kanako said simultaneously.

"Why, Kanako?" Airi said.

"Because it looks fun and feels good," the genie said.

Alice sighed.

"The trip hadn't even started, so get to your seats."

Ruri stuck her tongue out at her friend.

"No way, petting now. I've been way too patient lately."

Both women had a glare off until Alice sighed.

"No more than one hour. Then let my Clyde rest."

"Don't I get a saying in this?" Clyde said. Ruri snuggled into him.

"Now-now, don't waste my hour."

The moment his hand caressed Ruri's head, she let out a soft moan.

"I think my switch was flipped," she said softly, blushing.

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