As Clyde approached the group, Undine boldly materialized out of his shirt and he felt every part of her. However, having a spirit appear like that didn't settle well with the nerves of everyone around, including the five women ahead.

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The young man normally gave no fucks about maintaining an image, but as the leader of Team Stone with multiple cameras surrounding him, he had to keep it cool. Somehow…he didn't feel fear.

[Mystic Calm: 100% resistant to fear, despair, discomfort, and shock.]

Oh. Well talk about a brokenly OP passive effect. He looked around, nonchalant to see that the only one who didn't jump back was Natalia. Of course. Who could frighten the predator? The news reporter and cameraman were now at least twenty yards away recording and panting.

Undine looked unperturbed, dressed in a light-purple kimono with floral patterns.

"Lord Stone, now that you're away from my Yusuke's ears, I have an important question," Undine said.

Clyde blinked.

"Okkay. I mean we were about to beat the crap out of the monster girls, but go ahead and ask away."

"How do I get Yusuke to make babies with me?" Undine asked with a straight face.

Everyone, including the monster girls, nearly fell backward.

"Are you seriously asking that now?" Ruri barked. Toru stared at her blankly. Alice facepalmed.

"Hey, don't ignore us!" the monster girl leader snarled.

Clyde waved away her comment.

"Just give us a minute." He faced Undine again. Ruri and Natalia leaned in, no doubt eager to hear his answer. The young man felt a flush of embarrassment—saying something dumb on international TV could ruin his reputation forever. He whispered in her ear instead. "I'll talk to you later about it. Just know that Yusuke's a nineteen-year-old college student. Give him some time."

"But so are you!" Undine snapped. "And you're clearly happy about it."

"What could he have possibly said to her," the reporter announced in a conspiratorial voice.

"Later," Clyde said as he walked toward the monster girls. Undine blocked his path. Suddenly, a harpy, one of the five, charged at the reaperess, only to stop at her severe glare.

"I'm sorry," she cried, falling to a bow.

"What are you idiots doing, anyway?" Clyde said, then he noticed the signs.

"We're protesting," the girl said. "Non-human rights!"

"That's fine and all, but could you take it someplace else," Clyde said. "If you want humans to take you seriously, then you must not block the traffic."

The bird-brain actually took notes. "Also, no violence." The harpy nodded twice, writing his advice in a notepad. He pointed at the leader monster girl, a spellcaster with a tiger-like tail and ears. "Put away your fire and lightning. Protest out of the traffic."

"And who are you to tell us what to do," she growled, folding her arms.

"Let's just try his advice," the harpy said. "Or the humans will continue to be mad at us."

"I don't care! I only agreed to come because I was promised meat," the tiger girl snapped.

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"But we won't survive if we can't mate with humans," the harpy whined.

"We can continue taking them like we've always done," the tiger said stubbornly. "I won't bend the knee to any stupid human."

Alice walked over to her. One karate chop to the head later, the tiger girl was out cold.

"To the futas?" Natalia said. "Butt hole—"

"No," Clyde said, interrupting her song. "I'm not sending Tear to babysit them." He faced the harpy. "Take her home and find someone to convince the idiot to be civil. Now go. You're blocking the road."

"Sorry," the harpy said. Clyde pat her head.

"Just don't do this again. Also, no rapes," he continued. "Until something is done about the Supreme, you'll have to control the urges."

The harpy wrote that down. Clyde's eye twitched, but he shooed away the group. A rare time where the situation was handled with talking rather than bloodshed, the young man thought.

[Your charisma stat of 300 aided in the success of talking down a monster enemy. Good thing there were no males present in this group.]

Undine continued to nag Clyde as they headed back to the bus. He ignored both her and the teary reporter.

"At least answer this," the reporter said, on the verge of crying. "Are you the leader of Team Stone?"

Clyde thought about a response that wouldn't risk bringing the Viper, a being capable of nuking a planet, upon him or his team. Not with Stone Mode out of commission.

"The leader of Team Stone is a mystery, a man who rarely shows himself. Make yourself worthy and maybe he'll appear before you." Clyde boarded the bus feeling a bit smug. The disappointed reporter, who knew he was possibly full of shit, fell backward.

Natalia, last to board, stuck her tongue out at her. Before the reporter could explode, Hinako closed the door and merged back into the traffic.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Ruri asked. "Shouldn't you let the world know you exist?"

Clyde pressed the button to change his bed back into a couch.

"Yeah. Right now, the Viper is stronger than me. Spilling the beans on international TV is basically painting a target sign on my back. And you can bet your ass that he's not the only fucker out there who wants to see the world burn."

Alice nodded.

"Like the demon lords."

Clyde sat, recalling his demon lord world objective.

[Slay the demon lords: 3/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.]

He wondered if the world star fragment was even worth the trouble. A whopping twelve possible fuckheads to deal with and for what. A magical rock that did nothing on its own. Well, he did have one of seven, but thanks to Selkie. Tessa held onto one for him…

Maybe gathering all of them would be the equivalent to the seven dragon balls. Or the seven chaos emeralds. Or the seven star spirits.


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In order to find out once and for all, the young man would have to commit to collecting them. What kind of boss guarded these things? He hoped the next dungeon Airi discovered had one. Yeah right, maybe in easy mode.

Undine continued to stand over him, Yusuke failing to pull her away.

"Sorry Clyde," the ninja said, his glasses almost falling off his face in the struggle. "I don't know what's gotten into her."

"I may have pissed her off somehow," Clyde said, "but it's for your own good. Well, more like, acknowledging your freedom to make life choices."

Yusuke tilted his head.

"Now I'm curious. And yeah, I do enjoy making my own decisions. So what's this all about?"

Undine harrumphed like a tsundere. Natalia hopped into Clyde's lap.

"Pervy husbando onii, shall we continue your training?"

Yusuke glared at the loli.

"Go color or something. The grownups are talking."

"Grown up? Baka-Yusuke, you hadn't gone through puberty," Natalia retorted.

Alice sighed.

"Can we not start this?"

"What's that? Alice being the voice of reasoning?" Chika said, soliciting a blank stare from the half-demoness. "But I too want to know why Undine's staring at you in a way that's making me really…upset."

Clyde sighed.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Say it loud enough for me to hear too," Hinako said.

"Do you really really want to know?" Clyde said, causing the others to lean forward.

"Out with it man," Toru said. Fumi, standing next to him, giggled.

The young man took a deep breath and let it out, drumming up the anticipation. He savored this moment, awaiting the reactions.

"She wants to make babies with Yusuke."

Silence, before they anime-fell forward. Clyde thought the reaction in real life was ten times funnier.

"Are you serious?" Kitome snapped, her hands going for Undine's throat, only to faze right through her. "Turn off your ghost powers. I want to—"

"So what if I want to mother his children? Clyde has two! Two! It's not fair." Undine folded her arms. "Besides, he's on his way to becoming the world's strongest and most honorable ninja. As Yusuke's wife, I'll mother his children to the best of my abilities. Also…I'm kind of a joke right now. Seriously. Thousands of years old without any little ones whatsoever."

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Yusuke finally stopped widening his eyes, his face the color of a tomato. Undine watched him.

"He's not having—"

"Kitome, shush," Yusuke interrupted. His sister's glare settled on him. "It's something I'll consider some day, but right now, no. I'd like to figure out what I'd like to do one day. With a degree from Sato Academy, a lot of opportunities will open up. When I'm able to fully support you and a kid, then I could—"

Undine wrapped her arms around the ninja, cutting off his speech.

"I'm sorry for bringing this up."

"Don't be," Yusuke said. "Although not all of us magically got into crazy riches like our leader."

Clyde shrugged. Kitome huffed.

When the others took their seats again, Naoko crawled onto the young man's lap to join Natalia. He and Alice shared a blank stare.

"Do I look like a daycare?" Clyde said.

"Onii-chan, training," Naoko said.

"Training, training," Natalia sung cheerfully as she rocked side to side. "And you too Lady Alice, before you blow up like a big balloon."

Alice blushed.

"You… And how are we supposed to train on a bus?"

"Leave that to us," Natalia said.

"We will visit a special instance, spiritually," Naoko said.

"Misaka, I found your glasses," Clyde heard Sazuki say.

"A spiritual instance?" Alice said.

"You'll see," Natalia said.

"Let me join," Kitome said as she approached. "I'd like to get stronger, tap into what I'm capable of. After that fight with the elder dragon…lately…" She sighed. "I want to be useful to the team."

Alice covered Natalia's mouth, knowing the insult was on the way. The munchkin seemed to have a nickname for everyone. Well, except Harumi.

Clyde made eye contact with the magical girl, a little baffled. Did Kitome not know her own strength? He kept her on the offense team for a reason—and that's because her attacks did A LOT of damage. Her main element was energy and maybe something else. The fireside magical girls pursued her relentlessly, knowing the potential.

In addition to high damage, the magical girl fought as a long-range attacker, a sniper, although like everyone else trained by Toru, dished out the martial arts when the time called for it.

She was one of the strongest members of his team and didn't know it. But if the lolis could draw out her confidence… The innocent look in her eyes almost caused a nosebleed for the young man.

"Alright, join us on the couch," Clyde said. "The lolis have a lot to teach us."

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Unknown city...

Aunder stared at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. Improvement? Excitement in his glowing purple eyes? His plans were at last ready to come together.

Curing the snot-nosed brat was simply a side quest, bringing with it a chance to put another arrogant deity in its place.

He washed his face then looked into the mirror. Su Yang stood behind him. The man chuckled.

"I missed her so much that I hallucinate."

The "spirit" smiled at him, before promptly vanishing. Something…strange and wet fell from Aunder's eyes. He flinched. The man never thought he was capable of such things. His late brother and he lived their lives as battle-craving, maniacs of honor. Well, his idiot brother focused less on women and booze, the refusal of taking a break leading to his downfall.

Aunder splashed water on his face again.

How much time had passed since he tapped into psychic energy? All espers had it, yet he denied them since the beginning, preferring to make the sword his lifelong companion. Steel and battle and the feeling of splattering the blood of his enemies only heightened the warrior within. Yet, something was missing. The abilities he was born with? Or…

Aunder, for the first time in his life, drew upon psychic energy. A green aura surrounded him as he closed his eyes. How many Viper Maidens remained. Did Julius and Momo succeed in destroying them? How can he bring back the Venus sisters? Maybe then, he'll…He'll do what.

A dark voice spoke within—a voice consisting of the old him, taint, and power.

"You do not have the time to succumb to weakness, Aunder. Remember who you are. Remember your purpose. Crush this world! Crush the gods! Here's a suggestion. Make your presence known to the world. You could build an army, crush the governments—you could actually do that yourself. Su Yang's death was the fault of the gods. If they hadn't forced you into this game. If your War goddess hadn't forsaken your world. She is the reason why you're the viper."

Aunder flinched. The war goddess...Ruin wasn't much of a goddess anyway. She supposedly created the planet, maybe spoke with the ancient espers, then of course isolated herself. Many centuries pass with the belief of her dropped to a few. Those religious fanatics claimed that all of the battle and dueling rules of their world was created by Ruin.

Could she really be the reason why he was stuck in this goddess-forsaken dimension? He needed answers.

The voice had a point. This wasn't the time to give in to weakness. He'd destroy the other "players" and sabotage the stone-viper games. First…He warped his faithful glowing orange sword from the inventory.

God-fang needed an upgrade. The description promised that with enough blood, it'd have the power to slay even the most difficult of deities. Aunder didn't believe a word of it…Then again, maybe he really didn't kill enough.

This sword alone wasn't going to do. He needed to make the Forgotten Party relevant again. This time, he'd take a different approach. Recruitment.

He walked back into the hotel room. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Dire, get up. We're taking a trip to my castle."

"You have a castle?" Dire said as she opened her eyes. Excitement bloomed within.

"Indeed," Aunder said.

"I get to be the first girl to go to your castle!" she cheered.

For a brief moment, Aunder noticed the "spirit" of Su Yang in the mirror…glaring utter hatred at Dire. He blinked and the image vanished.

Strange…He hallucinated her jealousy too. Damn did he miss her. But…that kind of hatred at the snot-nosed runt felt off.

The man shrugged. He was beginning to lose himself. A solidified purpose should clear this problem in no time, he hoped.

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