Outside Lizardwomen village…

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After sprinting with all of his might for nearly half an hour, Dark found himself at the edge of the forest, panting. The young man spent nearly four hours listening to the lizardwomen argue over his "chastity." That led to an angry rival sneaking into his holding room and cutting off his ropes.

He sighed, shaking off a strange dream between him and someone from the beyond…Ugh. To think he had the balls to fall asleep in the enemy camp village like that. The great lord of the dark was becoming more reckless by the day.

When he took over this miserable planet, Dark would return to this filthy—actually very clean—filthy village and show them all! He'd teach these reptilian anime girls that all should fear the great dark. All will bow.

Abruptly, the young man's phone beep. He answered.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Selkie barked.

"Same to you!" he yelled back.

Minutes after bickering, the group reunited.

"How the—"

Dark raised a hand, cutting off the entity.

"No more hunting this Falcon. It's clear he has no intention of participating in the stone-viper games. Let's just focus on the task you wanted me to do when you brought me to this world. And also kill off the crusader organization."

Myriad cheered.

"What the pervy chuuni said."

Dark spared her just a micro death glare before facing Selkie. The green-haired woman gave him a thoughtful look.

"I was just hoping to add some much-needed strength to your party," Selkie said. "As your guide, I hope to place you on the path of success. But." She smiled. "If you want to assert yourself, for once as a leader, then I will leave the decisions to you."

Fifteen minutes later…

As the group bolted away from a large horde of lizardwomen, Selkie prepared the Jump.

"What was I thinking? You need training! Since I cannot interfere, I will take you to someone who will train the living hell out of you. You too Myriad."

"Why me?" she whined.

"Because you were the one who actually provoked the lizards. Also, if you're going to catch his eye, you'll need to evolve," Selkie said as she activated her magic.


Spiritual Instance…

Clyde gasped as he took in the land in which they stood upon. Snowy-capped mountains were far to his north, while a forest dwelled in the south. The area felt like a surreal scene from a beautiful painting, emitting a calming effect on the young man. Perfect temperature, a beautiful river a few meters ahead.

He glanced at Chika, who joined the warp at the last minute with a wish to improve herself.

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But…how did the lolis…

"Onii-chan, welcome to our spiritual instance," Naoko said. "Natalia and I worked together to construct it."

Natalia hopped onto Clyde's shoulders, massaging them. Alice, Chika, and Kitome glanced around, sharing the same expression of amazement with the young man.

"Natalia this is insane," Clyde said, as he continued to scope the magical plane of existence. "I assume you're able to warp us back to the bus."

"The instance is on the bus," Natalia said. "Think of it as a giant glass bottle and we're inside. Of course no one from the outside can see or here. Magic can't leave this place without our permission, so you won't accidentally zap anyone."

The kuudere loli led them to a table with four teacups.

"Before we begin, husbando onii, relax, have some tea." Natalia hopped to the ground and eyed the young man. "You will need it."

"Afterwards, things will get serious," Naoko said. "If you cannot awaken your true power, the world will fall to he who bathes in blood and battle. "

Clyde, Alice, Chika, and Kitome took their seats at the chairs provided for them. The tea…had a honey flavoring, mixed with a tang similar to Earl Grey, but…a very strange aftertaste. It was as if they were using the tea to cover up something.

Suddenly, he felt the erection of a super boner! Maxed hardness. He could fuck for centuries nonstop—the feeling…oh no. He turned to see lusty expressions in the eyes of Alice, Kitome, and Chika, juices oozing down their legs. His manhood throbbed.

He fought strongly against the urge to push one of the others down and unleash his desires.

"I hope you don't mind, pervy-nii," Natalia said. "We spike the tea with Hyper Sex potion." She smirked. "Training begins now. The antidote is at the end of the forest. However, Alice, Chika, and meanie pants will be chasing you. And magic is allowed. If one of them succeeds at humping you, you'll have to start all over."

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"The tea of the girls was spiked with a little extra," Naoko said. "So…I'd suggest you'd start running now, onii-chan."

Clyde just barely dodged Chika's anime-dive.

"Clyde, I need refueling, right now," Chika said.

Kitome, who tried to fight the urges, lost as she said,

"I can't take it anymore! Clyde!"

"Oh one more thing onii chan," Naoko said. "There is a camera recording everything. It will automatically send a video to all of your friends, including Detective Tetra if you're caught by one of the girls."

He grimaced at Natalia's grin.

"Which means if you're having sex in front of me and gloomy, she'll be really really mad."

[You've entered a Chase!]

[There are dire consequences awaiting if you're caught by the women.]

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[The goal has been marked on your Mental Navigation System.]

"You little brat," Clyde snapped as he took off toward the forest. "Alice, no!"

"I am your fiancée," Alice said, chasing, tossing balls of magic at the young man. "You're not allowed to deny me."

They're not listening, Clyde thought. That potion was no joke. Fuck.

As if running with a full giant hard on wasn't awkward enough, he wanted to stop and just let the girls send him to heaven.

However, Tetra aside, he would not be able to look Fumi, Seth, Toru, or any of the bystanders in the eyes. He did not fancy the idea of getting roasted by Seth. Did this include his non-Team Stone friends? The bratty lolis threatened to ruin his life!

He tried to flash step, but received a horrible prompt.

[Flash step cannot be used here.]

The others were running at his side, auras glowing.

"Clyde, your lower half wants it too," Chika said. "Stop running! When I catch you, I'm going to fuck the soul out of you."

Clyde increased his sprint, panting. But shaking them was just impossible and on top of that, he had to dodge their magic.

If he cast, the young man would risk slowing down.

[Alice activated Tier 1 skill: Radiant Showdown!]

The ground erupted in front of him with pink magic and light. Clyde had no choice but to change his direction. That turned out to be a mistake.

Chika burst from the ground, giggling. He couldn't dodge the tackling. The young man found himself in a wrestling match with all three women. Alice wasn't the only one boasting supernatural strength.

"I wuv you Clyde," Chika said, intoxicated. She hiccupped. "You can't deny your fiancées. It's wrong."

"Come on you guys need to fight the poison," Clyde said, his erection seeming to strengthen. Even though it was in his pants, the provided friction threatened to make him blow the load. Not that the tower would go away. That potion put all aphrodisiacs to shame.

What hardcore training. Those fucking lolis! They weren't just going to get an earful from him. When Alice, Chika, and Kitome snapped out of their drunken stupors, they were dead. He'd make sure Harumi and Tear was positioned in a way that wouldn't save Natalia.

Clyde seemed to be failing as Chika's hand made its way into his pants. Then an idea came to him. He forgot to return them to her, but hey, what the hell?

He reached into his pockets and presented Tear's panties. That made the women freeze. And speaking of freezing…

"Tear's one step ahead of you," Clyde said. One hand aimed, he cast.

[Clyde activated Tier 2 skill: Blizzard.]

[Tier 2 skill: Blizzard: Type: ice. Class: very rare. Unleash a portable blizzard on your foes. Does Heavy Ice damage.]

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The women, dressed in skirts and casual clothing, shivered. The young man used the distraction to leap away.

That's when Kitome's heart bombs started flying. One of them hit. The force of the blast hurled the young man into a tree. And he didn't stop. It snapped in two as he continued the painful flight .

[Your HP has dropped to 600%]

[Your HP has dropped to 550%]

[Your HP has dropped to 450%]

The prompt hell ended when he finally landed in a creek. Blood oozed from a few scrapes.

[Your HP has dropped to 340%]

Kitome's attack halved his HP. Holy shit fuck. Clyde struggled to stand, anger filling his veins. Was this what he become—a lousy team lead who took severe damage from one attack. He gulped as he heard the sounds of the others approaching. The others wanted training, but instead were being used.

"This wouldn't improve their techniques," Clyde said.

"You're exactly right, onii-chan."

Clyde nearly jumped two feet in the air, startled from the kuudere loli's appearance from nothingness.

"Jesus Christ," Clyde wheezed. He shook his head. "So how do you plan to train them?"

"This first session is dedicated to you," Naoko said. "You probably realized that your limitations are causing you to fall behind." She vanished, her last words being, "and we will fix you, onii-chan."

Knowing he wouldn't have the time to make an escape, Clyde tapped into his Ki of all things.

[Cloaking, level 2. For a percentage of your Ki, you may turn invisible for a very short period. This ability cannot be canceled by magic.]

He made sure to do that out of the water of course. His trackers consisted of Chika and Alice.

Clyde took off toward the goal. Surely enough, within seconds he heard the voices of the three women. The young man wondered if Tear's panties would vanish back into his pocket after they left the instance.

A heart bomb landing just a few meters ahead of him pushed away that thought. Not only did the cloaking wear off, but the women spotted the young man nearly instantly. All that from running in a supposedly guessed direction? Or did one of the lolis tell him where he was headed. Shit, at this rate, he'd be done for!

Clyde blinked as a new idea approached him in a fury.

[Clyde activated Fly.]

The system actually allowed it. Either that or simply missed this within the calculations.

[Would you like a cookie for being a little less predictable? Desu.]

The young man flinched. He didn't have time to quip back at the sassy system. Tear wasn't there to save him from a fall to his death. Man, did it burn through his MP.

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It took Clyde a few minutes, but at last, he found the table with a giant sign that read, Antidote.

The young man landed next to it.

Could he trust this?

"It is not a trap, onii-chan," a kuudere voice said into his ear.

"Can you stop doing that," Clyde told her as he grabbed the glass bottle from the table. He tried to open it, but received a prompt.

[You need the talisman to open this.]

"Are you kidding me?" Clyde said as he turned to Naoko. The kuudere loli simply stared blankly at him. The sound of the women approaching made the young man nervous. What if they shattered the glass? "Where's the talisman?"

"How did you specifically know that it needed a talisman?" Natalia said, appearing out of thin air.

"Magic," Clyde said. "Now, tell me how to get the talisman."

Natalia grinned evilly.


Clyde materialized a paper fan and whacked the two lolis. As they held their heads, eyes teary, he said,

"Unlock the bottle. If you two aren't going to take my training seriously—"

He paused when he saw Natalia reaching with both hands beneath her own skirt. "What are you doing?"

"You said to unlock the bottle."

"Nope, hold the phone," he said, sensing the anime trope. "I'm not trying to end up in prison here."

"No, it's fine, husbando onii," Natalia said. "I will happily—"

"Nope!" Clyde urged as he took the bottle and ran smackdab into Chika.

"Ah shit," he said, defeated. Alice and Kitome followed, eyes shining with extreme lust. A familiar pair of panties peeked halfway from Alice's shirt.

And for some reason, Tear's panties were highlighted in his mind's eye.

[Talisman key.]

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