Unknown Realm of Darkness….

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Achilles, He Who Paints the Night, an emperor of darkness, had finally gathered the means to descend to Satovia. The Fallen God had foolishly ignored his call and the Thousand Year Dragon couldn't even hear it. It seemed like thousands of years turned these formidable beings into simpletons.

Platus, his unknowing decoy, who he set up to take the blame for what was to come, had made moves to defend his innocence.

"He'll resist to the end, the old fool."

Achilles walked through an endless black, his servants bowing to the floor as he passed. In an instant, he warped to the Realm's Hell.

Matsuko was in chains, clothes torn, dark bruises parading her body. It seemed like the tormentors were done playing with her for the day. He grimaced at the discharge covering her face. Her eyes were dead. Unfortunately, the realm's automatic healing would reverse all of the damage that was done so that she could be fresh and ready for the next day. An endless torment for those who failed him.

He waved his finger, reversing the time on the woman. Of course, the memories would never go away—the motivator. She'd give it her all for his upcoming task, refusing to fail and die.

Achilles grinned.

"Today, fate is favoring you, Matsuko, pathetic fallen angel. I'm giving you one last chance, but if you fail me again…" The dark god rubbed one of the horns on his head. "Hmm." He pointed at a passing demon that stood eighty feet tall. "You will become that demon's plaything. And trust me, he'll shove all of it in, heal you, and do it again and again. You'll end up in a river of blood and demon semen." He chuckled. "I am going to execute my plans. Your task is easy. If you complete it, I'll let you live in that pathetic world, Satovia. You'll be responsible for finding your own food and resources, but consider it a generous punishment for failing me. A disgrace, but at least you won't be living in this shithole."

With a thought from Achilles, the chains binding Matsuko vanished. She quickly bowed, face to the rocky ground, quivering in fear, tears pouring. "Locate Platus's daughter. Then give me the signal. I'm going to taste her." He chuckled. "That power of hers will be useful. A child from her and me will be the greatest humiliation to Platus and the beginning of the end of Celestial." Achilles placed a metallic boot atop Matsuko's head. "That's only for fun. Something to kill boredom while large-scale plans are in motion. Find her, fallen angel, or I'll crush your head to pieces again and again."

He removed his boot then backhanded her to Satovia. "Filth. Unwanted garbage should learn to obey their betters without failure."


Spiritual instance…

Clyde lunged for Alice, only to receive a spin-kick from Chika. And damn did it send him flying. Anger flooded his veins as he stood. This was so frustrating.

"You can't lunge for another girl," Chika said, hiccupping. Alice tackled the silver-haired girl to the ground.

"You," Alice hiccupped, "can't…interfere. He's mine!"

"I'm hot," Kitome said. "Is anyone else hot?" She began to strip.

"Did you spike their drinks with something else?" Clyde said.

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"A little concentrated alcohol," Naoko said. "Natalia said it helps eases the mind."

He delivered another divine, paper fan-based punishment.

"Naoko you're supposed to be giving her guidance for the proper training, not going with her crazy ideas."

The kuudere loli simply stared at him. He sighed, allowing his eyes to feast on the wrestling scene between Alice and Chika. His erection strengthened.

"Damn, I'm going to burst at this rate," he said, shaking his head. A half-naked Kitome anime-dove into him, rubbing herself against his wood. The young man almost succumbed to the urges. Hell, the magical girl would probably end up pregnant afterward.

Still, this was his chance! He tried to dive into the pile, but Kitome got in the way again.

"Would you…" he paused as she looked back at him with glistening eyes. "Look, just because you're cute..."

Voice trailing off, Clyde glared at Natalia. The teary loli smiled sadly.

"Let's end this with a skill I hadn't used in a while."

[Clyde activated Binder's hand.]

[Binder's hand 6. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Bind your enemies with tendrils of spirit energy. 46% chance to bind 1 enemy. Does no damage unless you will it. If willed, will do 14% damage per second. Able to will it to hold allies. Cannot damage allies.]

He felt like a tentacle monster as he held Chika and Alice captive with blue tendrils of magic. When Clyde took possession of Tear's panties, a prompt appeared.

[Antidote bottle unlocked.]

He started with the women, forcing the liquid down their throats before taking a swig himself. The antidote tasted like shit, as he expected. The aftertaste almost made the young man gag.

The lolis clapped nonchalantly and in a way that almost made Clyde's eye twitch.

"I'm beat. Hinako should be arriving at the first hotel," Clyde said, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "I need a shower."

"Why am I naked?" Kitome said, even though she was in a bra and panties.

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"Why do I feel like my pride was toyed with?" Alice said.

"What the hell kind of training," Chika started to say. "And why can't I remember any of it?"

Natalia gave her a Gin smile.

"It'd come back to you. I hope you all have pleasant dreams tonight."

Naoko nodded twice, seemingly emotionless—kuudere to the bone. Clyde briefly thought about banning all lolis from Team Stone.

One clap of Natalia's hands later, they were back on the bus and in their seats, somehow not covered in sweat. He still wanted a shower. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

[The Stone Mode within pulsed and strengthened. Recharge time decreased…]

Holy shit…the training is working already, the young man thought.

"Oh hey, they're back," Tetra said.

Clyde could see the hotel coming into view and just thanked the stars that he was right. The system didn't give him the luxury of resting.

[Quest: Road Trip. Stage 2. You must peep at Tetra in the shower then nab her used panties. Reward: EXP. If you are caught, well, game over will be the least of your worries. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused.]

This was it. The quest that would probably result in his game over.

"Are you feeling okay?" Harumi asked, placing a hand on the young man's forehead. He pulled her to his lap.

"I'm just a little tired from the training," Clyde said. "Let's just say Natalia and Naoko's methods may be the death of me."

Harumi giggled and as she leaned back into him, allowing the young man to feel all of her, the Tower of Babel threatened to erect. A lurch from the bus gave the thumbs up for its construction.

The lights were on and they were in the hotel's parking lot. If he wanted to get intimate with Harumi, it'd have to be in his room, assuming the others didn't attempt to lock him down. FUCK. How in the hell was he supposed to pull off this quest? It's…impossible. The system wanted to kill him.

No… wait, this quest could be easy as fuck, he thought as an obvious idea danced into his brain. Cloaking?

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Oh fuck you, you evil System, Clyde thought. Everyone began to exit the bus.

"Damn, I'll be driving tomorrow," Tetra muttered. Sophia softly snorted. Fuyoko stretched. She looked as if she wanted to grab Naoko's hand and walk her to the hotel as if she were an older sister.

Clyde took note of the evening sky settling in. A cold breeze bathed the group during the short walk to the hotel front doors.

"Where are we?" he asked Hinako.

"Sawing Glades," Hinako replied. "It's a small town, but Tear chose the hotel for its high rating."

Clyde glanced at what seemed like a dead town, then proceeded into the five-story hotel. It was like an oasis compared to the desert of nothingness outside. The first thing that caught his attention besides the fancy interior was the old dark-skinned man glaring right as him as he cooked, chopped, and prepared food in a godly-skilled manner.

Yuki stopped at Clyde's side.

"That's Master Chef Hector. His food is like gold." The demoness raised a finger, blank stare on her face. "One bite of it can cost several thousand dollars and you must be worthy."

Clyde nearly anime-fell backward.

"Pssh, fine. I'll just go order myself a cheap burger. Or prepare some ramen."

Abruptly, the old man, several yards away, placed his cooking utensils onto the counters and marched over to Clyde. Even Yuki seemed taken aback.

"Young lady," he said to Yuki, "have someone carry his stuff to his room." He eyed Clyde. "I will not have someone in this hotel wasting their time with ramen. Your attitude, your Ki." He smirked. "Just what I've been looking for, boy. Before you leave, I will teach you the ways of a true chef so that you won't embarrass yourself with those words again."

"Don't I get a say in this," Clyde said as he felt himself sliding from the old man's pull.

"High Lady Tear hadn't stopped me so, let's go," the old man said with an evil laugh.

[Quest changed. New quest: Road Trip Stage 2. Use your cooking to impress Tetra. If you fail, you will be forced to eat her used panties in your next meal. Just kidding. Reward: EXP. A cooking skill line and soul. Successfully learning Hector's skill line will enable you to use it in battle…]

What…the…frying fuck? Clyde thought. Cooking skills in battle? And why did his quest change?

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[Not all quests are set in…stone. They are subjected to change at any time. You know this, baka! Desu.]


Heavily guarded throne room…

Lilith tossed her framed picture of Tear into a bag, along with a generous amount of changing clothes, shoes, and personal items. Her magical bag could hold up to ten suitcases worth of items without gaining any weight. She opened the window, allowing a chilly breeze to caress her face. To think the meeting with the Queen of Hearts went so well. The woman was exactly who she needed to partner with to save the world. No annoying fear, no pre-judgement, and could hold her alcohol. Unfortunately, she wouldn't lend her a jabberwock, not until their frenzied mating season ended.

They were always dripping to hunt men; however, in their mating season, they disobeyed orders and lurched at men on sight. Lilith was surprised that the queen wasn't angry with her.

The Supreme sent her bag into a summonable pocket dimension. She couldn't exactly replicate the inventories of the dimensional interlopers, special non-native adventurers: "players," but she came close.

I've got some time before we launch the plan, she thought. A quick trip to Lot City, to at last get into Tear's panties…oh who was she kidding, Lilith wanted to find HIM.

That warrior.

She spawned her wings into existence and took off. If she Jumped, her minions would sense that use of magic and barge into her room. Or worse, notify her friends. This flight…a secret flight of love. Lilith was going to pull that man with all of her charms.


Sawing Glades…


Alice watched Clyde get dragged away by an old man and pouted. So much for taking a bath together. She supposed she could do more training, work up a sweat. Clyde should be finished by the time of her return.

The half-demoness eyed a box of chocolates sitting carefree on the table. She tried to look away, tried to focus on the front doors—just one step outside into the cold breeze…Well, one chocolate wouldn't hurt anything. They were for the guests! Meant to be eaten. Yet they were just sitting, ignored by those who probably couldn't afford to enter the overpriced hotel. Alice would do the right thing.

She grabbed the box and sat on the overly soft lobby sofa. Unwrapping the first chocolate sent her to a land of bliss, her face flushed. She glanced at the box. Rum-infused chocolates.

What's rum, the half-demoness thought. She shrugged. Maybe it was some sort of sugar or spice to get the unique flavor with the chocolate. The nutty crunchiness made the young woman grab another. And another. And another. She hiccupped.

"Mmm, so good."

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