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Neko and Ako glared at each other, cards in their hands. Clyde watched with a blank stare on his face, Alice next to him also staring blankly, Toru-style. They were really playing old maid.

"Nyya, you'd better choose wisely," Neko said as she held up her cards, grinning evilly. Ako selected a card without hesitation and then immediately regretted it. Neko chuckled. "Judging by the look on your face—"

"I do not understand how humans enjoy this, nya," Ako said.

Neko snickered.

"Don't blame them because you're bad at games."

She selected a card that wasn't the joker from Ako's hand, winning the game. Neko poked one of her sister's large breasts.

"Why do I keep losing?" Ako said.

Natalia sighed.

"Your brain must be lost in your boobies. How—"

Neko covered the loli's mouth.

"If you tell her, she'll never learn."

"You're giving her all the clues with your bad poker faces," Clyde said in Natalia's stead, gaining a playful appalled look from Neko. Natalia almost bit the catgirl's hand, but she moved it away in time.

Alice reached for a chocolate bar on the table, but Tear quickly swiped it away. The half-demoness grimaced. Noona gave her a smile of understanding.

"I hate healthy eating," Alice said, pouting. The succubus sighed, shaking her head.

"If you want to keep your perfect smile, I suggest sticking to our eating plan," Tear said. "Even Natalia keeps up with her eating habits."

"You tell her, Tear!" Natalia said as she pulled off the wrapper of a chocolate bar, three times the size of Alice's. She smiled innocently against the succubus's scrutinizing glare. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Harumi, it seems like we've got two guests for the death—running session tonight," Tear said. The puppy-eyes that Alice and Natalia tried, washed through the succubus. "Let's add in a ton of exercises. Your favorites."

"I refuse to participate," Alice said, folding her arms, snuggling into Clyde. "I have a date tonight."

Tear laughed.

"I don't think so—you're not getting out of this." She plucked Alice into the air with a single hand. Right then, Clyde imagined that this would be a moment that the half-demoness would assume a chibi form to add more humor to the scene.

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He closed his eyes, intending to sleep, exhausted from the training when a weight knocked the air out of him.

"Oof—why did you toss her on me?" the young man wheezed.

"It was an accident," Tear said in a way that made him slightly suspicious. She even changed the subject. "Anyway, we're approaching the next hotel. Everyone—"

"Is it true that you're going to Jump the bus back when we finish up the business in Alon?" Noona interrupted.

"Of course," Tear said. "I don't hate trips, but if Clyde has nowhere else to go, then we'll head back."

"Jumps only work if you've actually stepped foot in the location," Clyde said.

"Not necessarily," Natalia said, "but one would need a lot of magic and mastery over instantaneous movement to warp. Not to mention the ability to carry all party members."

"Not even I can pull that off," Tear said. "Believe me, I've tried. Maybe in a thousand years."

Sazuki continued to gape.

"I sure hope someone's going to teach me all of this."

"Oh yeah that reminds me," Clyde said, "Toru, give our newest full Team Stone members some rundowns. Natalia or someone can summon a monster or two for practice."

The student council president shot the young man a Toru-style blank stare.

When Tetra parked the bus, they peeked outside only to see a mob of monsters surrounding the front doors.

"Husbandoooo onii," Natalia cooed. "One more training session. Get on it!"

Clyde closed his eyes to take a nap. "Don't go to sleep," the loli comically snarled, whacking him with a paper fan. She passed it back to Misaka.

"I've just pulled up a news article on this," Airi said. "The monsters are demanding the demolition of the hotel. Apparently it's violating their rights."

Tear folded her arms.

"This hotel has existed here for more than twenty years. Why start this now?"

"Apparently a fire witch started a rumor to get them riled up," Airi said.

"Only idiots would blindly believe things from someone suspicious," Sazuki said. An evil grin emerged on the young man's face. The student council president frowned. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She folded her arms in a way that attempted to cover her breasts.

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"Toru, as Natalia stated, training begins now. Take our new personnel out there to clear the way for us—"

"No way," Sazuki interrupted. "We don't have weapons."

Clyde's grin widened. Natalia pouted, having her words used against her wishes.

"Kiko's a vampire, so she'll be fine. As for you." He warped the wind blade from his inventory. "Here you go. It's normally Old Reliable for me, but this is a gift. Take care—"

"I want a gift from you," Chika interrupted, then chuckled. "I'm kidding." She eyed Sazuki, although not seeming to hate her anymore. "Don't die." She turned away, arms folded.

The student council president sighed.

"As harsh as ever."

Chika grinned.

"Maybe. But these days, you don't irritate me as much."

Kiko threw an arm around the silver-haired girl.

"Chika loves me at least." She snuggled into her.

Chika laughed.

"Hey, cut it out. And go kick some ass."

"Misaka, you fight with them too," Clyde said. The phoenix girl flinched. The young man remained unaffected by her glistening and pleading eyes.

"I want to go!" Noona said. "I need the right costume, but—"

"This is a newbie training session Noona," Clyde said. A drop of sweat fell from the back of his head. "Anyway, enough talk. Move out."


Lot City, Yaponiya…

"Don't shake it like that, it may break," Ichiko said to Jae. The gluttonous emotionless girl sighed. She held something called a gaming device which fascinated the Stone Maidens. They were gathered around Jae as she showcased the handheld's current presentation. Something Asu called Loli Saga Fighters. The colors, the characters, and overall charm captivated the girls who never owned electronic devices. The teachers never allowed such things into the boarding school.

"I'm surprised she hasn't dipped it in peanut butter and tried to eat it," Megu said.

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"Whose thingy is that anyway?" Emi said.

"Asu said Natalia," Ichiko replied.

"Ah. She must be some kind of tech wiz," Emi said.

"How do you turn on this stupid thing," Megu said searching for buttons on the television. "I don't understand these SmartScreen models."

"Banging will not make it magically turn on, Megu," Ichiko said tiredly. "You have to…" She froze, suddenly intimidated by the device.

"You don't know either," Megu said, shaking her head.

"Why don't you go…where's Yumi?" Ichiko said.

"She's in her room," Jae said.

"Must be cramps," Megu said, searching for the buttons again.

"I think this is the control device," Ichiko said. She pressed the large red button on the rubber and plastic object. A second later, the television illuminated into life.


Ichiko fumbled with the remote as she hurried to change the channel. The women were blushing heavily, stunned.

"Things like that..." Ichiko started to say, but her voice trailed off.

"That was an anime making a joke," a voice said. They jumped as Asu walked into the living room dressed in silks that hugged her curves. The material was almost transparent.

"A Head Maiden should definitely not wear anything like that," Ichiko said.

Asu yawned.

"And how do YOU know what I should wear? Is there an instruction manual? If so, why hadn't you told me about it?"

Ichiko's words died on her tongue, finger of protest dropping as she had no answer. Asu patted her on the back.

"I don't know what they've taught you at your boarding school, but don't go rule-vomiting that nonsense to your leader." Asu joined them on the couch. "Let me introduce you lot to Hero-Sama and the Maidens of Justice." She awed the maidens when she voiced a command at the television. "Kitty-licker, Program Play, Hero-sama."

The viewing device made a ping before loading episode one of an anime. "You girls will love this one. I'll give everyone the rest of the day off to binge with me. Pizza's on the way."

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"But that's not healthy," Emi said. "Ichiko says—"

Ichiko quickly covered her mouth. The Maidens had little money, so they couldn't recklessly buy foods. Fast foods were mostly forbidden by the teachings. The women also could not depend on Clare always being there to offer work in exchange for meals. Asu took care of them and the women worked their hardest, but Ichiko…couldn't help but feel like a freeloader sometimes.

Despite that…pizza. The thought of it made her mouth water. Something she and the girls rarely got to eat.

"We're really grateful," Ichiko said.

Asu shrugged, waving away her comment.

"No need to get all sentimental over pizza. Thank me after you've watched Hero-sama."


Cafe in Lot City…

Hijo had spent hours repairing Etsuji's memories. His mind still burned with humiliation at being hurled into a police car, but Clare, the naïve fool, had overestimated her power. He was cleared of the charges and released within the same hour. As if matters couldn't get any worse, the young man discovered Etsuji in a bad state of memory. He also had to undo the curse inflicted upon his clan. An incredibly powerful one! Hijo had to rely on his secret magic—power in which he hadn't told his superiors about. Things he hid from all. He was a lone adventurer first, clansman second.

Yet…the strange magic signature on Etsuji matched the ones on his clan. Someone attacked them and as a sign of humiliation, spared their lives to live with the shame. This couldn't go unavenged.

Hijo wanted to devote his time to finding out the truth of Undine—not the bad things. He refused to believe a goddess like that would harm anyone. The report's lack of proof was nothing more than shitty speculation, guesswork, misidentification, and poor research. He needed someone with a lot of power to uncover this mystery. If he came to the same conclusion with proof, then he'd give up.

Hijo dialed Nezerath, an old acquaintance of his Uncle. The line no longer existed. What the fuck? He tried his wife, Mei. Same result. Well, he didn't know them that well, met a few times, but there was no doubt that the man could provide answers. He tried the vampire clan of Lot City. Chills struck him when the same results occurred. Could this have something to do with the Dean's disappearance? Come to think of it, there was a rumor about a news report pertaining to…He ignored the news for too long, so busy with his father's stupid work. Hell, he worked so much that the young man felt distant from the rest of the world.

How could he miss this…? The search engines were loaded with this Team Stone. Rumors and of course that journalist's website. Did they kill Nezerath and his wife too?

Hijo wondered if the Hades family knew about this. He dialed Tomin's number. The phone's service still seemed to be intact, but no one answered. The young man let out a sigh of relief. Hades was a busy man. Hijo didn't expect a man like that to answer to his will. For a second there, he thought Team Stone were killing off all of the rich family heads and painting themselves as some kind of heroes, but that wouldn't make sense. Chika Tanaka, Toru, Maki and even her cousin, Ming, were a part of Team Stone. Etsuji was Maki's elder cousin. He sure as shit would've said something if that were the case, black sheep or not.

Wait a fucking minute, Hijo thought. That blonde girl who walked beside the nobody looked familiar. The young man tilted his head. Then his eyes widened. That girl…She was Tomin's daughter. Alice.

Holy fuck. He watched a video clip of Team Stone fighting Akito, a big CEO. Alice openly fought with them, hurling magic for everyone to see. This only reminded Hijo about the shattered barrier which protected humanity from the supernatural. At least according to the Wisdom Cult.

Why did Team Stone exist? Who is that nobody? Hijo could find no files on him. That wasn't normal! Could he be connected to the person who attacked his clan?

"Etsuji, we've got a load of shit on our plates," Hijo said. "Let's return to the clan. I've got one hell of a revelation."

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