Saeren, North Terravon

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Early evening…

Misaka wanted to faint. Never in her life had she seen so many nightmarish creatures. Her mother taught her how to utilize her phoenix powers. Toru taught her how to fight demons, but this was truly the first battle for the young woman. Her arms wouldn't stop trembling.

Someone rested a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Sazuki and Kiko smiling at her.

"It will be okay," Sazuki told her. "Toru's harsh training is purposed around this kind of thing. And getting the fight motions programmed as muscle memory."

"That's right," Kiko said. "And if anything, we've got your back. I may not look it, but I'm super strong." She patted her thin arm.

Misaka didn't feel convinced. Super strong? Kiko looked like someone better for modeling or some photoshoot, rather than a monster-slaying group. Not that she had room to talk. The young woman still gave the two a weak smile.

"Hey, what the hell are you idiots doing?" Toru said to the monsters, seemingly delinquent-style. Misaka wanted to cry. Why did Toru have to go and antagonize them? If they left peacefully, no one would have to get hurt.

"Huh? What did you say to me, ya shitty human?" a hob imp said, delinquent-style.

"These humans have some nerve to show their ugly mugs during our protest!" a pink-skinned dog-like creature said.

"Yeah! Let's teach 'em a lesson," a green-furred monster holding a teacup said. "A bloody, bloody lesson!"

Misaka grimaced. She hated violence, but knew that it couldn't be avoided. She could handle their power levels. Well, all except for one. It appeared to be a solid gray person with bloodred eyes. Standing in the center of the monsters, the demon continued to stare at the forest, arms folded. Suddenly, it gave a gesture with its head.

"The boss says to attack, let's go," a monster cheered.

Misaka opened herself up to her phoenix powers, feeling her true self take a breath. Fiery wings erupted on her back. Following the display, a flaming aura surrounded the young woman seconds later.

A hobgoblin the size of a wrestler rushed her. She saw its first move at what felt like slow motion. Misaka ducked under the attack, dodged his kicks, and leapt on top of his head. She aimed both hands at his neck.

[Misaka activated Ember Cannon.]

The hobgoblin roared. Its backhand missed, Misaka's movements just too fast. In fact, she launched into the air, hovering, raining fireballs on as many monsters as possible. Sazuki and Kiko weren't just standing around, deep in the fray. The student council president attacked with the wind blade, ice, and some kind of strange…metal magic. On the other hand, Kiko, coated in an immense aura of red, attacked with speed and brute force. Her fists split skulls, crushed ribs, and just spread mayhem.

"Organize, you lumps!" the gray demon said, his voice calm and composed, sounding like a professional poker player in the midst of concentration. Yet his voice echoed throughout the entire area.

The monsters nodded, leaping into ranks.

The girls took fighting stances, even Misaka while in the air. She did not see the gray demon aim an antenna at her. The beam of energy struck the young woman—she was surely going to die. Wait…Why didn't she feel anything? She flinched, realizing that someone carried her.

"That was a gold tier skill," Clyde said. Misaka looked up at her savior, his white wings landing them in a safe spot. "I'm sorry I put you in a position like this. I underestimated them." He released the young woman on her feet. "You did very well for your first fight. And between you and me, that phoenix thing you have going there looked so awesome. Just leave the rest to us."

Misaka watched Clyde and members of Team Stone lurch into the fray. So this was combat…She would do better next time. She'd impress him.


[Your party has entered combat!]

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Clyde analyzed the gray creature that almost wiped Misaka off the map.

Area 51 Alien: Prou

Level: 132

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Gold tier skill: Negative Ground Beam.

Weakness: physical.

Resistances: nuclear.

Secret: you could storm Area 51 while running a specific way. Who knows? By the end of the day, you may be clapping some Alien cheeks. *ahem* Real secret: the system may be screwing around with you about this creature's name…

Clyde cringed at the system's bad sense of humor. Prou, the gray creature vaguely resembled a generic alien, but with pointy ears, large round red eyes, and sharp claws at the end of its fingernails. The young man mentally thanked the lolis for the training, which enabled him to have the level advantage for once.

Bloodlight unsheathed, Clyde walked toward Prou. He was going to pay for trying to kill one of Team Stone. The gray demon, sensing the challenge, focused on the young man, moving slowly. Then it suddenly lunged with blinding speed.

Feeling its vibrations, moods, and even breathing, through mystic senses, Clyde moved accordingly. Two dodges, then he activated a skill he never used before while eyeing it.

[Clyde activated Charm.]

[Charm 6. Type: spiritual, mental. Class: uncommon. Once per cooldown, you have a chance to take control of 1 targeted enemy. At this level you can only charm up to 5 enemies at the same time, with lower levels. Be wary of enemies immune to charm.]

[Will, 296 + composure, 390. Success!]

[Congratulations, Prou is now under your control for an hour. Hehe, would you like to clap them Alien cheeks?]

System, fuck off, Clyde thought, cringing.

"Alright, E.T. attack our enemies. Start off by using your Negative Ground Beam."

[Your charmed creature obeys! Way to be cruel, setting him against his friends.]

Clyde ignored the system's quip, watching Prou surprise his allies. They were so pissed that they abandoned fighting Team Stone just to gang up on him. The alien's beam took out more than ninety percent of the enemies.

"Finish it up Harumi."

"Hey, I wanted to," Natalia whined, but it was too late. Harumi thrusted her wand forward, her fox ears and tail present. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

[Harumi activated Tier 1 skill: Kitsune's Thunderstorm.]

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The multiple bolts of lightning charred each monster without missing a beat. That included Prou. Not that it meant much since his friends were biting and scratching the shit out of him. Clyde's fiancée only put the alien out of its misery.

[Battle completed! Victory! Reward: 3 million EXP. 12,000 dollars. Cup of Alien goo. Item class: bizarre.]

"Woo! Go Harumi," Clyde cheered, gaining a gorgeous smile from her. Chika, Alice, Yuki, Natalia, Melody, Airi, and even freaking Kanako stared blankly at him. Toru joined in to match the gaze. Clyde materialized a paper fan and gave the noble a whack. "Alright, let's get to the hotel. Tear check us in."


Clyde turned to gaze at Noona. He forced his eyes not to automatically look down at the melons, even though she practically shoved them in his face.

"Let's do the thing," she whispered. Out in the open. With Harumi walking toward them. This wasn't a conversation he wanted to present to the world.

"Oh, look at the time. Harumi, let me…"

"Pervy, cheater onii," Natalia said as she anime-dove into the young man. "Cheater husbando."

Clyde sighed.

"Who's up for ice cream?"

"Me!" Natalia said.

"Harumi?" he asked.

"Sure," Harumi said.

Noona pouted.

"Harumi gets all the special treatment."

"I know, right?" Natalia said. "Where's mine? Did you know we haven't slept together?"

Saving Clyde from a conversation he wanted nothing to do with, was Tear's call for him.

"Are you going to stand out there all day? Come on," the succubus said. He gave her a grateful smile.

Clyde checked his inventory as they walked toward the tall hotel.


$ 991,445,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

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-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.

-Map of Ring City, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power. [Lot City House…]

- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

- Root Tree seed. Item class: epic.

- Mysterious Harp. Item class: *One of a kind* this special harp is loved dearly by a special type of harpy called the Gandharva. Handing this to her will get you a *World Star Fragment* and another reward.

-Breast enhancement potion x 2. Item class: bizarre.

-World Map. item class: *legendary*

- Universal dungeon key. Item value: well-above standard.

- Holstaur breast milk.

-Goblin dust. Item class: meh. Item value: worthless. Maybe a crafting ingredient, maybe trash.

- Book of Dark Magic. Item value: mysterious. [Requires Blood Ki to remove barrier.]

- Potion of Sharpness. Item class: very rare. Increases attack.

-Mythic shard. Item class: epic. Crafting piece for mythic items and equipment.

- Potion of Gloominess. Item class: bizarre.

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- Cup of Alien goo. Item class: bizarre.

He still needed to get the book of Dark Magic open somehow. A gatekeeper of Blood Ki meant that this had to be one hell of a skill. He'd talk to Maki in secret whenever he got the chance. Maybe…Yuki had more knowledge on this ordeal.

The hotel staff profusely thanked Team Stone, waiving away the hotel charges, even against their insistence to just pay. News reporters tried to enter for comment, but the security, aware of the team's tiredness, shooed away the press.

Clyde and his fiancées lazily relaxed on a giant couch, conversing and enjoying life. Everyone knew that the business in Alon could turn out to be intense. They were going to enjoy the peace while it lasted.

[Quest. Road trip stage 3.]

Clyde frowned.

[Squeeze Tear's breasts three times without getting caught by the other women. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. You must do this while all your fiancées are present.]

It never gets easier for me, Clyde thought. Kanako saved the day by gathering all of their attentions with a question about food. He wanted to kiss the genie. With Tear on his left, Harumi on his right, this would be a snap.

The young man could only get one squeeze, before the front door open with Fumi and Toru walking in. And of course their eyes landed on the group sitting on the couch. That grope did not go unnoticed by the succubus. He felt her lust crackle through the air like lightning. Before he knew it, she was in his lap.

The young man felt Harumi's glare. She was a second away from claiming the golden spot. Still, he needed two more gropes…

How would he pull this off? Hmm. His mind drifted toward distraction as he enjoyed the feeling of Tear's ass… He…wanted her.

However, failing a mission and dying to the system wasn't exactly an attractive option. How the hell did a seemingly easy task turn out so difficult. Not to mention if one of the other women decided to leave, the young man could potentially fail.

The second distraction came in the form of Seth, tripping over Natalia's leg and faceplanting. Clyde took the squeeze while pretending to be concerned for the blond. He had it coming. Clyde clearly saw him eyeing Fuyoko in attempt to peek beneath her skirt.

The young man wondered if Seth was interested in her. They didn't strike him as a match, but what did he know?

The final squeeze was trickier, but practically handed to him. Tear turned around to kiss Clyde. A glorious mission pass, which of course set the succubus off.

"I need to talk to you." She pulled him toward the hall which would lead to the rooms.

Natalia looked as if she was about to intervene, but froze at a challenging glare from Tear. He eyed the delayed prompts as she pulled him.

[Quest complete! Road Trip stage 3.]

[Ki increases from Tear, Yuki, and Tetra!]

The young man wished he could've gotten the sexy time with Ruri the previous day. Ah well. She was quite adorable when he...massaged her. There wasn't a need for impatience.

Tear reintroduced Clyde to the world known as Wild Sex.

He almost blew his load into her three times.

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