Later that evening, Clyde called a meeting for non-support Team Stone members. Hotel guests gave them odd looks as they made their way to a room Tear reserved for such an occasion. She started the meeting with the most current event before the young man could take over.

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"The media gave full credit to Team Stone for taking out the monsters," Tear said.

"I'm not sure how I feel about that," Airi said, drumming her fingers across the table. "I'm sure without a doubt that we have enemies in the shadows. If we're not careful, the media will hand-deliver our locations each time."

"I agree," Alice said. "The innocent people around us will always be in danger. Even now with the hotel."

Toru sighed.

"I doubt today's going to be an issue. But in the future, we may encounter people with vast connections and partners. Attacking them means attacking their businesses and criminal empires."

Kitome didn't seem as convinced.

"I think today could be as much of an issue as the future." She folded her arms. "We should never let our guards down. Remember when Alice, Ruri, and Matsume was attacked at the shopping center?"

"That was annoying. Did they ever identify that lady?" Matsume said.

"I think her employers bailed her out," Chika said.

Clyde cleared his throat.

"Let's save that for another conversation and get to the meeting at hand." The room fell into silence. "We're almost to Alon. There's no telling what we'll encounter. All I know so far is that some wizard group is terrorizing the area. There are also gargoyles. Let's be real. They're going to be monster girls, so Toru..." Clyde narrowed his eyes as he let that sentence trail off to speak for itself.

Toru sighed.

"I'm never going to fix my reputation, am I?"

Seth snickered, but said nothing. Kitome still elbowed him in the gut.

"Anyhoo, I need to examine your fighting styles and equipment," Clyde said. "As a team leader, I left this entirely up to you, but that's not going to fly anymore. So I'm going to go down the line with each of you." He looked at Alice. "I already know you use your family's sword, Hellbreaker. A fucking legendary sword with awesome powers, so you get a pass." Clyde blinked. " You know what, I'm an idiot."

"What now," Toru said.

"I know Clare declined my invitation to Team Stone, but I should've urged harder," Clyde said. "She'd be in charge of taking care of our weapons."

"She's not going to do that," Chika said. "It'd be best if we find our own weapons master."

"No, it has to be Clare," Clyde said. "I'll give her a better invite. Those magical girls have about four months left under their contract and then they'll be free to go. She won't be able to use that as an excuse. For a shrine maiden, she isn't taking this saving the world thing very seriously."

"Not just any shrine maiden," Ming said. "She knows of the stone-viper games and is a beacon of information. But…You see, you only talk with her when you need something."

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Clyde's eyes widened. Everyone looked at him expectantly.

"You're…right," Clyde said. "Clare is one of the first friends I've made in this world, yet I neglected the shit out of her. That's going to stop today."

Ming nodded.

"Before the magical girls, she told me she was quite lonely."

Clyde swallowed.

"Well, it's not like he can read minds," Alice snapped. "You humans." She shook her head. "She has his number. All of our numbers. I'm sure she can take some time away from her shrine maiden duties to hang out."

"We'll leave that to speculation," Clyde said, taking back the meeting. "Harumi, your weapon is the wand of wonder. An epic-class wand…" He looked at her thoughtfully. "We'll work on getting a legendary or higher weapon. Not that there's anything wrong with an epic."

"What are you talking about?" Seth said. "You're losing me with this epic and legendary—"

"Oh shut it, scrub," Airi said. "He's talking about the item class. Sheesh, any adventurer could tell you what an item class is."

"Even I know that," Tear said, "and I'm no adventurer. Did Toru not give you the lessons?"

Seth rolled his eyes.

"Well excuse me for not having the magical ability to see into these things oh great sensei who knows everything."

"Enough with the bickering," Clyde said. "Not everyone can tell at a glance. It's not like Seth is an adventurer."

"He just needs the skill," Airi said. "I may have some extra magic books in my sack. It will give everyone the basic ability to inspect items and weapons." She raised a finger. "Did you know they were supposedly based on a lost talent called Analyze?"

"Lost talent?" Alice said.

"Yeah," Airi said. "Our ability to sense power levels and see item classes is child's play compared to that skill. Anyway, I'd better go fetch the books. Come with me Kanako. I don't want to go outside by myself."

"Kay," Kanako said hurrying after her.

"Nyyaaaa." Neko laid her head into Clyde's lap.

"What are you doing, cat," Alice said.


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Ako yanked her sister away.

"And you call me the embarrassing one, nya."

"Nyya, well you are. Samurai values aren't the only way to live you know."

"Speaking of samurai," Clyde said, raising a finger. "Alice and I need more training. I'd like to put the combat style to use."

Ako nodded.

"It's not just about fighting. Your spirit has to be in the right place, nya."

Clyde finally eyed Natalia, who tapped at her handheld game, completely ignoring the meeting. How many of them did she have, anyway?

"Really Natalia," Clyde deadpanned.

"Hmm?" Natalia said. Tear snatched away the game. The loli reached for it with both hands. "My life energy. Without it, I'll melt away." The succubus shook her head.

"Pay attention to the meeting for once, Nattie," Tear said. The loli stared at the game in the succubus's hands.

"My life battery."

Alice's paper fan was swift and loud. "Fine, Highness, ow! Haru—" The loli's voice trailed off as the half-demoness raised the paper fan.

"Don't go bugging Harumi," Alice said.

"Since the attention's on the brat, she's equipped with the staff of hope, an epic-level weapon I gave her," Clyde said. "We—"

"I made upgrades to the staff myself," Natalia said. "I'm not parting with it. It's my treasure."

"That's fine and all, but you've had the staff since we beat Akito," Clyde said. "Things are about to get even more tough for us, so no arguing." The young man scratched his head. "Hell, I should've just given you the Merlin's staff before you took on—" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"No! I will not give up my treasure," Natalia said, pouting. "I said it was upgraded. That is that."

"Nattie," Tear said, rubbing the loli-witch's head.

"At least let me give you a new treasure," Clyde said, but the loli just wouldn't relent. "What kind of an upgrade could you have possibly given this thing that warrants the disregarding of a freaking legendary weapon." He paused, knowing the real reason why she didn't want to part with the staff. He didn't want to say it in front of the others. "Okay, we're going to have a talk later. We don't have time for stubbornness. Anyway, Kitome."

The magical girl flinched, a blush emerging.

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"Can I take a pass on showing mine too," she said.

"Nope," Harumi said, eyes shining. "I've seen what you're always trying to hide from the others."

Tear grinned evilly.

"She left it in her room." The succubus waved her hand.

"Tear no," Kitome tried to plea, but it was too late. A magical girl's wand appeared on the center of the table. A heart-shaped top on a long pink rod. Everyone stared at the blushing blue-haired girl.

Clyde examined the item.

[Lovey-lovey Magical Wand of Eternal Happiness level 3 of 5. Item class: *One of a Kind. *Legendary*. This wand prevents you from being forcibly knocked out of your transformation. Reduces transformation time by 10% Increases magical girl cuteness by 66% when transformed.]

"Wow," Seth said, willingly stepping on a giant landmine. "I'm actually speechless." He scratched his head.

"Kitome you're so cute!" Noona said, anime-diving into her, eyes starry, almost as if she spent too much time with Airi. "I've got questions for your form. You're different from most magical girls I met. How do—"

Kitome covered her face.

"Can we just move on."

"To think you've got yourself a legendary weapon," Clyde said. "No need to be ashamed Kitome." He grinned.

"Tear put it back," the blue-haired said. The succubus laughed.

"No can do," she said.

"Let's keep going," Clyde said. "I want a full inspection. Everyone who doesn't pass will be unfucked before we fight anything in Alon."

"I still hadn't gotten the chance to get one of these legendary weapons," Sazuki said.

"You're a new member, President," Seth said. "You'll get there."


Lot City, Yaponia…

Hijo's mansion…

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Early Afternoon…

Hijo nodded at the news report. To think Team Stone's location could be accessible so easily. This was surprising actually. Surely Chika or Toru would've flaunted their power to keep away the media. Well it didn't matter now. The might of Clan Dracos was now at the young man's disposal.

The ex-leader looked quite weak, losing his powers like the others, unlike Hijo. Of course the young man made sure to hide the fact that he dealt with legal issues at the time. HA! Opportunities to seek power without unveiling any of his secrets.

Hijo dialed HIS right-hand minion.

"Gather the clan. Tell them to prepare for deadly combat of the highest priority. The mission will be to capture Undine, Alice Hades, and Chika. They'll make decent ransom material. Hmm, you know, I always wanted to fuck Kitome. Get her too."

"You're a piece of shit, new leader," the minion said. "I'm not following this order to waste our time with this—"

"I'm just kidding," Hijo said. "Kill them all, but capture Undine. She could be an invaluable source of power if she's truly an ancient being." The green-haired young man gave no fucks about the power, he just wanted to pull her away from Yusuke.

"Fine, I'll gather half of the clan," the minion said. "You may be the new leader, but if you were truly for the clan, truly believed in our power, you wouldn't be tossing around all of the resources for some silly scrabble."

"Believe in your power?" Hijo laughed. "Remember, you fools were all taken down by one person. One person barged into the clan during a meeting of what should've been some of the most powerful mages around. So I urge you to follow my orders to the letter or I'll deal with you under the basic law of disobeying an appointed leader."

The minion sighed, defeated.

"I'll gather them."

"Good. Hurry, I want to Jump there as soon as possible."

Hijo hung up.

"Team Stone's bad for business." The young man opened his closet. Deep in the back, protected by a ward, was his clan's black and dark green robe. He smirked. "This will be easy peasy lemon squeezy."

After dressing, he equipped himself with a black staff, daggers, and other things he probably wouldn't use. Hijo wondered if he should take Undine right then and there. Abducting Kitome, his sister was probably a bit too far. Maybe he should call off the entire operation and go seek a therapist. Even he didn't understand his obsession with Undine. And no matter how hard he tried, the goddess wouldn't get out of his head.

His normal thoughts emerged for just a moment. Why should he waste his precious time fighting Team Stone? Stone…Why did that word sound familiar? Fuck it, he'd call this operation off. It was stupid, not him, a waste of business time—hell even bad for business. He was curious about Undine, but not THAT curious. The young man could find…

The other thoughts returned, seeming more reasonable. Hijo started this. Hijo would finish. And Undine would be his. HIS! Those large breasts, that goddess body, those beautiful eyes, and delicious smile. That kind and confident personality—someone who couldn't be run over, wouldn't take anyone's shit, and yet still offer kindness to those who didn't deserve it. Hijo had to have her.

He steeled himself for the attack. This should be easy, but…what if Team Stone was behind the attack on his clan? That one person could be among them. The young man would just have to keep his guard maxed.

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