Saeren, North Terravon

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"Ah, see, I was right," Tear said, shoving her phone with the internet results into Clyde's face. "You have to do whatever Alice says now."

Clyde's eye twitched.

"How did we go from a reasonable meeting to this?"

"Alice make him use his powers to strip all—oof."

Kitome not only elbowed Seth, but she finished him off with a German suplex. Clyde winced, snickering at the comedic scene, although Kitome's sexy panties added bonus enjoyment. Alice noticed. He smiled sheepishly.

"So you like panties, huh?" she said lowly. "Fine! I know exactly what you're going to be doing after this meeting."

Tear giggled.

"I can take a wild guess and it seems like it won't be a show for everyone. Shall I bring some more of that rum chocolate?"

"No," Alice said. "The only one who's going to be feeling good is me. I don't want that chocolate dulling away the sensation."

Tear grinned evilly at Clyde. The young man was taken aback.

"You should piss her off more often." She smacked the young man playfully on the back. "And lose more bets."

"So this is what Chika meant when she said you were poisoning this innocent girl," Clyde said.

"It's not poison if she's cute," Tear said.

"I wouldn't—"

The abrupt rocking of the building cut the young man off. The lights flickered as the team stood up, game faces emerging. Kanako and Airi burst through the doors, panting.

"Toru you should be crucified for jinxing us," Airi said then turned to Clyde. "We've got some guests."

"No shit," Clyde said. "Do you know who they are?"

"No idea," Airi said as she dropped a leather bag on the table. "Right now, we've got to do something or the people around us will continue to freak out. Also, we can't have them killed in the crossfire."

"Talk about bad luck for a hotel," Seth said. "Tear, I'm not normally one to doubt your decisions, but I guess if we hadn't come along, the monsters would've killed the staff." He shook his head. "The pay must be really high for people to keep working here."

Clyde decided not to tell his friend about the anime logic there.

"Let's go see what's up," Clyde said. "Kanako, catch up the support members. We may have to evacuate the building."

The young man froze at the sight of Alice. Raging pink aura rotated around her like a whirlwind. Her eyes glowed.

"I will not have these insufferable scumbags take us lightly."

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She started toward the exit.

"Kanako, get moving," Clyde said. "Sazuki, Kiko, please assist her."

The women nodded and hurried off behind the genie. Alice's energy continued to electrify the air, her anger showing itself for the first time in a while. The last time she was this pissed….He looked at Ruri. The oblivious hellhound smiled.

When the group stepped outside, the first thing they saw were figures in black and green robes, armed with staves. A familiar young man led the opposing party.

"Hijo, what the fuck are you doing?" Toru snarled.

"Are you fucking out of your mind?" Chika barked, snapping a photo with her phone. "Your family's done for. This scandal's going live."

"You won't be alive to prove anything," Hijo said. "Now, hand over Undine."

Undine laughed.

"Oh my, a human treating me like a wager piece. Yusuke, are you going to let him treat your wife like this?"

Yusuke laughed.

"Wife? No, you're not married to that loser yet," Hijo said. "You… ATTACK!"

Clyde shook his head.

"This is fucking stupid."

[Your party has entered *fierce combat!]

[Team Stone has been challenged by Sorcerer Clan Dracos.]

[Life and Death.]

Really? A life and death prompt for these losers? Clyde sighed, knowing not to underestimate his opponents. But their sole reason to putting hundreds of lives in danger…was basically for sex.

"Team Stone, let's show these fuckers what happens when they take us lightly," Clyde yelled.

"We'll fuck them up!" Alice surprisingly yelled.

"Language Highness," Natalia cooed. "But I agree with you. I do not like to be underestimated." White and black aura surrounded the loli as she frowned, taking on her uncharacteristically serious stance. Team Stone collided with Clan Dracos.

[Alice activated Special tier skill: Explosion!]

[Natalia activated Modified Silver tier skill: Mass wipeout super blast.]

Magic began to fly from both sides…

Clyde felt just a faint shift in the air before he found himself dodging Hijo's fiery punch.

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"If I kill you, your team will crumble," he said, chuckling.

[Quest. Road Trip Stage 4. Defeat Hijo! Reward: unknown. This quest is obviously mandatory and cannot be refused.]

Hijo, Leader of the Hidden Sorcerer Clan, Dracos.

Level: 145

Type: human, sorcerer.

Work under: Clan Dracos

Special: Black Ki? [Something's not right about this. This Ki isn't naturally his.]

Weakness: none.

Resistances: none.

Secret: fapped to tentacle hentai when he was a kid.

Clyde laughed, gaining a confused stare from his foe. The levels were dead even, which meant he could make this fight quick. Of course that wasn't his reason for laughing.

"I guess to each their own. Fapping to tentacle hentai…I mean does that make you a man of culture too?"

Hijo's eyes widened.

"How did you—I mean enough talk! I'll kill you."

The green-haired unsheathed two black daggers coating in purple aura. "You'll be the easiest one to take out."

Clyde frowned as Hijo charged him. The easiest… He dodged the first two dagger swipes then slashed across the man's chest with Bloodlight. They clashed blade to blade, seemingly evenly matched. Then the green-haired young man stepped into Clyde's guard.

"Right into my hands," Hijo said then grinned. "Goodbye." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

[Hijo activated Special tier skill: Curse of the Nine Brigades. Warning, this is an instant death skill! This is an unblockable and undodgable attack.]

So what…am I supposed to just die, Clyde thought as the black mist coated him. He chuckled. Hijo's eyes widened. Shocked, the green-haired young man fell to his ass.

"Easiest?" Clyde said as he walked toward Hijo. He recalled the casting of a beautiful skill during the fight with a Viper Maiden. Its effects finally got some use.

[Noona's blessing has engulfed the party. Your party is unaffected by instant-kill, party-wipe attacks. This buff is permanent.]

"Ah, you probably hadn't thought this through when you attacked us," Clyde said. "Easiest. No, none of us are easy." He delivered a kick to Hijo's face that rocketed him thirty yards across the pavement. The green-haired boy stood up, charging waves of green electricity-like magic into his hands. Clyde's voice became a god chant. "I am the leader of Team Stone. You have some balls challenging me with that condescending attitude."

[Clyde activated his special attack: Tier 1 skill: Omen's Desolation.]

[Alice's passive activated. Palpable anger. Your skill is now unblockable.]

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[Tier 1 skill: Omen's Desolation. [Does almighty, spiritual, and sound damage. Chance to cause hopelessness and despair. Triple, super-severe damage against entities, deities, spirits, and darkness-type enemies.]

[Hijo activated Silver tier skill: Eldritch Raging Blast!]

Dropping the magic suddenly, Clyde flashed stepped behind Hijo, his eyes flickering, the internal wall just barely holding. The young man was undoubtedly overwhelming the sorcerer without Stone Mode's boost. Caught in a whirlpool of anger… To be called the easiest…The weakest.

He warped the silver dagger from his inventory and plunged it into Hijo's back. The green-haired young man screamed.

"Why did you come here?" Clyde said, his voice normal, unnaturally calm. He had no idea of the bands of midnight black aura radiating around him like rotating death. That seemed to trigger something within the blood of his prey.

[Warning! Black Ki is leaking from Hijo's wound.]

Hijo grinned, his eyes turning black.

"You think you've won, boy! I bet you didn't see this coming."

That wasn't Hijo's voice. "This pathetic sorcerer is but a vessel to what's to come. Melody will be my plaything."

[Alice activated Gold tier skill: Contain!]

The explosion threatened to consume everything, but couldn't get past the barrier Alice surrounded it in. Seconds later, purple flames signified the death of the sorcerer.

Team Stone was completely unharmed. Some members took damage, but natural health regeneration and Harumi, quickly fixed any problems.

"Black Ki," Clyde said softly. Alice looked at him incredulously.

"Do you think it's him?" she said.

"The one and only," Clyde replied. "And now he's after Melody." He looked at the sky. "He's still doing this black Ki shit."

"I have a bad feeling about this," Ming said as she walked over to the duo. "Matsuko's on her way…"

"She is? Did the dark god revive her?" Clyde said.

Ming closed her eyes, peeking at something that only she could see. An ominous gray fog surrounded her briefly. When she opened her eyes, the young man saw concern.

"She's preparing to erase herself from existence," Ming said softly, "but not before telling Melody something. Not just a warning about the dark god, but…" her voice trailed off. "I couldn't glimpse any further…maybe when I'm strong enough."

Clyde gulped, thinking about the BCFUS system. He achieve the high relationship level with her, leaving only one requirement. They would both mutual benefit from the act, but like Melody, Ming had a complicated and cute personality. The power increase could be great; however, the young man did not want to come across as a creep, forceful, or a manipulative bastard using them like battery packs. He cared about his relationships. Only an idiot wouldn't.

[ Quest and Battle completed! Victory! Reward: 44 million EXP, 100 million dollars and 25 free points. Congratulations, you have reached level 146! Stats increased!]

[You have earned the title, Billionaire. You'll definitely need this money to fund your team and your travels. You need a lot more to purchase great items from your ID store as well as other shops around the world. See Clare for information on those shops, although getting her to simply tell you will be easier said than done.]

[Stone Mode recharge time has decreased! See Natalia for further instructions.]

"Let's get inside," Clyde said. "My uncle was in the military and they did something called watches. Support team will be on this with four-hour shifts, but… I'll take the first watch."

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Everyone looked at him.

"You really should rest," Melody said.

"I could use the time to think," Clyde said. "Anyway, the first watch is mine. You guys go wash and pass the news onto the support team. That does not include Sophia, since she's driving tomorrow." He sighed. "With monsters attacking this hotel and now fucking sorcerers possessed by He Who Paints the fucking turdshit, I'll only feel safe with this area patrolled." He tilted his head. "In fact, a support member will have one main team member with them. Dismissed."

"I'll stay with you," Ming and Alice said simultaneously. His fiancées also refused to leave.

"I appreciate all of you, but the purpose of the watches is to have a lookout so that everyone else can sleep," Clyde said. "As your team lead…."

"I need to discuss some things with you," Ming said then she addressed the other women. "This is important. As his prophet…Team Stone's prophet, I want to ensure the safety of our team. This watch is the perfect time for it."

Clyde gazed into her glistening eyes and decided not to reject the opportunity.

"You guys go enjoy the rest of your time off. Tomorrow's going to be another day on the road."

Each of his fiancées kissed him before heading back.

"You still have to pay up for the bet," Alice said as she hurried after Tear.

"Chika, protect her from the poisoning," Clyde said with a laugh, gaining the smile from the silver-haired girl. He'd love to be with them, but protection of the team as a whole came first. "Ming, let's have that duel. If I win, you must do as I say and the same if you win. One request, it can be anything. Within reason…or as lewd as possible."

Ming flinched, blushing heavily. "You don't have to accept those unreasonable terms, I'm just kidding around. So—"

"I'll accept," Ming said with a look of determination in her eyes. "I'm the regional champion of Yaponiya." Her eyes were starry now, her voice fangirling. "I always wanted to challenge the Sorcerer's Creed. The legendary deck that disappeared." She hugged Clyde tightly.

Clyde chuckled.

"Then give it all you've got, because this deck is brokenly overpowered." A morbid thought wormed its way into his head. "Ah shit…Amina's going to kill me."


"My deck leader," Clyde said. "She wants me to visit her world every now and then. I hadn't once."

"Well it's not your fault," Ming said. "I doubt you have much time to yourself these days." She winked.

Clyde chuckled. The bright flood lights of the hotel parking lot continued to illuminate the area. The young man and woman took their places.

"This will be a Nonreal—"

"It has to be a Real game," Ming interrupted. "We have wagers. Besides, I…want to experience everything a match like this has to offer. A nonreal game won't do it for us."

"Fine," Clyde said. A bright sphere of energy appeared yards in front of the duo, signifying the approach of their fairy host.

"Helllooooo everybody, my name is Lily and I'm too cute to contain. I will determine who shall go first. Oah! Oah! Hi Lord Stone." She flew over to him and kissed his nose. "Oh! Your prophet too? Oah! Oooaaahhh! This is a duel between the Stone and his prophet. I'm so glad to be alive."

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