Some of the lingering Team Stone members caught sight of Lily and notified the others. What was supposed to be a secret duel, gained an audience quickly. Clyde moved it as far away from the hotel as possible. He'd rather not chance it with the cars in the parking lot.

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The fairy ended up creating a ball of hovering light that illuminated the area even better than the floodlights.

"Nice military, allowing full-on card games during watch," Alice said sarcastically. She continued right over Clyde's protest. "Some chat between a man and his prophet."

Clyde stared at her blankly.

"Says the girl carrying a bag of popcorn."

Alice shrugged, smiling.

"I never said I didn't want entertainment." She winked then continued toward the audience area.

[You have entered a Real game!]

[You have been challenged by Ming, Regional Champion of Yaponiya! Prepare yourself!]

[Current quest: Defeat Ming in a Stone-Tokken duel. Reward: unknown]

"Lord Stone shall be going first! Make it count," Lily said cheerfully. "Remember, you cannot draw on the first turn." She took her place in the audience area, safe from the upcoming chaos.

Clyde drew his first five cards. The glowing, gold tree of life tattoos revealed themselves on his wrists.

"Good luck, Ming."

"You too, Clyde," Ming said, blushing. "You'd better make this count, because I'm taking you down!" She grinned.

[Clyde- 150 LF. Ming- 150 LF]

Clyde laughed.

"Alright, let's start off with this. I can summon Diviner Mena as an additional attacker." He sat the card on the floating crystal mat before him. "When she's summon this way, I can draw one card."

[Clyde. SC Diviner Mena. Power: 20. Defense: 6.]

A beautiful bored-looking woman appeared on the field.

"For my normal summon, in defense, will be Stage Magician Jasp."

[Clyde. SC Stage Magician Jasp. Defense 13. Power: 10]

"His effect allows me to add a random magical weapon from my deck to my hand each turn." The deck spat out the card, which Clyde retrieved. "I'll equip the Forbidden Compass to him."

Clyde shook his head. "Starting off overpowered. I'll end my turn."

"Hmm, this shouldn't be too hard," Ming said. "I feel a little disappointed. Shouldn't you have monsters with like a million attack points?" She drew from her deck. "Let's go! Let me introduce you to the one and only, Loli Saga deck."

"Whoaa!" Natalia cheered. "Go Ming! I mean, you can do it husbando onii. But Ming, go, go, go!"

Clyde chuckled.

"There's your number one fan."

"Nuh-uh! I'm her number one fan," Noona called out. Clyde looked at her and his mouth dropped. The blonde demoness was dressed in a cheerleading outfit. And damn those breasts! She started a cheer routine that made them jiggle. "Go Loli Saga! Ming! Ming! Ming! You're the regional champion anyway, so it's a one turn kill." Noona winked. "I'm also cheering for you, Clyde."

Alice harrumphed tsundere-style.


Clyde laughed.

"You see Natalia, that's how a real Right Hand acts."

"No fair," Natalia whined. "She cheats!"

Ming cleared her throat. "I will continue if you don't mind."

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Clyde nodded. "Sorry."

"I summon, Lovely-loli Platia, the dark elf!"

A loli dark elf appeared on the field, dressed in a magical girl costume. An aura consisting of hearts surrounded her.

Clyde's eyes widened.

"She's broken as hell in Loli Saga Fighters by the way."

"Yes she is," Alice said. "Not that mister left B spammer should be talking."

"I know right?" Chika said.

"I told you, I was only trying to do a combo—"

Ming cleared her throat again, interrupting Clyde.

[Ming. LL Platia. Power: 30. Defense: 0.]

"Thirty in power right off the bat," Clyde said tiredly. "She's even OP in this game."

"I'll activate Platia's effect," Ming said. "I can summon an additional loli from my deck at the cost of ten life force. It can't be my deck leader sadly."

[Ming's LF dropped to 140.]

"Here she comes, Lovely-loli Lion girl."

A loli dressed in a lion costume appeared. She gazed at the audience timidly, blushing.

"She's so cute!" Airi said.

[Ming. LL Lion girl. Power: 21. Defense 21.]

"Lion girl's effect. Well, Clyde, this is going to hurt. Lion slash!"

As if something snapped in the loli's head, Lion girl dashed toward Clyde with incredible speed. The swipe made him clench his teeth against the pain.

[Clyde's LF has dropped to 130.]

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 595%]

"Once a turn, I can inflict twenty points of direct damage to you for free, as long as I do so before the battle phase."

"Broken," Clyde said.

"Don't worry, her attack drops by half until the end of the turn to make up for the sneak attack," Ming said. "Now, I'll play this action card, Blast field. It destroys all attackers on your side of the field. Bye-bye!"

Clyde blinked. His side of the field exploded into purple flames. However…his attackers still stood, smirking.

"What? How?" Ming said.

"Stage Magician cannot be targeted or destroyed by card effects nor can he be exiled while he has a magical weapon equipped. Forbidden compass just so happens to share that effect with Diviner Mena."

Ming chuckled.

"So you aren't that easy after all. Or maybe you've gotten lucky. Let's go to the battle phase. I'll activate Platia's effect. I draw a card and reveal it. If it's an attacker, she can attack directly with double the damage."

A card spat from Ming's deck. She revealed it. Clyde frowned at the loli in her hand.

"Great, I'm getting beat up by lolis," Clyde said. "I feel like Seth should be taking this punishment."

"No way dude, that's your thing. Natalia's proof."

"It's not," Clyde said. "And Natalia doesn't count."

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"Keep telling yourself that," Seth said, laughing.

Clyde braced himself as Platia teleported in front of him with a steel sword. The burning pain of being cut just sucked. Why couldn't the barrier block this?

[Clyde's LF has dropped to 70.]

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 545%]

"I'm whooping you! Are you sure that's the legendary deck? Are you going easy on me?" Ming said, pointing at the young man. "Or do you suck badly at this game?"

"Mouthy girl when she's playing this game, isn't she?" Clyde said. "I wonder who takes it more seriously. Ming or Selkie."

"Lion girl attack!"

"Isn't her attack, halved?" Clyde said.

"Action card instant, Reckless Rush girl," Ming said, slamming a card on her mat. "She gains twenty attack. Kill the diviner."

The loli didn't move. "What are you doing?"

"Mena cannot be attacked," Clyde said simply. "Oh, I suppose I should mentioned that Forbidden compass has her linked to my Stage Magician. So yeah." The young man grinned evilly. Ming's eyes widened, almost teary.

"You have me in a lockdown, at least for ordinary battles," Ming said. "I can't destroy or target you with card effects. So basically your attackers are immortal and indestructible."

Clyde winked.

"Any more smack to talk?"

"Of course," Ming said. "My deck is more burn heavy than you think."

Clyde frowned. This wasn't going to end well. Burn damage was direct damage inflicted by card effects—a weakness to the Sorcerer's Creed. At least until he summoned an attacker to negate the effects. "I guess that ends my turn. I'll burn your lockdown to the ground."

"I can see why you're the regional champ," Clyde said. "Overpowered burn and bullshit direct attacks. Anyway, I draw."

He made sure to say that in the voice of Yami Yugi.

"Sweet, I'll play Amina's dimension."

[Field Presence- Amina's Dimension.]

Ming smirked.

"Action card instant, Spell feedback. For playing an action card, you take twenty points of damage. For the rest of the turn, you take five points of damage for every action card or summon you make."

[Clyde's LF has dropped to 50.]

The environment shifted into a familiar library of nearly infinite books. Ming stared at the young man smugly as if she'd won.

Fuck…every action card or summon costed five to his life force. What bull shit! Why were these card game manufacturers printing such broken cards?

"With Amina's dimension on the field, I can show you the full brokenness of this deck," Clyde said. He placed a card in an attacker spot of his crystal mat. "I summon Elementalist Carter."

A man dressed in white and red robes appeared next to the stage magician.

[Clyde. SC Elementalist Carter. Power: 24. Defense: 19.]

"He counts as an additional summon by the way thanks to Amina's dimension."

A large electrical shock rattled Clyde. He gritted his teeth.

[Clyde's LF has dropped to 45.]

Ming chuckled.

"Try not to kill yourself. Even additional summons count for my action card."

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"When Carter is summoned, I can add an attacker from my deck to my hand. You probably know who I'm getting."

Ming's eyes widened. She looked conflicted on playing her last card in her hand or not. That let Clyde know it was a possible instant capable of disrupting his effect or burning him more.

"I'll get my deck leader."

Ming's eyes went starry. "She's coming. And I get to take her down. Lion girl's third effect! Whenever you add a deck leader to your hand by card effect, I get to summon mine for free."

Her deck spat out her card, which she slammed to the map. "If only Tyrone and the others can see me now. Here she comes! The heroine of the Loli Saga, Lovely-loli Madoki Flower Goddess."

Roses of different colors suddenly rained from the sky. A giant blue flower burst from the ground. Emerging from it in an over-the-top entrance that only anime could pull off, was a loli dressed in a magical girl costume. Long white hair, glowing green eyes, and a crown of flowers identified her. She hovered above the ground, aura surrounding her.

[Ming. LL Madoki Flower Goddess. Power: 100. Defense: 0]

"A power of one hundred!" Clyde yelled. "How is that even possible?"

Ming laughed. "Are you scared, Clyde? She was a free summon thanks to you." She giggled. "Here's a kicker. When she's summoned, she does burn damage like her sisters."

"Oh Jesus," Clyde said sadly.

"Lightning blast!" Ming cheered.

"Why is it always lightning?" Clyde said, recalling the duel with Noona. The lightning struck hard and painfully, bashing the young man to his back.

[Clyde's LF has dropped to 20.]

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 400%]

"Are you okay?" Ming said. "I'm sorry for going too far."

Clyde stood.

"No need to apologize. I know just how fucked up this death game is. Besides, you're about to be hurting too. Not that I'm happy about it."

Twenty-five burn damage on the spot for just being summoned. How…did anyone beat her? She was the undefeated regional champ.

The young man sighed, determination swarming into his eyes. An idea formed into the back of his mind.

"It's time for your undefeated streak to end," Clyde said.

"Your fake legendary deck won't end it," Ming said. "You'll either kill yourself or die to me at the beginning of your next turn. Lion girl will make sure of that."

Clyde grinned.

"First, I'll start by summoning Sorceress Amina. When she's summoned, cards and effects cannot be activated. Also existing effects are canceled for the rest of the turn. Not that it matters."

A giant golden book smashed into the center of the battle field. Emerging from golden light was a seriously beautiful woman with long golden hair, golden eyes, and a golden dress. Her glare set on Clyde.

"Well if it isn't my neglectful, ungrateful, irresponsible," she marched over to Clyde without finishing her sentence. "What's your excuse this time?" She raised a hand. "Never mind, I don't want to hear it. It's not like I'm lonely or anything. Idiot." She did a tsundere harrumph. She eyed the loli goddess. "Oh bloody hell, not her."

"You know her?" Clyde said.

"A pain in the ass magical girl," Amina said, "but she's not something I can't handle. I hope you have a forbidden weapon waiting for me."

"More than that. Look who's here."

Amina examined his field. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Stage Magician. So you do know how to play this game after all." She looked at the Loli goddess. "I see. We have to finish this before next turn. Easy enough."

"She…she's talking," Ming said, eyes swirling. "What—what's going on?"

"Long story," Clyde said, "but you should know all about the legendary deck. So add attackers are real to your list. I would love to have Evoke Luke in this situation. Blow up the attacks, inflict one hundred. But I suppose I'm still going to do something similar. I will first activate Stage Magician's effect. I can send him to the graveyard to increase the power of my deck leader by fifty points. She also gains his effects, except the sacrificing part."

[Clyde. SC Sorceress Amina. Increased. Power: 80. Defense: 27.]

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"So what, a measly eighty. It's not going to help you," Ming said, grinning. "I'm actually going to win against the legendary deck. I guess it's only legendary for the talking creatures, not its power."

"You are a foolish and naïve girl if you believe that," Amina said.

"I'll equip Forbidden Staff to Amina, doubling her current attack."

[Clyde. SC Sorceress Amina. Increased. Power 160. Defense: 27.]

"Oh shit," Ming said.

"Language Ming," Natalia said.

Ming spared a micro-glare for the loli-witch.

"Well Ming, let me start showing you the fuckery of my deck," Clyde said. "Mena's effect. Once per turn, I can send all cards in the graveyard back into the deck to discard one card from my opponent's hand. And don't even think about trying to activate it in response. You can't." Ming watched in horror as her last card shuffled itself back into the deck. "But hey, Ming, I have to discard too…at the end of the turn." He grinned. The dual-eyed girl frowned.

"You're a real comedian," She said sarcastically.

"Hey, were you not just having a ball? The legendary deck is finally going down." He sighed. "I warned you of how cheap it is. I normal summon Conjurer Xil."

[SC Conjurer Xil. Power: 18. Defense 24.]

"You're going to like this one, assuming you're an admirer of the game and not some win freak," Clyde said. "First, let's equip him with the Forbidden Ruby. Xil's effect allows me to discard one card to destroy one card on the field. If he's equipped with a magical weapon and Amina is on the field with Amina's dimension, I can instead exile two cards. Say goodbye to your goddess and lion. Because you know, heart of the cards and other shit that makes no sense, giving me this automatic win."

"It's not an automatic win," Ming said. "You played your broken cards well." She smiled. "And now I'm defenseless."

"Game." Clyde said, signaling for his attackers to end Ming.

"Wow! Awesome! Amazing. Have my babies—I mean what an intense match," Lily said as she flew around.

After Clyde's attackers ended the match and Ming finished screaming in pain, Amina pulled him off to the side.

"If you neglect me—"

"I'm sorry," Clyde said. "There's a lot of shit going on in this world. Let me explain."

"Go ahead," the woman said, standing very close to Clyde. Alice marched over and barged between the two. They faced off, each with condescending smiles on their faces. No…Gin smiles.

Clyde quickly explained the situation to Amina. To his surprise, she understood and once again, seemingly cut him a break.

[Duel completed! Victory! You have defeated a Regional Champion. Normally, her title would be yours, but you aren't signed up through any official channels and participating in tournaments. You currently have no interest in this. What a pity.]

Clyde yawned.

"Yeah, I'm passing this watch off to someone else." He whispered to Ming, "I'll expect my favor paid in full when everyone's asleep."

Ming nearly anime-fell forward.

"It's freaking cold out here," Kitome said. "I'm out."

Clyde gave a wave to Lily.

"See you."

"Good night Lord Stone," Lily said, bowing. In a flicker of light, she vanished.

[Quest completed. Defeat Ming in a Stone-Tokken duel. Your reward is the spoils of the wager between you and Ming.]

Clyde started walking away fast, Alice chasing him with an evil grin.

"Oh no, she's trying to get my goodies," he said playfully.

Everyone laughed.

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