That night…

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Clyde pulled all of Team Stone into the reserved room for one more meeting. He made eye contact with each member before speaking. This matter could not be put off for the next day.

The young man wondered if he should feel something for killing another student. Then he realized that the entire sorcerer clan was actually consumed by the black Ki. The dark god ate them.

"If you hadn't heard now, we're being harassed again by He Who Paints the Night," Clyde began. "Let's toss around some ideas on how to deal with him."

The team lapsed into silence.

"I'm not feeling good about this," Toru said. "He may be a bit beyond us right now."

Someone cleared their throat. Clyde turned to the guest, a trickle of sweat rolling down the back of his head. Amina sat cross-legged to his left. The young man was then reminded that the tree of life symbols continued to glow. Before Lily and his Stone-Tokken attackers vanished, one more prompt appeared.

[Due to dragging your ass and not fulfilling your promise to visit her, Amina has been permitted extended stay. Take care of her.]

[Quest. Fulfilling a promise: Visit Amina's realm. To make up for the prior loss time, the Watchers had granted her an extended stay. You may send her back any time at a cost.]

"If I'm not mistaking, you speak of the dark god, yes?"

"The one and only," Clyde said. "Asshole of the day."

The golden-haired woman nodded.

"He's even known in my world," Amina said. "Did you know there are some filthy dark card bearers that run decks based on him?" She shook her head.

"Do you know anything about him?" Melody asked.

"His real name…Hmm, I certainly don't want to speak it while we're in a town that he touched with his awful black Ki." Amina said. "Do you have something I can write with?"

Tear handed her a pen and pad. The golden-haired woman wrote, Achilles.


Kitome elbowed Seth in the gut. "Don't say the name, dumbass!"

Clyde nodded.

"So we have a name, but no face. He always does his bidding through seemingly random people."

"Maybe we should fetch Maki?" Alice suggested.

"No," Clyde said. "She was possessed, but can't describe anything further than an overwhelming feeling of power and Black Ki and a voice. We do know that he implants delusions into their heads. Maki believed herself turning into a goddess and Hijo came here for some reason asking for Undine. The dark god even got Hijo…just a college boy, killed. Consumed him like another meal."

"We'll really have to be doubly careful with the media," Natalia said. "I can't have my beautiful image revealed for the creeps to track me down."

Clyde rolled his eyes.

"We've got to come up with something. He's after Melody for some reason."

"Melody is partially dark goddess," Tear said. "What if he's…What if he's trying to produce an heir using Platus's daughter."

"That sounds like him," Amina said. "Impregnate his enemy's daughter for maximum humiliation."

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Melody frowned. "Why do I have the worst luck?"

"I know," Natalia said. Clyde had a bad feeling about her next words. "Pervy nii cheater can pop a baby into her first. Problem solved."

Melody whacked her a dozen times with a nearby paper fan.

"That wouldn't even be a temporary solution," Chika said. "I'm pretty sure a god has no problem with making some internal changes to his prey."

"Prey?" Melody said.

"Nyya, worse than that," Neko said, yawning. "You'll be a slave."

"You should not scare her, nya," Ako said, yanking her sister's tail. Neko glared at the other catgirl as she quickly pulled away from her grasps.

Chika shrugged. "Melody aside, he'd still harass us, maybe even start to kill us off."

"Any suggestions on how to kill a dark god?" Clyde said.

"That would mean bringing him to this plane," Amina said. "As much as I'm up for seeing that monster slayed, you do not want to invite him to this plane. Even if you somehow win, voluntary invitations will still be detected by the punishment squad."

"That would be bad, bad news," Kanako said.

"Let's just sleep on it," Clyde said. "Watches do your thing, everyone else, dismissed."

Clyde felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to Amina.

"And where am I supposed to sleep?"

The young man flinched. He couldn't risk their relationship or pay whatever cost to prematurely send the woman back to her world. He had to go back with her. Now just wasn't the time—he was very tired, on an important trip, and an enormous threat loomed over the team.

Clyde noticed all of the woman glaring at him, more than likely expecting the young man to say something like, "You can sleep in my room, herpa derp! Alice and the others won't mind."

Hell, Amina and he weren't that close yet anyway.

"Let's get her a room," Clyde said. "She's going to be traveling with us."

"Dibs," Seth whispered to the young man.

Clyde laughed.


"What? Are you taking her too?" he hissed back.

"She was mine from the beginning," Clyde said. "My deck leader. So fuck off. I'm not letting you touch her. I don't even want to begin to imagine what I'd unintentionally feel through our bond.

"Oh come on, it won't be—I'm kidding. No need to do the eye-glowing thing," Seth said.

Clyde wasn't on purpose, but he didn't tell the blond that.

"Go get some sleep Seth, before I put you on watch." He patted the man on his shoulder.

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"Tear, Noona, do you mind helping Amina out?" Clyde asked.

"Sure," the women said.

Clyde could not help but feel a little disappointed at not sharing a bed with her. Then again, it would probably be the equivalent of doing a card, right? Maybe not. It wasn't like Yugi had a relationship with Dark Magician Girl… At least on the surface.

Wednesday. Week 4. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late autumn. Last week of the month.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Nova, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 5 of 30.]

[Stone mode: fluttering...? Interesting…]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia.]

[Card bearers in Saeren: 1, Ming.]

[Cook-off opponents in Saeren, North Terravon: 67. Harumi, Advanced Chef Yuki, Liru, Kitome, Alice. The rest are unknown.]

Still half asleep, Clyde rolled into…softness. He opened his eyes to see Harumi asleep. Her fox ears seemed to detect his active thoughts because she woke up.

"Good morning," he said. It seemed as if Boner-san wanted to greet her too. That didn't go unnoticed by the kitsune.

"I come in here to spend quality time with my fiancée only to find him asleep," Harumi said. "Tsk. Tsk. We can't have that."

Clyde buried his face into nice and warm breasts, taking a deep whiff. He held the pink-haired young woman, relishing in her touch, embracing her kindness, and his happiness to be around her.

The passion started with a kiss. He pulled off her shirt, caressing soft breasts. Harumi responded with a soft moan. That only increased his hunger for the woman.

He teased the first nipple with a lick then sucked. His fingers followed the flow, slipping inside the woman, riling up the wetness. As if something triggered within, the young man gently entered, enjoying Harumi's breathing and moaning. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

They had sex had least three times before someone banged on their door. Clyde snuggled into Harumi.

"What?" he said to the disturber. "Can't you see I'm in a happy place."

Harumi giggled as he smothered his face into her chest. He had no idea that the kitsune wished this moment with him could last forever.

"Get up Clyde. We'll be back on the road in about half an hour," Alice said. "Unlock your door. And what do you mean happy place?"

Harumi sighed.

"I'll get it."

Before Clyde could offer to do it himself, in attempt to score some gentleman points, Harumi was already on her way toward the door, butt fucking naked.

"Wait," Clyde said. "I sense a disturbance."

Harumi froze to stare at him blankly.

"A little bundle of joy," he said softly. "I'll get the shower started."

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"You gave her the ring," Harumi said as he was halfway to the bathroom. "You can't hide yourself." She opened the door, grinning evilly.

"Pervy cheater husbandoooo oniii," Natalia sang cheerfully as she barged into the room. Clyde just barely got into the bathroom in time.

"Why are you naked, Harumi?" Alice said.

"Oh, just love time," Harumi replied simply. "Nothing for you to be uppity about."

Clyde sighed. If his harem was newly formed, then the conversation would be ten times more awkward.

The words, "no big deal" never came out of the women's mouths when the subject matter involved the young man. Damn, they were too good for him.

The door opened as he stepped into the fancy hotel shower.

"Natalia, I swear—"

Harumi entered, her tail and ears still out for washing. Clyde's erection maxed out again.

"Don't take all day," Alice shouted into the bathroom.

"Hurry, hurry pervy nii. You need breakfast," Natalia called.

Despite the urging, Harumi pressed her ass against the young man's wood.

"One for the road?" she said.

"Don't mind if I do," Clyde replied, kissing her.

He gave her a rear-ending that Alice more than likely heard over the roar of the shower.

"I wish we had time for another round," Harumi said after catching her breath post-climax.

Horny Harumi is the best, Clyde thought.

After the rest of the morning activities—one which included the young man almost dropping his toothbrush onto the floor—the party boarded the bus.

Clyde took in Amina's attire. Casual clothes.

"You don't have to stare at me," she said, blushing. She sat on the couch in front of him.

"I'm just taken aback," Clyde said.

"The succubus really is a kind person," Amina said. "She even set me up with personal items like a toothbrush."

Harumi on his left, Alice his right, and Natalia in her lap, Clyde's company for the remainder of the way to Alon was set.

[Ki increased by Harumi!]

Clyde texted his lich, his intention being to check on things back in Lot City. Despite the time being in the middle of the night on that side of the world, Asu still replied. The maidens were deemed non-threatening, innocent and even adorable. She sensed no ill-intent from them. What a relief.

The first thing that strolled through Clyde's thoughts when Ming told him about the Stone Maidens was: red flag. Possibly bitchy women who wanted to use him for power or some other cliché. Leaving Asu behind to examine their souls was just perfect.

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Another buzz from his phone revealed picture messages that he quickly minimized.

Clyde: what the hell, I've got many many prying eyes.

Asu: *blushing emoji* *laughing emoji* *angel emoji*

Clyde shoved his phone into his pocket and laid back. Harumi pulled his head onto her lap…The young man smirked at the trope. The lap pillow. Or maybe it wasn't just a trope. He still appreciated it nonetheless.

"So did you come up with any idea on how to beat He who needs to die," Alice asked.

"A somewhat janky plan," Clyde said. "I still need time to construct it. I also need to learn about Ki. What are the colors and all that jazz."

"I can teach you," Noona said, her seat opposite of Clyde's couch.

"I…can too, if you want."

Clyde eyed Maki who was seated next to Yuki.

"Do you know anything about Blood Ki?" Clyde asked.

Maki nodded.

"Mei…" She gulped, probably remembering the horrible thing she did to her friend while under Achilles' control. "She taught me the Ki types and meanings associated with them."

Noona pouted.

"It's great to be ignored."

"I'm not ignoring you," Clyde said, "I'm just increasing my number of teachers."

Naoko peeked over the couch.

"I see that you're eager to train, onii-chan. Natalia and I will take you to the instance."

Clyde frowned.

"I just wanted some lecturing. If my jank plan's going to work, I need to know why things are the way they are."

"Then your lecture will be in the instance, taught by Noona and Maki," Naoko said.

"I wish I had a costume—I mean the right attire ready," Noona said. "I can still pull off a meannn teacher. Or maybe that sexy teacher." She winked at Clyde.

"Oh, quit being such a cow," Alice said. "Take us to the instance already. Ako, you're coming along too. You have samurai stuff to teach."

"Nya," Ako said.

"Nyyaa, how come you call her by name?" Neko said.

"Oh can it, cat," Alice said.

"Yeah, cat," Natalia said, sticking her tongue out at the catgirl. Neko returned the gesture.

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