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"No takebacks meanie girl," Natalia said to Kitome as she initiated the warp to the spiritual instance.

Clyde, Kitome, Harumi, and Alice found themselves sitting in an outdoor classroom setting with Ako, Naoko, Natalia, Maki, and Noona standing in front of a marker board. Amina rapidly glanced around, freaking the fuck out before realizing the others were present. Blushing heavily, she calmly took a seat in the audience while submerged in Toru-branded blank stares.

"Why am I here?" she said in a defeated voice. Naoko walked over to her.

"Onee-sama, you are a being of wisdom." She bowed. "Please help us."

Amina pet the kuudere loli.

"Entity, raise your head, you do not have to lower it for me. Please, resume your lesson. I shall add where it is needed."

Naoko nodded and took her place to the front of the marker board.

"Maki, you start. Please teach them what you know about Ki. Noona, you follow up with whatever she misses."

"K—Ki is a special manifestation of spiritual energy," Maki began, a little nervousness in her voice. Blushing, she continued with a tad more confidence. "The colors I know are Red, Blue, Black, and Green. Red represents passion and determination. Fire is commonly channeled through it, but I've seen Mei use electricity. She also levitated. Blue represents sorrow, coldness, and sometimes shyness. Ice and pure Ki are easier to channel through it. Truly skilled can connect to nature, summon huge waves of water or glaciers, communicate with marine life. Green represents nature. Mei couldn't use it, but friends of hers called on the wind, talked to animals, nourished plants. Black Ki represents chaos, wickedness, and instability. I really don't understand much about it, except that it can corrupt anyone like some kind of taint."

Clyde's eyes widened. Could black Ki and taint be one and the same? Maybe it's simply taint using Ki as a host. Questions for later.

"That's the gist of it," Maki said. "And then we have blood—"

"You left out some other Ki," Noona interrupted. "Well, I guess not everyone would know about them." She raised a finger. "White Ki for one is…kind of like holy, maybe purity. It's really, really difficult to learn. Then there's golden Ki. That one's kind of lost, but I think my father said ancient dragons granted it to worthy followers a long, long time ago. Some say it was exclusive to the golden dragons. Then there's—"

"Noona," Alice interrupted, her voice tired. "The blood Ki is quite important. Let her finish."

"Sorry, sorry," Noona said. "I was just excited to teach."

"It's okay," Maki said. She addressed Clyde and the others again. "I'll go ahead and say this. Blood Ki is dangerous. It involves tapping into your own life force, the life force of others, or even draining from nature to perform its abilities. I'm not sure how to use it, but…like black Ki, I don't recommend it."

"She is right," Naoko said. "Why do you want to use something like that, onii-chan?"

"It's not that I want to use it, I—"

"No going tsundere on us," Natalia interrupted.

Clyde materialized a pillow, nailing the loli dead center in the face. He warped the book of dark magic from his inventory and passed it to Naoko.

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"I can't access the magic in this book without blood Ki," he said.

"What could possibly be locked within that book, nya," Ako said.

"I can teach you blood Ki," Noona said, "but, I wouldn't recommend it. It hurts."

Clyde didn't miss the pained look in the demoness's eyes.

"I don't intend to use it except to unlock the book." He wasn't fully lying, but sometimes emergencies called for drastic measures.

Noona nodded.

"This will not be so easy to learn. And it will take some time. For now, I will infuse some of my Ki into you. It's going to prepare your blood, bind it to Ki. After a day, you'll be ready for the next step."

"I sure hope the spell in this book is worth it," Clyde said, then he flashed a playful grin. "Get on with it, Noona."

Noona smiled sadly.

"You may feel discomfort."

"Are you sure about this?" Alice said. "Because if you hurt my Clyde—"

"It's okay, Alice," Clyde said.

"I'm with her on this one," Harumi said. "After Maki's explanation of blood Ki, maybe you should think carefully. Is one spell worth the risk?"

"I say no," Kitome said. "Blood Ki is stupid. You've got other incredible powers—why get so hung up on this?"

"This is the first time a magic book was locked to me," Clyde said. "I know it's risky, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get stronger. Sol humiliated me, that kid, Dire, ran us over. Even the elder dragon. I simply didn't belong there." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"But the situations were out of your control," Harumi said, squeezing his hand. "You—"

"We train here to address those issues, onii-chan," Naoko interrupted. "Harumi onee-sama, please allow him to add this to his knowledge pool." Her eyes glistened, a rarity for kuuderes.

Harumi gave in to the cuteness, pulling the loli in for a hug.

"Fine…but I don't want him hurt."

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Naoko nodded. The young man figured Fuyoko would be quite jealous at that moment if she were present.

Noona looked uneasy, perhaps uncomfortable as she placed her delicate hand on Clyde's forehead.

"Here I go."

The feeling of…wasp stings coated the young man's body until he felt like he couldn't take it anymore. Fortunately, the pain subsided just as quickly as it came.

[You have started learning Blood Ki. Warning, this rare Ki line is dangerous. Do not take it lightly.]

[Ki infusion: 1% and increasing…]

Noona nearly collapsed, but Clyde caught her.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"It's a little unsettling on the body, but I'll be fine," Noona replied.

"While she rests, we'll get to today's training," Natalia said. "Then Suicide-chan can finish up with her samurai stuff."

And just like that, Clyde and the others were drilled with mundane exercises, from strength straining to cardio.

At one point, Natalia made him pull her while she was on a sled. He complained at first until the whips came, urging the young man to speed to the goal. The worst training exercise, dictated by Naoko, had him balancing upside down on a super-sharp spike with a single finger coated in sensitive magic. The lolis tickled him every now and then in an attempt to disrupt his concentration.

He barely completed the exercise, sweat pouring from his body in waves.

Ako's training was no easier. At the end of it all, a beautiful prompt rewarded them for the efforts.

[Stone mode recharge time decreased! Taint vanquished!]

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 147 and 148. Stats increased!]

"Fuck, that was so intense I went up two levels," Clyde said.

Abruptly, a sudden rocking ejected Clyde and the others from the spiritual instance. Sophia had pulled over.

"It's Matsuko," she said. "She's finally here."

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Clyde made eye contact with Melody.

"Let's make this quick. We're almost to Alon and don't have time for any delays. If she can give us any clue about stopping He who fucks sheep from attacking us, that would be awesome."

Melody trailing him, Clyde stepped off the bus to meet the fallen angel. She was a busty woman with long silver hair, purple eyes, and large black angel wings. Despite being beautiful, she looked worn out, dark circles beneath her eyes, hair a little messy. Resignation rested deep within that gaze.

Clyde's expression hardened. Standing before him was someone who threatened Team Stone and paid for it.

"What do you want, fallen angel," he said, a god chant oozing involuntarily from his mouth like thunder. She flinched, tears building to the sides of her eyes.

"I've come to give you a warning and tell you how to beat—"

Abruptly, she collapsed. Undine rushed off the bus to cradle the woman in her arms. The reaperess's eyes briefly flashed. Ruri followed.

"She has a terrible fever. Tortured in Achille's hell nonstop… She didn't even choose to be this way. Go get Harumi." She hugged her old friend. Ruri hurried back onto the bus to relay the message. "She wants to disappear."

"Do you know how she became a fallen angel?" Clyde asked, curious.

"On a mission for her region deity, she unexpectedly encountered an area coated with taint, hiding the monster she was supposed to banish from this plane. Celestial simply abandoned her, supposedly having no cure for the taint. The first to enslave her was the Fallen God. I think there were others intrigued at finding some kind of use for fallen angels. At some point, she was sold off to…"

"My father," Melody said. "She started off as a palace servant, very distant from the others. Father saw the use of her power and forced her into his guard where she trained vigorously."

"Let's take her inside," Clyde said. Since Matsuko willingly volunteered important information, he'd take advantage of it. Undine said something quite shocking.

"The monster she was supposed to banish was me."


Stolen Castle…

In adult form, Dire gazed into the mirror, admiring the red reaper's cloak given to her by Aunder. She giggled. He was willing to take on Fatalus just to cure her of the curse. How romantic! Fatalus was one of the most powerful dark goddesses around—Aunder would surely be the one to slay her.

She didn't remember much before that day…yet the hatred and sorrow continued to burn. Her father, the king, supposedly broke a promise to the dark goddess, known as the consultant at the time. That mysterious being possessed a witch and inflicted the curse onto Dire for her amusement. The intense magic emitted random bolts that struck many bystanders, even some as far as one hundred miles away. Yet…her father, who was more than likely cheating on her mother, placed all of the blame on Dire. The cursed girl, the fallen princess, the poison of the kingdom, the downfall of all.

Many family members betrayed her, pushing out the narrative with hopes of claiming the throne for themselves. The young woman, turned into a child, also had the mind of one…And could only cry.

Rocks were thrown at her, fists, bullets were fired… Eventually she gave up hope as a random village captured her. Aunder became her first ray of light and the girl found herself wanting to cling onto it, no matter what.

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The young woman sneezed, involuntarily shrinking back to her small form.

"I guess I'll go prepare dinner for him."

Dire cheerfully made her way through the empty halls until spotting Su Yang standing in front of Aunder's door, longing to go inside.

She sighed.

-)Dire had accessed psychic energy…

-)Dire galvanized Spirit Sight.(-

"I think it's time for you to go, Su Yang," Dire said then chuckled. "He's mine and you're dead. Stay that way."

Her eyes flashed, causing the spiritual woman to collapse to her knees. Su Yang glared defiantly at the silver-haired girl.

"If he…knew the truth…you'd," Su Yang wheezed. Dire laughed, placing her foot on the spirit's neck.

"Oh, whatever could you be talking about, my dear Su Yang," Dire said.

"You…murderer," Su Yang said, gasping. "You…"

Dire shook her head, grinning.

"Come now, you know that I wasn't the one who poisoned you." She sat next to the ghostly woman's head and caressed it. "Sure, I watched you die, maybe even reveled in it a bit, but the fault all falls onto you." The rest came out darkly. "After all, your lack of security got me thrown in an underground cell, beaten, and left to die." Dire chuckled.

"You! You didn't…try to call for help, you watched, smiling. And let those women abduct you, despite having the power to crush them all. You were the one that cast my spirit and my sister's to some god's Hell."

Dire laughed in Su Yang's face.

"You can't prove any of that. But hey, I'm feeling a little generous today, Su Yang. You were always nice to me, so I'll bounce you back to where my future husband stashed you. This time you'll be banished from this plane." She pat Su Yang's head. "Try not to come back, else I won't be so easy again. I'll send you to Achilles' Hell."

-)Dire galvanized Spiritual Banish! This is an unblockable and undodgeable skill.(-

"I swear, I'll get the truth to him! I swear it!" Su Yang yelled as tears fell from her eyes. Her voice wouldn't be heard. And there, she faded, never to return to Satovia again.

Dire stood, brushing off her skirt and cloak.

"I'll form a new party for my master. No slaves, no stupid Venus girls. And I'll find people with the passion to fix the injustice of this world. My revenge will come later." She looked at the spot that held Su Yang moments ago. "Good riddance. For your sake, may we never cross paths again."

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