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Clyde and the others gathered around Matsuko, Sophia driving and Fuyoko talking with her. The young man did not miss her seemingly distaste of fallen angels. Not that his feelings were any better. He'd rather dump her ass off on the side of the road and be done with this situation.

However, her warning was intense.

"You can't easily kill him," Matsuko said. "He's a dark god, it shouldn't come across as a surprise." She took a calm sip of the sake Yuki provided. "That's amazing stuff. Anyway, your best bet will be to banish him from the realm. It's a temporary solution, that may only serve to piss him off, but what else can you do? We're mere mortals."

"Is that all?" Clyde said. "I mean Kanako would've thought of that—she's done so against his shadow."

"I wish it was," Matsuko said. "I really do. But, it's not just about banishing. It is where you target the spell that counts. And if he anticipates, he may focus is efforts on the caster, flee, or pull some god-like shit. Many of his spells and curses blend, inflicting a lot of status alignments. I know. I tried to resist him in his Hell. It's nothing short of a miracle that he let me out to supposedly find Melody. Target the horns."

Clyde's eyes widened.

"Sophia, stop the bus. Pull over now."

She did.

"Why are you looking at me like that," Matsuko said.

"Fuck, I should've realized it sooner," Clyde said. "You'd think we'd learn a little something after what happened with Hijo."

Alice seemed to be the first to catch onto the young man's implications, her eyes widened, her hand dropping to the hilt of Hellbreaker.

"You have to get off," Clyde said, a deadly warning in his voice. "Now. If you really came to help us that is."

Matsuko seemed to wilt, yet she obeyed. The moment the young woman stepped out, Alice immediately contained her within a barrier.

"What are you doing?" she said then sighed. "Wait, before you kill me, please…if you can, unbound me from him. Or...I can just give up my own existence."

"Your bonds with him were erased the moment you stepped into my presence," Clyde assured. "I hate to break it to you…but you're a trap. The best traps are pawns who don't know they're pawns."

"What's going on?" Undine said as she hurried off the bus. "Clyde, why are you doing this?"

"I know you feel responsible for her predicament," Clyde said to Undine, "but I look out for Team Stone before anyone else. Remember what happened to Hijo last night."

Her eyes widened, then fell to shame and sadness.

"It's okay," Matsuko told her. "You're not to blame for my life situation, so tone down the arrogance, old rival." She looked at Clyde. "He's got black Ki inside of me, doesn't he?"

Clyde nodded.

"I couldn't detect it at first, but mainly because I wasn't looking for it," Clyde said. "I hate to break the news this way, but you're just another meal to him. The good news is that your soul won't go to the dark god, but as for where it goes, who knows?"

Matsuko paled. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that my crappy life ends once again with the possibility of never finding peace. Don't look at me with pity. Hurry up and kill me already."

Tears fell from the eyes of Undine. The guilt was probably unbearable for the reaperess. She didn't have the darkness to blanket her away from the pillage of emotions.

"We're not going to kill you," Clyde said. "You will be left here. Wherever you fly is up to you. Maybe you'll discover a way to get rid of his influence, the black Ki inside or something."

Melody tilted her head.

"I don't know how I feel about this. By your logic, Clyde, shouldn't Maki receive the same treatment?"

"No," Matsuko said. "That girl has been expunged of any connection to Achilles. She doesn't have the capability of containing black Ki. There is one other, who he told me about, in which he declared a thorn in his side."

"One other?" Undine said.

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"Someone named Naomi," Matsuko said. "She apparently was quite fearsome in her past and owns a cursed sword that Achilles wants her to use again. Thankfully, the girl overcame him each time and is protected by Venus."

Clyde's eyes finally stop widening. He wanted to know why Naomi hid this from them, but knew he had no real right to ask. She wanted to move on from her past. The young man respected that.

After a long thought, Clyde addressed Harumi, the last to step off the bus.

"Are you sure you can't purify her with your kitsune powers?"

Harumi shook her head.

"I tried, but my purifying ability still operates through magic. The fallen angel taint and the black Ki are way too resistant."

The young man made his decision.

"Release her Alice," Clyde said. "We're leaving." He looked at Matsuko. "Maybe someday when I have a full gist of my powers, I will find and purify you. Until then, hang on. Don't cause trouble or needlessly throw your life away."

Matsuko turned, wiping suspiciously at her eyes. She chuckled.

"I think I'll take you up on that."

"Where will you go?" Undine said, worried.

"First, I'll go retrieve the money I stashed away, then go somewhere with mountains and a village that has a nice place for me to drink."

[Adventure Side Quest. Purify Matsuko. It seems like purifying a fallen angel was even beyond Harumi's capabilities. She's not at full power yet—but you've already made a "cool" declaration to Matsuko. Reward: Matsuko's devotion, EXP, unknown high rewards. Note: side quests are completely optional. You may even assign them to be completed by other party members. They will receive a portion of the EXP and rewards.]

Matsuko stretched her wings when Alice released her. "Remember what I said. Banish him using his horns as a target."

"Good advice," Clyde said, "but if we run into Achilles, we will go for the kill."

"I will only hope for your success." Matsuko looked at Alice. "I was too caught up before, but you really do resemble your mother. How time flies."

She launched into the air right as Alice opened her mouth to ask questions. Airi just happened to be out at that moment, her eyes starry.

"Wait!" she yelled at the sky too late. The fallen angel was long gone. "I have questions about the heavens. And do angels really poop gold?"

Harumi softly facepalmed before pulling her friend onto the bus.

Clyde and Alice snickered.

"What will we do without Airi?" Alice said.

"Wonder about the mysteries of angel poop, I guess," Clyde replied with a chuckle, following the young woman as she boarded the bus. When everyone was seated, Sophia proceeded with the drive. Clyde could not ignore the thought: he ended up dumping Matsuko off on the side of the road anyway.

Everyone conversed or tuned into their electronic devices, took naps, or read. Four hours passed without incident. They only stopped once to refuel. A voice from the bus's GPS spoke over the intercom system.

"Now crossing the bridge into the Nation of Alon, of the Alonian continent. Its neighboring nation is Lewdlands. Destination is now set to Nation Seat: Attincusburon. One hour remaining…"

Clyde received the area unlocked prompt for the bridge area, not that he had any plans to visit it.

"Onii-chan, training."

Clyde shot the kuudere loli a blank stare.

"Say whattt?" he said in a playful way.

"Your final training session." She crawled into his lap. Harumi pulled her away.

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"She's so cute," Harumi said.

Natalia was asleep in Alice's lap.

"I see you're adapting a lesser troublesome loli than mine," Alice said with a chuckle. Harumi smiled at her.

Clyde saw just a brief of longing before Fuyoko quickly turned away, pretending to read her Loli Saga magazine.

"What training are we talking?" Clyde asked.

"I will come at you with full power. Onii-chan, you must survive for one minute."

"Naoko. This isn't a good choice of training," Harumi said.

"I must test his resolve," Naoko continued. "Survive with a strong will or fall, learning nothing from the training." She gazed into Clyde's eyes. "If you somehow defeat me, onii-chan, then you would have greatly surpassed my expectations."

"Then you could take her as a wife, pervy cheater onii," Natalia said.

"Don't wake up suddenly to say weird shit," Clyde comedically snarled.

Naoko simply stared at the young man, expressionless. No blush, no emotion.

"We've got to teach you how to smile," Clyde said to the kuudere loli. She only blinked.

"She's still so cute," Harumi said.

"She's hundreds of years old, no need to treat her like a child," Seth said, laughing.

"You shouldn't bring up a girl's age, dummy blond-san," Naoko said, causing everyone to anime-fall to their sides.

"Not you too," Seth said. Nina and Alice took half a minute to finally stop laughing.

"Is that not your name?" Naoko said, suspicious innocence in her eyes. "Natalia told me so."

Natalia grinned evilly at the blond.

"Someday, I'll get you back, you stupid kid," Seth said.

"Oh dummy blond, you will never learn," Natalia said, shaking her head.

"Says the girl who hasn't hit puberty," Seth said.

"Knock it off you two," Clyde said. "We've got less than an hour left. Naoko, take me away."

"I want to see Clyde get his balls handed to him," Seth said.

"Leave the idiot," Clyde and Natalia simultaneously said.

"What about you, Fumi," Seth said. "Do you want to go?"

Fumi sighed.

"I'll pass."

"You know she doesn't like violence," Toru said. "Take Fuyoko with you."

"No," Fuyoko said simply.

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"She'll flip if Naoko gets hit once," Seth said.

"Do you wish to be turned to stone, dummy-blond," Fuyoko said.

"Oh, come on, not you too," Seth said. "Don't join the brigade of the flat-chested lolis."

The lolis glared at him.

"Naoko," Clyde said.

Naoko sighed and then initiated the teleport. The young man felt more than grateful that she left Seth on the bus. He didn't need the kuudere loli "accidentally" launching a super-deadly ball of energy at him.

Clyde and Naoko took their places before the audience of Alice, Harumi, Sazuki, and Kitome.

"Dammit Noona," Sazuki said. "She really pushed me into the transfer."

"I guess I'll go train over there," Kitome said. She grabbed Natalia. "Come on shrimp. Make yourself useful as a trainer."

"Harumi! Help! Meanie girl's bullying me," Natalia pleaded.

"Are you ready, onii-chan?" Naoko said without taking a stance. "I will allow you to throw a free punch."

"I really don't want to punch you," Clyde said. "Maybe that's why no one bothered to invite Tetra in here?"

"Noona tried," Sazuki said, "but Tetra's doing detective stuff."

"You may cast or attack, onii-chan, but you must survive for a minute. I will not go easy on you."

"At least give him a hug afterward," Harumi said.

[You have been challenged to…a questionable spar by Naoko.]

[Challenge: You probably cannot win, as Naoko's an entity and she will not go easy on you. Survive for one minute.]


You mean, Life and Death, right System? Clyde thought as he watched Naoko. She seemingly had no guard up. Time to test a spell…but not in the most obvious way.

All of the training the lolis put him through smashed into his head like a truck. Suddenly, the kuudere loli nodded.

[Naoko activated GODDESS tier skill: Surface of the Sun Burn. This is an unblockable attack.]

Clyde flashed stepped out of the way right as the loli raised her hand. The red beam she released blasted away the entire forest! Not a single tree remained. Good thing this place wasn't constructed to have wildlife.

"Holy fucking shit, Vegeta," Clyde snapped. "Are you seriously trying to kill me?"

"Survive, onii-chan. Show us that you're truly the leader of Team Stone," Naoko said, still standing in the same spot. Then she was gone.

Clyde recognized this as one of the training evolutions, except with the danger being five thousand percent more real. He concentrated, utilizing mystic senses. Where is she…

Abruptly, he dropped to the ground to dodge a giant beam of instant death red magic that came out of nowhere, unmentioned by a prompt until after it destroyed the mountains.

[Naoko used GODDESS tier skill: Surface of the Sun Burn version 2. This is an unblockable attack. Chance to instantly vaporize you is inevitable. Cannot be block by any blessing or magic.]

Well, so much for counting on Noona's blessing to stop instant death skills. Naoko reappeared on top of Clyde's shoulder when he stood.

"This is the longest minute ever," Clyde said.

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"Ten seconds, but you lose. Goodbye to the afterlife, failed Stone," Naoko said, glowing finger pointed at him.

His eyes widened as time seemed to slow. This was it. Naoko seriously intended to kill him. The others surely wouldn't take this lightly. It'd be a massacre…

But it was too late.

[Naoko used—]

Clyde's body seemed to react on instinct as he miraculously ducked beneath the death beam. He wrapped his arms around the loli and cast. He still took tremendous damage, just from a grazing, but he couldn't give up. His team depended on him.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 2.5%]

[Clyde activated *Tier 0 skill: Eternal Soul Wind!]

[*Tier 0 skill: Eternal Soul Wind. Summon an extremely destructive storm upon your enemies. Does severe damage. Does Wind, Dark, and Almighty damage. Chance to paralyze enemies at 3%. Chance to cause Soul blight at 3%. Soul blight damage has a chance to instantly send an enemy's HP to 1%. Souls become vulnerable for the taking while inflicted with this blight. *Due to your high relationship status with Chika, this is an unblockable attack. ]

The black and gray magic mixed with wind, which didn't belong on any living plane, blasted Naoko into the distance. She landed at least eighty meters ahead.

[ DOUBLE PIERCING CRITICAL! CRUCIAL! Naoko's HP has dropped to 2000% of 3000%]

Fuck… Well, I tried, Clyde thought.

Naoko stood, face still lacking emotion, but dark green aura surrounded her.

"You have broken through my shields," she said. "Let's—" She coughed blood.

[Naoko was inflicted with Soul blight!]

[Soul blight has reduced Naoko's HP to 1%] Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

[Naoko can no longer hold on to the will to fight.]

Harumi immediately interjected, healing both combatants.

[Challenge passed!]

[Alternate challenge, miraculously won!]

[You have reached level 149! Stats increased!]

[Spiritual Blaze burst has double-evolved into Special tier skill: Molten Burst of the Fiery Deities.]

[Molten Burst of the Fiery Deities [evolution 3] . Type: spiritual, fire, deity. Class: mysterious. Call upon holy fire to destroy your enemies. Will always target multiple enemies. This is an unblockable skill. Chance to inflict Super-severe burns on enemies with even the slightest weakness to fire at 95%. Chance to inflict quadruple damage to all dark creatures among all attributes.

[Do not forget that you are still learning the source of power, Cosmic energy! REALLY get to know Ruri. Deepen the bond between Ruri and Alice. Cosmic energy is incredibly rare and powerful. The use of it could truly help you.]

[You have started learning Pyro Master form. Ki required to obtain this transformation: Fire at 37. Intensity at 8. Agility at 11.]

Okay, he needed a new Ki cultivation method as soon as possible! A new transformation…Goddammit Shonen.

This was a lot to take in… Too bad Clyde didn't get that chance. The entire instance rocked, ejecting everyone. When he came to on the bus, his eyes widened.

They were flipped to the side, a gaping hole above them. Team Stone members groaned, but no one seemed to be seriously injured.

Clyde…felt black Ki…

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