Clyde briefly glanced at Harumi as she cast healings and buffs on the hurt before turning his attention to the hole.

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"Alice," he said.

She nodded. Stretching a hand forward, the young woman allowed tendrils of pink magic to cover everyone. With her telekinesis, she righted the bus while holding Team Stone into place, before sitting them down.

Clyde assessed the damage. Surprisingly, everything seemed fine with an exception of the hole on the right side of the bus.

"Ming's warning," Chika said softly, coughing as Harumi's healing took root. "If not for her, those of us sitting on that side of the bus would probably be dead."

Clyde added this situation to the list of fuckery. One in a million chance that a random fucking bus would be hit by what seemed like a missile. Still…

He spared a brief glance at Amina, her worried inspection of the others altering the impression of Satovia. Maybe. They did catch her up on Achilles, a dark god that she already knew about. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"It's strange. No other people, no authorities," Clyde said. "But the air is tinged with fading black Ki. I'm going to take a look. Kitome, Alice, Natalia, let's go. Everyone else, catch up when you're fully cleared by Harumi. Ako, since you're an observer, please stay back and guard Amina."

"Let me come along," Amina said. "Trust me, I can easily hold my own."

"Then I shall follow at your side," Ako said. "It is an order from the Stone. If I don't follow, then I must commit seppuku.

"I'm coming too, onii-chan," Naoko said. She hugged his leg. "The hug I owe you."

Fuyoko sighed, joining up with the group.

"She's already taken," she said to Clyde, picking up the small girl. "You can't have her." She winked. Naoko simply blinked. "Put me to use too. I said I was going to be a part of Team Stone and I have no intention of stepping down." She gave a warning glance to Airi. "The adventurer in me can wait."

Clyde gave her a brief skeptical glance, but had little time to wonder about the relationship between those two.

"Let's go, but be warned. We may find Achilles waiting for us."

[Emergency quest! Investigate the outside. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused.]

"You be careful out there," Tetra said tiredly.

Clyde nodded then stepped off the bus, his selected party following, hands on the hilts of their weapons.

They were on the side of a dead highway. The lack of people only made the young man's stomach drop even further. He had enough of this shit. What was up with the stupidity of anime villains, anyway?

Achilles unleashed a deadly blast of magic, knowing damn well that Melody was on the bus. Why would he risk his target like that? Clyde hoped he didn't lose sleep over these thoughts.

"Today's just not our fucking day," Kitome said. "How long do you think it will take for the hole to be repaired? Do you think the hotel we're headed to will be attacked by this creep?"

A dark voice from the sky answered her.

"The short answer to that is yes and no." It chuckled. "What would I gain from killing a bunch of worthless weaklings who are not worth a cent of my time? It seems like Matsuko has vanished and failed me. Well, it doesn't matter. I don't need the trap. Izanami! Give yourself over to me. You know escape is impossible. I've shown you that. If you want your friends to live, come to my shrine. Offer yourself as a sacrifice."

"Who? It doesn't matter. You can fuck yourself," Clyde said to the sky. "Come face us! Show yourself."

"Come to my shrine, Izanami," the voice continued.

"Achilles, by interfering in the stone-viper games, you are violating Celestial law," Ako said.

Achilles laughed darkly. Suddenly, whispers echoed everywhere and nowhere like the hisses of snakes.

"Death is inevitable, death is inescapable, death and darkness, eternal darkness."

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The whispers grew louder and louder to the point that Clyde swore someone screamed in his ear at the top of their lungs.

"Make it stop," Natalia said. "You stupid loudmouth."

The whispered abruptly ceased into eerie silence.

"Fourth rider of Achilles' apocalypse approaches," a voice whispered. "You who challenges the dark god, He Who Paints the Night has been sentenced to die."

[SYSTEM WARNING! You have been challenged by the Barbanos, the Fourth rider of He Who Paints the Night.]

[Your party entered a MAXED DEATH SENTENCE!]

"Go my loyal servant, slay those who spoke when unaddressed," Achilles said. "Such disrespect will not go unpunished."

Someone in solid black ancient Roman-style armor emerged from the ground, covered in a thick black miasma, its eyes glowing white, armed with a massive sword as dark as midnight.

"Izanami, you have caused this upon your friends," Achilles said from the sky. "You hide on the bus, but no one can escape my voice. You will bear my child."

Clyde frowned. He figured the bastard spoke to Melody, using her second name so freely. This name in which she hadn't even told the young man. A name she more than likely parted with for a better life. And this asshole wanted to crash her resolve.

"Melody, you have nothing to fear from this fucker," Clyde said. "I will—we will protect you." He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see the redhead standing there, eyes filled with determination.

Then she transformed.

[The dark goddess has awakened…]

[Melody's goddess blood switched from dormant to active.]

[Melody is unaffected by magic.]

Clyde analyzed the creature that stood meters ahead.

Barbanos, the Fourth rider of He Who Paints the Night.

Level: ???

Type: ???

Work under: He Who Paints the Night.

Special: Black Ki.

Weakness: White Ki x50.

Resistances: dark and its attributes.

"So beauty, all mine," Achilles said, laughing. "Come to my shrine in the Nation's seat. It is time to leave this plane. It is time to create the universe's strongest offspring. We shall mock your father together for humiliating you."

Clyde shook his head. "Achilles, you've got one thing wrong. She's mine. My fiancée actually. So kindly fuck off."

"He's right you know," Melody said. "And I do not want anyone else. So what he said. Fuck off."

"Language strawberry head," Natalia said. "You're still a princess."

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Melody sighed tiredly.

"Barbanos, kill him," Achilles said. His presence vanished, last words being, "The Shrine. Or will it be a place to challenge me…I dare you to be so arrogant against a god."

Barbanos held his sword out to the side as he approached Team Stone.

"Be careful," Clyde said. "This fucker has no level, but I know I'm not the only one who can feel that crazy power."

Barbanos suddenly laughed.

"You lack the will, you lack the talent, you lack the desire for blood. You are weak."

Clyde just barely blocked the huge black sword with Bloodlight—the flash step from the knight was even faster than his. The force of the impact spiraled the young man backward. And he saw a blade descend toward his face before getting the chance to recover.

Alice intervened with Hellbreaker just in time, but she struggled to hold the block. Clyde wasted no time getting up.

[Clyde invoked Mystic Calm….]

[Transformation failed. Magic is negated while in close range of Barbanos.]

"Fuck, magic doesn't work when you're too close to him."

"It doesn't matter, because I'm far enough," Natalia said, casting.

[Natalia activated Modified Gold tier skill: Indignation.]

Clyde and Alice jumped backward as a bolt of golden lightning struck the knight.

[Barbanos's HP has dropped from 3000% to 2999%]

"One percent damage," Clyde whispered.

Barbanos chuckled darkly.

"Like I said, weak. Relying on magic, luck, friendship, teamwork, honor, and hope. These are the things that weaken a warrior. These are the things that dull the blades of even the greatest sword masters."

[Barbanos's Senkai has risen to 30%....]

[You have a sinking feeling at what will happen if it reaches 100%]

[Objective: Disable enemy Senkai.]

A purple aura appeared around the monster as he aimed his sword at Clyde.


"Don't ignore us," Fuyoko said. "I'll turn you to stone!"

[Fuyoko activated Special tier skill: Medusa's Curse!]

[Barbanos's Senkai has risen to 50%....]

Barbanos snorted, backhanding her before the magic could materialize. Clyde charged after the knight with his own flash step, his mind filled with the training. Just because he was a fucking creature of an apocalypse didn't mean they'd sit around like punching bags.

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[Fuyoko's HP has dropped to 213% Fuyoko is stunned.]

Bloodlight at the ready, Clyde shouted, "hey fuckface, fight me."

The knight chuckled.


Clyde carefully timed his attack, putting Bloodlight's capabilities to use for once.

[Clyde activated Bloodlight's Flood Slash!]

[Barbanos's Senkai has risen to 80%....]

[Legendary Sword: Bloodlight +150 to attack. Solar element. Can fire raw magic from the weapon. Does magic damage. Lv. 5]

[Clare upgrade: Be careful with swinging this magnificent weapon. It can slash a giant mountain in two with its ability: Flood Slash.]

[Clare upgrade: Solar Reckoning. You can fire an enormous amount of solar magic, capable of vaporizing enemies. Does Intense solar damage. Chance to blind at 4% Chance to mute at 11% Chance to roast every cell in someone's body at 1%]

At first, he was a little nervous that the monster's magic negation would snuff it out, but his calculations were spot on.

Except…Barbanos caught the attack with a single hand.


[Barbanos's Senkai has risen to 90%....]

<Barbanos accessed Black Ki>

<Barbanos channeled Final Closure>

[Naoko activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Athena's last hum!]

Barbanos gasped as he cut off his own Ki attack to put up some kind of barrier. This was Clyde's chance! He couldn't waste it. All of the training for this. Stone mode wasn't here to save his ass anymore.

Clyde activated Shatter strike, bursting Barbanos's barrier to pieces, slashing into his armor. Alice, filled to the brim with radiant magic, unleashed her attack.

[Shatter Strike 9. Does physical and fire damage. Chance to break barriers at 46%.]

[Alice activated Silver tier skill: Silver Raid crushing beam.]

The silver and pink magic slammed like a truck into the knight, getting no more than a grunt from him.

[Amina activated Special tier skill: Call of the Sorceress's Grace. This is an undodgeable skill.]

[Fuyoko activated Silver tier skill: Leveling heat factor. This is an unblockable skill.]

[Naoko continues to rest due to magical backlash.]

[Natalia activated Special tier skill: Princess Dire Spiral!]

[Melody activated Special tier skill: Unlimited rose shattering break.]

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[Kitome activated Special tier skill: Lovey-lovey heart breaker tornado.]

Clyde almost anime-fell backward. Despite the ridiculousness of Kitome's attack name, the hearts were like bombs as they blasted the knight.

[Barbanos takes no damage. Barbanos is dazed from Kitome's skill.]

An opening…

"Fuck yeah Kitome!" Clyde said as he swung Bloodlight. He wasn't sure if this was going to work, but they were at the do or die portion of the fight. Barbanos could not be damaged by regular means. If this didn't work, Team Stone was finished. The Senkai was surely full at this point.

[Clyde activated Floodslash.]

He swung with all of his might, hopes, and desires to protect Team Stone. Really, he just wanted to fucking kill the guy.

And Clyde's aim held true. Bloodlight lopped off the knight's head, sending it flying like an oversized baseball.

The fight didn't end, however.

[Senkai disabled!]

[Barbanos's defenses have been temporary disabled! Now is your chance! Slash away!]

"Everybody give it all you've got! Clyde yelled. His team did, firing as much magic as possible. Clyde took the prompt to heart, utilizing his physical attacks, conserving his MP just in case Achilles returned.

The knight's head…or helmet returned to its body within a minute, but Team Stone dealt a fair share of damage, Alice outputting the most.

[Barbanos's HP has dropped to 1450%]

"Well done, that actually hurt," the knight said, the humor from his dark voice barely there. He jumped into the air, maintaining a hover many meters above the ground, aiming his sword downward. Before Clyde and the others caught onto the next phase of his attack, blasts of dark energy rained down.

Everyone took heavy damage as they moved to dodge.

[Critical! Clyde's HP has dropped to 254%]

That was a lot of damage. Too much. One more hit could end him. Fortunately, Alice took on the healing role.

[Alice activated Medium Multi-Heal!]

[Clyde's HP has increased to 446%]

A burst of black aura surrounded the knight as he held his sword into the air.

"Yeah fuck that, I'm not waiting on him to attack," Clyde said, switching to his staff.

[Clyde activated Special tier skill: Molten Burst of the Fiery Deities.]

[Special tier skill: Molten Burst of the Fiery Deities [evolution 3] . Type: spiritual, fire, deity. Class: mysterious. Call upon holy fire to destroy your enemies. Will always target multiple enemies. This is an unblockable skill. Chance to inflict Super-severe burns on enemies with even the slightest weakness to fire at 95%. Chance to inflict quadruple damage to all dark creatures among all attributes.]

He wasn't expecting the golden giant blast of fire to do much, but it surprised him with explosive contact. Barbanos dropped to the ground without much fanfare. Alice was already there, slicing off the head with Hellbreaker.

They slashed and cast as much as possible, Clyde dealing the most damage in this round.

The head returned much sooner this time. Barbanos roared with fury, his aura red.

[Barbanos's HP has dropped to 450%]

"Enough! I'm done playing games. It is time I carry out my lord's orders, for I am the fourth rider of his wrath upon this world."

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