"Cause I'm the fourth rider of his wrath upon this world," Clyde mocked in an exaggerated chivalrous knight voice. "Overdramatic much? You know what, I've had enough of you taking up our time, you fucking mini-boss. Tear."

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[Tear's wrath has reached 100%... Something's going to die.]

Tear appeared at Barbanos's side, wings out mid-hover, her hand overflowing with holy magic. A succubus wielding the holy element just to show off a level of badassery that would give even Saitama a run for his money.

"Die," she said, unleashing her magic.

[Tear activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Right hand of Mary!]

[Number of summons left: 1.]

Barbanos roared, falling to the ground, landing in a position that reminded Clyde of Yamcha from Dragon Ball for some reason. Within seconds, the knight faded into dust and purple flames, blowing harmlessly into the wind.

Clyde never doubted Tear's immense power, but killing a Super boss in one strike? Holy fucking shit.

[SUPER CRITICAL! CRUCIAL! Barbanos's HP has dropped to 0%]


[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 15 million EXP. *Book of Blue Ki, Hyper sex potion, Full Restoration Potion, 200 million dollars, Potion of Ki Wishes. Item Class: Epic. ]

[Congratulations, you have reached level 150! Stats increased!]

[Angel Spirit Wave has evolved to Unknown tier skill: Wrath of Raijin and Fujin.]

[Wrath of Raijin and Fujin [evolution 3]. Type: spiritual, holy, deity. Class: mysterious. You can only use this if you have 200% MP or more. Shoot a wave of godly energy. Does Immense spiritual damage. Chance to inflict triple super-severe damage on dark creatures at 35%.

Chance to cause spiritual blight at 59%. Does holy and purity damage.

[If conditions are met, this attack will become Super Fallen Angel Spirit Wave instead. Will do demonic and taint damage. Chance to cause agony at 41%. Chance to do quadruple damage on non-dark creatures at: 37%. Chance to summon out of control dark creatures from the abyss at 1%]

[Your special/ultimate, Omen's Desolation has evolved to God tier skill: Godly Omen Crush.]

[Special: God tier skill: Godly Omen Crush. Does immense deity, almighty, holy, light, and purity damage. Chance to instantly kill some enemies. While this attack comes out as an enormous blast of energy, you may condense it into a single punch, adding colossal physical damage.]

[Warning, God tier skills will drain an enormous amount, maybe even all of your MP upon use. Use sparingly. You do not have to train this skill.]

Clyde felt the surge of new strength pulse through him, but now wasn't the time to appreciate it. They had to catch up to Achilles and deal with the bastard once and for all. The dark god constantly harassed the party, from injecting Maki with black Ki like a lab rat, to playing a role that almost led to the destruction of his friend, Toru. He even tortured Matsuko to the point of wanting her existence erased.

The young man just wanted to finish his first adventure quest, a huge step toward actually completing the stone-viper games. Maybe the world star fragments played as the key component… And of course the Omen's spheres.

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-Free points: 200.

-Wanted rep Harpy clan: 5/5.

-Omen's spheres (some call them orbs): 8 of 25. (2 of 5 super)

-Sato Academy Crafting Permission.

-*World Star Fragments*: 1/7.

- Faith level 20. Faith points: 10.

-Chaotic energy: 1. ]

Finite numbers. That meant there was an end to this fuckery after all. He simply had to work for it. That left killing the Viper…

"We're going after Achilles," Clyde said. "I won't visit the princess until—"


Clyde turned to stare blankly at Amina.

"Really?" he said.

"What's this about a princess?" she asked.

"Long story," Clyde said, "now let's go."

"What will we do about the bus, pervy nii?" Natalia said.

"If it still works, we'll ride that fucker to the hotel," Clyde said. "Toru will arrange for some speedy repairs. Tear, make sure the bill touches on Ashfall funds."

"Always Ashfall money," Tear said with a chuckle.

"I wonder if he thinks of his lost money while taking it balls deep—"

"He's a butt hole!" Natalia sang, interrupting Kitome.

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Clyde snickered, then gestured for the team to follow. Lady Luck probably smiled on them, because the bus started without any issue. They covered the hole with a sheet, magic, and Melody's illusion ability. Good thing too because the traffic eerily returned, people driving as if nothing happened.

No further incident occurred on the way to the nation's seat, although Clyde felt it was out of arrogance and overconfidence on Achilles' part.

The city made Clyde's mouth drop. It looked like something out of the Jetsons, futuristic and with flying cars. But…the people coming in and out of the city were driving normal vehicles. What the hell?

"It's one of the most advanced cities in the world," Airi said from the seat in front of the young man.

"You've been here before?" Clyde asked.

"No, but many people heard of this place," Airi said then she frowned. "I can only cringe for you at the possible hotel bill."

"Good thing money won't be an issue for us for a while," Clyde said. Except…despite being a billionaire, he could hardly afford anything in the ID store. The System's prices were horseshit.

"Oh, uhm, Alonians are famous for being short-tempered," Airi blabbed. "They're also known for getting people drunk and rear-ending them right at the bars, if you know what I mean."

Clyde shot the Super Druid a skeptical look. She shrugged, giving the young man a sheepish smile.

"Yeah…remind me to never go to a bar in this place," Seth said. "I wouldn't trust the women to not try pegging in public."

"It's common around here," Airi said. "And disturbing. But only in the bars."

"How disgusting," Melody said. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Humans being humans," Alice said, shaking her head.

"Well, there are more than just humans here," Airi continued. "This place has been rumored to accept monsters as long as they maintain human or a human-like appearance. Harpies aren't allowed to do whatever though—so the law's a bit more constricting on them. I think there may be some elves and dwarves here too. Monster girls of course. Male elves and dwarves are extremely rare and are probably not permitted to leave their native nations."

"This is the first time I've heard of this," Tear said. "I wonder how many residents of the Monster Kingdoms know…" Her voice trailed off in thought.

When Sophia parked the bus in the hotel's sophisticated garage, Clyde stood.

"Take an hour to rest, stretch, do whatever. Toru, you will call for someone to handle the bus repairs. Tear will toss the costs into the Ashfall treasury. Chika, Alice, research any local shrines around. Try to pick the ones that best fit the chance of being Achilles' shrine." He looked at Airi. "Make sure everyone has read those magic books of yours before resting."

After everyone grabbed their keycards, they set off to their rooms. Clyde didn't realize Melody followed until she jumped him in the shower.

He couldn't resist her, even if he wanted to.

"You're my Soother," she said softly. "You're supposed to do perverted things to me all the time."

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Those words seemed to be the trigger for the super boner. Oh, the poison of this world. Okay, so maybe hearing those words leak from a girl as pure as Melody jolted him like the first sensation of ice cream caressing a tongue.

And speaking of tongue, the young man had a field day with his redheaded fiancée. When he entered her, worries of the world melted away, giving room to the tight game of…ringing the doorbell. Their breathing set into a rhythmic form.

He glided his tongue among Melody's slightly above-average breasts then kissed her again and again. Her moaning increased as he plowed into the woman, both mutual feelings as expansive as the ocean. He took in her flowery scent and even the faint taste of mint from her tongue…

After they finished the shower that almost resulted in him impregnating the redhead, the duo dressed in light clothing for a nap.

He felt like only five minutes passed before shaking pulled him back into reality. The young man took notice of the women asleep with him. Melody for the right, Harumi asleep on his left shoulder. Ruri was curled in his lap, Natalia above her.

He looked up to see that Yuki was the one that woke him, responsible as always.

"No wonder why I felt a weight crushing me in my dreams," Clyde joked. Yuki sighed.

"From the look on your face, I can tell you had a good sleep," she said then leaned over, delivering a kiss to him. "I could use a cuddle buddy tonight, so share some of that good sleep with me."

Clyde chuckled.

"I will wholeheartedly oblige." He kissed her back, strength seeming to surge through him. She…was at the upmost confidence that they'd take down a fucking dark god and then sleep off the day in a sex-filled—cuddly celebration. Her kind words really did put his mind at ease. "Let's get them up and do this. Well, assuming Chika and Alice had any luck."

"See for yourself," Yuki said. "Well, Airi did help them in the end. You can't just give away her dungeon-finding job."

Clyde chuckled. He massaged Ruri's head, while shaking her awake. Yuki picked up Natalia, then shook Melody. The young man shook Harumi and of course greeted the kitsune with a kiss, but not before setting Ruri on the other side of the bed.

The pink-haired girl seemed to appreciate the love, her return kiss brimming of passion.

"Everyone gear up," Clyde said. "It's make it or break it time."

[Quest. Road trip: final stage. Destroy Achilles, He Who Paints the Night. This quest is being observed by all watchers. Do not fail. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Reward: unknown.]

Clyde sighed. Okay, so the Watchers wanted him dead. Why not send the Punishment Squad or whatever to deal with this problem? Why the overdramatic, super-deadly test? He doubted they were that confident in his victory. Ah well, nothing he could do now except to face the task head on.

He quickly dressed in some comfortable fighting clothes…well, a basic shirt and jeans, and then strolled into the main room to check on Alice and Chika's progress.

They had the suspicious location printed out for him. The system added it to his Mental Navigation System.

"Good shit," Clyde told them. "Did you two rest well?"

"Sort of," Alice said.

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"I should've…refueled a little," Chika said, giving the young man a grin. "But I'll manage. Even against He who loves being a jerkoff."

Seth walked in, yawning, Toru and Fuyoko following.

"Dude, I don't know about you, but my stomach's doing flips right now," Seth said, stretching his arms, his bat strapped to his back. "I mean we're facing a fucking god."

"Well maybe if you didn't channel your magic through a bat, you'd feel confident," Matsume said as she strolled in, dressed in clothing that hugged her body. Kitome nodded in agreement. Clyde forced his eyes away from the hellhound's massive breasts. Then looked again.

He cleared his throat. Airi shot him a blank stare.

"Ako or Neko, which of you will stay behind to guard the support team. And Amina, don't argue, you're staying behind this time." He gave her a serious look. "It's very important that you do."

"Nyyaa, not sure if the support team really needs that much guarding," Neko said.

"In case you forgot, Hinako is one hundred percent human without any powers," Clyde said. "The only reason why I didn't ask her to do the shrine research is because she's pretty damned tired, especially from the bus attack. Fumi hates violence, Tetra's gun probably won't do much. Also, Sazuki, Kiko, Misaka, I know you don't want to hear this, but I need you two on the support team."

"No complaint from me," the student council president said. "I'm too new at this…And I don't feel confident fighting a god."

"I don't want to miss out," Kiko snapped.

Misaka adjusted her glasses.

"I'm okay with helping support. Mom trained me, but I never fought much before that."

Clyde pet Kiko.

"You'll be fine, Buffy. Ako, you will stay behind with support."

"As you wish, nya," she said, then bowed, gaining confused stares from the hotel guests around her. The young man suspected that they wondered about her shrine maiden outfit too.

"It's so not fair," Kiko said, but Sazuki dragged her away.

"Let's go," Clyde said to the combatant team. "We've got to take care of this fucker or sleeping won't be possible."

Kanako lazily hugged Clyde's waist, her legs in spiritual tail mode. He caressed her head. Ruri sighed.

"Maybe I should do that."

Clyde and Toru shot her a blank stare.

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