The shrine turned out to be a short walk from the hotel which was in itself a bad sign. From even a quarter mile away, the team began to feel the uneasy crawling sensation of the black Ki. The sky seemed to darken the closer they got.

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There were a few stares, but Clyde and the crew made sure to keep all weapons sheathed. Natalia had no such luck. She even refused the young man's offer to store it within his inventory, most likely afraid he'd force her to change. A stubborn brat to the end. She still pouted, while riding on his shoulders.

The shrine was three stories high or roughly the size of a modern house. A few maidens swept the steps that led to it. Upon closer inspection, Clyde noticed their dead eyes. Something tugged the bottom back of his shirt. He looked down to kuudere eyes: one green, one red.

"They remind me of automatons, onii-chan," Naoko said, "but they are people. The maidens seem to be under a spell."

"Well, more of a reason to take down the bastard. Let's go," Clyde said.

[You are about to enter a dungeon: Tainted Shrine of Lewd and Emptiness. You have already committed, so no takebacks. Difficulty: Extreme.]

Clyde and the others pretended to be tourists, observing the shrine, eyeing the entrance into the main building. The maidens ignored them, sweeping, making silent prayers to an offering area, and moving about like zombies. The sad sight would've probably broken Clare's heart.

"Let's just go in," Alice said.

"I do not like what I'm sensing," Undine said.

Clyde shrugged, proceeding forward before he could second-guess himself. They entered the building with absolutely no resistance. He kept expecting them to lunge like surprise guards. Reasonable paranoia.

[Floor 1/3]

"Should we split up?" Fuyoko said.

"Don't suggest such an idea," Tear said. "He hates it."

"Because it's a terrible idea," Clyde defended. "The moment we split up, shit will hit the fan. Happens every time."

Natalia sighed.

"Husbando onii, you can be thickheaded sometimes."

"I see the pot calling the kettle black," Clyde said with a chuckle. Natalia huffed.

"What's that ahead," Yusuke said. "Give me a second, I'll check it out."

[Yusuke activated Ninja Cloaking.]

Chika snorted as he blinked into invisibility, presumably to checkout something ahead. Clyde detected nothing due to the frustrating length of the hall. In fact, the hall felt five times longer than the outside of the building itself. Dimensional spaces? Well, games did this…

Fuck logic.

A minute later, Yusuke reappeared.

"Did you find anything, junior?" Chika said, soliciting a glare from the ninja.

"As a matter of fact, I did," Yusuke said. "There's a floating orb in front of the door that requires…Well, just see for yourself."

"I hope it's not something that we'll regret when it's too late to be warned about it in advanced," Clyde said with a little venom tinged in his voice.

"You'll see," Yusuke said.

Clyde sighed, increasing the team's pacing. When they reached the orb, he glimpsed at…the instructions for opening the door inside it.

His stomach dropped.

This door requires female ejaculation to open.

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Abruptly a magical barrier slammed behind the group…trapping them in the hall with no way to go back.

[Jumping and teleportation has been disabled while in the Shrine.]

"Uhmm." Clyde gulped. "So, I don't know how to word this."

"Out with it," Matsume snapped.

"Oh look, a volunteer," Clyde said darkly. "Read the instructions inside that orb. Everyone else, mostly the guys, turn around so she can do her business."

"What are you talking about?" Alice said. "What does it say?"

Matsume looked inside the orb after muttering to herself.

"This door requires female ejac… You're fucking kidding me. I didn't volunteer for this shit!"

"Look, just—"

"What in the hell?" Kitome said. The women went into a bickering uproar. Clyde twitched and trembled with annoyed frustration, until finally snapping.

"Just do it or we'll die here!" he said. "Everyone will turn around. Here, store it in this bottle."

Clyde materialized a one-liter bottle, passing it to the busty hellhound. She grimaced.

[Special Tier Skill: Energy Materialize. Type: light, deity. Class: epic. Form weapons and objects made of energy in your hands for a short time. The more MP invested, the larger the object. Be careful of overdoing it. The magical backlash can daze you in the middle of a fight. Chance to inflict light blight at 4% Chance to burn at 2%.]

"Look, there's a new notification inside the orb," Natalia said.

"All females must…watch. Ew," Fuyoko said. "No offense Matsume, but your huge melon sacks make me feel insignificant."

"Why do I have to do this?" Matsume hissed.

"I can help you out," Tear said, spawning her tail into existence.

"Clyde, since you volunteered me—"

Tear shoved her tail into Matsume's panties.

"Turn around, perverts," Kitome snapped, anger aura surrounding her.

"Oh come—I'm kidding, I'm kidding," Seth said as he complied.

Toru sighed. Clyde reluctantly obeyed at the insistent glare of Alice.

"Aaannnh! Slow it down, you sadistic succubus," Matsume said.

"You look like you're enjoying it," Nina said, laughing and clapping.

"L—lewd," Natalia said.

"Your nose is bleeding, Natalia," Kanako said.

"Why are you covering Naoko's eyes," Undine said, humor in her voice. "She's older than you."

"I will not have my Naoko subjected to this…perverseness," Fuyoko said.

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"Aaaanhh!" Matsume yelled. Her breathing was quite husky and loud.

"All females must watch," Naoko said.

Fuyoko sighed.

"I'm going to sledgehammer that perverted dark god's balls when we reach him."

"Not so rough, yah crazy woman," Matsume snapped.

"I need you to cum as quickly as possible or we'll be stuck here," Tear said, mischievousness in her voice.

"Clyde, you may want to create a new bottle," Alice said. "We'll need the full ten minutes."

"Yeah, my skill's on cooldown. You'll need to make her release quickly Tear," Clyde said.

"Very well," Tear said with a chuckle.

"Oh dear god," Matsume said. Then the entire room was filled with her moans. Seth tried to sneak a peek, but Kitome watched him like a hawk. When he moved even slightly, the magical girl delivered a well-placed fist of justice that exerted enough force to make Clyde wince.

Hell, Clyde accidentally looked, but Kitome didn't take her focus off Seth.

"Freaking pervert," she said.

At last, Clyde heard the climatic moan and the bottle filling.

"It's like she's peeing," Natalia said loudly.

"Oh look, the door really opened," Ruri said.

"I want to die right now," Matsume said.

"Can you move?" Harumi said.

"Just give me a minute," Matsume said.

Yuki chuckled.

"That tail sure can be frustrating."

"You three can turn around now," Noona said. "But don't pester Matsume." She waggled a finger at Seth.

Seth sighed.

"You guys are no fun."

Matsume was just getting to her feet as Clyde and the other young men turned around. She turned away from him, eyes full of shame. Her blush could be seen even through her brown skin. Clyde walked over to her and whispered,

"You are one of the most beautiful women around. I know you took one for the team, but this—"

[Your relationship with Matsume has increased to Friend-closer level 8.]

Matsume pulled him into a breast trap.

"I'm a hellhound. You don't need to worry about me." Her voice lowered. "But thank you. And you owe me a couple of rounds in bed."

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"Fine with me," Clyde whispered with a small laugh.

"Clyde please kill yourself," Seth said.

"Shut up, dummy blond," Natalia said. "The more you talk, the more my IQ drops."

Clyde winced at that burn, but Harumi quickly stoked the fire before it spun into a roast fest.

"You two don't start," Harumi snapped, her kitsune form triggered. "I'll electrocute both of you. Try me."

They wisely kept their mouths shut.

Clyde led the party into the room. As soon as everyone was in, bars fell in front of the doors, followed by another goddamn barrier. Matsume frowned.

"I'm not doing it this time, that tail tapped me out," she said.

"Should we keep it collected in that bottle like that?" Chika asked. "I mean…"

"Just in case," Clyde said, making his way toward the multi-colored, beachball-like orb in the center of the room.

The instructions popped up in a white font again.

"Is it time for the boys to release?" Alice said. "Because we all know who's getting nominated."

"I will humbly offer my assistance, Clyde," Tear said. "Without the tail of course. Unless you want it."

Seth wisely held his tongue. He and Tear seemed to have a mutual silent agreement. In exchange for being allowed to live, the blond would stay out of her way.

"I don't think so," Clyde said, shaking his head. "Keep in mind that this is a dark god's shrine. A male. A perverted male who doesn't swing the other way. And…to gain access to the next room, five random women must strip naked and do squats. The orb will choose."

Blood gushed from Seth's nose. Kitome cracked her knuckles.

"It's nothing short of a miracle that I'm no longer the punching bag," Toru said.

Seth chuckled.

"I would kill to be in your place. Well, not really. I like my dignity. But really dude, we're just strong enough to keep that from happening to you."

"You know how to be both a dickhead and a somewhat tolerable guy at the same time," Toru said.

Clyde sighed. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Well, the orb's on the move."

The orb lurched to the center of the room. Spotlights shined on Undine, Kanako, Fuyoko, Ruri, and Alice."

"Oh come on!" Alice snapped.

"No complaining," Ruri said, "let's just get this out of the way."

"Turn around, perverts," Kitome said, eyes nearly glowing as she kept a watch on Seth. And nobody else, but Seth.

"There's a new message," Natalia said. "Female ejaculation required on the orb. Look it's floating downward."

"Well hurry, pour it Matsume, the bottle's blinking. If it disappears, you'll be taking Tear's tail again," Chika said.

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Seconds later, Matsume confirmed.

"There, got it. Now hurry up with the squats."

"That's so gross," Melody said. "This stupid sexist dungeon is pissing me off."

Clyde accidentally took a peek and admired the forms. He quickly turned back, not willing to piss off Fuyoko. He got a nice eyeful, triggering a super boner, but he'd rather not become a literal stone.

An audible chime sounded throughout the room. The door ahead unlocked with a loud click. The girls quickly dressed.

"Alright you perverts, let's go," Kitome barked. In the new room, the staircase to the next floor awaited meters ahead; however, someone dressed in full samurai armor stood in the center of the room. A red barrier blocked the entrance to the stairs. Of course.

[The Third Rider of Achilles' apocalypse stands before you….]

"I am unsure how you got in here," the man said, drawing a katana from a scabbard, "but this as far as you go. My lord does not have time for intruders."

Clyde inspected the mini-boss.

Atreas, the Third Rider of He Who Paints the Night.

Level: ???

Type: ???

Work under: He Who Paints the Night.

Special: Black Ki.

Weakness: White Ki x50.

Resistances: dark and its attributes. Fire.

"So we meet the guardian of the first floor," Clyde said. "You're a samurai, right? Why do you have such perverted security?"

Atreas shrugged.

"What I want matters not. Instead of a shrine consisting of a giant army, Lord Achilles chose to secure it all with magic. Now…" Flames burst from the samurai's katana. "The time for talking has ended. Who will challenge me? Or shall I strike all of you down at the same time."

"I think we're all going to gang-stomp you," Seth said. "You know, because we don't have all day to waste here. You could always give up."

"Seth, sheesh, will you ever learn to shut up?" Kitome snapped.

"Get off my ass already," Seth said, rolling his eyes. "I'm just telling him like it is."

"Dummy blond will always be dumb," Natalia said. "It's just the way of life. The circle of stupidity."

Clyde and Atreas simultaneously facepalmed.

"Ignore them man," Clyde said to the samurai, aiming Bloodlight.

"Death will probably be a welcomed release from the headache you must deal with on a daily basis."

"Tell me about it," Clyde said, "but we don't plan on losing."

[Your party has entered a MAXED DEATH SENTENCE.]

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