Atreas stepped forward, fiery aura surrounding him, eyes on Clyde and his team.

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[Seth activated Silver tier skill: Super Death Cannon, No Survivors.]

Like before, the bat recoiled like a shotgun, unleashing a basketball-sized ball of blue energy, which exploded upon contact with the mini-boss. Clyde was getting ready to snap at the dumbass for using a fire-based attack on an enemy who thrived in it. An enemy with a resistance of fire.


[Atreas's HP has dropped to 2800% of 3000%]

[Atreas had been inflicted with Earth blight.]

[Atreas is stunned.]

"That's an earth attack?" Clyde wondered aloud as he rushed the samurai.

[Clyde activated Flood slash.]

Atreas blocked in time, chuckling darkly.

[Atreas activated Enhanced Gold tier skill: Full Counter. This is an undodgable and unblockable skill when caught in its range.]

[Chika activated Quick shield, targeting Clyde.]

The brunt of the attack was somewhat absorbed into the shield. It still smashed him backward like a man hit by a vehicle. Clyde landed on his back, just happy to be alive.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 175%. Clyde's MP has dropped to 175%]

[Clyde has been inflicted with burn.]

He felt a surged of burning pain rushed throughout his body like a menacing fever.

[Burn damage.]

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 160%]

"Full counter," Clyde wheezed, his throat aching in pain. "It's broken as shit."

[Harumi activated skill fusion: Double Grand Heal + Refresh.]

[Your HP and MP increased to 400% All status alignments, hunger, and thirst, and exhaustion removed.]

Clyde stood, facing the samurai again.

"Come," Atreas said. "Show me your strength."

"Yeah fucking right," Kitome said.

"I'm not dealing with that counter again," Clyde said. "No, fuck that. Everybody, long range! Fuck it."

Kitome started the sniping assault with her heart bombs. Even Chika, who excelled in close-ranged combat, switched to elemental and explosive throwing daggers. Clare did a good job manufacturing those.

The young man switched to the staff. That seemingly triggered Atreas because he stopped dodging and charged Clyde.

"This will end you," he said, his sword bursting into black Ki-infused flames.

Clyde flashed stepped as far away from him as possible. The moment distracted the samurai to the young man's relief. He could deal some damage with his staff.

Except that he made a terrible miscalculation, an unforeseeable thing—the samurai also had a flash step. Clyde took a heavy boot to the chest, and that wasn't all.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 150%]

[Atreas activated Gold tier skill: Fiery Titanic Showdown De Grande. This attack WILL kill you. This is an unblockable and undodgeable homing attack.]

No… He couldn't go down like this.

[Clyde activated Wiseman's Calm.]

[Clyde activated Mystic Destructive Lightning.]

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Quick thinking interrupted the deadly attack. The rider still dodged most of the lightning, the grazing not slowing him down, even a bit.

[Atreas's HP has dropped to 2400%]

[Natalia activated Modified Gold tier skill: Extreme Destructive Minus Blast]

Clyde dove to the side to avoid getting caught in the blast of white magic and gold magic.

"Hey watch where you're aiming, squirt," he snapped.

"Sorry pervy nii," Natalia said with a wink.

Sadly, Atreas dodged the magic.

"Not bad, but it will take more than that to touch me. DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I AM ATREAS, THIRD—"

"No," Clyde snapped. "Shut up! We don't want to hear your fucking monologuing. That probably caused the death of your fourth man. Fuck, these anime villains."

Natalia giggled.

"You're right, he is sort of like an anime villain."

"You make a bold claim on Barbanos's life," Atreas said, "but struggle here. Try to make convincing lies."

The samurai teleported in front of Alice, but the half-demoness blocked his sword in time. Sparks of pink electricity emitted intermittently between the contact points of the weapons.

"Don't underestimate us!" Alice snapped, surrounded in pink radiant aura. Her eyes glowed.

[Alice activated Special tier skill: Radiant Multi-Slash Sentenced to Death]

[Kanako activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Wraith Banisher!]

"Fools!" Atreas bashed Alice away with the hilt of his Katana, then caught Kanako's attack.

That turned out to be his mistake, because the genie grinned evilly.

[Kanako activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Overwhelm…phase 1.]

[Kanako activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Overwhelm….phase 2.]

[Kanako activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Overwhelm….phase 3.]

[Kanako activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Overwhelm…phase 4!]

[Warning! Kanako has reached her limits. In order to prevent deadly magical backlash, the system has placed a limit on her at your behalf. You lose half of your MP to pay for this cost.]

[Talent. Main character stuff: Ally Magical Protection.]

[Clyde's MP has halved.]

Really System, Clyde thought.

So much red magic exploded from her hand, a death beam that seemingly stretched to eternity. Atreas could only widen his eyes before vaporizing. No anticlimactic scream, no surprise counter, no time to dodge since he was dealing with her fake out attack, just death and purple flame.

"That…will teach you," Kanako said then fell to her back, breathing heavily. Clyde expected her to pass out, but the beautiful genie simply laughed. "Men like that let their egos replace their brain. But now he's brain…dead."

Clyde winced at the awful attempt at a pun.

"Nyyya, no more attempted-punning for you," Neko said.

"Anyone else find that fight tiring?" Seth said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 15 million EXP. Firestone diamond.]

The red barrier to the second floor vanished.

"Let's go before something shitty happens, like him respawning," Clyde said.

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"I would rage-quit life if that happened," Toru said.

"I hope the second floor isn't so lewd," Fuyoko said.

"I think it's hilarious," Airi said, "though a bit unsettling."

The team quickly headed up the second floor. They were met with a second hall with just a single branching path ahead.

"You know, why didn't we just blow up the building?" Matsume said, asking an anime trope question that would've normally echoed in Clyde's thoughts.

"There's a barrier preventing just that," Tear said. "And then our presence would've just screamed for the dark god to drop in on us."

Matsume shrugged.

"It still beats this."

The team peeked into the hall that branched off, only to be met with enemy encounters. Three identical monster girls dressed in a red, cleavage-revealing cheongsams, stared back at them. There was a strange tag hanging off the side of their hats. It clicked for the young man. This was the Satovian version of the Chinese zombie, Jiangshi.

[Your party has entered combat…right?]

Clyde inspected the closest zombie girl.

Jiangshi- Nonimay

Level: 157

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A.

Special: ???

Weakness: Fire, holy, gun (to head).

Resistances: earth.

Secret: impossibly clean, to the point of having OCD-like symptoms. As a Jiangshi, she's mostly stiff unless in love, having sex, or touched by a potential mate. Ah, potential mate… You should know by now that a certain succubus's influence hold strong and impenetrable.

An orb that matched the others appeared in front of the group. The text it displayed made Clyde sigh. Of fucking course.

Lure all three Jiangshis into the room…Something interesting will happen, which will require their juices to open the next area. This is a new security measure and the monster girls have no idea. Have fun.

P.S. Do not kill them.

"I'm done," Matsume said. "I'll be waiting in the other room. I'm leaving this up to the men."

The women nodded their agreements and left. The Jiangshi girls blinked. Then the Supreme's influence seemed to dawn on them.

"I see you three were abandoned to your fates," one of them said, licking her lips. "I'll help you forget."

Suddenly, SHE LEAPT.

"Dodge!" Clyde yelled as if he was Piccolo from an abridged Dragon Ball series.

The three young man dove out of the way, then bolted to the other room, only to see the female party members fighting off purple tentacles.

The Jiangshi continued to give chase, leaping long distances, nearly catching the men each time.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," Clyde said as he just barely dodged. When all three of the monster girls were finally in place, the tentacles suddenly dropped all of Team Stone's women, snatching the zombies swiftly. They disappeared into the roof, yells trailing. Seconds later, suspicious clear liquid rained onto an orb that hovered in the center of the room. A bell sounded and the door ahead unlocked.

Clyde and the others wasted no time, the women almost sprinting.

"I have to admit, they were really hot for blue-skinned monster girls," Seth said.

"That was really specific for a puzzle," Toru said. "Had the zombies known their fate, we'd still be in the other room, watching the dark side of hentai."

"Tentacles really isn't the dark side of hentai," Yusuke said. "Sometimes they're everywhere."

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Ahead, the crew saw a turquoise-haired woman…taking the wood from some muscular man, doggy-style. Behind them was the staircase to the third floor. The second floor guardian…the woman, judging by the faint black Ki aura emitting from her, maintained an ahegao face.

Clyde didn't have time for this shit.

"Natalia, Fuyoko, listen to me" he whispered.

"Annnh! Harder! Harder!" the second floor guardian yelled, ecstasy dancing with her lolling tongue.

"It's kind of hard… to," Natalia said, then giggled at her own terrible pun.

Clyde ignored it, just wanting to move on. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Natalia, teleport Fuyoko at her side. Fuyoko, turn them to stone, then shatter that shit."

"Clyde, that's an admirable plan, but…how do I word this," Fuyuko said. "Oh, like a game I play. Let's call her a boss creature. A being with enough magic to resist my abilities. If I were capable of turning everyone to stone with the greatest of ease, we wouldn't have fought Barbanos, got caught into a tentacle trap, or chased by fat-sack having zombie girls."

"Look," Harumi said, her voice low. "The staircase has no barrier."

"Yeah, but we're going to piss off the guardian of the third floor," Clyde said. "I'd rather not have that horny bozo over there joining him."

"I think I can send her to the nether dimension," Undine said, "but it's a one-time use ability. The cooldown will take more than a few years."

The convenient ability out of nowhere trope.

"And you just miraculously bring that ability up now?" Clyde said, voice suspicious.

"I've only just relearned it," Undine said. "It was because of you that I lost it in the first place, not that I'm complaining." She winked.

"Alright Natalia take her away," Clyde said.

Natalia sighed.

"I feel like a puppet."

"Hey, I can always put Alice back as my right hand," Clyde said.

Natalia harrumphed like a tsundere.

"Husbando onii no baka!"

She grabbed Undine's arm and initiated the teleport.

"How do you put up with that?" Fuyoko said.

"You get used to it," Clyde said, eyes dead. He shook himself and watched the make it or break it moment, nervous.

When the second floor guardian let out what seemed like an impressive climatic moan, Natalia and Undine reappeared at her side. Clyde let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding.

Time seemed to slow… The widening of the woman's eyes gave him the hint that he needed. Her guard was down!

The scene ended in a flash. A literal flash, Undine sending both the woman and her lover away.

"Let's go before they suddenly come back with a bullshit demand for a climatic showdown," Clyde said and up they went, dashing to the third and final floor.

"We've got at least two hours or so," Undine said. "If she somehow survives, which I doubt."

The third floor began with a wide dojo-like room, with a glowing circle in the center. It reminded him of a pie chart, split into four sections: red, black, blue, and pink. A familiar hovering multicolored orb appeared in front of them.

"Oh boy," Yuki said tiredly.

Clyde gave it a quick read.

Each color represents an element. Red for fire, black for dark, blue for water, and pink for radiance. Magicians capable of casting these will do so while standing on their section of the circle; however, they must each be horny. Simple requirement. No exceptions.

Clyde facepalmed.

"We're fuc.…" he paused, remembering an item that could remedy this situation. For once, it had a use outside of causing him problems. First, he'd have to set this up carefully. "Matsume, you've got fire attacks right. Come on down."

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"I'm not taking the tail again," she said.

"You don't have to take the tail," Clyde said.

"It's not that bad," Tear said, grinning devilishly.

"Nyya, you should treasure your tail more," Neko said.

Tear shrugged.

"There's nothing wrong with getting fun uses out of it. Especially when you get to witness some interesting expressions."

"Oh fuck you, succubus," Matsume said then folded her arms as she stepped to the young man's side.

"Alice for radiance, Tear for dark, and I'll fill in for water. Everyone stand on your color."

Clyde proceeded to his circle part, the others following up. He stopped in front of the ring. "There's one more thing to fulfil the requirement."

"The horny part," Alice said. "I won't be able to get in the mood here. Maybe if you jump me…but I don't want the others to see. Especially that idiot blond Seth."

"I love you too, Alice," Seth said sarcastically.

"You're a real lady killer," Toru quipped.

"The best of the best," Seth said, laughing.

Ming sighed, but like Harumi, she was too kind to smash Seth with insults. Even if the perverted young man earned his position.

Clyde warped the hyper sex potion from his inventory. He materialized four shot glasses, giving them a drop each before returning the rest of the sex tonic back to his dimensional holding area.

"Have your elements ready and fight the urges," Clyde said. "Keep your guards up because the final guardian is behind that fucking door."

"What is this?" Matsume asked, sniffing the cup. "It smells like—"

"Bottoms up," Clyde interrupted. Everyone swallowed their share at the same time. The young man could tell the effect was immediate, despite the tiny drop he gave them. Such potent stuff! His rocking boner agreed with that thought.

He was thankful that everyone still retained enough sanity to fire their elements. A chime sounded throughout the room. A few seconds later, the door ahead open.

"Clyde, fuck me," Matsume said, anime-diving into the young man. Tear whacked her on the head.

"I have a tail locked and loaded," the succubus said, a faint blush on her face. "Besides, if anyone's going to fuck him, it's me. Now, Harumi, cure us before I lose control."

The young man did not miss the juices leaking from the women. Oh, did he want to just throw in the towel and bang them all. One jump…

Harumi's magic washed over Clyde before he could finish that thought, taking away the poison of the potion.

"What the hell just happened?" Toru said.

"We shall never bring this up again," Clyde said.

"I could use that potion—ow!"

Kitome elbowed Seth in the gut, interrupting him.

"We'll make sure to watch you carefully."

"Pfft, as if I'd waste it on you lot," Seth said. "I'm going to the elf Nation!"

Clyde laughed.

"Goddammit Seth."

The party proceeded into the final mini-boss room, fully healed by Harumi, and ready to take on the first rider of He Who Paints the Night.

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