Clyde and the team proceeded with caution into the floor guardian's room. The first thing that caught their eyes was the site of a man dressed in a simple gray robe, sipping coffee and watching TV. He laughed at the comedian's joke, slapping his sides.

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Clyde took notice of the final large door on the other side of the room. Of course a barrier protected it.

"Welcome guests," the man on the couch said, "intruders that made it this far, braving my master's security measures. You should consider joining us." He stood. "We have two positions for floor managers of one and two."

When the rest of Team Stone shuffled into the room, magical bars covered the door behind them.

"You're kind of…plain and boring," Seth said. "I thought the first rider was supposed to be a real badass."

The man shrugged.

"My name is Kevin and I only recently took this job part time. Really, I'd rather be at home watching anime and the next Galactic Wars. Well, as soon as my now ex-girlfriend picks up the rest of her stupid Ridout gear. She broke up with me, accusing me of being an otaku. Only a day later, I caught her with mister bodybuilder handsome." He sighed.

"What's your ex's name?" Natalia said.

"Netoritta," he said.

Yusuke shot the man a blank stare. Clyde's comedic angry trembling finally made him explode.

"We're not here to talk about your life's problems," he snapped. "And that's not even why I'm angry. Why…just why would you date someone with that name?"

The women of Team Stone, except Natalia, nearly anime-fell backward.

"It's not that often that a woman like that asks someone like me out," Kevin said. He stood up and stretched. "I have another side you know." He examined the party until his eyes stopped on Noona. They went starry. The dark-skinned man's face still shown its blush, courtesy to anime logic.

Kevin teleported in front of her, dropping to his knees, hearts seeming to glow in his eyes.

"I love you! Please go out with me! Marry me!"

Noona's foot seemed to smash into his face on its own.

"Oh I'm sorry," she said. "Not sure what came over me."

"Your…ex wouldn't be the second floor guardian by any chance, right?" Airi said.

Kevin grew eerily silent. Natalia laughed, Nina joining her seconds later.

"That sucks man," Clyde said, delivering the paper fan of justice to the lolis. Kevin seemed to appreciate the sympathy.

"She was really getting plowed," Seth said.

Tears fell from the first floor guardian's eyes.

"We've dated for five years," he said. "I planned to propose to her."

"Proposing to a girl that takes after a name that stings even the most hardcore otakus is a bit risky," Yusuke said.

"An understatement," Toru agreed.

Kitome shook her head.

"Look, you guys caught me in an off—"

"That guy that did her roughly from behind had a huge grin plastered upon his face," Natalia said, interrupting Kevin. "I think I saw white stuff—"

Alice covered the loli's mouth. Kevin walked over to a window. The hurt in his eyes made Clyde wonder if he was about to jump.

"You know what, fuck this," Kevin snapped. "I can't stand this place any longer. That fucking bitch!" Tears continued to roll from his face. Abruptly, the final barrier vanished. "I'm going home. At least my Loli Saga waifus won't betray me." He…disappeared.

"Anyone else feel like they got cucked?" Seth said.

"Maybe," Yusuke said.

"I should probably end that series," Ming said, shuddering.

"No!" Natalia whined, anime-diving into her. "Never!"

Clyde and Harumi softly facepalmed.

"Let's just take the gift horse while it's there," Clyde said.

Behind the door, led to a long hall decorated with blue-flamed candles that snuffed out as the party passed them.

"Natalia stop blowing out the damned candles," Ruri snapped.

"But it's fun—ow! Harumi, Alice is bullying me," Natalia said.

The final door made the party take a pause, staring up as it towered them.

"That's like the size of a house," Nina said.

"I can feel his presence behind it, onii-chan," Naoko said.

"Everyone guards up, weapons at the ready," Clyde said.

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[Are you sure you want to enter beyond this point? Difficulty: unknown. Yes or no?]

Clyde selected yes. Why the fuck would he come all this way only to turn around?

The entire team worked together to push open the mega-sized doors. It creaked loudly. Any enemy inside would have to be deaf to miss it.

They walked through the dimly lit, short hall until reaching a large room that reminded Clyde of a king's throne—the short carpeted steps going up to the chair itself—and the would-be condescending bastard staring down at his audience. Well, not all of them were like that, but most stories wanted a generic reason to birth a hero. A large statue of a horned owl stared at them lifelessly, resting on a pedestal right in front of the steps.

The area seemed empty, but that crawling sensation of black Ki shut away any doubt that the dark god lurked somewhere.

"Nyyya, we know you're here, bastard," Neko said. "Show yourself. You have violated Celestial law, interfering in something you know had existed for a long time. As an observer, I will take witness to your destruction. Gods that interfere, especially with what you've done, are sentenced to death."

A familiar dark laugh filled the room.

"Celestial this, Celestial that. Such a worthless place that when finally destroyed will be to everyone's mutual satisfaction. You're simply a pawn, a puppet who oversteps in my presence, cat. I'll make sure to reserve a special place in damnation for you. All of you who dare intrude my shrine." Achilles chuckled. "Izanami, it is nice of you to show. Hmmph. How did any of you get past my security? There is no way you mustered the power to defeat even one of my riders, much less all of them in a single day."

"You're really out of touch with your subordinates," Clyde said offhandedly. "Now, show yourself."

[Clyde invoked Wiseman's Calm.]

"It's time for this old score to be settled," he continued. "Really, we're all just tired of you."


The area flashed crimson, as it shook. The statue shattered, leaving smoke in its place. The blue-flamed candles snuffed out, relighting a second later, red. Smoke from the owl formed into a humanoid shape that stood at least seven feet tall. Maybe eight. It solidified, changing into a shirtless muscular man with large bull-like horns on his head and long white hair, glowing red eyes.

His attire consisted of white pants, strange tattoos, and menacing, impenetrable aura made entirely of black Ki.

[Achilles, He Who Paints the Night has descended…]

[You have been challenged by Achilles.]

[Life and Death, defeat Achilles!]

[stone-viper games]

[Your party has entered a *GOD BOSS fight!]

[Your party has also entered an **ETERNAL DEATH SENTENCE**.]

Clyde leapt at the shot of making the first move, hand aimed, casting.

[Clyde activated Destructive mystic lightning.]

[Achilles is unaffected.]

The dark god chuckled.

"Boy, I see your mother has taught you no manners."

Just then, Clyde felt intense heat as his sight was coated with white light. He hit the wall, the blackness overcoming him seconds later.

[You had been inflicted with Soul Seal…]

[Chance of receiving a game over…]


Something within Alice seemed to snap as she watched her life mate get bashed across the room with a single blast of…black Ki. Her Clyde laid there unmoving. She wanted to run to him, but Achilles moved toward the group at an unhurried pace. Despite that speed, Alice knew the dark god was capable of instantaneous movement.

She almost fell into doubt about coming here in the first place, but forced it away. This wouldn't help Clyde nor the others.

"Everyone snap out of it," Alice yelled. "Let's end this."

[Alice activated—]

Her eyes widened as Achilles was just there….holding her hand, dispelling any of her charging magic.

"You'd make a fine addition to the concubine pile. Still, intruding MY shrine and without any heads to impress me." The dark god shook his head. "Di—"

[Seth activated Gold tier skill: Warhammer Smash.]

What smashed the dark god's hand wasn't a bat, but…an actual war hammer. At least one made of magic.

[Achilles' HP has dropped…]

Achilles flinched as he let go of Alice's hand to glance dispassionately at Seth's snarl.

[Toru invoked Zen Mode phase 2.]

[Melody invoked Dark Goddess state.]

[Tear's wrath has reached 100%]

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"I won't let you talk to her like that," Seth said as he swung the hammer again.

Alice knew he was in trouble—knew she had to help him quickly!

[Alice activated Almighty tier skill: Holy Radiant Cannon.]

The blast smashed into the dark god, simply gaining his attention, but doing nothing else. All of that power…amounting to nothing. Were they so insignificant?

"You must be wondering why you feel so powerless," Achilles said, then backhanded Alice into Tear.

[Melody activated Special tier skill: Wrath of the Rose Fairy.]

The beam of incredibly powerful magic, capable of vaporizing enemies, did nothing to the dark god.

"What's the matter?" Achilles said. "Not feeling so confident without your leader coordinating this struggle?" He chuckled darkly, casually backhanding a charging Naoko without turning around.

[Achilles switched to Attack formation…]

<Achilles accessed Black Ki>

<Achilles channeled Darkness Requiem Burst.>

Yuki shielded Chika and Ming with a barrier, but the attack pushed her back. However, she wasn't down and out for the count. The demoness quickly recovered and struck back.

[Yuki activated Special tier skill: Time and Eternity Wave.] Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

The violent blast of lightning and gold magic didn't budge the enemy much.

[Achilles' HP has dropped.]

Achilles sighed.

"Like your pathetic leader, you're nothing more than talk. Toothless dogs barking."

Alice grasped Hellbreaker, preparing to charge again.

"Suck on this!" Natalia said.

[Natalia activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Her Last Wish. This is an unblockable skill.]

Achilles walked through the pink magic, making his way to Nattie. Many of the others attacked fiercely, but the weapons clanged against a barrier.

[Alice activated Hellbreaker's special. Special Tier skill: Hades's Silent Night.]

[Fuyoko activated Silver tier skill: Stone Dragon's Rush.]

[Noona activated Double Silver tier skill: Glimmer of Rapid Fading.]

[Tier activated Modified Silver tier skill: Reverse Dire Spiral.]

[Harumi activated Silver tier skill: Mass Sharpness and Magic Up.]

[The entire party's Attack, Special, Will, and Intellect had been temporarily increased!]

<Achilles channeled Witch's Midnight Reflection>

In addition to her own magic blasting back to her, Alice felt the intense pain of induced magical backlash. Everyone, even those focused on physical attacks or charging their next skill, was instead blown to their backs.

"Do you understand now?" Achilles said. "There is a reason why worms and ants such as yourselves do not challenge the gods. We are beyond you, mortals. Even entities are powerless against us. We are forces of nature, even if you don't enjoy the darkness. You fight a pointless fight."

Alice and the others struggled to stand, readying their weapons.

[Achilles has blocked Harumi's healing abilities with his thick cloud of black Ki.]

[Warning! Your party is in danger of getting wiped.]

"A pointless fight," Alice said. "I suppose you could say that, seeing that you are the one that picked it."

"That may be so," Achilles said, "but that is irrelevant to what's about to become of you. What you'll face for an eternity. Your leader's soul is probably waiting for me to collect. Hmm, I think I'll make you watch me break him for about fifty years, over and over, restoring and refreshing. In fact, you'll watch while taking in the whole one hundred yards from the giant demons that roam my hell." He laughed. "The two male whelps will probably be turned into something amusing. Maybe women to endure the same fate."

Alice tuned out his taunting, refusing to let it get to her. She desperately begged for the power locked within to show itself. Nothing happened. The wall felt like steel.

Suddenly, Alice saw Melody charge the dark god, putting forth her best effort, wielding a sword made out of her own magic. Everyone else followed her lead, even Undine. Nerfed from the conversion to the light, the reaperess was still incredibly powerful.

They…were simply outmatched by a dark god. No…for Clyde, Alice would give it her all. She thought of her mother, Natalia, Tear, and the others. Even if everything seemed hopeless, they still needed her full strength. She…can't go down! Not Alice Hades.

Alice smashed through the insolent wall that separated her from the well of growth.

Her pink eyes became golden as she fell to a knee, aura surrounding the young woman, matching the color of her irises. Wings burst from Alice's back.

[Alice invoked Partial-goddess mode.]

[Alice invoked Archangel mode]

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[Half archangel, half goddess.]

[Alice's heavenly pressure has cleansed all taint.]

[Alice's heavenly pressure has fully healed all allies, removed all status alignments, and doubled their stats for ten minutes.]

[All damage toward Alice is reduced by 80%]

[Achilles' dark god passive has overridden the damage shield…]

The brightness of Alice's aura covered the entire room. A heavenly chorus rang as the young woman's hands seemed to move on their own, gathering purity. One shot to kill him. All it would take is one. And Alice's attack would do more than succeed. She felt fully confident that it would erase him for good.

Suddenly, she felt intense pain and black Ki smash at her. The backward shove to the ground only hurt a little. Just a little.

"I can't let you do that," Achilles said, frowning. He gave her a grudging clap. "Excellent. You've got a secret weapon, but even that wouldn't be enough."

"White Ki's your weakness, isn't it," Alice said. Even wielding the most powerful element, gods held onto some cheat. Well fuck that.

Alice hopped to her feet and rushed the cocky bastard of a dark god, putting everything she had into her sword strikes. Achilles blocked with his bare hands.

"Go Alice, go!" Natalia cheered.

Pushing harder than ever, the young woman bypassed her best speeds, surpassing sound. Purity danced around her…yet something was off.

Maintaining this state without knowing much about it, without practice. Alice found herself breathing harder, concentrating heavily just to keep the form active. The drive to keep everyone from succumbing to Achilles' Hell urged her to try harder.

Yet, even with her incredible power, she couldn't press for an advantage. She did her best, but it simply wasn't enough.

A surprise black Ki-coated spin-kick from the dark god, hurdled the young woman to the ground.

[Alice is stunned.]

"I commend you for the efforts, girl, " Achilles said, charging an enormous about of black Ki into his hands. "But they are still futile. Now, die."

<Achilles channeled Mechanism of the Dark God's Core. This is an unblockable and undodgable skill.>

Alice closed her eyes…

"Clyde…I really tried."

A hand rested on her shoulder.

"You've done well. Now leave the rest to me."


Pulled toward the endless dark… Whispers and laughter and crying…

Confronting an internal past, only to shove it forcibly to the side to focus on the present… A glimpse at her teary expression as she closed her eyes.

She needed him. They needed him. HE CANNOT FAIL THEM. HE WILL NOT FAIL THEM.

His HP remained at one percent, until…her heavenly aura infused with him. She pushed herself so far.

He will push even further. And the one that hurt her will truly pay. He will pay.

A surge of rage burst through him, which turned into calm, understanding, calculation, foresight, knowledge, cold and ruthlessness, and the desire to protect.

Clyde became the law.

As time and space merged with him, black, red, and gold heavenly-light surrounded the god in a terrifying aura. His power could be felt trillions of lifetimes away, across the multiverses, and even into the microscopic planes. The world shook as it broke.

One gold angel wing, one black devil wing. Electricity emitted from those wings. A halo of black, red, silver, and gold hovered above his head, emitting golden heavenly-light. His black hair rose a bit. Tree of life tattoos glowed across his muscular body. Two fangs blended in with his teeth—almost serving as an indicator that the young man was something else entirely.

A whisper echoed throughout Celestial and it even reached the authors of Purity and Taint, drew in their gazes. And they smiled wickedly.

[You are awakening…]

Clyde stood, his body lighter, one with power that should not be present in the plane of the living.

[Awakened Stone Mode.]

[While in this state, you can command the Punishment Squad….]

[Warning! From now on, while in Stone Mode, your rewards and EXP will be dramatically reduced. So use this state ONLY when you need it. You will need those levels to fight your counterpart or anything else more deadly…]

[Stone Mode benefits: All stats SUPREMELY increased. Damaged to you drastically reduced. You have been removed from the leveling system.]

[Many, many unknown increases and benefits. You will have to discover the full capabilities of Awakened Stone Mode. You're not invincible in this state, so do not get arrogant. That's how some of the strongest gods got their backs stabbed by peers.]

No one noticed him as he walked over to place his hand on Alice's shoulder. That was because if he didn't want them to sense his presence, the world bent to that will.

"You've done well. Now leave the rest to me."

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[Your party has entered a *GOD BOSS fight phase 2]

Achilles flinched, stepping backward.

"Where the hell did you come from? Who…are you?"

"The law," Clyde responded, his voice godly.

Achilles laughed darkly.

"We'll see about that."

Achilles lurched toward Clyde and it felt like slow motion. The young man left a spiritual trail as he stepped around the dark god, and then to his backside.

"He disappeared," Achilles said.

"So the movies were right," Clyde said. He intended to tap on Achilles' shoulder, but the moment his finger got within touching range of him, a flicker of light emitted between the contact points.

That spiraled Achilles a literal one million miles an hour into the wall, through the wall, and to land outside, several meters into a crater.

Clyde looked at his friends. Naoko, Undine, Kanako, Noona, and Neko were bowing.

"Don't start that," Clyde said, "I'm still me. And thanks to you, thanks to the training, I can use this form again. It doesn't come without a price, but we'll talk about that later."

[Achilles' HP dropped drastically.]

Clyde's friends hurried outside the long way, except for the winged, who followed him through the roof. Undine and Kanako could fly without wings. Nina…turned into a bat. Yusuke, the hellhounds, Naoko, Noona, Neko, Harumi, Yuki and Airi leapt from the third floor to the ground with the greatest of ease, their bodies immune to the dangers. Natalia caught a ride on Melody's back.

Achilles picked himself up, shaking his heel as if it were in pain. He snarled, furious. Suddenly, the dark god GREW until he stood about forty feet tall. Black Ki radiated from him in bands.

Clyde landed, shaking his head.

"You know the growing thing never works."

He aimed a wing at the Achilles as a fist rushed toward him.

>>>>Clyde initiated Lost Skill: Purity Shot<<<<

That was supposed to be Holy Energy Ball.

Yet…he fired a pure ball of purity from his fucking wing.

Achilles' hand exploded into pink mist. He involuntarily shrunk, yelling in agony.

[Achilles' regeneration was disabled.]

Clyde teleported in front of the dark god, backhanding him upward. And he became a rocket! The god teleported fifty miles above Achilles, hand aimed downward, timing his demise.

>>>>Clyde initiated Lost Skill: The God's Beating Heart of the Multiverse. This is an instant-kill skill and cannot be blocked.<<<<

Another evolution.

[Fortunately, you are high enough in altitude as to not to destroy the entire planet…]

Clyde thought it was purity, but what emerged….he suspected had to be white Ki. The skyscraper-sized blast of purity bathed Achilles until every inch of his existence faded. The young man willed the rogue power to dissipate before it reached land. Heh, to think he aimed at the horn in attempt to follow Matsuko's advice. Ah well.

There was…an applause from nothingness. The young man wanted to be angry, but figured confronting them face to face would be best. He silently made the vow.


Oh shut the hell up, System, Clyde laughed as he flew back to the others.

[Battle completed. Fantastical Victory! Rewards reduced to account for Stone Mode. Reward: 10 million EXP instead of 200 million. Out of pity, the system rewards you with the item: Depleted Omen's sphere! Item class: *Legendary.]

An item toward the weakening of Natalia's curse. Hell yes! Finding one of these was next to impossible, but that turned out to be one less question to ask. Two more of the items left to find and the loli would be able to hang onto her adult form for maybe longer than a day. Maybe they could cure the curse in its weakened state.

Clyde's friends waved as he approached the ground.

[Life's breath passive skill had healed all the maidens in the area, breaking the spells on their minds.]

[Congratulations, thanks to you, these women can return to their families. Fortunately, they all live in this city, so no further action is needed.]

[Life's breath. While in Stone Mode, your presence will begin to heal those that need it in the area.]

Alice, Melody, and Chika anime-dove into the young man, hugging tightly. He let the transformation deactivate, but felt no sign of the strain whatsoever. Naoko and Neko nodded at him.

"Nyyyaa, that's our Stone!"

[Quest: Show the Falcon why he should fear the Stone. Reward: unknown. Accept?]

Clyde gleefully selected yes. Paying that bastard back was going to feel amazing. He turned…his eyes widening. That flame sword samurai was still alive, but walking away. The man actually raised a sword, almost in salute. Like Kevin…he seemed to be done with the shrine. What the hell…

Without their master, what would become of the remaining riders? Clyde was sure as shit glad that Barbanos bit the dust at least. Dickhead Dullahan.

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