Last time on the Anime Trope System, Clyde and Team Stone faced off against He Who Paints the Night, ridding the universe of this evil. Now here they are at last, ready to take on the adventure quest.

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And best of all, Clyde had finally awakened. There is a price to pay for god-slaying superpowers: reduced awards and experience points, but it shall serve as an equalizer for powerful foes.

He slew his first deity, one of darkness and evil, corruption, but there are forces out there that could sweep him with a blindfold. Possibly. Maybe not.

Awakened Stone Mode can generate the kind of power in which the Punishment Squad may feel at all times..

Welcome to the Anime Trope System Volume 12:

The Imbalance of Power...

Thursday. Week 4. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late autumn. Last week of the month.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Nova, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 6 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Alert! The time could shrink or increase as the infants absorb energy—and nature determines how powerful they are.]

[Card bearers in city: 12, Ming.]

[Cook-off opponents in Nation Seat: Attincusburon, Alon: 3,967. Harumi, Advanced Chef Yuki, Kitome, Alice. The rest are unknown.]

[Blood Ki progress: 58%]

[Adventure quest: During the Winter break, you must travel to the nation of Alon to give your blessing to the princess. Neko must be present. Her sister is an optional addition but will increase the awards. Beware of the wizard gang around this area. The troubling bunch may be the least of your problems if the Gargoyles are still around.]

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Clyde decided to check the ID store before opening his eyes. He could hear Natalia talking with Airi at his bedside. If only Alice and Chika didn't rise early—so they could chase her out. Yet, they were just sweet. He overheard the half-demoness's desire to buy him some of the Nation's famous coffee. Chika would get the young man a doughnut to go with it just to tease his secret weakness of sweets.

[Items available: Giggity Juice (54B). Book of Ancient Lewdness (1B), Jug of Venus's Love Nectar (23 quadrillion), Gender Swap potion, safety not guaranteed(950M) Giga Wood Wrath Sex Potion (800 M), Loli Saga Scrapped Hentai Edition (FBI), Ki Book of Soul Concentration (500M), Supreme Golden Dragon Equipment set (500 M), Anus Juice (150,000).]

Clyde immediately wrote off many of the items. He'd probably lecture Ming later about the importance of not lewding lolis. He couldn't fathom what the sex potion would do to its drinkers. A jug of…First of all, dehydration would be the least of her problems. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Clyde knew this was going to take him out of the Big B club, but the time for being overdue for new equipment would have to end here. No, that was a little too boring.

He selected the Ki Book of Soul Concentration. Five…hundred million dollars. This better be worth it.

The young man wondered if the other "players" dealt with these microtransactions? Did a certain evil video game company had connections that soared all the way to the gods? Eh. Ah well. It's in the game.

[Are you sure you don't want to purchase the Anus Juice?]

Yes, I'm sure, System, Clyde thought with a mix of tiredness, deadpan, and annoyance.

[Are you really sure? Because it's Anus Juice! Don't be—]

Just give me the damn expensive book already, Clyde thought, frustration bubbling like magma.

[Party pooper.]

[You received The Ki Book of Soul Concentration. Good choice!]

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[Personal balance remaining: $ 791,445,400]

Clyde prepared himself for Airi's assault. Maybe if he could just sneak away. Why Natalia? Why did you let her in? Maybe if he waited them out.

"Hey, do you want to see pervy-nii's wee wee?" Natalia said suddenly, her conversation about the Loli Saga attack moves completely dropped. But the intellect stat within the young man's brain detected the bait. So he cleverly turned to the side, as naturally as possible. He also held onto the covers with an iron grip.

Airi laughed.

"How about his ass?"

"What happens if we stick this in it," Natalia said. "Do you think he'll scream when it smashes in. Maybe his butt will bleed."

Clyde finally gave in to the bait, turning to glare at the smiling girls. And of course, Airi's eyes were starry.


"Harumi's helping Tear with something," Natalia said, interrupting him. "I told them not to wake you." She glanced at a watch that wasn't on her arm. "Oh no, look at the time."

"Natalia," Clyde said, warning in his voice.


And just like that, the loli vanished, leaving Clyde with an information-hungry young woman. Even Melody was gone, not that she slept in like Alice. Then Airi's onslaught of questions arrived.

The young man rolled over, putting a pillow over his head.

"Hey! Don't ignore me. What does it mean to have Tree of Life tattoos glowing on your body? How did you use the purity element without dying? It's super dangerous stuff you know. How—"

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"You know, I should abandon Natalia's quest," Clyde said through clenched teeth. He decided to distract his brain by dragging ass to the bathroom, brushing his teeth with Alice's toothpaste, yet the purple-haired girl continued to ask questions. He made his way back to the bed with her following.

Airi forced herself into the covers with the young man, pinning him. Her sexy body triggered the erection of Mount Stone. She finally took a pause.

"For the world's highest ranking adventurer, you sure do ask a lot of questions," Clyde said, grabbing her ass in the moment.

Airi shrugged. "It's because of my quest for knowledge that I'm number one." She casually slid off her panties, tossing them in Clyde's face. Lust shined within her gaze. The shirt came off next, the bra following, sparking the two into wild kissing. The young woman even shoved her tongue inside his mouth, the massage triggering instincts.

Her tongue tasted like mint and cherry. He laid her down, sucking breasts, going to kissing, and sucking breasts again, because why not? The first step to being an accidental harem god was to be honest with one's self.

Clyde shoved fingers inside of Airi's sea, gave it a taste, before indulging himself. The moans of the number one super druid only made him ride harder until her breasts flopped almost in rhythm of an unknown song.

He almost released inside. So close, but a part of him snapped away from his trance, begging the reasonable side of his brain not to put yet another girl out of commission within the future.

"I should bug you more if it means this," Airi said, panting on top of the young man.

Was she oblivious about her looks? No, that couldn't be it? Airi always dressed in a presentable fashion, meant to attract gazes. Yet that tightness meant she never attempted intimacy with anyone else other than Clyde.

[Ki increased! Airi.]

"Maybe, but without the trillions of questions," Clyde said. "I can barely keep up with one sentence before you spat out three novels." Airi opened her mouth to protest, but the young man interjected. "Anyway, I'll answer a few over breakfast. Care to join me in the shower?"

"Well, if you insist," Airi said, amusement in her eyes.



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[Quest completed. Reward: EXP, Full MP Potion—]

Tessa closed the prompt and eyed the last of the purple flames breezing through the air. Clyde's text let her know he was in Alon.

She sighed, trying not to think of those girls. Yet, her mind just couldn't escape that which…made her chest hurt. She knew ten long years had passed, but coming to this dimension, actually seeing him again, burst those buried emotions back into existence. She didn't feel like a human of earth. No…she knew the truth, what the great goddess offered her.

Tessa felt only a little remorse about not being able to see her earthly family again. Unlike Clyde, she didn't have the support of a team. She met many people, made knew acquaintances and friends, but…

She narrowed her eyes. Life just wasn't fair. She knew him first…

Tessa flinched. So what if she knew Clyde first? What was she getting at? She couldn't possibly harbor anything more than nostalgia.

"That's what I keep telling myself," She whispered.

Just then, a feeling of ecstasy blasted through the young woman, sending Tessa to her knees. Venus's voice comforted her.

"My dearest daughter, I have an important task for you. It seems the Falcon is playing a bigger game than I thought. A game that's destined to interfere with the Stone's victory. He left on a journey with an elder dragon and will not be back for a few days. I want you to go to his hideout and draw my symbol of war somewhere out of sight. I will bind it to him." Venus giggled. "The spell will trigger when that dragon girl returns while wearing her pizza maid uniform. It will return all the memories to her annnndddd…. her Soulless pride. Make sure to set up the camera well out of range. Good luck my daughter. And I look forward to the entertainment. Oh, and after you finish that, be sure to visit Clyde. You really should try harder to let him comfort you." She chuckled. "Get it, harder."

Tessa groaned.

Venus cleared her throat. "Oh my, look at the time. Get going my daughter."

The presence vanished, updating the young woman's quest log.

"That's the goddess I believe in," Tessa said with a deadpan.

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