Attincusburon, Alon...

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Clyde and Airi made time getting to the hotel's breakfast hall before the serving stopped. The young man couldn't help but think of the journey of hotels being a complimentary fit for medieval games' inn to inn living.

Which means now was the time to fix up everyone's equipment. He did not want to use Stone Mode…those rewards…So many zapped. The System's ninety-five percent deduction acted as a balancing scale. But…wasn't this his real power? He gave an internal sigh, deciding not to dwell on it further.

Moments later, Alice, Chika, and Noona arrived through the front doors with coffee and donuts.

"Kanako dragged both Kitome and Ruri with her," Noona said to Alice.

"Oh there he is," Chika said. She raised the donuts in salute to Clyde.

He smiled, giving them a wave of invitation. The silver-haired girl gave him a strawberry-blasted kiss, after an anime-dive. He missed these from her.

Alice shoved a donut in his mouth.

"They're so good."

He savored the delicious fried treat. Judging by the nice warmness, the café was most likely a short walk away.

"The long wait was worth it," Chika said.

"I could eat a barrel full of these," Clyde said, reaching for another. Alice swatted his hand and winked.

"Try the coffee."

Clyde accepted the cup, taking in the rich aroma of the drink. The flavor practically exploded into his taste buds. He wasn't a coffee connoisseur, but the profile perfectly balanced sweetness, creaminess, and smoothness. The hint of cinnamon won his heart. Abruptly, the metallic cup caved in.

[Warning! Your body continues to adjust to your awakened strength. Don't worry, you hadn't harmed Airi. But maybe you should be careful with caffeine. It will take another day until your body adjusts. This is why water is better for you.]

[Body adjusting at 11%...]

[Temporary boost to physical strength x 20,000 for two hours. You may want to ask Alice to flush the caffeine out of your system. Be wary of alcohol! Also…this level of strength without adjustment has consequences. So don't get it in your head to go charging at your enemies.]

Holy shit.

"Hi-five," Noona said to him from a sentence he didn't hear due to zoning out.

In a rush to pull his hand away, he smacked the long titanium table. It dented all the way to the floor.

"Holy shit, what the hell, Clyde?" Airi said, eyes starry. Her questions loaded up like rifle bullets, green aura spazzing like chaotic electricity. The few rich hotel guests were eyeing him with a mix of awe and fear into their eyes.

"Is he an android?" someone whispered.

"Not even an android can produce that kind of strength. Hell, not even the monsters," someone said, confirming one of Clyde's questions. Airi was right. The civilians were one hundred percent aware of the non-human beings.

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"It's the caffeine," Clyde said softly. "Alice."

She nodded, her expression of awe and curiosity and of course pride. She hesitated before activating her skill.

[Alice activated All Calm.]

[All Calm level 35. All party members restore 50% HP , 50% MP, cure of all status effects, including hunger and thirst. This skill can only restore a maximum of 50% HP/MP. Make sure to take good care of your primary healer!]

"Much better," Clyde said. "That reminds me, I need to do a few more equipment inspections and make sure everyone's up to date. We can't be getting our asses kicked."

He stood, eyes still on him—the hotel staff, guests, and his friends. "Don't mind me, sometimes faulty equipment is needed to save costs."

The hotel staff anime-fell. Clyde motioned at his friends to follow and together they made an exit.

"So, Clyde, I see you've been working out," Chika said wryly.

"Bench-pressing solar systems," Noona quipped.

"Either that or he's on roids," Airi said, voice deadpan. All four women stared at him flatly.

"I sense a Clyde-roasting session."

They turned to see Seth walking toward them from a distance.

"Oh great, the villager's coming," Airi said.

Alice snorted in amusement.

"That's a new one."

Chika sighed.

"Better him than Toru. He gave me that stupid look of his this morning, just because—"

"What's up guys," Seth interrupted, now in range. Clyde shook his hand, then pat his shoulder.

"What's up Seth," he said. And nice save, he thought. The women could say what they wanted about the pervert, but the comedian never backed down, not even against the gods.

"I've had some time to walk around a bit," Seth said, "and I have to say the technology in this city is insane. But, I'm still creeped out about getting hit on by an android."

Clyde laughed.

"What's the matter? You don't like it in zeroes and ones?"

Seth rolled his eyes.

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"You know damned well what you really want to say. Is it like doing a giant mast—"

"The androids are quite odd, onii-chan."

Naoko's sudden appearance made everyone nearly jump out of their skins. Seth shook his head.

"You should make sure your presence is known before sneaking up on people, kid," Seth said.

Naoko just stared at him with kuudere eyes, probably confused by his statement. Or maybe amused. Hundreds of years old, the loli was as easy to read as black letters on a black sheet of paper in a dark room.

"Yeahh, anyway, I'm headed back to my room," Seth said.

"We're having an equipment inspection later today," Clyde said. "Maybe around three."

"Yep, yep," Seth replied as he started toward the hotel entrance.

Clyde took that time to relay that message in the group chat.

"Let's go. I'd like to look around before we discuss how to meet the princess."

Attincusbburon, Alon consisted of flying cars, hovering super-trains, angry traffic, and a diverse load of civilians. They carried high-tech devices, wore advanced clothing, and a few even travelled on gravity-defying mini-vehicles such as hoverboards. Real hoverboards.

"I've got to get one of those," Clyde said, eyes hungry.

"Good luck," Airi said. "You'll need an Alonian license for one."

"Then how come the kids are riding around," Clyde said.

"Their parents had the license," Chika said simply. "That's how it is around here."

"That is horse ass," Clyde said, not quite giving up on the hoverboard idea.

The group stopped, noticing a man holding his ass as he exited the bar, a grinning woman at his side.

"You didn't have to rearrange my organs," he wheezed.

The woman laughed.

"Next time, don't go for the Jabberwock Surprise when you can barely hold down ale. I made sure to peg you with the Elephantitan Giga strappy." She smacked his back.

Clyde shook his head.

"Keep an eye on Seth. We can't have him getting in trouble with these freaks."

"I doubt Seth would let himself get into that kind of trouble," Alice said, glaring in disgust at the couple. "Humans."

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"We of the human race disown those two," Chika said, poking Alice's nose.

Clyde spared a side-glanced at Airi, surprised to see her softly facepalming. And grimacing. He was sure she'd be interested in the fuckery of the departing couple.

"What's up with you?" he said.

Airi sighed, shuddering.

"They just had to remind me of the Jabberwock Surprise. I tried it when I was already drunk and too numb to fully taste. I can only imagine how awful that guy had it."

"I thought you were joking about what goes on around here," Clyde said. "I mean it's fucking ten in the morning. Bars are open at this time?"

"Yep," Airi said. "That's just how it is. Good thing today's not a holiday. Open pegging and rear-smashing is allowed to run rampant without law intervention for public exposure. That's probably why monster girls are drawn to this city."

"Ah," Clyde said, patting the woman's back. "Let's just hope we can get the hell out before then."

As the walk continued, mostly directed by Airi to keep the party from getting lost, Clyde noticed a few more interesting things. All of the police were female androids. They conducted patrols like normal police; however, that left nagging questions. Are they useless against the wizard gang? Do they not have special android weapons?

His gaze switched to an electronic billboard. Suddenly, it flashed to life with a broadcast.

Announcement from Princess Kaguya. But first, presenting Queen Tarine, read the text. A busty silver-haired woman with a dark tan appeared on the screen. Traffic suddenly stopped. The androids stared up in unison, creeping the young man out a little.

"Good morning everyone," the queen said, an accent of some sort in her voice. "I love you all. We continue to make progress on locating the group of wizards and their witch accomplices. Soon, we will put an end to their terrorism. They cannot accept our technological advances, accusing our androids and computer systems of foul play, insisting on the rudimentary ways of living. They cannot have what they want, so the terrorists will try to rip it from your corpses. First it was an outrage against monster integration and now our technological system which has been with us for years. We will flush them out. Thank you and now I shall turn it over to my daughter."

A girl who looked to be Clyde's age appeared on the screen, purple eyes glistening with hope. A contrast to her mother's cold, practical stare. She looked upbeat. Her voice confirmed so. Her tan was light, same for her silver-hair which almost took on a white.

"I know Mother doesn't believe in prophets, but today, my mentor Palona has finally gotten back to us in regard to He Who Shall Bless Us. She said he's in the city right now. He may be walking around with his friends, foreigners. Please be kind and courteous. You may have seen him, perhaps witnessed his super strength or something. If you're listening to this hero, please wait for Palona. She knows all about you. She'll organize our meeting. In the meantime, please enjoy all this city has to offer. Thank you everyone for listening and I love you all."

The billboard blinked back into a weather broadcast.

"Well, we have answers," Alice said, "but I don't like this."

Chika turned to her friend, but said nothing.

Noona frowned.

"You mean the terrorists?"

"That's a part of it," Alice said. She shook her head. "I need to meet up with Tear. She'll know what to do."

"I know she's directing the statement at me, but I'm not keen on prophets knowing my location, unless it's Ming."

"Ming's awesome," Chika said. "I say we get her a present to thank her for everything she's done for us. Especially, you know, keeping us alive."

"Do you have any idea what she likes?" Noona asked. "She doesn't have a bio public."

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Chika shrugged.

"Maybe Natalia…Oh god, I don't want that runt to have any wagering power over me."

"I think Natalia wouldn't mind joining us on this present quest," Clyde said. "Anyway, I'm—"

Abruptly, two harpies were thrown out of a black building.

"Please let us back in," the teary harpies pleaded, one of them hiccupping.

"Get out of here, ya drunks! You've had too much." The bouncer slammed the door in their faces.

"Let's try another bar," one of the harpies said. Team Stone's blank stares only briefly followed them.

"Is that a part of their short-temperedness?" Clyde said to Airi.

"A fraction," Airi said. "You'd better hope this Palona is in a good mood."

Clyde waved off her statement.

"We'll see."



Dire awoke, panting, and angry. Despite the banishment, that Su Yang had somehow managed to haunt her dreams. She threatened to invade Dire's privacy, her secrets. Some nerve. She was given a fair warning and ignored it. Now…

The silver-haired girl yawned and stretched, before crawling out of her hotel bed. She glanced at the rudimentary paper map that Master Aunder insisted on printing. Too bad they couldn't visit Alon's capital city. She heard so many things about their technology.

Online debates raged on. Why wasn't the technology distributed evenly throughout the entire nation? The wizard group there were painted as terrorists, but Dire knew the truth. The Alonian capital hogged more than ninety percent of the people's tax money and invested very little of it back into other cities and towns. They invited monsters to live there, but didn't take the time to work on the entire nation. Dire shook her head. They still weren't as bad as her father.

Hundreds of miles from the capital city, Dire and her master were actually headed somewhere that could help them locate Fatalus. Or probably die.

"As if I'd let that happen. My Master must prevail or just give up on the stupid curse, love both forms, and forget."

Dire sighed, staring at Su Yang's spiritual form on her bed. This time, she couldn't interact with it. No one could. It just stared.

"Give me one good reason why I should allow you back into the plane of the living," Dire said to the ghost, although…questioning her own sanity. She wouldn't put it past her to finally succumb to the traumas. After all, only two months had passed since then…Su Yang simply stared at her, eyes lucid, but studying. Dire continued to rant. "You better stay away from my memories, you stupid ghost. Just because your spirit's untouchable now doesn't mean…" She sighed. "Just leave me alone. Us alone. I won't bring you back. You're not worth gaining the attention of the Punishment Squad."

Su Yang continued to stare, a smirk on her face. She was wearing a white gown that matched Dire's.

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