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Clyde peeked around the corner to see the coast clear. He let out a sigh of relief at finally losing Airi. That woman was going to end up sending him on a first-class trip to Headache City. Either her or Natalia. Just wait until he caught that runt. Alice would have a ball gluing her to the ceiling.

Only an hour and fifteen minutes remained until his equipment meeting. The city tour gave the young man an insight on how things ran. Everything seemed efficient at the first glance, but for some reason, Clyde couldn't shake off the feeling of wrongness.

There was no way humankind would accept monsters so quickly for one. Hell, it took centuries for them to accept each other in his home world. Why were the androids all female? From shop owners, to police, and even maintenance workers. Shouldn't the genders be distributed evenly or even neutral? The queen looked damned young. Well, okay, this was anime and a futuristic city. Technology and anime logic probably dealt her a nice hand.

That being said, something just wasn't adding up. Shit, Clyde would have to reveal himself to Airi for more information about the city. What if the government controlled the internet? What if they monitored search engines?

He'd rather not draw attention to himself until confirming his suspicions.

"What are you doing?"

Clyde spun to see Noona's gray eyes staring at him with curiosity and a little concern.

"Nothing," he quickly answered, earning himself a skeptical stare.


"Don't you start," Clyde said. He realized there were questions he needed to ask the busty demoness. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you this, but what's the fastest way to cultivate Ki?" He mentally glared at the requirements for his next Ki skills.

Noona tilted her head.

"Hmm. I can teach you my method right now if you'd like."

Clyde smiled.

"Let's do t—"

"But first, we must do that thing," she said in a lower voice. "You know."

"Later," Clyde said. "I need to learn this method as quickly as possible."

Noona folded her arms, eyes determined. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"It requires one to feel good. So either we feel good or I'm not going to bother. It'd be a waste of time. Besides…I only want to do it with you...for some reason. Maybe it's because we're friends?"

"Not really something typical friends do, but that's besides the point," Clyde said. He glanced at the time then at the demoness. "Fi—"

"Kun kun."

Clyde's stare went blank, knowing that only one person vocalized her sniffing sometimes. He felt her wagging tail pat against his leg multiple times.

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"What's with the secret meeting?" Ruri said as she snuggled into Clyde's bubble.

The young man figured a half-truth may get him past her nose.

"I was just asking about an alternate way to cultivate Ki," he said.

A light seemed to flash in the hellhound's mind.

"I know one," she said, "well, I think so. One of my mother's servants charges Ki through what appears to be some kind of meditation."

Noona sighed.

"That's what I'm going to teach him. This training's going to be private, so bye—"

"No way, I want petting," Ruri said, snuggling adorably into Clyde's stomach.

"You can get petting later," Noona said. "My lesson is important."

Ruri turned to Noona.

"Is it really, Boobs? Can it not wait till later?"

Clyde was a little amused at the rare frustration in Noona's voice. Still, he couldn't have the demoness and hellhound causing a scene.

"Alright, alright enough of this," Clyde said, petting Ruri. "Noona and I were discussing the cultivation technique prior to your arrival, Ruri. This lesson is important. I'll give a nice head massage later."

Ruri pouted, but finally gave in with a sigh.

"Fine, but I want more than that later." She revealed a pamphlet to the young man. "Take me here."

Meat Empire. The hellhound was just too cute. Power almost rivaling Alice, Ruri sometimes felt like a mystery to the young man. She showed PLENTY of affection to him—they were even compatible by some unknown demonic system that only seemed to spawn like an annoying Dues Ex Machina.

Clyde chuckled.

"Alright, we'll go after the equipment meeting."

"Yay," she said, her tail wagging harder, then she licked his face. Blushing, the hellhound quickly said, "so—sorry, it's so embarrassing when my instincts do that."

She quickly hurried off before Clyde could reassure her.

In the corner of his eye, Clyde caught sight of a blond man with wolf ears chuckling at Ruri's retreat before turning to walk away, but not without licking his lips and sniffing the air. Noona noticed it too, her eyes uncharacteristically cold. She seemed to internally shake herself.

"So, shall we get to the lesson?"

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"Sure," Clyde replied. "Your room."

Clyde texted a few people to keep an eye on Ruri and a blond wolfman. Or maybe he was some kind of werewolf? Male humanoid monsters were exceedingly rare.

Clyde wouldn't be surprised if the man tried to take Ruri canine-style. Maybe Natalia's ass-sniffing jokes held a little truth? Then again, Ruri and Matsume hated being compared to dogs nor showed any sign that they've sniffed each other. Beast-type monster girls sometimes only took one or two animal traits and habits, but not all of them.

None of the facts relaxed Clyde. The wolfman clearly didn't know she was a hellhound. If he tried something, Ruri and Matsume would murder him in public. All of that negative attention painted on Team Stone…The option to meet the royalty or the axe of execution.

"I hope that guy is just someone with a sense of humor and not an idiot," Clyde commented offhandedly.

Noona shook her head.

"You'd have a better chance at Seth becoming an honorable knight in shining armor. Never."

Clyde winced at the burn, but knew if the blond was there to defend himself, Noona's roast would be brutal. Or maybe perverted. He couldn't tell sometimes with the guy.

The young man started to follow Noona to her room, thanking the stars no one else would appear to interrupt.

But luck just wasn't with him in that regard. More than fifty percent of Team Stone took that time to enter the building, spotting him immediately, step out of their rooms, or exited the dining hall where snacks were served up all day.

He glanced at a hologram clock on the wall. Roughly fifty minutes remained until the equipment inspection.

"Pervy nii-channn."

Clyde caught Natalia by the back of her shirt with a single hand, dangling the loli into the air.

"Pervy husbando nii, look what I've made for you," she said, completely unperturbed. He gazed at the unopened box in her hand.

He thought Noona would be angry or annoyed, but the demoness seemed just as curious as him about the box.

The young man opened it to see two golden bracelets etched with some kind of runes. Glowing runes.

"They took almost a month to make and if pervy booby grape head and her other booby maid friend weren't ordered to the library to constantly interrupt my improvement research, I would've finished sooner."

[You have received a gift from your fiancée, Natalia. Bracelets of the New Path. Item class: Legendary, *One of a Kind*. While wearing these bracelets, all Ki-based abilities will do four times the damage. All Ki cultivation will be tripled. When married, all wives will receive a 250% damage boost to Ki-based attack skills while fifty meters in range of you. You will receive a menu option to turn the bracelets on and off. If on, they will drain your Ki until it reaches zero, then deactivate. The cooldown to reactivate is a solid 24 hours.]

Clyde put the loli down to try on his new bracelets, a shit-eating grin on his face.

"You made these?" he asked.

"Sure did," Natalia said. "Do you like them?" He could see the tears hanging at the corners of her eyes.

"Damn right I do," Clyde said as he put them on. "These bracelets are freaking amazing. W—"

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Natalia anime-dove into him with a tight hug. The hotel staff and some guests let out a group awe. Some of them wiped away tears, sniffling. One of the staff, a glasses-wearing anime girl, tripped over something, spilling her coffee right onto the lap of her seated boss. He sounded like Tom from Tom and Jerry, as he let out a yell of despair, ruining the entire mood.

"I'm really sorry!" the girl cried, bowing, but the man's snarl didn't fade. How could it after getting burned for no reason by a clumsy employee that should be doing her job?

"You…Oh fuck that hurts," he said. "You're sorry, huh? Well, that won't stop this referral. And your last warning. GO TO MY OFFICE for the write-up. And I'll let you show me how sorry you are when you sign."

The staff girl scurried off. The man sighed.

"I worked eighteen hours straight and want to take a break and I get burned for it." He shook his head. "I apologize for my outburst. My staff aren't usually like this." He nodded at Clyde. "Somehow you gained fangirls after this morning." He briefly glared at his staff members, except the androids. "Please continue to enjoy yourself. I'll be off to speak privately with my employee."

The middle-aged man in the suit followed after his employee, pace unhurried.

He heard a nearby male employee say,

"I guess she'll be licking the coffee off his penis."

"Doubtful," a passing android said. "That is the first time she's gotten into trouble. And she isn't nearly as attractive as some others. There is a twelve point two five percent that the boss would actually get aroused by her."

"She's actually really cute without the glasses," the hotel employee said. "But you can't see that because you're an idiot-bot." He moved on, his last words being, "I wish they would've just left those robotic voices installed. Fucking idiot androids."

Clyde did not miss the android's fist balling. Then she folded her arms to harrumph like a tsundere.

"These stupid humans will end up being the deactivation of me."

Clyde and Team Stone blinked.

"Maybe we should go to the reserved room?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Most of us came early to prepare anyway," Toru said. Fumi was at his side in human form, holding his hand.

Noona seemed to be a little annoyed at the cute couple. He chuckled. The adorable and beautiful demoness was capable of getting anyone she wanted, yet she emitted jealousy toward a boy and his slime girl waifu.

Natalia hopped onto Clyde's shoulders. He examined his new bracelets again, following Tear and the others' leads.

"How did you make these?" Clyde asked. "This is well-crafted. And the runes..."

"Pure skill," Natalia bragged. "Well, I did have the meanie girl teach me some things. It has to look pretty."

Clyde nodded, a new respect forming for both Kitome and the loli.

"I texted the rest to hurry over," Harumi said as Clyde entered the room.

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He nodded, setting Natalia down.

"Where's Ruri?" Yuki asked. "I need her nose and cuteness later."

"I think she stepped out with Matsume," Alice said.

Noona frowned.

"I don't know about this."

"You mean the wolfman?" Seth said then chuckled. "I don't know who this guy is, but he can't touch Ruri." Everyone shot him a blank stare. "The same looks when I told you that none of the hostile hellhounds could take on Chika. Imagine the looks on your faces to find out I was right."

Ming snorted.

"I don't see any danger reading on her. Matsume's…I'm unsure. Her meter's yellow. But any girl that is approached by a guy…wait."

"Ah shit," Clyde said. "Well, I would say that, but when we first met Matsume, her level was even higher than Ruri's."

Seth chuckled.

"She's one of the strongest members of our party. And hottest."

"You'll say that about anyone with large breasts, pervert," Kitome snapped.

"I just hope we don't end up with a dead werewolf on our hands," Clyde said.

Many of the team's eyes widened at the implications.

"I forget that they're hellhounds sometimes," Yuki said, then she chuckled. "Maybe if we're lucky enough, they're shred him to unrecognizable pieces in an alley way."

The last time Ruri got incredibly pissed—not counting the boss fights—was during that fight with Alice. The power generated put Lot City in danger of being blown off the map, almost like the time Goku powered up into Super Saiyan three.

"While we're waiting on them, it's time to upgrade shit," Clyde said. "No exceptions." He sat Natalia on his leg. "That includes you, squirt. At least show us the upgrades you made on the staff."

Natalia held her hand to the side. The Staff of Hope materialized out of sparkles less than a heartbeat later. She sat in on the table. Kanako ran a finger down the magical tool, admiring its design.

"I can certainly feel a lot of added power into this thing," Kanako said.

The loli only stared at them smugly.

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