Last time on the Anime Trope System, Clyde and Team Stone had unknowingly walked into the middle of an intense political situation. Unfortunately, they couldn't stay uninvolved, as fate itself seemed to call upon them. They brought down the hammer, stopping the wizards from taking control of a stumbling country.

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There were two sides of a story, even people being at the wrong place at the wrong time, dragged to death's door unfairly.

The adventure quest is complete! But…someone awaits Team Stone in Lot City.

Welcome to the Anime Trope System Volume 13:

The Relationships of Team Stone!

Nation's Seat of Alon…


Sunday. Week 1. Month 3. Year 1. Season: Winter.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Domino, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 9 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia, Kitome.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice, Kitome. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Kitome, human: 9.3 months. Kitome: day 1, week 1. Harumi, Alice week: 2.]

[Your fiancée, Kitome's current mood: heart-fluttering happiness.]

[Base HP bonus from Kitome: +200%]

[Perk bonus on hold until you marry her: GOD tier skill: *Planetary Snipe. You may tap into Kitome's power to fire a condensed heart bomb to anywhere on the planet. Inflicts Super Extreme damage on a group of foes. If your Range Ki stat is high enough, the damage of this skill increases dramatically. Your ability to make out the target from planetary ranges will increase.]

[Warning, God tier skills will drain an enormous amount, maybe even all of your MP upon use. Use sparingly. You do not have to train this skill.]

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[Kitome is from Yaponiya and utilizes the human way of marriage.]

Oh Grandma, your favorite grandson continues to disappoint you, Clyde thought as he woke up to see all of his fiancées crammed in the bed with him. Harumi was on top of the young man, smothering him with what he'd love to lay on as perfect pillows. Life felt amazing—the super boner that formed woke her.

The young woman groaned, her expression clearly showing fatigue.

"How are you feeling?" Clyde asked, putting aside his senseless cravings. There would be plenty of time for that later, Harumi was his concern. He enjoyed her soft touch, flowery scent and embrace, and didn't rush the woman for an answer.

"I feel kind of like crap," she said softly. Suddenly, Harumi crawled off him and dashed to the bathroom. Clyde could already hear the sound of vomiting into the toilet. Morning sickness? Wasn't this supposed to occur at least six weeks or so after...oh wait, that was science for humans. The pink-haired young woman was one hundred percent kitsune.

The other women awoke from either Clyde and Harumi moving out of bed or the commotion. Melody went ahead of Clyde to check on the fox girl. The young man eyed Alice who seemed fine.

After the morning activities, Clyde and Team Stone stopped for one last fancy hotel breakfast in the Nation of Alon. Harumi ate light, but mostly laid across the young man's lap. He caressed her head.

"Are you well, soul sister?" Ruri asked. She was seated next to the pink-haired young woman, concern in her eyes. The hellhound princess tossed aside any jealousy of not being petted.

"Morning sickness," Alice said.

"Oh," Ruri said. "Mother has potions for it…since you know…many of our kind goes through this a lot. I should've brought some with me."

Alice reached over and poked Ruri on the nose. Kitome grimaced, her ring seeming to reflect the light that touched it.

"I'm not looking forward to that," the magical girl said.

"Well you're not pregnant," Alice said. "You've got nothing to worry about."

Kitome flinched, but said nothing. Alice looked at her skeptically. "Where were you during the party, by the way?"

"In my room," Kitome quickly said.

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"Kun, kun," Ruri said. "She's telling the truth."

"Hey, don't do that," Kitome said.

Ruri smiled sheepishly then giggled. "I smell fertilization."

The entire room went silent as all eyes turned to both Clyde and Kitome. A drop of sweat fell off the back of the young man's head. "And look, a ring. Congratulations." Ruri's smile was innocent, but Clyde could actually see jealousy aura surrounding her. He used the ball of diamond, a ball of gold, silver, and Fever Crystal to craft the relic item. Honestly, with the buffs the rings provided to the women, he was pretty freaking excited to present them as proposal gifts. Alice still wore the most valuable one. The only symbolic-ranked item he'd ever seen. The benefits were unknown, but she definitely housed some kind of extra power from it. He briefly recalled the item rarities. Common, uncommon, rare, very rare, epic, legendary, relic, symbolic, ancient, and the highest, deitic. The alternate name for deitic showed up next to it on the menu as Godly with an option to swap. He did so just to relate to the earthly word. Maybe it sounded cooler…

"You…" Alice said then sighed. "Welcome to the club, Kitome. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't beat the crap out of him or something."

Kitome blushed.

Tear laughed, although a bit of jealousy aura briefly flashed around her. "Alice, you should know by now how to spot a girl in love."

"Masochist," Seth said.

"Says the guy seeing the frog girl," Toru said.

"I'm not seeing her," Seth said, blushing. "I went over there just to chat. There's nothing wrong with chatting with cute friends."

The women gave him a skeptical glare of distaste.

"Dummy blond, I thought of all people who could be honest, it would be you," Natalia said, then shook her head. "Guess I misjudged you. A dummy blond will always be a dummy blond. Baka."

"You…" Seth growled then sighed. "I'm not going to explain myself to a toddler. How about hitting puberty first before you start chiming into a conversation with the grownups."

"Why you," Natalia said, before Tear finally ended the bickering with the grace of a paper fan.

"I don't want to hear a word of insult from you two for the rest of the day," Tear said, "or I'll make you hold hands."

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Seth and Natalia folded their arms and harrumphed like tsunderes.

Clyde sighed. "Wrap things up, we're about to pick up Kaguya from the palace."

The news suddenly appeared on the TV mounted on the wall, revealing Clyde protecting the queen.

[Your Faith Level has increased to 22. +50 faith points. Total faith points: 160]

[Congratulations! Your reputation has increased to level 9! I honor you.]

[The Nation of Alon had allied with your territory.]

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Really System, Clyde thought with a little deadpan annoyance. He caressed Harumi's head. Her fox ears and tail popped into existence.

"Someone from Support, start up the bus," Clyde ordered. "We'll be heading to the palace in ten minutes."

The hotel guests whispered among each other, but as Team Stone prepared to leave, the sound of applauding thundered through the air.

Someone anime-dove toward Clyde. Mystic senses active, he turned in time to catch Dera. Tears streamed from her eyes.

"Please take me with you," she said. "I wish to join Team Stone. The probability of my help being of use to you is…well unknown. And I could be of use to Mother too."

Clyde stared into her eyes for a moment then shrugged.

"Fuck it, why not? Go grab your things. We'll wait. Misaka, Kiko, can you help her?"

"I'll help too!" Kanako said, hurrying to catch up with the other women.

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"Kanako's so sweet," Chika said then turned to Clyde. "I'll kick your butt if you use that last wish."

Clyde chuckled. "You know, I completely forgot that she can do that."

Natalia puffed her cheeks in a pout. "I'm sweet too," she said quietly.

Clyde gave Seth a warning look the moment he opened his mouth to protest. He smiled sheepishly.

While waiting on Dera and the others, the young man took a look at his BCFUS skill. He recalled the prompt which revealed his achievement of the second step.

[You have met the requirements to rank up your prophet further! The next step will be to propose to her. Focus on unlocking her new abilities first! Ta-ta!]

[BCFUS lv. 5. Rank 2: You can only present a temporary speed and jump boost. You may make only some changes to their appearances, heal moderate injuries, and sense their whereabouts at a better range, all using Free points (also known as Soul Points). You can now increase present temporary attack and defense increases. All women married to you will now have the deity and divine element attributes embedded into some of their attack skills. Chances of inflicting status alignments and heavy or more damage increases.

You may rank up your prophet by spending points. ]

To get her to rank four, he'd have to put a ring on her finger. Too bad the young man needed crafting materials to make one. Fuck, where could he farm them? Could they farm them in real life? Clyde was going to try.

"Airi," he said.

"Hmm?" Airi walked over to him.

"We need to find a place to farm materials. You're an adventurer, I know you know what that means."

"Well of course, but you know Clyde, it's not that easy to find locations that hadn't been cleaned out. But, I wouldn't be Airi if I couldn't find something." She poked his chest.

Clyde grinned. "Fuck yeah." He turned to Ming. "It's time to rank you up."

Her expression brightened as she walked over to him. "You can do it again?"

"Sure can," Clyde said, "although there are requirements. You'll find out later."

She blinked. "Okay."

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