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Ring City, Terravon…

Sol smirked as he prepared to move in on Liru. He had nothing against the kitsune personally, but what she found caught his interest. The dragons were away, and she was on her way home from work.

The fox girl made him wait for quite some time, visiting an orphanage along the way to volunteer, and just showing off a self-righteous, all light, no dark, public face. Then she went home to sit alone in sadness, reading, or grading papers. Sol grimaced in distaste. She could use some teachings from his home world. Or maybe his wood inside her. Too bad she found an Omen's Sphere.

The presence of Risa landing from behind made him turn to look at her. Dark yellow eyes stared into his.

"What are you doing?" she said in a bored voice.

"Nothing that concerns you," Sol said. "What do you want? I already told you her location. Are you going to attack?"

Risa huffed. "What's the rush? Are you trying to get rid of me? Do you want me gone that badly?"

"Yes actually, so could you hurry things up," Sol said.

Risa whacked him on the head. "Do not provoke me. I will set your house on fire."

Sol shrugged. Right as he made the decision to aim his hand at Liru's house as a warning shot, wing flaps filled the air. Shadows appeared above him and before he knew it, three dragon sisters he knew as Chiyo, Aimi, and Kimiko blocked his path.

"Risa," Chiyo said, worry and concern in her voice.

Blushing heavily, eyes teary and frantic, and just filled with shame, Risa dropped to a bow. "I'm sorry!" She shifted into her dragon form and took off, right as Chiyo's hand reached out to the woman.

Chiyo sighed. "She was misguided by someone in her family." The white-haired woman shook her head, gaze becoming ice as she addressed Sol. Her sisters backed the dragon up with matching gazes. Sol shrugged then turned to walk away. "This is your only warning. If you come near Liru again, I will kill you. Or Clyde will do it."

Sol turned back to her and laughed. "I see you've obtained quite the sense of humor. Do you honestly believe that pathetic weakling would come back to this city if I was in it. I only spared him out of pity. Beating up the weak stops being fun when they're on the verge of crying." He eyed Chiyo and her sisters. "Would you like the same treatment?"

Chiyo's cold gaze didn't waver as she refused to take Sol's bait.

"Get the hell out of here, scum," Aimi said. "Stupid men are all the same. Assholes."

Sol rolled his eyes. "As if women were angels." He laughed. Despite his standoff, the dragons still didn't take the bait. The elder sister's power was quite formidable, but not quite elder dragon level. Sol would have to waste Falcon Mode on her, but small sacrifices of power were just tiny distractions or maybe amusements. He wiggled his tongue at them sexually. "I'll go, but don't expect this to be my last visit. I'll be adding the entire nation to my territory soon. As soon as I figure out who's got the scroll, it's mine."

Abruptly, Sol teleported next to Kimiko and delivered a knee to her stomach that toppled her over. Before the other dragons could react, he was gone, his last words being, "Next time you try to put a secret spell on me, I'll make sure to take out an organ."


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Nation's Seat, Alon…


[Natalia's birthday is coming up in 4 days. Other birthdays in Domino: Clare, Naomi.]

[Your prophet has reached Rank 3!]

[Ming has learned passive skill: *Basic Enemy Predict. She can now predict the movements of standard enemies during battle. This skill will gain experience as Ming gains experience. This is an extremely rare skill.]

[Ming can now link with Alice once per day. All attack and defenses double for both women when linked. This will apply to any transformation.]

[Marrying her will bring forth frightening power. And the child birthed from your seed will be a great seer, greater than his or her mother.]

[Note: Remember Ming is human. If her powerful barriers are down, she is vulnerable to anything on the same level as a civilian.]

[To increase Ming's rank any further, you must meet the following requirements: 1. Have more sex with her. 2. Propose to her.]

[Free points spent: 20. Free points remaining: 180.]

Clyde internally winced as Yusuke grinned evilly at his big sister, Kitome. He pat her lightly on the back, which an action within itself would've earned him a possible punch in the gut or glare.

"It's fine, it's fine, I only told Dad," Yusuke said. "It was he that told Mom." He made a wincing gesture. "Apparently she's on a blood hunt, you know. Dad said to prepare for a lot of hurting." Before Kitome could faint, the ninja said, "just kidding." Clyde felt like his bones would float from the feeling of relief. Yusuke continued to scold both his sister and Clyde. "I'm not going to babysit her, but you guys will have to let our parents know."

A tap on Clyde's lower back made him turn to look down into kuudere eyes.

"Yusuke would get into just as much trouble for hiding the information, onii-chan," Naoko said, her voice carrying no emotion as usual. The ninja anime-fell to the side.

As they wrapped up their goodbyes to the queen who attempted to fill the bus up with a lot of Kaguya's things, the party prepared to leave. A band played music and surrounding maids and butlers bowed to Team Stone.

Amina pulled Clyde off to the side, eyes filled with annoyance. The young man noticed Ming still fangirled over the famous Stone-Tokken sorceress.

"I've had enough of being ignored," Amina said. "You're spending no time with me. This is the incorrect treatment of your deck leader."

"Relax, Amina," Clyde said. "Remember, we were in the middle of an important quest when you decided to stay. Come on, enjoy our world. Are you in a rush to go back to the Infinite Library? It's nice having you here. It's also funny how you react to this world."

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Amina huffed, blushing brightly. "Do you find my fumbling amusing?"

"Kind of and cute," Clyde said, laughing. "Lighten up. We're headed back to one of our homes. You'll finally get to relax without dealing with the hotel staff. Also, Yuki's cooking is amazing."

"I really miss Yuki's cooking," Alice said. "Damned hotel food try too hard and it lacks love. It's mutilation of food, I tell you."

Clyde and Amina blinked, before laughing. Noona tilted her head, wondering what joke she missed. Alice simply blushed.

Clyde shook the queen's hand one last time. She suddenly pulled him into a hug, thanking the young man once again for everything.

"Please take care of my daughter," the queen said softly. "She means everything to me."

"Mother, you're embarrassing me," Kaguya said, blushing, despite being a ghost girl. Clyde left the impossibility to anime logic. Ghost girls were not uncommon. They could do the same things as the living, except with an addition of psychic powers. Why did Venus save her? Questions for later.

When the team gathered around the bus, Tear raised her hand, allowing a show of multi-colored magic to stream through the air. Then she released the magic, warping them to the Ring City.

A prompt congratulated Clyde again for completing an adventure quest, reminding him that they were just as important as their main story counterparts, some of them being even more important.

[Ring City in the Nation of Terravon.]

Time: Morning…

As they appeared at their giant modern-style house, Clyde couldn't help but recall their three-day bus drive starting from this very place. With his things in his inventory, he responded to Hinako's request for help. When he Jumped her home, she pulled the young man inside. A passionate kissing session became a Ki-increasing sweat fest of fucking.

Grasping Hinako's tight ass, he plowed while nibbling on her breasts. The professor couldn't get enough of him, squeezing tightly, juices overflowing, moans threatening to disturb neighbors.

She felt incredible.

When Hinako took control on top, her riding was almost frantic, hungry, her soft kisses sending messages of longing and hope. He made sure to pull out, the weight of being irresponsible slapping down on him. Clyde wasn't a luster for money, but he felt glad to be a billionaire. Now came the hard part: be a parent that didn't let riches spoil the kids. As someone growing up in the middle, working class, that wouldn't be an issue. Harumi and Kitome too. The way Alice kind of mothered Natalia, she'd be fine.

[Hinako Ki crests unlock and multiplied by Bracelets: Wisdom:3 Courage: 3 Wind: 3]

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner," Hinako said.

"I can't, but you're invited to have dinner later with us," Clyde said. "You will feel an instant addiction to Yuki's skills."

Hinako puffed up her cheeks in a cute anime pout that made the young man grin.

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"What time?" she finally asked.

"Around seven," Clyde said. "And hey, we have plenty of rooms in our houses. You're Team Stone. We'll be happy to have you live with us."

"I'll think about it," Hinako said.

"The rooms are the size of apartments," Clyde said. "With plenty of money thrown on it. But I can understand the need to protect your modest house here."

Hinako sighed.

"My house isn't that great, it's kind of…well, you know how it is for a single person trying to live on their own in a big city. I have to pay off the mortgage, anyway."

Clyde nodded in understanding. "When you're ready, I'll get Tear to take care of that minor annoyance."

Hinako's eyes widened. "Even if you can…I can't have you take care of my problems. Responsibilities are—"

Clyde waved away that statement. "Team Stone will take care of Team Stone. Think of it like employee benefits. Even though…I don't think of you that way." He chuckled, face warm. "Anyway, think on it. I'll be back to pick you up for dinner."

He kissed the busty woman one last time then walked outside into the night, preparing to Jump. He'd meet the maidens during the day on this side of the world.


Clyde turned to see Hinako catching up to him. Her suitcase was with her.

"It's night here and I'd rather be with everyone," she said. "It's…really lonely in there."

"Then let's go back," the young man said. He pulled her close, triggering the Jump skill.

He had no idea of that someone incredibly powerful was out taking a late-night stroll just a half a block away.


Back in Ring City, Clyde was immediately greeted with the scene of a grim Harumi, Liru, two of the dragon sisters, and a new girl, he assumed was the third sister.

"There you are," Harumi said.

"What's going on?" Clyde asked, Hinako walking at his side, curious about the dark vibe.

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"Sol has been spying on my sister," Harumi said, fire in her eyes. Her fox ears and tail popped into existence. Liru shot her a blank stare before sighing. Her ears and tail appeared too.

Clyde forced himself to focus on the situation at hand. Sol, spying on Harumi's sister. What the fuck for? Before he could ask for elaboration, Liru passed something to him. His eyes widened as the power of the Omen's sphere pulsed through his hand and traveled throughout his veins, automatically absorbing it.

"Ah, well if he was after this, that idea's into the rabbit hole," Clyde said. "My body absorbs these things without my consent."

The dragon sisters were staring at him open-mouthed. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Something's different about you," Chiyo said, eyes full of interest. She moved close enough to make Harumi step between them, make Hinako snort, Kimiko sigh, and the new girl, Aimi, lick her lips.

For some reason Aimi seemed to conflict with herself…but she looked quite hungry. Something about a hungry dragon girl should've made Clyde feel uncertain, but the beast within wanted to satisfy an infinite lust.

"It's nothing important," Clyde lied, waving off her statement and deescalating the tension in the air. "Come inside. Liru, you can tell me your routine and ideals to help lure that fucker into a trap. I owe him some payback."

Liru sighed. "Not something I wanted to talk about in the morning. You guys just got back and all."


"Pervy-nii," Natalia said, anime-diving into the young man. "Kanako was tricked into giving that froggy girl our address. Now she's on her way by helicopter to surprise dummy blond."

Kanako burst out of the house, teary-eyed, grabbing ahold of the young man's waist immediately.

"It wasn't my fault! Natalia tricked me."

Clyde let out his millionth sigh. Harumi softly facepalmed. Naoko stood out the entrance of the house, staring at them with a large lollipop in her hand.

"Clyde…who is that cute child," Chiyo said. Fuyoko appeared out of nowhere scooping up the loli.

"Don't even think about it, she's mine."

Naoko, seemingly unphased by the attention, licked her giant heart-shaped candy.

"See Hinako, you'll never feel lonely," Clyde said. The professor's smiled outshined the sun.

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