Clyde nodded after listening to Liru and the dragon sisters explain their routines for the past ten minutes.

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"And you have no clue where he lives? Or the Risa girl," Clyde said, his voice checking for clarification.

"No," Chiyo said. Kimiko seemed to wilt. The young man assumed she had some kind of personal vendetta against him. Maybe it had something to do with their ex-friend? He decided to just target that unspoken elephant.

"We all watched Risa get decimated by Dire," Clyde said. "Do you think Sol actually knew how to use forbidden magic to revive her? Or maybe she somehow survived?"

"I honestly don't know," Chiyo said. Aimi's expression shifted to righteous anger.

"Risa was always ambitious, but she'd never resort to actually hurting someone," Aimi said. "Something happened in the Soulless household. Why isn't she going home? Why hang out with some stranger?"

"And that guy of all people," Kimiko added as she banged the table.

"You still have much to learn, my little cupcake," Chiyo said. "Never get provoked. Only resort to violence if you're left with no choice. But I'm going to make an exception and smash his head against the concrete when I catch him. How dare he attack you!" She pulled the orange-haired girl into the breast trap.

"I get it, I get," Kimiko said, struggling to pull herself out. "Let me go already."

"When will you call me, Onee-chan? Or Onee-sama?"

"In your dreams," Kimiko said as she finally pulled free. Liru softly facepalmed the same way her younger sister did.

When the small meeting finally concluded, Clyde left the room, but not before inviting the guests to dinner. He saw Yuki preparing to go shopping.

"Shall I join you?" he asked her. The kuudere's eyes seemed to light up.

"Maki, Sophia, you know what pots and bowls I need," Yuki said. "Gather those and then prepare the table."

Maki pouted. "We've been replaced."

Sophia smiled, kindness radiating from her in waves. Both of the women shed their old selves some time ago due to the right guidance. Maki was even getting along with her parents again. Sophia, the ex-Viper maiden turned Stone Maiden was kept around not just to serve Yuki, but simply for her own good. She needed to be around good people and to be symbolically reminded that she almost took the wrong path. A path that only led to pointless death. A strikingly beautiful woman with a nice bust and long white hair, she would've been wasted on the Viper.

Clyde silently thanked the stars Yuki wasn't dressed in a maid outfit. Sure, she looked incredible in anything, but he didn't want people to get the wrong idea. It was mostly the perverts that annoyed him.

Rather than walk to the major shopping center, Clyde Jumped them. Yuki immediately grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the in-store movie theater.

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"It's still morning and there's no rush," Yuki said. "Let's go."

The young man could only shrug and comply. In addition to the shopping date, why not go to the theater? He expected some kind of romance, but Yuki chose an action film with a little romance and comedy in it. And it was fucking great. Superior quality anime on the big screen. The edge lord would probably cream if he saw this.

"You seemed to have enjoyed that more than I did," Yuki noted as they left the theater.

"I thought it was a pretty solid movie," Clyde said. "Although, they could tone down the explosions a bit."

Yuki chuckled. "That's Director Miton Baiy for you. He fills his films with as many explosions as possible and many people just love it."

Clyde laughed. Back on Earth, his laughter would've stopped after being placed into the position of Official Bag Carrier. The inventory said otherwise. The extra dimensional space that showed up as a grid in his mind had plenty of spots open and seemed to have grown in size as the young man leveled. Yuki did some extra shopping—starting with clothing for Clyde himself, then Naoko, Kanako, Sophia, and Nina. While Kanako earned a Team Stone wage, with Tear's servants mostly handling her needs, Yuki still wanted an excuse to dress them up. Fuyoko took care of Naoko, as the ancient kuudere loli gave up on explaining to her that she was capable of doing everything herself. Rumors of an adult form spilled from Nina's mouth at one point.

Toru had maids and butlers handle the gothic loli's needs, although Fumi mostly stole that role. Overall, Team Stone took care of Team Stone.

As they started toward the exit of the shopping center, Clyde noticed a flashing billboard stating that the owner of a Lot City restaurant desperately wanted someone to bail them out of debt through a complete overhaul. Other ads were posted for more local opportunities.

Upon stepping out of the shopping center, Yuki pulled the young man toward a love hotel and let's just say the feeling of enormous soft amazing breasts and wild sex jumpstarted the rest of the morning. Yuki's climax was so intense, she rocked backward, squeezing tightly, holding onto him with her arms and legs locked. Juices oozed over the sheets. Clyde's load blasted onto a window.

The second round doubled in intensity. The kuudere demoness radiated cheerfulness and satisfaction on their way back to their Ring City house.

A text message from Chika caught the young man's attention.

Chika: Clyde, check out the news on the web asap.

Clyde: ok. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Kitome: it's really stupid.

Alice: She's just another cow.

Tear: Oh Alice, you'll learn some day. Hope you're ready for breastfeeding

Alice: ….

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Seth: hehehe.

Toru: *facepalm emoji*

The moment Clyde opened his browser, on the side, he noticed a trending area. Elf queen's invitation? Yuki hovered over him as he tapped play on a video clip. First, it showed him shaking the hand of the Alon's queen, even hugging her. What the others didn't know was her secret whispering. "Jump to my bedroom one night. Make me feel like a queen again." Good thing Kanako distracted Ruri at the time.

The video switched from the Alonian scene to another starring an incredibly beautiful and busty elf woman wearing a fancy skin-hugging dress.

"To Team Stone, if you are listening, I invite you to Elroot, the homeland of the elves. I invite you to my home. We'd like to award you for your noble actions. If anyone has any contact information, mostly of the leader, please forward it to our inquiry center. You will be paid accordingly." Fifty grand in numbers flashed on the screen.

Suddenly, Naomi's website became number two on the trending list. The young man tapped the link to her site to cure the curiosity. She had regular visitors and moderators that protected her site, including the newest admin, Chika. Her forums were now loaded with thousands of new users, flooding the forums with a request for Clyde and Team Stone's emails and even personal information. He could tell Naomi was at work, as new registrations were grayed out and the site bans took root. She had the support of Tear's network of course. They couldn't risk her website getting hacked because of the coverage on them.

"Any particular reason why I should visit the elf queen?" Clyde said to Yuki.

The kuudere demoness actually grimaced. "You know the obvious answer. My answer."

Clyde sighed. "Fine, I won't bug you about it. I'll just remind everyone to be extra careful. Not that you guys need me to babysit."

"No, but you do a good job showing that you care," Yuki said. A small smile formed on her face.

Just then, the sound of screams echoed from somewhere. Clyde and Yuki spun to see a civilian woman running away from two large green-skinned, pointy-eared men…Naked and as erect as Mount Fuji. Tattoos ran down their arms. Armed with clubs, they frantically chased their prey, packages…remaining upward and freaking unmoving. Goblins?

"There goes my incredible morning," Clyde said as he unsheathed Bloodlight. Yuki spawned a broom, soliciting a blank stare from the young man. He didn't miss the small twitching of her mouth—which formed into the hint of a playful smirk.

The broom flickered with red light until becoming Yuki's black sword. Aura surrounded the demoness.

"There's nothing like a little bloodshed in the morning," Yuki said. "You go left, I go right. I wonder if I could chop it off."

Clyde internally shuddered.

Eccentric Forest-dwelling Hobgoblins.

Level: 160

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Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: none.

Weakness: well…

Resistances: none.

[Your party has entered combat!]

Yuki rushed ahead of Clyde to engage the creature, dodging his piss-poor attempt at a swing, and what the young man witnessed next made him glad that the demoness smothered him with love. The hobgoblin screamed as his penis hurled through someone's window, landing on the other side. Yuki actually took the time to magically repair that car's window.

"Can't have someone's insurance rates going up," she said and Clyde had to do everything in his power not to burst into laughter. The kuudere just had no idea about her high level of humor. Well, she did troll the other girls almost in the same way Tear did, except more lighthearted. Like the bridal advice from a book or manga when she herself never been married nor dated. Melody eventually caught on, but the blushes were already received.

The hobgoblin on the left roared and moved in to avenge his buddy. Too bad he met Clyde's shoe to his face. Before he could move, the young man lopped off his head, causing the entire body to burst into purple flames, which winked out of existence seconds later. There were a few people watching with wide eyes, however, taking a look at the terrified woman that had a bleeding gash on the side of her face and some bruises on her arms, they immediately figured out the heavily muscled monsters attacked the civilian.

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: Goblin Penis statue. Item value: worthless. Hey, this may be an inspiration to compare yourself to. Your statue is about eight feet long.]

Clyde opened the menu and selected it. A side menu appeared. He clicked on DELETE ITEM. He didn't know this was possible until now, but a menu was a menu.

[You're no fun. Party pooper. For deleting the reward in which your sweet, lovable, and beautiful system gifted to you who is not worthy, you earned the title, Ungrateful Party Pooper. Baka!]

Oh, goddammit System, Clyde thought tiredly. The surrounding civilians clapped as he and Yuki walked off. Some were seconds from pulling their phones out to take pictures, but the young man quickly selected himself and Yuki to Jump. He didn't need the elf queen causing commotion with a sudden visit to Ring City. What kind of a manhunt would she release just to find them. He wanted to say it wouldn't be a big deal, but the fifty thousand dollar reward for just his email didn't convince him.

The moment he opened the door, Ruri scurried up to him, tail wagging, nose sniffing.

"No meat?" she asked, ears sagging.

"The groceries are in his inventory," Yuki said. "Don't spoil your dinner, hellhound princess."

Ruri pouted. "I have rights to be free." She snuggled into Clyde. He gave her a head pat. "I'm going to help put up the groceries." He looked at Natalia. "Aren't witches supposed to be spending their time studying spells? Never mind, what time is you-know-who is supposed to arrive?"

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"In a few hours," Natalia said. "She'll be here by dinner. And I can't wait to see the look on a certain moron's face."

Clyde ruffled the loli's hair then followed Yuki into the kitchen. It took the duo only a few minutes to put the groceries in their respective places. He handed the clothes to the demoness, watching the gleam spark into her eyes. Poor Kanako just happened to be floating in, talking with her new bestie, Kaguya, when Yuki made her move.

"Oh Kanakooo," she cooed. The genie turned to the demoness only to get yanked and pulled into another room.

"Nooo, not dress-up, help Kaguya," Kanako pleaded, but it was far too late. The ghost-girl sighed. A drop of sweat fell off the back of her forehead.

"Well, it certainly is always lively with you guys," she said.

Clyde gave her a dead expression. "You get used to it." He chuckled. "Just wait until Yuki introduces you to a world of flavor and food addiction. This is why we're going to put a house in places we intend to live at for a while."

Hinako nodded, seated by Matsume and Fumi, nodded. "It's quite lonely without them."

Naoka hopped into the professor's lap, soliciting a head pat. Amina smiled at the loli.

"Where's Fuyoko?" Clyde asked.

"Chika offered us a spot in her company," Airi said as she emerged from the hall. "Fuyoko wouldn't let me turn it down." She sighed. "And Chika's pleading face was too cute. Fearsome girl."

"Yeah," Clyde said. "Even her father, who I swear is in the Yakuza, acknowledged that."

"At least he was a nicer guest than my mother," Melody said with a laugh.

"That's an unfair comparison," Clyde said. "Try Kitome's mom."

Kitome blushed. "Yeah…Mom is Mom. Piss her off and you'll regret it. I wonder how she will take being a grandmother."

The party members in the living room looked at her simultaneously and gulped.

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