Forest of Silence…

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Aunder couldn't help but be surprised that Terrance called for him quicker than predicted. His timing couldn't be better, because the journey to destroying the creator of the so-called Princess Dire curse neared its end. He had to break a few people to get the answers needed, but that was simply the way of the world.

The Forgotten Party would have loyal members as well as an army at their disposal, filled with minds dedicated to being a part of something greater than themselves. The only forced adherent of course would be Thor, although he seemed amuse at the entire movement. If world domination couldn't get the attention of the Watchers, then nothing could.

Aunder winced as the taint deep within stirred up a little pain in his veins. A small aura of red, void-black, and void-purple briefly oozed around him. Even Nemesis, his orange-bladed deity-slaying sword seemed to hum in discomfort.

Seconds later, the taint finally shut the hell up, allowing the man to continue his solo walk to his destination. He glanced at Terrance's text message again and chuckled. The recruitment was going well so far. Dire and Su Yang would retrieve them after locating their next recruit, passing said person with a business card.

After he took care of the current problem, Aunder would rejoin them. So much work, so little time.

The only thing left that bugged him was the lack of the Stone's whereabouts. He could no longer invade the echoes of his dreams, meaning that the young man from before had gotten significantly more powerful. Maybe Aunder would finally get the chance to go all out. Or not. So maybe the Stone wasn't living a delusion like the Leaf or the Wind. And apparently the Falcon also fell into the disappointment bin.

Aunder didn't exclude the bird just yet. Dire didn't catch him in a one-on-one fight, but in the middle of another conflict, which meant he could've exerted out most of his magic. She didn't report him going all out—no transformations or anything. How bloody frustrating.

Aunder glanced at his dark surroundings. Despite the time being afternoon, the Forest of Silence lived up to its name. The only sounds produced is when the man purposely stepped on a branch, snapping it in two. The trees seemed healthy despite the lack of sunlight. No animal lurked. That possibly meant that the presences of what he searched for emitted a blanket dominance over the land. Quite the boring place to live, if Aunder was being honest. Nothing to admire, nothing to fight. Just an area of darkness, trees, and silent wind. Why would a shrine for one of the most troublemaking dark goddesses be in a place like this?

The walk eventually became a test of patience for the man as he journeyed through the seemingly endless forest. Eventually, a strange pressure began to blanket the area, starting small and then growing. A tall shrine appeared in the distance, glowing bright with both dark and evil energy.

The shrine was tall, but not a building. Just a place to gaze at the lustful statue.

There were rumors of a building accompanying the shrine centuries ago, back when deities were legally allowed to roam Satovia without question.

Maybe Aunder should get a shrine built and dedicated to himself. Ha, not happening. The man didn't think of himself as a god, but just that. A man who loved battle, the drink, and women.

He had to address the thought that wouldn't stop bothering him. How did Dire revive Su Yang? How did she learn the forbidden magic? The punishment squad no doubt felt that. Knowing how much the Watchers hated him, Aunder wouldn't be surprised if they deployed them to kill off Dire in attempt to weaken his party. The stone-viper games were divided, but his own supporters didn't dare come to him after what happened with the first dark god and the world he administered. They could only watch the events unfold without interferences, bloody annoying one-sided offers, and cursed bribes.

Aunder eyed the statue, focusing on it through the magical sense. A mode of focus that allowed magicians to see and sense magic in a concentrated effort. The blood-like power with that statue told him everything he needed to know. The summoning was going to work.

He walked about five paces from the statue, faced it, and triggered a skill.

((Aunder accessed Chakra.))

((Aunder triggered Illegal Forceful Chaotic Summoning. Warning! This skill has a chance to rapidly draw the attention of the Punishment Squad))

Tendrils of light-blue chakra oozed from both hands, forming a pyramid above the head of the statue. Gray magic poured on it like heavy rain. The Forest of Silence could no longer maintain such a name as winds howled, storm clouds gathered, the shapes of the shadows in the forest changed, and the energy of chaos channeled in all directions. A woman's voice sounded through the air.

"Foolish mortal, summoning my presence into a world in which I abandoned. You know of this and the ritual to commence such an atrocity in the eyes of the light gods. This, I find amusing. What do you seek? There is a price that comes with my gifts, however."

"Undo the Princess Dire curse," Aunder said.

"You have some nerve demanding such a thing on my holy grounds, mortal. I offered you a gift of any choosing and you want me to revoke my curse. There is a reason for everything, mortal. Even for us gods with the dark alignment."

"Except you are known for being pure evil," Aunder said. "Enough pandering, Fatalus. Undo your curse or die."

Fatalus laughed. Her voice poured out enough raw anger to shake the entire forest.

"You dare threaten me? ME? You have sealed your fate, foolish mortal. I will turn you to ashes, chain you to the depths of my hell, and feed you to the demons for an eternity of torture."

"All of that for an exchange of words is exactly why all your kind needs to be removed from any kind of power," Aunder said.

The magical pressure of the air intensified as a rift of black and blue magic the size of a mountain appeared a few dozen yards from the man. A…girl who looked maybe eight years old emerged from the portal dressed in black. It reminded Aunder of what the people of this world called, Gothic. Long black hair, red eyes.

Despite being pint-sized, there was no mistaking the enormous aura and magical pressure oozing from her. Hell, it felt as if it covered the planet. Aunder laughed. Fatalus, who's voice shifted to that of a snot-nosed brat, misinterpreted the man's amusement.

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*Fatalus, Dark Goddess of Curses*

Level: ???

Type: Supreme Dark Goddess

Work under: N/A

Special: ???

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Weakness: purity.

Resistances: ???

Supreme goddess? Even Aunder never heard of such a term.

[You have entered an **ETERNAL DEATH SENTENCE**.]

[Detrimental Warning! This death sentence surpasses the max, which should be impossible. This isn't a fight you can win. System recommendation: immediate retreat.]

[You have pulled the attention of The Alliance of the Void]

Aunder gasped as Fatalus appeared on his left, her hand aimed at him.

[[Fatalus has accessed Cosmic Energy]]

[[Fatalus unleashed Gravitational Crush Beam. Warning! This attack WILL kill you.]]

((Aunder triggered Quick Retreat))

A red damage shield appeared around Aunder as the spell sidestepped him out of the path of the cosmic magic with impossible speed. He couldn't dodge the magic he walked right into.

[Fatalus activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Separation of the Soul. This is an unblockable attack.]

So much heat shocked through Aunder like a giant lightning strike. He held his ground, successfully fighting off the knockback effect of the spell. His damage shield shattered. The man coughed blood onto the ground.

[Aunder's HP has dropped to 223%]

That single attack did so much damage. He grinned, but decided to stop playing with fate. On the menu through his mind's eye, Aunder, for the first time, equipped armor. His cloak normally provided him with a sizable defense boost, but his own raw skill and training enabled him to just counter almost any attack. The items he obtained from all of his victories were perfect for moments like these where the enemy could vanquish his health fast.

Legendary armor with a relic piece. This should be interesting, Aunder thought.

((Aunder triggered- *Book of Life*: once per day, you may fully heal.))

[Aunder fully healed. Status effects cleared.]

"You survived," Fatalus said, seeming to ponder Aunder's accomplishment. "You're not just any mortal. Hmm, I suppose I am quite out of touch. Shall we take this fight a little more seriously?"

She materialized a silver sword coated in rainbow aura. Aunder unsheathed Nemesis, grinning.

"Come," Aunder said. Fatalus teleported behind him with speed somehow faster than a normal teleport. He blocked in time with Nemesis then spun, swung, but despite his swing being controlled, there was only air taking in the orange blade. "Heh." Then…

Fatalus pulled her sword from his side, allowing a river of blood to pour from the man.

[You have been cursed.]

[Aunder's HP and MP halved.]

[Aunder's armor is permanently destroyed.]

Aunder laughed then ducked under a swing that almost took his head off. He couldn't dodge the following kick, which hurled him at the speed of sound, through many trees, snapping them in half. He landed on his back several meters away from the dark goddess. He wheezed a laugh.

"Now that's some terrible strength. I'd better take her seriously."

Aunder pulled in the power that normally floated just a breath outside his reach. His hair change from black to bloodred and a bit spiky. Transparent wings burst from his back. One was an angel wing, the other, a devil wing. Crimson magic resembling blood dripped from both. Raging fiery aura radiated from the man like a twisted star.

[Aunder has invoked Full Anti-deity Viper Mode.]

[Aunder's immense unstoppable pressure.]

[Curse removed.]

Aunder teleported to the dark goddess's side, swinging Nemesis in a controlled horizontal arc so fast the blade screeched with flames. Fatalus still dodged, taking just a grazing across her shoulder.

[[Fatalus unleashed Final Arc Wave]]

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Aunder placed a finger in front of the incoming cosmic energy.

((Aunder triggered Giga Reflect))

He didn't expect her attack to ignore his chakra. The blast slapped Aunder backward. He used his wings to halt and then propel him forward. His eyes were like flames as they glowed bright with excitement.

Raising a hand into the air, Aunder charged a lot of magic instantaneously.

[Aunder activated GOD TIER SKILL: Supreme Unforgiving Death Wave. This is an undodgeable skill.]

The pressure of the area skyrocketed as he released the godly magic into the air. The swirling green energy crashed down on Fatalus seconds later and exploded like a giant bomb.

[Fatalus's HP has dropped.]

[Aunder's immense unstoppable pressure has negated Fatalus's follow-up skill.]

Taking the opening, Aunder teleported into her guard, plunging the sword into her heart. The brat simply grinned as blood shot from her mouth…like a projectile. The man dodged it without taking a step.

"Let's end this."

[Fatalus activated DARK GODDESS TIER SKILL: Unlimited Expanding Burning Field of Agony. This is an unblockable skill. It is also undodgeable while in range. Warning! This attack WILL kill you.]

Aunder quickly dropped her, blurring away from the fiery death sphere. He still caught just some grazing across the arm. The aura around the man intensified.

Fatalus casually walked toward him, red eyes seemingly devoid of emotion.

"I know who you are now," Fatalus said, "but just because you dawned on a form meant for slaying deities, doesn't mean it will work on me. My reputation is earned, not given."

"Your reputation won't matter when you're dead," Aunder said. "Your curse is long overdue to perish."

"You do not understand, fool," Fatalus said. "I am resistant to all but one. I am the strongest for a reason. YOU WHO DARE INTRUDED MY DOMAIN WILL KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE INFERIOR."

Fatalus became one with death and evil and the spirits of the void. Void-colored aura generated across the entire forest then contracted into her in an instant. Her form shifted to that of an adult woman who looked to be in her late twenties with glowing void-colored eyes and two vampire fangs in her mouth. Her hair shifted from black to white and spiky. Bat-like wings sprouted from her back. A necklace riddled with miniature skulls…light deity skulls… appeared around her neck. Glowing tattoos of roses and depictions of death painted themselves on her arms and legs. A void-colored halo spawned above her head.

[Fatalus has truly awakened….]

[True Dark Goddess Form.]

[Fatalus, Goddess of Curses.]

[Warning! This is NOT a fight you can win.]

At this point, Aunder stopped believing the prompts, as no one had yet proven themselves to be a real challenge. His analyze activated on its own.

[Talent. Main villain stuff. Analyze rank 2.]

*Fatalus, Dark Goddess of Curses*

Level: G-3

Mode: Awakened.

Type: Supreme Dark Goddess

Special: ???

Weakness: purity.

Resistances: ???

HP: 700M

MP: 700M

KI: 700M

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CE: 700M

Attack: universal.

Defense: universal.

Aunder cut off the prompt, as he came to a cold realization. The leader of the Punishment Squad had a level of G-1.1. He still wasn't sure what this type of level actually meant, but assumed that it could be reached after surpassing some kind of numerical level cap.

[Your natural and magical defenses have been stripped due to Fatulus's poisonous pressure eating away yours.]

[All of your stats have been halved twice.]

[All of your potions will be instant-death poison to you while in Fatalus's miasma.]

[Fatalus's miasma has dropped your health to 0.5%. You are dying.]

[Healing skills of any source of power are now poisonous skills while in Fatalus's miasma. This cannot be reversed while in the miasma, no matter what.]

Aunder's eyes widened as he felt the mighty wind of Fatalus's power. Beauty and deadly often went together like poetry and that for sure described the dark goddess.

"There's an old saying in my world," Aunder said. "It goes like this. Seeking blood is a short satisfaction, but bark in the face of a planet-sized army. There's a saying in this world stating not to bite off more than what one can chew."

Fatalus took one stepped toward him and the world shook. Her void aura seemed so bright, even while devouring light. So this was the power of a supreme dark goddess. The supreme wasn't just a title as Aunder originally thought. He had another transformation, but lacked the time to activate the unused form. Besides, changing a form was meaningless without the stat boost. Double-halved stats…

He grinned wildly as Fatalus blurred in front of him, set to deliver the killing blow. It almost succeeded, but the man, utilizing raw martial arts, turned her chop away and leapt backward.

"I think I'll at least weaken you," Aunder said. He could actually feel his life force start to give. He wouldn't last much longer in the miasma if he didn't leave. He'd…actually have to leave a fight. HIM.

Barely dodging Fatalus's magic, swords, and physical attacks, Aunder access an unfavorable type of magic, knowing that his goddamn choices were gone due to the poison. With this, he could always try again later when he was strong enough. Aunder…. Not strong enough. Just who was this goddess?

Her transformation really did catch him off guard. A first for the esper.

[Aunder activated ** Taint tier skill: Soul Weaken Vulnerability Create. This is an unblockable and undodgeable skill]

"Bloody hell, I never wanted to use the taint ever again, but unlike elements, nothing is safe from it," Aunder said as he unleashed the chilling magic. Fatalus realized his words through her anger too late. When the magic struck her, the esper wasted no time in getting the hell out of there before the miasma killed him.

[Aunder activated Jump.]

As the intruder left, Fatalus yelped, but she eventually overwhelmed the tendrils of taint with her aura.

[Fatalus is no longer protected from summons. Fatalus's core power will be locked during summons, until the summoner is strong enough to handle such a contract.]

The tiny undetected taint blended in with Fatalus's aura to validate the weakening.

Fatalus didn't know of the prompt. She only assumed she fended off a pesky intruder who thought he could enter HER forest and start making demands. His health was at a low, but she figured he had a secondary plan to remedy that situation even through the miasma. He didn't want to increase his health using that foul taint…but he…had the ability to do so.

"I know you're watching this, my Alliance. That's the Viper, not even at full strength. If I'd given him a second to go beyond, to awaken, he'd probably be my equal, maybe far greater and as troublesome as the missing war goddess."

As she ascended back to her realm, the sickness in her stomach only made her wonder if this was a true victory.

The red-cloaked being couldn't believe what he witnessed. A clash between the infamous Fatalus, the Goddess of Curses and the Viper. He needed a drink to calm his racing heart. Had he not put up his most powerful shields in advance, the pressure of those two titans would've made him worry. Make the wrong move. Get caught.

He was powerful, but didn't have much confidence in taking on either of the two behemoths of power.

"I'd better report this. Maybe if I'm generous, I'll inform the maidens."



Ring City, Terravon

Clyde's safehouse…

"Master Clyde, please stick your sex organ inside of me," Dera said as she followed the young man down the hall. Noona whacked the android with a paper fan.

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"Ow. What was the for?" Dera said. "My sensors—"

"For being too forward," Noona said. "And unladylike."

"My sensors detect that you really don't care about being ladylike, you just wanted him for yourself. Do not vent your frustrations on me, else, I shall purchase a large self-pleasuring device from the internet and—"

"Knock it off you two," Clyde deadpanned. "Dinner is ready, and everyone's been dying to get back to Yuki's cooking."

Hell, most of the party was already at the table waiting. He sat next to a cheerful and bouncy, Alice.

"My mouth is watering so much," Alice said.

"It smells so good in here," Ruri said, her tail wagging. Matsume also wagged hers. Harumi was in her normal form, but the brightness on her face said everything. Even Natalia sat at the table early, rocking side to side, smiling—and the game not in sight.

When Maki and Sophia finally served the meal, Clyde watched Amina take the first bite. Her visual joy was all the confirmation he needed.

Sazuki and Kiko seated next to each other, enjoying the company as sisters, with the dragons next to them, expressing their love for the food. Misaki and Melody continued the bright mood, which spread to Hinako, Kaguya, Fumi, Airi, the gothic loli, and even Undine.

Clyde wanted to question how the ghost girl was able to eat and taste food, but once again, left that to anime logic and whatever Venus did to her.

The young man had a planned trip to Lot City that night, which of course would be day on that side of the world. To finally meet the maidens. He of course was taking the harem with him to establish ground rules, even though Asu pretty much rubbed and flaunted the news as colorful as possible in the faces of the Stone Maidens. They had PLENTY of time in advance to accept the reality. Not that they were so much as against the harem. Stone Maidens could only offer their virginities to the Stone. Not that Clyde believe for a moment they followed that rule. Wait. Anime logic. They definitely followed that rule, probably to the letter.

Now…What to do about the Supreme? Could he control his rage, knowing that she was indirectly responsible for the loss of so many lives during the inquisition attack? What if she rebuilt them?

"Hmm, it seems like Master Chef Yoshi was hit by a scandal. Bastard creditors," Yuki said offhandedly, before turning her attention from a nearby wall-mounted TV. With all the crazy events, Team Stone decided to have at least one monitor playing the news twenty-four seven.

Clyde took his time with his meal, even though Yuki always reserved seconds for her favorite. There were guests and new residents. Liru and the dragon sisters, Hinako, Kaguya.

Tetra's peaceful blush could be seen as she finished her food, then took a sip of the wine Yuki offered from her collection.

After all of the shit the team went through, Clyde couldn't help but enjoy the peaceful break.

"Oh hey, the test scores are available," Hinako said. "And Chika's still number one."

Seth sighed. "She's been at the top since the beginning of spring. No one's ever going to take that spot."

"I may have lied," Hinako said, gaining everyone's attention. "Chika's actually number two."

"What?" Chika exclaimed.

"Someone actually successfully answered the extra credit question," Hinako said.

"You mean the one about some legend from a made-up world called earth," Chika said. "It wasn't in any of the material I studied."

Clyde grinned. "I'm from Earth, remember?"

Chika's eyes widened. "Then that must mean…"

"Clyde scored a perfect on his finals," Hinako finished. "Putting him at the top spot. Chika, you're tied with Alice and Harumi."

"Please tell me I still scored higher than Kitome," Seth said, gaining the glare of death.

"Not this time," Hinako said, then put away her phone. "It seems like she put in some extra study time, because she's number four. Maki's number three. Sazuki's fifth, so on. Just look it up online when you get the chance. You should have the emails telling you how to do so."

Chika sighed. "I spend most of my days studying, only to lose first because of an impossible question. I'll just have to triple my efforts." She pointed at Clyde. "I'll beat you on the next test, just you wait."

"Congratulations, onii-chan," Naoko said. Clyde smiled at the kuudere loli

"Thanks," he said.

Toru chuckled. "Everyone scored higher than Seth, but Team Stone's still at the top."

"Hell yeah," Clyde said. "We really need to throw Chika a thank you party."

Everyone chuckled, agreeing. The silver-haired girl blushed.

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