[Congratulations for earning the top spot at the most elite college in Yaponiya. Sato Academy. For accomplishing such a feat and defeating Chika in the realm of academics, You've earned the title, *Great Mind at the Top. This comes with a 50% charisma bonus. You have gained favor with Chika's parents, especially her father. Just don't push your luck. You received a Potion of Angelic Resolve. Item class: * Holy Legendary*. Your EXP and as well as any ally with you will be increased by 100% for one battle. It will also increase attack and Intellect by 50% Will increases by 10-15% per second for a minute or until you're knocked onto the ground.]

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[Intellect influences magic regeneration and the damage output of your magic.]

[Will determines casting speed, casting success, summons. With the composure stat, it affects casting under stress or pressure and the ability to counter-cast.]

[System advice: be smart about using this potion. You will not find it anywhere. The crafting ingredients are all legendary level and higher. The highly sought-after potion caused wars between clans and monsters.]


Clyde had a lot of rewards he wanted to try out, from the book of dual wielding, to casting. For now, he'd push that to the side and just relax.

Alice fell asleep on his left shoulder. Harumi laid on his right as they watched a science-fiction romance movie. Ruri was in his lap, enjoying the head patting. In fact, all of his fiancées were on the couch with him.

For some reason, this movie seemed to have more romance and sex scenes than story. This was…rated Y-15. Tear explained that many nations used Yaponiya's rating system for both movies and video games. Apparently, the movie's hentai scenes were deemed romantic. There was no censorship.

When the film ended, Clyde stood, gently placing an asleep Ruri in his spot, and stretched.

"Who's up for joining me on a trip to Lot City?"

"Me!" Natalia said, hopping onto his shoulders.

"I'll go," Tear said. "I'm curious about these Stone Maidens."

"That gives me an idea," Clyde said. "Alright, staying here is no longer an option." He looked at Sophia, ex-Viper Maiden turned to his side. Hopefully Asu smashed that news in their faces like a cream-filled pie.

"Nyyya, that lich is going to embarrass you," Neko said. "She'll be more embarrassing than my sister's annoying samurai ways."

She seemed to regret saying that, remembering that Ako had a grumpy side to her. The anger aura covered the living room.

"What was that, dear sister?" Ako said, eyes seeming to glow as she smiled like a creepy ghost. Her voice even seemed slightly demonic.

"Nya—nothing," Neko quickly said as she hid behind Clyde. She stuck her tongue out at the other catgirl.

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"Where's Maki?" Clyde said, deciding not to acknowledge the sisterly banter, although he did find it amusing.

"She's in her room," Yuki said. "She has the rest of the night off, so maybe she's reading Loli saga books."

"I'll go retrieve her," Clyde said. He turned to Liru, their guest. "I know you hadn't returned to Yaponiya in years because of what happened, but—"

"It's okay," Liru said, then smiled. "Besides, everyone's with me. I won't be afraid."

Clyde nodded. Harumi hugged her sister.

After sitting Natalia down, he hurried down the hall until reaching Maki's door. A suspicious soft moan made him freeze. While he could assert his authority and barge on the girl's privacy, the young man decided not to be a dick and knocked.

As expected, the sounds of scrambling flooded the air, and about a minute later, she answered the door, pretending to be in a drowsy mood, as if awakening from her sleep. The young man shot her a blank stare.

"Need something?" she said, standing at the entrance, blocking as much of the view as possible. Her panties were hanging on her legs.

"I seem to be interrupting something," Clyde said, grinning evilly.

Maki blushed furiously. "Wha—what are you talking about? You're not interrupting anything, other than my sleep."

Clyde's smile widened. "Juices leaking, panties on ankle, incredible nightgown on."

Maki pulled him into the room and shut the door.

"You don't have to let the world know," she hissed as she guided Clyde's erect wood into her. He picked her up, beginning the ride in a standing position. She clung to him, breathing deeply.

"That feels so good," Maki said, voice full of bliss. "I can only have sex when I'm lucky enough to pull you into a room."

Clyde chuckled. "I hope you're at least halfway done, we've got to make this quick. Everyone's waiting."

"For what?" Maki asked, taking in a quick breath as the young man sped up his charge. He laid her on the bed, increasing the smash power.

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"We're about to visit Lot City. Yuki will take you to see your parents in the meantime."

The young woman didn't get the chance to grimace or think on the subject as Clyde hit maximum smash mode. She squeezed tightly as the cum exploded from her, the climatic moan hidden beneath his hand. A few pumps later, he pulled out to release a load onto Maki's stomach. The two laid there for a few minutes, panting.

"I'm going to bathe before we leave," Maki said, "although, I don't mind another round." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Clyde teased one of her breasts with his tongue. She tried to guide him inside her again, but the young man stood.

"There's no time, go bathe," Clyde said. "I'm going to get the others."

Maki sighed. "You're no fun. Okay, maybe you are, but come on."

Clyde nibbled her breast. "We'll continue this another time with no interruptions. Besides, you have your hearing coming up soon in a few days. I for one believe you'll do fine. You've changed, Maki."

The young woman blushed. "You…don't think I'm some kind of freak? Idiot trash of society, who nearly sold her soul just to tap into something she didn't understand. A—"

"Let's not ruin my compliment with defeatism," Clyde said. "Everyone knows you've changed. They talk about it, approve of it. And they all voted yes to have this hearing. If even one of them said no, including the demoness you cannot lie to, then you'd be doing your time in full."

"Even…Chika?" Maki said, her voice full of hope.

"Even Chika, the only critic more tough on you than Alice," Clyde said. "You will be given a spot on Team Stone and offered a better room, plus all the benefits, but free to go home if you wish. I have a specific job offer, but only if you're willing." Her surprised expression was damned adorable, Clyde couldn't help but kiss Maki. He chuckled internally at the thought that no one knew he had sex with the purple-haired young woman a few times. Well, Natalia caught them and drew all the correct conclusions, but she agreed to keep that a secret. And really did. That or just forgot. Hell, she probably didn't care. "Just remember one thing Maki. You'll have to work and build your relationship with them, which you are a little. A good start under Toru's training should do the trick."

Maki nodded. "And I will really be full Team Stone?"

"Yep," Clyde said. "I consider you one now, just under a suspended status. After this hearing, that shit's going away and you can do whatever the hell you want. You won't have to worry about getting attacked, since you worked hard to fix shit and undo some damage to those girls, even if it did cost a little of your family's money. You volunteered. Sure, Yuki had to give you a kick at first, but that's just how she is. She loves you like a little sister." Maki blushed.

Clyde stood. "We really need to get badges or something. I'll get Tear to work on that."

Clyde knocked on the doors of Seth and Fuyoko. Airi's door was open. He peeked in to catch her watching cat and dog videos. Another thing of that this world shared with earth.

[For exploring some of Alon, Terravon, and just learning customs as you go, from tiny things like shared world beliefs to learning about the common tongue, your knowledge of Satovia has increased to 7%.]

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"Sorry to interrupt," Clyde said, smiling.

"Oh no, you're fine," she said, smiling back. "After talking to my mom, I felt like brightening up my day with some cuteness."

"We're about to head to Lot City to meet the Maidens. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll find more cuteness there," Clyde teased.

"Or an overly informative lich," Airi said. "Except with my questions."

Clyde gave her a sad smile. "Who else but Asu."

About fifteen to twenty minutes later, the entire party was finally ready to set off. They stepped outside into the cool night. Tear initiated the Jump.



Lot City, Yaponiya…

The intense pain rattled through Arch Priestess Ichika as she stubbed her toe against the living room's small table. Teary-eyed, she let out a yelp. For a brief moment during the pain, she wondered something as stupid as, why did the common tongue pronounced "arch" as "arc."

Megu winced. "I hate when that happens." She chuckled. Ichika muttered a silent curse-replacement word.

Jae started for another bag of potato chips, but Megu quickly snatched it away.

"Sheesh, you emotionless glutton, you ate like two full bags already."

Jae stared longingly at the potato chips before sighing in defeat.

"Are you okay, Ichika?" Emi said as she entered the living room.

"She stubbed her toe," Megu said. "Some good daytime hilarity if you ask me."

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"Says the lazy couch girl," Emi said. "I have ointment—"

"It's okay Emi," Ichika said, "it's just a stubbed toe. I'll be fine. Where's Yumi?"

"She's locked in her room again," Emi replied. "Sometimes I hear strange noises and even weird buzzing, but it could be Head Maid Asu conducting experiments somehow."

Ichika sat next to Megu, silently daring her to complain about losing couch space.

"I'm not lazy," Megu snapped at Emi.

"If Asu wasn't around to enforce the work, I'm pretty sure you'd search for any way to get out of even the simplest of chores," Emi said.

"And you'll just be crying about it," Megu said, "just like you do with everything else."

"Knock it off you two," Ichika snapped. "You're high priestesses. Act like it! If you two don't start getting along, I'll ask Lady Asu to make you hold hands."

"Gross," Megu said, earning a whack on her head by Ichika's downward fist. "Ow. What was that for?" She rubbed at her head, teary-eyed.

Ichika glared daggers at the redhead before shaking her head. "You really are a piece of work."

Suddenly Asu twirled out of the hall, spinning like a ballerina, chipper with joy and excitement.

"What's the matter, Lady Asu?" Ichika said. "Did your new experimental potion work?"

"I can't go on with the Erectadon until I find a willing male test subject," Asu said, "but that's not why I'm jumping with joy. He's on the way. He's on the way! The great, the amazing, the super awesome, dong-giving, sperm-of-life, greatest master Clyde—my Stone." She halted, raising a finger. "Hurry, make last minute cleaning preparations and make sure you're presentable. Up-up-up!" She pulled Megu up. "Go dress into your maiden outfit. No short shorts for the first meeting. Jae go fetch Yumi. Hurry-hurry, the greatest is on his way."

The Stone Maidens scurried into touching up the entire house, dressing into their formal shrine maiden outfits, and reciting formal Stone Maiden scriptures.

Ichika admitted to herself that she slacked off in her studies due to Head Maiden Asu's lax policies. She still found it hard to get used to being able to do whatever she wanted after all of the chores were done. No strict lectures or lessons into the night, no strict meals, no magic or martial arts training, no meditation, no fasting—they were letting this newfound freedom get to their heads and pull them away from the teachings.

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