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Ring City, Terravon…

Sol Niye Lor watched Chiyo carefully midair, waiting. She was the cause of him losing the damned Omen's sphere and served as the biggest threat in the area. She didn't live in the city, which meant the dragon patrolled, possibly to watch him specifically.

Normally, Sol would let such a minor thing go. He had other things to do, goals to accomplish, rare items to collect, and the stone-viper games to make his. Yet, he couldn't let this go. She spoked to him as if she was superior. After thinking about it, he realized…he was the fucking Falcon. NO ONE talked to him that way.

Sol folded his wings and nosedived toward the strolling dragon girl, sword at ready for the kill. Halfway there, someone suddenly appeared in front of him and two swords collided on the way back to the ground.

Engulfed with fury, Sol analyzed the fucker.

Name: Charles "Dark."

Type: chuuni, human. The Leaf. Rank: B

Level: 201

Weakness: fire.

Resistances: dark.

Loot chance: high

"We finally catch up to you and this is what we find," a green-haired woman said as she approached the two. "With the stone-viper games threatening the universes, instead of helping, you insist on being a prick."

Sol and Dark jumped backward, swords still at the ready. When the third person appeared, a thunderbird girl, he remembered and grinned, amused.

"So you three finally caught up and waste no time in preaching your self-righteous garbage. Save your breath, because I don't want to hear it. The stone-viper games will be the Falcon games and I'll take it with these hands."

"High ego, insane arrogance, just like the chuuni," the thunderbird girl said.

"The only difference is that our idiot is putting on an act," the green-haired woman said. "There's a good heart beneath his—"

"The great lord of the dark does not act," Dark said. "And he certainly doesn't have a good heart."

The thunderbird sighed. "So what should we do with him?" She gestured at Sol.

"Capture him," Selkie said. "He was just about to kill Chiyo, one of the few truly good dragons and a very loved friend of mine. She agreed to keep walking without turning around to make this trap convincing, but you have no idea how much she wants to toast you."

"He's seriously stupid to think that he could actually beat a dragon that strong," the thunderbird said.

"Baka!" Dark said.

Sol trembled in comical rage as the three idiots just casually insulted him repeatedly. His analysis told him that the other two were Selkie and Myriad. Quite strong, but the dangerous one was the entity. Three on one… Not his favorite odds, but he had a plan for that.

[Sol activated Silver tier skill: Summoning of the Flock.]

He didn't have to make any movements or gestures to activate this one. The entity, no, all three of them sensed the magic use. Good.

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Thousands of magical falcons materialized in the sky above and rained down. Sol jump backward and spawned his wings into existence. As expected, the entity put up a shield with a single hand, blocking the predatorial birds. The distraction gave the young man the perfect chance to Jump.

Except that it didn't work. They blocked it off somehow. Well, it didn't matter, he'd just fly out of the range. And that's what he did. He moved fast.

He felt all three of them pursue him and were gaining. The entity and the thunderbird airborne and the chuuni dumbass on the ground, moving at impressive speeds.

Normally, he'd just kill any challengers, but with the entity there breaking the rules of the stone-viper games by interference, he couldn't win. No…there wasn't any specific rule for this situation or one that covered the other "players." They were simply guests.

Sol knew the entity would give him no time to shift into Falcon Mode. He'd have to outwit them.

((Sol accessed Chakra))

((Sol triggered Chakra Infusion.))

[Sol's skills infused with Chakra.]

[Sol activated boost]

[Sol's speed increased]

Sometimes even the basic, non-tier skills were still good. Only idiots wouldn't take advantage of them. Boost increased base speed for an hour by more than twenty-five percent and even more with his Chakra Infusion as well as base intellect. His passive, Falcon's Flight, duplicated that speed for his flying.

Sol wasn't under the illusion that this would be enough, it would buy just a little time. It worked, allowing him to get ahead, but he could already feel the casting of the enemy group. They'd be on him in an instant. And he had no intention of letting them win this.

No one was as competent as Sol when it came to winning. He'd take down the entity too. He found a nice abandoned warehouse parking lot with no cars around. However, what surprised him was the sudden halts of Selkie and the thunderbird's presences. They either rightfully decided that Sol led them into a trap or gave up the chase. No…one of them still approached.

Abruptly, Sol found himself dodging a fist filled with magic.

"Well look who it is with actual balls," Sol said as he roundhouse-kicked the brown-haired idiot. To his surprise, Dark avoided it.

[You have been challenged by Dark.]

[You have entered PVP Combat!]

"You really think you can take me." Sol laughed at the lower level. "Hellfire. Let me show you what a competent player of this so-called game can do."

"You're ignorant of what's at stake," Dark said. "And don't think I'll be so easy to beat."

The chuuni's eyes suddenly glowed red as aura surged around him, most likely boosting his stats. Pssh. Lower levels.

Sol rushed him, dodging Dark's attacks, then kneeing him in the stomach with chakra and magic infused strength. He attempted to follow up, but was greeted by something he'd never seen before.

[Dark's passive skill has activated. Special tier skill: Onyx Pain to Power. At this range, this is an undodgeable attack.]

Sol felt force, heat, pain, and rage all in one as the passive magic blasted him the fuck back. He landed on his back on the sidewalk, creating a crater.

[Sol's HP has dropped to 300%]

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That was a lot of damage—all which ignored his armor. Sol stood, dusting himself off then ducking under several of Dark's fists. If he attacked from close range, that passive would fuck him over. Hellfire. He'd have to take the chuuni seriously.

>) Sol accessed Negative Ki(<

>)Sol re-channeled Final Stand of the Warrior's Path(<

[Sol's defense has drastically rose. Sol's MP has halved. Sol's attack, intellect, and will has increased.]

[Sol's Ki has dropped to 150%]

That wasn't the attack, just a part of it. As he thrust his palms forward, Sol let the gray energy flow. It came out like giant strands of DNA, bashing a wide-eyed Dark onto his back, creating a dent five times larger than Sol's earlier mishap.

Sol walked over to him, placing his foot on his neck.

[Dark's HP has dropped to 100%]

"Are you new? Or just that bad. I think you've earned this tea-bagging." He laughed. "To think some lower level trash challenged me by himself. You're no better than that other trash player, the Stone. Really, me taking over the stone-viper games will be for the best."

Dark wheezed a laugh. "Anyone who dares to call the great lord of the dark trash deserves to feel what's about to happen to you."

[Dark's passive skill has activated. Special tier skill: Onyx Pain to Power. At this range, this is an undodgeable attack.]

"Ah shit," Sol said, shaking his head before the passive sent him flying. Dark met him on the other side, his eyes glowing an even brighter red.

[Dark activated Void tier skill: Blood Lightning.]

((Sol Triggered Anti-magic shield))

[Dark's magic was blocked.]

[Sol's HP has dropped to 125%]

Sol unfolded his wings, halting his momentum with a huge flap. Facing Dark, he flapped his wings repeatedly and harder, chakra infusing with the wind.

((Sol triggered Typhoon. This is an unblockable attack. This skill cannot be repelled.))

Sol only used this to buy a little time, as he knew damned well that Dark's passive didn't repel attacks. It absorbed energy based on the amount of damage done and inflicted that to the opponent in the form of a red and black bolt of magic.

[Dark activated Silver tier skill: Iron Boots.]

Sol almost laughed. Perfect. He was focused on the wrong thing. The distracting winds. Not the chakra ball forming behind him.

When it grew to the size of a minivan, Sol stopped the wind.

"Do you really think something as lame as a constant stream of wind could stop me? Ha! Give up now and stop being such an asshole. Maybe we can talk seriously about saving—"

Sol mentally commanded the undetectable ball of chakra to smash into the chuuni's back. And that was a wrap.

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[Dark's HP has dropped to 3%]

"What? How did you survive that?" Sol said as he aimed a hand. He quickly fired a ball of magic, but…it dissipated when it reached within a pace of the downed idiot. "Huh?" Well, Sol supposed he couldn't simply expect this Hellfire-forsaken game to just let him take the easy win by energy blast.

Suddenly, Dark stood, chuckling in a voice that sure as shit didn't sound like his. Tendrils of dark magic rotated around him. The aura looked like a giant tornado. And the winds raged too.

[Dark has invoked Hidden Burst Mode- Eternal Silent Night.]

[Dark is unaffected by physical attacks.]

Dark teleported in front of Sol, introducing him to a rather flashy blast of void magic.

[Dark activated Void tier skill: Hollow Grounds. This is an unblockable skill.]

He moved and fired so fast, Sol didn't have time to react. He couldn't defend against the following super-fast punches and kicks that helped propel him faster into the ground.

>)Sol re-channeled Intense Negative Field(<

Gray death Ki expanded from Sol, blasting the chuuni a few meters away. Sol hopped to his feet, panting.

[Sol's HP has dropped to 7%]

"Are you still feeling cocky?" Dark said, his voice normal again, though waves of power reverberated from it. "I think you'll like this even better."

[Dark fully healed.]

Sol's eyes widened, then hardened. He did not work so hard, he did not get this far just to show the Bright Ones what it would be like to lose to low level shrimps. He did give Dark credit for surprising him, but now he'd have to really take this fight seriously. Fighting to kill was simply the first step. Bloodlust became the second step to winning.

Mind on the Bright Ones who awarded the young man the power, Sol allowed his soul to connect with nature and the essence of the world. Golden light sparked from him like a rising sun.

His gray eyes became glowing silver and nearly falcon-like. His hair changed from dark brown to glowing white. A deadly silver aura engulfed him, its shape that of a certain predatory bird.

Completing the transformation, large black falcon wings burst from his back.

[*Sol invoked Falcon Mode.]

"Using this on someone like you," Sol said. "I'm disappointed in myself. After this, I'm going back to training, ten, no one hundred times harder."

[Sol's intense pressure.]

[Sol's pressure has disabled Dark's burst mode. Falcon Absorption.]

Dark watched in horror as the giant aura bird absorbed his magic as if devouring noodles.

Sol switched from his new diamond knuckles to the Titanic Elderic Sword. A legendary sword of course—only trash would make something less their primary weapon.

"I think we all know how this is going to end," Sol said as he blurred to the chuuni. Dark couldn't fully avoid the blade, but he took a bad slash across the chest.

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[HYPER CRITICAL! Dark's HP halved twice.]

Seeming to panic, Dark of course made a run for it. Sol didn't bother to stop him, just in case it was another bullshit trap. Transforming to Falcon mode didn't heal his low HP.

"Good thing I poisoned the blade with death reaper poisoning. You'll be dead by the end of the night."

He felt the entity's magic and dodged instinctively. "You've underestimated me long enough, bitch."

>) Sol re-channeled Petrifying Omniverse Wave. Bird's Wrath. This is an unblockable skill.(<

He released all of his frustrations onto the entity and gleefully watched as she turned to stone. It worked! A skill that was Falcon-exclusive felt restricting enough! And almost fucking useless—what if he couldn't transform?

He gave the statue a chakra-infused, Falcon mode kick, and it cracked. "And that's a wrap." He almost made the second kick, but Dark suddenly burst out of nothingness, tackling him to the ground, eyes frantic.

"Selkie!" the thunderbird cried as she grabbed the statue and hovered high in the air. "Come on Dark, we don't have time for him."

Sol laughed hard. "I think you should be worried about yourself and that nice poison."

"Come on, Dark!"

She didn't give him the choice, targeting the frantic chuuni in her spell.

[Myriad activated Jump.]

Sol's fist barely missed.

As he started home, abandoning the idea of fighting the dragon girl while tired, the young man whistled. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"It's like playing the role of the garbageman today. Hellfire, I need to take them out for good."

Negative was incredibly powerful, but sure as shit draining. Sometimes it had the backlash effect of void magic. Not that this applied to Sol. His HP regeneration already kicked in.



Lot City, Yaponiya

"Welcome home, oh Great One. We are not worthy to be in your presence, to bathe in you, taste your aura, sniff your life—"

"Good to see you too, Asu," Clyde interrupted, struggling to pull the lich off him. She dove into him the moment he opened the door and while the soft, breast-filled hug was quite nice, he didn't want to accidentally get a massive boner right in front of the Stone Maidens.

He gazed at all five, each of them sitting Seiza. The young woman with sky-blue hair seemed to be the leader of the old group, before Clyde tore away the structure.

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