"Oh great Worm in the Watery Hole, let me introduce you," Asu said as she twirled off Clyde. She gestured at the leader. "That's Ichika. She says she's an arch priestess or something, here to help you on your great destiny, which should include sticking your—"

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Blushing furiously, Ichika cleared her throat. "Ichika…is just fine." Clyde noticed the sadness in her eyes when she took a look at all of Team Stone. And all of its women. "Our job was supposed to be helping you, but I guess you don't need us after all." She chuckled, but the young man felt her break inside. Asu already told him that they were forced to give up years of their lives for Stone Maiden training. Not his problem, but he did have a use for them.

He waved away Ichika's statement, gaining her surprised look.

"These great people that came with me are Team Stone, not the Stone Maidens," Clyde said. "I mean, do you really want to call this guy a maiden?" He pointed at Seth.

"Hey!" Seth said playfully. The Stone Maidens giggled, which was Clyde's desired reaction.

"The Stone Maidens will continue to do their thing as a division of Team Stone," Clyde said. "I've been here maybe three months now and only vaguely know what the hell's going on."

Ichika nodded, her mood greatly improved. "If Head Maiden Asu allows, then I will tell you everything I know and of the teachings."

"After introductions," Asu said. "As I've stated, oh Great Pounder of Beautiful Hearts, Ichika is Arch priestess. The other four are High Priestesses." He pointed at the redhead. "That's Megu. She may be a tiny bit rebellious and slightly mean to her sisters sometimes, but she's got a good heart. And speaking of heart." She pointed at a petite girl with short dark blonde hair done into twin drills. "Emi's our sweet cake, but go easy on her. She cries easily."

Emi put a finger up to protest, but Asu pointed at the next maiden. A petite dark-skinned young woman with black hair, eating a bag of potato chips in a way that somehow seemed adorable. Her eyes gave away the kuudere. "That's Jae. Keep an eye on your pantry with that one. Now if she'd tell me how she never gains weight with the amount of junk she consumes, then we'd all be happy." Asu walked over to the last girl with light brown hair. The maiden smiled shyly. "This is Yumi. This one likes to disappear after chores, during breaks, so she must be…" Yumi seemed to panic at the approaching words, only to sigh in relief when Asu finished. "An introvert. I can relate." The lich attempted to twirl back to Clyde's side but Noona blocked her.

Clyde smiled, offering a hand to the maidens. They all shook it, seeming to soak in the friendliness of the young man. He mentally noted the natural anime girl beauty.

"Welcome to Team Stone. And like every member here, you're free to come and go as you please."

"Of course everyone's under a magical oath not to spill our secrets to any bad people," Asu said.

"We are?" Clyde said. "I mean, good work."

The lich winked. "I…saw it in an episode of Hero-sama. Tear thought it was a good idea."

"I was hoping you were going to tell us when you constructed the spell," Tear said. "I mean a spell like that not only takes a lot of magic, but even more so casting it on people located on the other side of the world."

Asu smirked. "But you're here and not on the other side of the world. I… just activated it."

Clyde felt the magic whisk through the air, but it wasn't invasive.

"You'll have to mentally swear it," Asu explained, then anime-dove into Clyde. She took a deep whiff then let out a sigh. She gave off a flowery, freshly-showered scent. "Oh Great Pumper of Pleasure, you will be able to sense who accepted the oath and who didn't. You will also know what the oath is, for I will never, ever, ever, never, never, deceive you." She whispered, "and I really badly want to have intercourse with you."

Clyde cleared his throat loudly and inspected the lich's claims. She was exactly right.

[Your Head Maiden, Asu has created an oath which protects Team Stone's secrets from outsiders and those who mean harm. All current Team Stone members and maidens have accepted this oath. It has been witnessed and approved by the Goddess of Oaths. Her approval was witnessed and documented by Venus, Goddess of Love and Sex.]

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Venus again. She secretly helped him for so long. He heard her speak right before granting the young man War Stone Mode. She also protected Tessa, his childhood friend, allowing him to rest easily despite knowing that she roamed a world of dangerous monsters and magic. Though he knew his oldest friend could take care of herself. That's why…

"Hey, why is my spare game on the couch?" Natalia said, picking it up. She turned to glare at the lich.

"Oh don't be so stingy, you loli," Asu said. "The maidens grew up with barely any access to technology. So I let them play it."

Clyde didn't miss the blushes of all five of the women. Damn they were cute. He gave Seth a warning glance. Maybe it was the godly blood, but the young man had no intention of sharing the maidens.

"Get off of my shoulder, cat," Alice said, moving away from Neko. She followed Yuki into the kitchen.

"Who's in charge of the cooking?" Yuki said. Her voice didn't reveal emotion, but the young man could feel the power in it.

"Not Ichika," Megu said with a snicker.

"We…mostly eat at Clare's," Emi said. "The only one of us somewhat able to cook something edible is Jae."

"I'm unaffected by human health issues and calories," Asu said, "but I will admit that a fast food diet is horrible compared to your amazingness, Yuki."

The demoness's eye twitched. "Fast food diet…" A purple aura of anger flared around her.

Asu hid behind Clyde. "Doing my job and master's assignments, protecting the house, and teaching the maidens takes a lot of time." Her voice lowered. "Besides, experimenting and creating potions take periods of concentration. And maybe reading Loli Saga. There is no time for eating."

Clyde saw the blank stares on the faces of the Stone Maidens and almost laughed. Natalia seemed to be checking her save files, but to the young man's surprise, there was not a peep from her.

Melody and Chika seemed to be debating over something while looking back at the maidens. Clyde decided it was best not to get involved.

"So, Asu, what's the latest information on the Supreme?"

The entire room fell into silence as all eyes turned to look at the young man. Tetra frowned.

"Who exactly is the Supreme?" Hinako asked. "I've heard some of you mention the title, but never elaborate too much…" her voice trailed off, taking in the room. The professor's innocence did resonate with the young man's heart. And it made him angrier at the Supreme.

"She's the one who indirectly caused an awful tragedy, in which you as a normal human don't remember," Fuyoko said, her voice sad. She petted the kuudere loli in her lap.

Most of Team Stone were seated on the long couches by now, some in chairs. Ruri seemed to be sniffing at a locked cabinet that she couldn't reach. Alice noticed it and pulled her away, frantically whispering something. Clyde did not miss the gleam in Natalia's eyes. Oh shit. Could it be Alice Stash number five?

"The Supreme hasn't made any moves, Great Phallic," Asu said, then raised a finger. "She's Clare's number one customer. The maidens for some reason get death stares from Clare, but they must continue to show up when the Supreme's not around in order to keep this house a secret. My drones let them know when it's safe."

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"Good," Clyde said. "I would've been quite angry to come home only to find it converted to her evil palace of doom or worse, her living here as a resident." The young man stretched. "Let's pay a quick visit to Clare's." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Tear paled. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Remember, the Supreme is notorious for fighting and beating gods. What if she has some kind of trap waiting for you?"

"There's no trap," Asu said. "My drones check daily and report to me. We can't have her blowing up the city or something."

A few Team Stone members winced, but Clyde couldn't fault the lich's blunt statement. Her efforts to protect the city while he was away were top notch.

Clyde sat down, his mind analyzing Tear's warning as he recalled his prior analysis on the Supreme.

-Supreme Demon Lord Lilith-

Level: *???* (This power made even deities weary of her…)

Type: Royal Succubus

Work under: N/A.

Special: ???

Weakness: none.

Resistances: ???

Secret: blocked.

The inquisitors had levels of one fucking thousand or more. They were like the endgame super bosses of many RPGs. He won last time by a cheat inserted by Venus. Could he beat her? There was the option of taking down the other demon lords first, then coming back to the Supreme. No weaknesses… Secrets blocked.

"My sensors calculate only a twenty percent chance of success," Dera said, "this is based on submitted data and a large disturbance of magic in town. I can only assume that's her."

"Harsh," Kaguya said.

"Pervy husband onii, it's your call," Natalia said. "Personally, I think you'll wipe the floor with her."

Tear's eyes widened. "Have you ever met the Supreme?"

"Hmmmnn….no, but pervy husbando's power is gigantic," Natalia said.

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"I believe in you too, onii-chan," Naoko said. "But whether you end her today or not, the other demon lords still need dethroning."

"You know, I could contact some friends to start going after the demon lords," Airi said. "A few S and A-ranks. There's no real guarantee of success and we won't get the loot, but it's an option."

"I'll think about it," Clyde said. "I'll also think before I charge in, guns blazing at the Supreme, but sooner or later, we're going to face her." He stood from his seat and joined Yuki in the kitchen. She was bent over to pick something up. The young man couldn't resist pressing his erecting wood against her soft ass. Yuki smirked as she stood, pressing herself into it. They were far enough that nobody would see. Far enough for the demoness to get bold. She quickly pulled Clyde to the far end of the large kitchen which led to a back door. Being careful not to squeak the door, the duo headed outside.

After messing around in the land of honey with Yuki, Clyde decided he'd go to Clare's café anyway, but with a plan. The moment the Supreme threatened him, she'd receive some nasty unblockable debuffs from the territory system. He needed to grind out the system, anyway.

She wasn't the only reason why he was here though. Despite their grumbling, Team Stone still agreed to go with him to Clare's, but not without plenty of wards from Natalia. Asu and Airi assisted her.

The quickie with Yuki not only recharged Clyde, but seemed to raise the spirits of the demoness too. She was seated in his lap, very affectionate. While Team Stone didn't mind, being used to this, the Stone Maidens seemed a little taken aback, despite Asu's warning. The blushes mixed with longing, surprised expressions, and a little annoyance. Ichika even pouted.

"I just don't understand this…device."

Clyde turned his gaze to Amina. He couldn't help but smile as she struggled to play the game Natalia actually shared.

"I suppose there isn't any rush to Clare's," Clyde decided. "We can take our time with the planning."

A small news report about a chef scandal played on the screen nearby. Clyde could practically feel Yuki's interest in it.

"Everyone knows it's the creditors harassing him for a bullshit debt," Yuki commented. "He needs to bring in customers in order to pay them off, but seems to be struggling. No one wants to work there in fear of not getting paid for their time. Such a shame this is happening to him."

Clyde massaged Yuki's shoulders as his boner went into overdrive. She was in a skirt too.

"Do you want to visit our parents?" Yusuke said to Kitome. The poor magical girl seemed to wilt, her inner fires stoked by dread.

"Speaking of parents," Yuki said, "let's go Maki." The demoness gave one last and slow ass-jostle, a sign for more to come, before standing.

Maki's teary-eyed expression was adorable.

"Have fun," Seth laughed.

"Can I come?" Sophia said.

The moment her voice touched the air, the Stone Maidens looked at her, shocked.

"You…" Ichika said, a tiny dose of venom crawling into her voice. "But…"

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"Oh yeah, that's Sophia, a new Stone Maiden appointed by the Great Smashers of Hoo-hahs," Asu said, twirling over to the five. "She's also my personal assistant…Even though Master thought it'd be funny to take her with him."

Clyde shrugged. "She still needs to bond with the team. And has a long way to go."

"I need to bond with the team, but you left me," Asu said and puffed up her cheeks in a pout.

"Someone had to guard the home front," Clyde said as he stood. "You wanted the freedom to make potions and improve the team. It's what I'm paying you for."

"She's getting paid?" Ichika said.

"He wouldn't accept my love for free," Asu said sadly.

"Oh, yeah, Tear will talk to you about the Team Stone allowance, although most of us get paid from fighting monsters. The allowance is mostly for Support Team," Clyde explained.

"Let me talk to them about it," Alice said. "You're overloading Tear."

Clyde blinked and turned to the succubus. "Sorry. I rely on you so much that I'd be screwed if you left."

Tear pulled the young man into the breast trap. "I love it. A husband should always be able to rely on his wife. Besides, tasks like this are quick and easy. Just standard administration things." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Besides, you already know what kind of pleasurable payment I'm looking for." She giggled.

Clyde gulped, looking forward to it. If there weren't so many people around, he'd pull her away and start the payment. Who wouldn't, he thought.


Master chef Yoshi looked at his twenty-year-old granddaughter. A spark of guilt rushed through him, even if she was the one who insisted on joining the business rather than attending college. She was too sweet for him, but tough, facing the hardship at his side without complaint.

Things were going amazing for a while until the creditors decided to become supreme jackasses. He did not want to drag his lovely granddaughter into this hell fest.

They needed a turnaround and fast. He glanced at the locked chest in his office, protected by a ward.

"Damn bastards are after my World Star Fragment again," he said. "I refuse to let them have something they want."

Maybe he could offer it up as a reward for anyone able to help him turn this situation around. Pssh. That mysterious person would need to bring in volunteers. As if that would happen. Yoshi sighed.

"Is there any god or watcher out there willing to give this old man some aid?"

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