Somewhere in Terravon…

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The following morning…

Sol awoke the next morning to the smell of…breakfast? He sorted his stats and skills, including the new ones gained from winning the previous night's battle, while brushing his teeth. Successfully petrifying that green-haired bitch and poisoning the Leaf, along with making sure no one could save them with the curses embedded into his negative Ki, really impressed the system. His title, the Bringer of Chaos, increased more stats.

What truly baffled him was the lack of death notifications. There was no one short of a god that could cure their conditions blocked by high-level curses. Even the gear set he wore increased the strength of any curse by ten percent for each piece. Who could have possibly…Sol froze. The other fox girl.

The Stone and his group were in Ring City… Sol couldn't help but wonder why. His thoughts fell onto the twin-tailed girl of the group and he licked his lips. Clyde had a lot of women in his party as if he walked the earth as some kind of harem god. Sol wanted to take them from him. Or at the very least, that twin-tailed cutie. He'd fuck her until she vomited his load, her face planted on the ground.

He flinched. When the hell did his thoughts get like that? Hellfire. Sol was letting Satovia cloud his own world's culture. Okay, so maybe he learned from a sketchy group of frats and college-age people. For such thinking, his family would've given him twenty lashes by flaming, metal-enlaced whip…but he wasn't home anymore. So maybe he was free to think however the hellfire he wanted.

Sol walked into to kitchen, surprised to see Risa actually doing the cooking. She seemed like a stickler for the measurements as she jumped around, examining everything to the micro-detail. The unfamiliar breakfast food she prepared had quite the appetizing fragrance.

"That smells good," Sol said. "What's on the menu?"

"Basilisk hearts, Harpy tails, and slime toad stew," she answered nonchalantly. "Mmm-mm. If only I could find some harpy eggs. It would make this perfect."

Sol nearly gagged. "I'll pass on breakfast," he said as he hurried out the door.

"Hey!" Risa called after him.

It was at that moment, a notification popped into his mind's eye, indicating something unexpected.

Killing Chiyo would gain him Ring City and the surrounding areas as territories. Liru and a woman named Tiffia were other options that could gain him the same results.

But he'd rather take out the dragon bitch. And as for the twin-tails…He'd think of something.

As he soared into the air, face stony, Sol mentally planned. There will be no more walking into traps for him.


Late Afternoon…

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Lot City, Yaponiya…

Clyde, most of Team Stone that were not Asu or Stone Maidens, and the guests, were asleep. Having been up for who knows long—since they left Alon, they all decided visiting Clare could wait until Yaponiya's morning. Alice, to their bliss, cast a spell that blocked the sun from the windows of anyone who wanted to sleep in the dark.

Monday. Week 1. Month 3. Year 1. Season: Winter.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Domino, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 10 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia, Kitome.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice, Kitome. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Kitome, human: 9.3 months. Kitome: week 1, day 2. Harumi: week 2, day 4. Alice week: 2, day 2.]

Clyde woke up to see Yuki entering his room in her maid outfit. He glanced at the clock. Five fifty in the morning.

The demoness sat freshly folded clothes and socks on a stand then walked over to kiss the young man. He crawled out of bed, allowing himself to be pulled into the bathroom.

He started with her lips before making his way to the wet sea, running his tongue across. Yuki responded with sighs of pleasure, holding him tighter. He squeezed her ass, sucked her breasts, and entered the tight space. He almost sworn that as he went as deep as possible, her stomach bulged.

They hopped in the shower after finishing, then relaxed in the bath, chatting, and just loving each other's presences. He of course didn't forget to use Alice's toothpaste when brushing his teeth.

Using the Mythic shard as the primary crafting component, Clyde combined it with other materials to form a relic-class ring. He tried to enchant it, but the system gave him an error message.

[System error. Goddess Love-Breathing Ring is too powerful. Cannot enchant.]

He wasted no time slipping it on the demoness's finger, gaining her surprise.

"Be with me," he said. "I love—"

Yuki kissed him and just leaned into his embrace, nearly speechless. They sat in silence for minutes until Clyde spoke.

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"I'd like to see you run your own restaurant," Clyde said. "Pursue your master chef dreams. The world needs your cooking." He chuckled. Yuki looked at him and actually smiled. He mentally saved that image into memory as he returned the smile.

"I'll think about it," she said.

[Congratulations! You continue to increase your power. At this rate, you will be unstoppable.]

[Your fiancée, Yuki's current mood: lovestruck.]

[Base HP and MP bonus from Yuki: +100%]

[Perk bonus on hold until you marry her: ***Mythic tier skill: Sky God Mode. Tapping into Yuki's essence, you may merge with the sky and look down on a world. You may alter weather and climate, including moving or ending storms as well as creating them. You can reveal yourself as a giant cloud in the shape of your face or simply speak to people from the sky. You may also simply drift in the sky and relax, while letting the winds carry you around the world.

While in this form, you can only attack with lightning, storms, the elements and the environment but you cannot use most skills.]

[Warning, this skill requires a lot of MP to activate. Fortunately, due to your composure and intellect stat, how surprising on that, Yuki will not lose any MP. She will be invincible at the start of the transformation.]

[Warning: this skill will certainly piss off Mother Nature! She's a Supreme Goddess. Try establishing a relationship with her. Maybe Airi can help with that? Something about that Root Tree seed…]

[As a demoness, Yuki only knows the demon way of marriage. She will view you as love mate.]

[Alice's marriage skill has received a drastic buff due to Yuki's magic linking with Alice's demoness side. *Alice can also now transform into full demoness mode. Warning: she may feel a huge craving for sex afterward. Doing so at that time will increase her stats.]

[Chika's marriage skill has received a drastic buff due to Yuki's magic.]

[Congratulations, your relationship with Yuki has increased to Treasured level 1!]

As the duo dried off and walked out of the bathroom with towels wrapped around them, they were greeted by the rest of Clyde's smiling fiancées. Alice seemed to be responsible for the gathering. The heartwarming gathering. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Congratulations Yuki," they all said, each of them hugging the teary woman.

"And I know many of us don't say it enough, but we really do appreciate you."

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Clyde felt Yuki's emotions burst and expand through the bond as she accepted all of the love from the others. He took the time to put on some boxers and a shirt. Sure, it'd be hilarious if his towel accidentally fell off, but he didn't want to be the cause of a broken mood.

"Yuki Onee-sama," Natalia cheered as she snuggled her face into the demoness's breasts. One of her eyes twitched in annoyance, but for once, the loli-witch's mood didn't break.

All of the rings in the room shimmered, gathering everyone's attention. Suddenly, sparkles of magic burst into existence like snowflakes. The rings then glowed a bright white. The flakes of magic twinkled like stars, collecting at the center of the room, shaping into they formed into…a clone of Yuki?

The clone burst and became the others, one by one until finally forming into someone completely unknown. A small figure, with the shape of a girl, made of the same starry energy smiled. It flew around the group, giggling. The women laughed in delight. It then swirled around Harumi, giggling louder, and seemed to hug her before returning to the center of the room. Everyone loved the fox girl even…whatever…that thing was.

The energy waved at them. But only Clyde received a prompt that gave him chills.


[The bond between your fiancées as well as the entirety of Team Stone has increased!]

The room fell into total silence as the rings returned to their normal, but exotic states. The stars fizzled out half a second later. While everyone else chatted about that experience, Clyde dressed in casual clothing, consumed in his thoughts.

System, what was that? No reply.

While the women made plans with Yuki, the young man slipped out, only to bump into Kaguya, who floated as usual. She almost had a resemblance to the girl on a manga an old earth friend of his loved called Yuuna and the Hot Springs or something. At least with the ghost girl flying and glowing energy.

"Good morning," Clyde said. "Is everything alright?"

The Alonian princess smiled. "Sure thing. I was just curious about all of the commotion."

"Hey don't use my toothpaste," Alice yelled.

"Oh don't be that way, Highness," Natalia said.

Clyde smiled sheepishly. "Go join the party. Everyone's getting ready for the day."

Kaguya kissed the young man on the cheek before quickly flying away. Kanako was the next encounter down the hall, floating…and sleeping. He guided the genie to her room. Seeing that the operations of the day wouldn't start until at least after nine, Clyde would let her sleep in. Then again, she worked mostly for Tear…

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The young man's thoughts were interrupted when Airi said, "holy shit there's an angel at the door. Hi Alena."

Alice's excitement flooded through the bond. Then he felt Melody's surprise after Airi exclaimed, "and she's with… Amaterasu."

"Good to see you too," Clyde heard Amaterasu said. "Now where is my son-in-law? And my daughter."

"Calm down Alena, I'll go get him. No need to make that death gesture."

Clyde almost farted from the pressure his stomach emitted as his guts seemed to bubble. He considered Jumping, but decided that one: he couldn't while inside. Two, he was the leader of Team Stone. Not only will his grandmother be spiritually more disappointed with him for being irresponsible, but the Team sure as shit would give him more than a sideways glare.

In the end, he knew it was time to face the music. Just why did Airi have to blab so loudly to make things worse. He slowly closed the door, hoping to wake up Kanako to serve as some kind of mental shield, but Airi burst right in, grabbing his arm, cheery.

"Hold a sec." He tried to pull away, but she was ridiculously strong…Oh shit.

"Clyde, that's not me," Airi said from behind Amaterasu. The illusion winked out.

As the woman with unsettling glowing gray eyes smiled, she surprisingly…bowed.

"Melody, come out from that room," she said. "I think it's time for Clyde to spill the beans. And don't be ashamed. This situation is pretty common for powerful deity-types."

"Oh look, it's the scary lady," Natalia blabbed as she came out of the backroom.

Alena on the other hand was giving Clyde a Gin smile. This is also known as the Ara-Ara smile and she definitely had the look. Glowing purple aura surrounded her as if on cue, darkening the effect.

Clyde gulped. System, any advice, he thought.

[Try not to poop yourself, desu.]

Goddammit, System, why do I even bother, Clyde thought. And NOW it answered him…He still couldn't shake off the feeling of missing something. Too bad the young man wouldn't get the chance to think on that any longer. How did they find out? They knew, right?

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