Night in the sky…

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[Quest: Purchase the Wind Pearl from Aimi in Ring City, then deliver it to the dark elf queen. You will finally receive the medicine you need to help those sick children.]

[+50 to Venus's approval for once again choosing to do good. The children of Forenville will be eternally grateful.]

The cool night wind patted against Tessa's face as she soared closer to Ring City on her spirit beast. She petted the giant owl, grateful for its companionship. It did more than just serve her. The young woman had a relationship level with the giant creature. It watched over and protected her, listened to Tessa, including the complaints, often snorting in amusement.

So when a sudden blast of magic hit Tessa's spirit friend, sending them on a freefall trip from hundreds of feet in the air, the young woman raced against time to call on the wind.

[Tessa activated Silver tier skill: Desperate Wind Hand.]

She directed the wind to halt their descent, then quickly moved them to safety. Someone approached them rapidly and Tessa had to be ready.

"And what brings the famous heroine of nothing to my nation," a voice said.

Eyes hardened, Tessa turned to get a look at a young man she recognized as the Falcon thanks to Venus and Team Stone. She didn't expect him to be around Ring City or to attack her without provocation. What the hell was this guy's deal, anyway? She analyzed him before speaking.

Name- Sol Niye Lor.

Level: 272 (Potentially compressed)

Type: The Falcon.

Relationship: Enemy.

Advice: One of the five chosen dimensional interlopers playing a role in the stone-viper games. He wants to take the game, make it his. Very dangerous.

Tessa warped her legendary sword from the inventory, taking a fighting stance.

"Why are you attacking us?"

"And why would I tell you any of my plans," Sol said. "This game has been going on far too long without any player deaths. I think it's time to change that."

"You're a psychopath," Tessa said.

"Says the girl wielding a sword who did her fair share of killing," Sol said. "Killing in the name of what you or your goddess call justice doesn't automatically make it right. Self-righteousness will be the downfall of this game."

"Just because you like to monologue doesn't mean your words are correct," Tessa said as she dashed toward the Falcon. "You won't have your way, you stupid bird."

[You have been challenged by the Falcon.]

[You have entered PVP Combat!]

[Life and Death!]

Tessa didn't want to give him any chances to do anything. Unleashing her fury of being left to plummet from hundreds of feet in the air, she powered up immediately. An enormous tornado of black and white wind smashed onto her as she transformed. Sol laughed and did the same.

[Tessa invoked Raging Storm Mode EX]

[Sol invoked Falcon Mode.]

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[Tessa's Wind Start Pressure prevented Sol's Falcon Mode.]

[Sol cannot enter Falcon Mode for two minutes…]

"Oh you realized it didn't you," Tessa said as she moved faster than the wind toward the wide-eyed Falcon.

[Tessa's Wind Pressure.]

She slashed across his chest four times in an instant, then spun-kick him to the ground. She tried to plunge downward, but he rolled out of the way, hand aimed at her.

[Tessa used Tier 1 skill: Quad Fury Slashes]

[Sol's HP has dropped to 450%]

<( Sol accessed Negative Ki

<(Sol re-channeled—

[Tessa's Wind Start Pressure has negated Sol's skill.]

[One minute remaining…]

Tessa greeted his new surprise gape with a kick to his stupid face. She followed that up with a series of wind blasts, almost feeling like Vegeta, from Dragon Ball. She and Clyde watched a lot of that during the childhood days.

[Tessa activated Silver tier skill: Wind Goddess's Kiss.]

The green magic and lightning blasted the young man into the air. Tessa took aim, preparing her finishing moves.

[Sol's HP dropped to 200%]

[Sol used item: Panacea.]

Sol chugged the contents of the bottle, widening Tessa's eyes. She didn't even consider item use. Enemies in Satovia rarely did. But players…

[Sol's status effects were completely cured.]

"To think I had to waste that on you," Sol said. "Hellfire, that's frustrating. Do you have any idea how much that's worth?"

Tessa ignored the taunt and unleashed her magic

[Sol used item: Force Field in a Bag.]

[Sol was surrounded in an unbreakable force field!]

A bubble of transparent-green energy surrounded the young man, repelling Tessa's magic and her sword.

[Tessa's Wind Pressure Start has worn off.]

[Sol invoked Falcon Mode.]

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Tessa could tell the force field was beginning to disintegrate, sadly a little too late. She re-summoned her spiritual beast as the Falcon's transformation began. With a level beyond hers, the young woman wasn't willing to gamble her life on this.

A hand-raise and a magic circle later, the spiritual beast spawned. She hopped on the owl's back and gave it some speed buffs. As they took off, Tessa decided to give one last surprise to the chasing Falcon.

<Tessa accessed Blue Ki>

<Tessa channeled Fierce Blizzard!>

The blizzard from her hands felt much stronger than usual as she released all of her anger on the unsuspecting bird.

"Hellfire!" were the last words before something unexpected happened.

[Critical! Sol was frozen Solid.]

[Sol's HP halved.]

Tessa couldn't believe it, but the young man stared at her in shock, encased in a solid block of ice. So, such a status alignment could actually happen in this crazy world. She sighed.

She needed a bath after this shit. Seriously, why did the jerk face start these fights?

"Maybe I should pluck his feathers off," Tessa said as she landed.

The block had fallen backward, leaving Sol to stare at the sky with a thousand-yard gaze. The young woman took a moment to let the pain of killing another person wash over her. Back on Earth, she couldn't harm a fly and now she slayed sentient creatures like it was nothing.

Tessa aimed a hand at the block of ice, charging her magic. Too much lied on the line to allow this one to keep trying to kill everyone.

Powerful magic and white light howled in the young woman's hand as she charged as much as possible.

Abruptly, the block of ice exploded. Tessa found herself flying backward, crashing into her owl. It screeched then quickly got in front of the woman to protect her from something.

She heard the creature cry in pain, struck by an unseen force. The young woman quickly undid the summon, fearing that she'd lose her friend forever.

Sol, in Falcon Mode slowly walked toward her, face neutral, gray aura radiating from him like a twisted star in the night.

[Sol Falcon Mode Passive: Migration]

"I think it's time I stop messing around," Sol said. "No more freebies for you." He teleported to the young woman's side, delivering the first spell before Tessa could move.

>(Sol re-channeled Petrifying Omniverse Wave. Bird's Wrath. This is an unblockable skill.(<

The energy released looked like glowing gray matter, time, space, and the cosmos to Tessa as it crashed into her. The shield she put up did no good. Of course, it wouldn't against a skill that couldn't be blocked. The feeling of pain, heat, ice, and regret followed her on the way to the ground.


She…tried, but Negative Ki had an advantage of being a powerhouse at the cost of very long cooldowns. It also required mastery of at least one Ki color in order to sacrifice it and throw the power in reverse. At least that was according to her dark elf friend. She still didn't know what that truly meant.

Tessa struggled to stand, pushing away stupid dying thoughts. Only the anime world would have her think of something irrelevant while taking the brunt of a deadly attack.

"You really are tough," Sol said. "No status effects whatsoever."

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Of course Tessa wouldn't be inflicted with anything. She wore gear that sacrificed a tiny bit of defense in exchange for resistance to status effects.

[Tessa used item: Max Potion.]

[Tessa's HP and MP fully restored.]

She tossed the empty bottle into Sol's face. "I can't believe I wasted that on the likes of you."

[Tessa activated Special tier skill: Hurricane Gesh.]

As she released the magic, the young woman got the results she wanted. The stinging hurricane winds pushing Sol backward and annoying him enough for her to flee. She'd be better off regrouping with Venus and consulting someone with a much higher level to deal with him. Sick children depended on her.

While levels didn't matter, she was pretty sure Falcon Mode took the jerko outside of the system.

Tessa didn't get far.

Sol burst from the ground like an earth bender before she could Jump, grabbing her ankle, and then tossing her into an oncoming speeding truck. The horn's wail seemed to pierce the air.

[Sol used Tier 1 skill: Stunning Seismic Toss.]

[Tessa is stunned.]

Tessa's eyes widened as her vision brightened.

Sol watched the beautiful collision for just a second, but didn't stick around for the results due to the rapidly approaching sirens.

"That's three for three. Hellfire, I'm the fucking best."

The bloody mess would make the breaking news. The winds of the area calmed into an eerie silence…



Lot City, Yaponiya…

Rin and her grandfather opened the restaurant door to see the entire inside trashed. A note on the counter read,

You know what we want, old man. Stop being stubborn, you degenerate bastard. If not, the due date for your debt is coming up very soon. We have a nice legal team waiting to make all of it ours.

The young woman sighed.

"Grandpa, we need to find help."

Master Chef Yoshi eyed his granddaughter, whom he still wished took the college route.

"We'll do whatever it takes. Get the flyers ready."


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Clyde's house in Lot City…

After what felt like an hour of lectures from both Alena and Amaterasu, Clyde internally sighed in relief. At least they congratulated their daughters on both the rings and children. Alice's mother held him in the breast trap once more.

"You'd better not make her cry," she said.

"Mom," Alice said, face still beet-red from blushing. Melody looked as if she wanted to die of embarrassment. The redhead still bravely gazed into the unsettling eyes of her mother.

Clyde pushed away the thought of wanting to get…closer to Alice's mother. He beat that back into the poisonous black hole from which it came, then mentally apologized to his soulmate. For some reason, that didn't stop his eyes from taking mental snapshots of those jiggling, physics-defying breasts. Weren't angels supposed to be pure?

"So…why are you two together?" Clyde asked the mothers. "Call me crazy, but I certainly didn't see you two becoming friends."

Amaterasu laughed. "It's mostly thanks to your team. And she's like the best at making tea."

"Harumi can be the judge of that," Natalia blabbed as she entered the room, but seemed to shrink when the eyes of those mothers turned to her. Ara Ara. Alena even gave her the Gin smile.

"Still as talkative as always, witchling," Amaterasu said. When Naoko walked into the room, they froze. The kuudere loli yawned.

"Onii-chan, good morning." She walked over, crawled into his lap and…fell asleep.


"She's so cute," Amaterasu interrupted Alena. "A frighteningly powerful bundle of cuteness. Who is she?"

"She's Naoko," Melody said. "An entity who's supposed to help Clyde with his destiny or something."

"I'm cute too," Natalia said lowly as she walked over to the half-demoness. Alice pulled the loli into her lap.

"She kind of did her part," Clyde said. "Harsh training, but I learned a lot." Fuyoko walked out of the kitchen.

"Naoko, up up, let's eat breakfast," she said. She picked up the Kuudere loli and took her into the kitchen. "I'll pour your favorite cereal."

"You really are a harem god," Alena said, then sighed. "And snagged my daughter along the ride. You have at least seven or eight princesses." She shook her head. "At least Alice has the soulmate."

"I love them all equally," Clyde said boldly, almost nonchalantly, but everyone could tell he meant that. And that he had the balls to boldly declare it. "That includes the women that don't have rings yet. It seems slow, but I want to get to know them, and they to know me in return. It's not about the power gains. Hell, I…didn't even know what I was at first." He stood. The mothers smiled.

"Way to say it like you mean it," Amaterasu said. "You pass. With me. I can't help you with a certain stubborn father."

Melody sighed. "Well he's going to have to get used to it, because I don't care what Father thinks. Tell him I'm still very angry that he sent his stupid soldiers after me. So much wasted life. Matsuko struggled with the control of a rival dark god right under his nose. Luckily we were there to free her."

Amaterasu nodded. "Let's just hope he stays busy. I don't want him descending here to bother with you, the others, Alice's baby, Harumi's or whoever else received the popper."

"Since Yuki didn't get the chance to cook, how about we stop at Clare's?" Alena said seconds later, changing the subject. He didn't miss that brief moment of anger at the thought of Melody's father.

"It may not be the best—"

"Nonsense," Amaterasu interrupted Clyde. "Let's get moving."

Clyde caught a curious windblown flyer the moment he stepped outside. The old man and the restaurant again. He shrugged. Not his problem.

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