Clare was a busty shrine maiden with long black hair, blue eyes, and instead of her flirtatious smile and mood, the young woman seemed tired. Even the magical girls were unhappy with the number of people Clyde brought in. No…that wasn't it. This place had many customers on a daily basis…

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The fucking Supreme.

"What time does she usually come in here?" Clyde asked, ignoring Clare's half-hearted offer of coffee. That snapped her out of the daze.

"Clyde, it would be better if you left," she said. "She's not someone any of you should be involved with. The only reason why I hadn't closed down my shop is because I'm afraid what could happen if I do. She's being civil now and paying, but if we piss her off…" She shot a flat stare at the Stone Maidens then let out a sigh. "I'm just relieved she didn't hurt them."

"Clare. She's after Tear," Clyde said. "Lot City was blown to smithereens over an attempted booty call. I've been meaning to have…a few words with this Supreme Demon Lord."

Clare shook her head.

"Please don't start any trouble here. I'm serious Clyde. She's kept things civil and didn't kill us all. I want to keep it that way. You may have improved since I met you, but your level is laughably low compared to her. The same goes for all of us. Besides, she explained the entire ordeal to us. The Inquisitors have been somewhat rogue and in charge of themselves for a while. She didn't issue any command for them to do anything other than ask Tear to return."

"Her inquisitors, her responsibility," Clyde said. "We're not going to debate what I plan to do about her. Anyway, that's not actually why I'm here."

"It isn't?" Alice and Kitome said.

"Other than just a visit, no," Clyde said to the half-demoness, then faced Clare. "Do you know anything about Master Chef Yoshi?"

Clare blinked in surprised. "What restaurant owner doesn't? He's all the talk these days. And everyone knows the creditors after him are full of shit."

"I want to help him out," Clyde said. "Well, I haven't a choice. You know why, but the reward is too important to pass up. Do you think you could introduce us? Team Stone and him."

"Nya, what do you mean Team Stone?" Neko said.

"Because something important is on the line," Clyde said. "I'll explain it when we get home. Well, explain it for the newbies."

"I kind of have to agree with the cat," Alice said. "Lovemate, do you think now is a good time for this? We've got to do something about Sol. Liru teaches kindergarteners you know?"

Clyde held up a finger. "I don't mean today. We just got back in town. But." He looked at Clare. "Maybe this shouldn't wait. Clare, can you temporarly close the shop?"

Sensing the seriousness in his voice, Clare motioned at one of the Fireside magical girls. She placed the "we're closed, sorry desu" sign on the outside of the door. Clyde made sure to give the shrine maiden a blank stare for that. She smiled weakly.

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Most of the team had taken seats by now and were ordering meals. Clyde tried to ignore Sahara's glaring. She was the leader of the Fireside magical girls—a young woman the same age as Clyde with long silver hair and red eyes.


A trickle of sweat plopped from the back of Clyde's forehead.

"Meat, I want meat," Ruri said from one of the tables.

"You heard the woman," Matsume said to the magical girl attendee. "We'll take your juiciest steaks."

Clyde sighed. "This Yoshi guy apparently has a world star fragment. I'm still unsure what they actually do, but you-know-what from above made collecting them mandatory."

"Shouldn't you just ask the Stone Maidens?" Clare said with a laugh. "Or will they just sit back and become irrelevant among your grand scheme of things."

Clyde winced at the implications there. Before he could say anything else, Hinako, spoke.

"Who was that woman trying to peek through the small window. I don't know why, but she gives me the creeps."

Clare froze. "What did she look like?"

"Silver hair, tan skin, and her eyes were two different colors," Hinako said, still looking out the window. Suddenly she exclaimed, "holy shit, she disappeared. She looked a little angry."

Clyde felt a little bad for Clare. The shrine maiden was never like this… He hadn't been gone for that long—only a week. The young man figured the Lot City tragedy had to be the cause of her stress.

Tear and Melody sat Clare down. Natalia turned on the TV in the room.

"We're friends, Clare," Harumi said. "You can talk to us about anything."

Naoko pet the shrine maiden. Airi gave her a thumbs up.

"Husbando onii," Natalia said, drawing the FBI glance from the magical girls. Most of them were gathered around Kitome. Some looked at Detective Tetra. "Look at the breaking news report. Isn't that, that Tessa girl?"

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Clyde jerked his head to the TV and his eyes widened. Tessa lied on the ground in front of a semitruck, covered in blood. An independent journalist who arrived on the scene recorded the footage while police jotted notes and cordoned off the area.

"We are still unsure about the identity of this young lady, where's she's from. It appears that she committed suicide by jumping in front of the semi. There are cuts on her clothing, bruises, and other things indicating a conflict before the tragedy. Police believe she got in a fight with a boyfriend."

"Oh my god," Chika said somberly.

"Tessa," Harumi said.

The room fell into silence… Team Stone looked at Clyde, taking in his shocked expression.

Abruptly the young man was slammed with a vision so strong, he had to fight the enormous pressure that threatened to flatten him. Clyde gestured at his team to wait while he stepped outside.

A crying voice echoed through his head. Venus's voice.

"She's… dying," she cried. "I can't remove the curse. It's an anti-god consciousness decaying curse. My caring daughter…It's all my fault. We were trying to help sick children…before Sol attacked without any provocation whatsoever. I'm trying to heal her…but she won't—"

The connection to the crying goddess winked out. Tessa…was attacked and…possibly killed by Sol. The image of the blood, the seemingly lifeless body limp on the ground, the lack of immediate health care. Attacked without provocation…while going to help sick children.

A vision of Clyde's childhood friend appeared within his mind's eye, caressing the young man's face and smiling at him. She mouthed, "I'm sorry" before vanishing.

Tears threatened to fall from Clyde's eyes, but he held them back. Venus didn't say she was dead, only dying. Alice could undo the curses and Harumi could fix her up, right? He channeled that wish to them, ordering Tear to take the fox girl to the scene. Tessa…couldn't have died. Not like this.

The young man let go of the meaning of mercy.

[System heads up: he also has eyes on Alice with intentions to do horrendous acts to her.]

The image of…Arisa….both little Arisa and her adult self, lifeless on the ground broke something within the young man. He could see his entire team getting picked off one by one by the Falcon. A threat almost as bad as the Viper. Someone who'd also destroy entire populations of innocent people if given the option. Clyde realized he had to be the voice of reason. To keep the insane fuckers from killing off civilians who just wanted to live their lives.

Clyde became one with destruction, murder, hate, rage, vengeance, time and space.

"SOL!" he yelled in a voice that shook every multiverse in existence.

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[You are awakening violently…]

[Your utter wrath has been invoked.]

[Form: ???]

[Jump has temporarily evolved to Soul travel.]

Ruri came outside just in time to see Clyde punch a hole in reality and leap through it.

"Clyde, Amaterasu herself took Harumi, Alena, and Alice to fix Tessa, promising to help. She may be okay. Alena said there may still be time."

It was too late… Yet, Clyde's voice…Clyde's shadow replied in a calm god chant.

"It's time I put an end to this. Now I understand why it is a quest."

Ruri's ears sagged. She didn't like when Clyde was this way. And that form he took, matched the one from the Maverick fight, only coated in strange black aura. Aura that smelled wrong. She let out a tiny whimper. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Tear rushed outside the café, hoping to comfort the young man. Yet only Ruri stood, down.

"I felt the strange magic," Tear said. "I'm assuming he chased after Sol."

Ruri nodded. "He…took on that form with Maverick, except ten times scarier."

"Well, Sol's dead," Tear said nonchalantly. "Serves him right. He tried to kill us." Tear shook her head then chuckled. "And now Clyde's going to kill him back."

Ruri sighed. "If not for that scary form, I'd want to see it."

"I don't want Sol's blood on my clothes," Tear said.

"I think you'll be getting something other than blood on your clothes," a familiar voice said, triggering the succubus's worst fears. And with Clyde, Alena, Amaterasu, and most of the others gone, the only backup remaining was Ruri. Matsume, her servant—who was actually stronger than Ruri and most of Team Stone, stayed behind. Melody did too, but her heart would break if she got her redhead friend involved. Even with the ability to shift in her awakened state, it still wasn't at full power. Just forty percent. That was the only reason why her father didn't attack yet. He couldn't feel her presence.

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Tear's eyes hardened as Lilith, the Supreme Demon Lord, leapt from the rooftop ahead, to land just twenty feet shy of them.

"I think we've played enough games, my dear, Tear," Lilith said, then grinned. "You have a duty and I'm horny. I've wasted enough time this city, delaying my meeting with the Queen of Hearts and your mother way too many times." She licked her lips. "Now be a good girl."


Late night…

Just outside of Alon

Sol had followed the dragon girl, Chiyo, for some time, just a half-mile behind, so she wouldn't detect him. This time no one would be getting in his way. The quest to take over Ring City would finally be complete. And while the Wind wasn't on it, he thrived in the opportunity to pit his strength against hers. Good thing Players didn't respawn or else, he'd have to consider setting up several spawn camps at any spawning locations and just kill her over and over again.

Fucked up, but the Bright Ones wanted him to compete in this game. And so, he would. Hellfire, the quest to get the stone-viper games changed to the Falcon games continued.

So much for Liru, but honestly, he'd rather leave that one alone anyway. The twin-tailed bitch looked better with her face planted on the ground, accepting his "love" by the buckets. Before he could go after her, the young man would need to finish the Ring City quest and then find some way to get rid of Risa.

He didn't want to kill her, that connection could be useful for late to endgame quests. So maybe getting rid of her wasn't the answer, but the young man sure as shit wasn't interested in a relationship. And why did she continue to work as a pizza girl? He did that as a joke.

Rich girls were strange. No, scratch that. Rich immortal girls were strange. They had too much time on their hands.

"Says the guy killing the players," Sol said. He couldn't help but feel that maybe…just maybe this was a quest that he should've ignored. But the Bright Ones wanted this, and he needed his demands settled, so fuck it. Sometimes enormous rewards could only be obtained by taking the biggest risks. Not that he had anything to fear from such weaklings. As soon as he found the Viper, he'd fuck him up too. "The Stone and the Viper are…what's that word. Pussies. Fucking pussies."

He shifted into Falcon Mode when he was within a few meters from Chiyo. "You may as well stop running. You know I'm here and there will be no more traps."

Chiyo materialized a sword made of glowing white material…with a relic rarity. Light Dragon Sword.

"You will never stop or learn, will you?" Chiyo said

Sol licked his lips. The rewards for this boss fight was going to be fucking awesome.

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