Late night…

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A few miles from the nation of Alon…

Empty highway…

[Chiyo's HP has dropped to 65%]

Chiyo's blade collided against Sol's with enough force destroy several cars, yet the Falcon Mode seemed unaffected by everything she tried. The dragon took a lot of slashes and hits by his magic. She fought back with dragon magic and Ki, but no matter what, that form kept him at some kind of advantage, whether it was raw strength, speed, or spells.

She shouldn't be taking so much damage…so how?

"You must be wondering why you're on the way to hellfire's death door," Sol said. "Do you fear the falcon, its mighty stat increases, and how it devours prey like you?" He aimed a hand at the panting dragon girl, smiling. "Now die."

Chiyo couldn't die here… She couldn't. She wished she could see her sisters again, tell them how much she loved them.

<) Sol accessed negative Ki(>

<) Sol re-channeled Ending Nexus Storm—(>

Suddenly, the sky brightened to sun-intense levels, then darkened, bringing in a lightning storm that Chiyo had never witnessed before. The magical pressure in the air was at a level so strong, the dragon knew that even Celestial felt it. It snuffed out Sol's deadly negative Ki.

Then she saw him. And judging by Sol's expression, he too had his attention on the being in the sky.

Chiyo used that opportunity to get as far away from the Falcon as possible. She DID NOT want to be caught in that.

The being's eyes glowed bright white like ghostly flames. On his back were spiky angel-like wings. Crest power radiated from him, speaking to the dragon of Blood and Vengeance.

The black aura that roared off him looked like a twisted version of a live sun. The eerie lightning storm which released red, gold, and…black bolts didn't make this scene better. Chiyo's draconic instincts only made her secretly look forward to what was going to happen next. She turned on her dragon senses, which would allow her to track the magic and power used. The young woman would then mentally translate that in an instant.

"Ah, I thought I recognized you," Sol said to the obvious…super god. "So this is Stone Mode? No, that can't be right. Something's messing with my analyze. A pussy like you."

Chiyo translated the foreign magic he used which was called Analyze.


Name: Clyde, Supreme God of Absolute Death and Destruction…

Chiyo Insight Skill: This is an unavailable evolution of Blood and Vengeance.

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Type: Supreme God and Unknown Elemental. Rank: SSS

Level: Unknown. [Feels almost like a G level…]

Weakness: absolutely none.

Resistances: nearly everything.

Loot chance: none. You cannot defeat this being.


Elementals…were said to have vanished millions of years ago.

Chiyo gasped. Just what the hell happened to him? Clyde answered her mental question.

"Sol, there is always a price to pay for your actions," he said. "However, I will not be paying that, because I make the rules. You attacked and killed my best friend, without provocation and for the hell of it. But I'm not here to give you a lecture. I speak only for the benefit of the witness, for what I'm about to do to you will be morally black."

Sol rolled his eyes. "So that wind bitch of a slut was your friend? Ha! I hope her death was painful as possible. Make all the threats you want, I slapped you around and let you live. I'll slap you around again while showing you my Falcon Mode."

A message through the magic translated in Chiyo's mind.

[Sol has entered… Sol has been sentenced to death, torture, and...]

[PVP Combat…]


Shouldn't that be life and death, Chiyo thought.

Clyde's movement was instantaneous. He simply appeared next to Sol, fiery eyes blazing with white fire.

>>>Clyde used Judgment: Omen's Fist<<<<

[This instant-death attack was held back…]

Black lightning howled loudly from Clyde's fists as he delivered three deadly punches. One to Sol's ribs, which cracked. Another to his skull, which also cracked. The last to his leg, which broke so badly, a large fragment of bone poked out of the skin. Blood sprayed.

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Chiyo winced as she realized the god's attacks went through the Falcon's natural barrier as if it weren't there.

Sol yelled as he choked on what appeared to be a healing potion.

"Good, heal, because I'm not done with you," Clyde said as his hand clamped around Sol's throat. All of Clyde's movements were too fast to see—Chiyo maxed out her dragon senses just to keep up.

Clyde flew Sol high into the sky and then threw him down to the earth, following it up with a lot of black lightning. The Falcon burst into flames as he collided with the ground after moving millions of miles per second. Chiyo contained the energy of the collision to the best of her ability, inside a bubble.

Clyde suddenly stomped down on Sol from hundreds of feet in the air, causing the Falcon to yell in agony. It was a miracle that he still lived. The Stone clearly prolonged this.

[Sol activated Jump.]

[Unable to Jump due to Clyde's Immense Unstoppable Pressure.]

Sol rolled over, but didn't get the chance to cast. Oh he certainly thought he could try a sneak move and make a run for it, but Chiyo doubted the Falcon would easily get off the ground.

Clyde grabbed his hand.

"You don't need these fingers. And hey, deciding Tessa's death should've inspired you to sing. Let me help you."

He snarled and smashed his fist into Sol's face a dozen times, before breaking his fingers, one by one. The angry Stone didn't stop there. With a single hand, he broke one of the Falcon's arms.

Chiyo's heart pounded in utter fear as she kept her distance, honoring the Stone's wish that she witness this execution. Sol was definitely an orchestra, the octaves of his screaming changing almost every second.

"You still think this is a game, Sol?" Clyde said. "How about it? Power up to your best. Go ahead. I'll wait."

The moment Sol moved, the Stone appeared in front of him, delivering a throat-crushing kick.

"Oh what's that?" Clyde said. "An unprovoked sudden attack?" He vanished, instantly reappearing next to the gagging Falcon. The Stone's aura actually lit Sol's clothes on fire. He used his good hand to put them out as Clyde watched him with eyes so intense, they generated white flames on the side. He also let the Falcon chug a potion. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Raising a hand into the air, Clyde charged something that Chiyo could not quite understand. She…felt. No way. Purity? But that couldn't be. Just a small amount of that could level planets.

>>>Clyde activated Judgment: Punishment from the Heavens.<<<

Black energy poured from the mouth of the sky to pound against the newly healed Falcon. Chiyo sighed in relief that the planet didn't explode. Which meant…which meant…but this was unheard of. He stood as the first being ever to control and reshape purity, not counting the mythical avatars.

Sol's skin melted faster than he could regenerate, yet Clyde didn't appear to be finished with him. He stopped his rain of purity, then grabbed Sol by the throat. The first smash was to the ground which created a fifty-foot wide crater. Chiyo could tell, mentally comparing it to holes she'd seen in the past.

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The second smash was through a bunch of trees. Well, Clyde sent him flying extremely fast into a forest. And that gave Sol the time he needed to invoke…a second transformation.

Sol had called upon the assistance of the God of Flight.

[Sol invoked Primary Falcon Mode.]

[Sol's intense pressure was negated by Clyde's Omnipresent pressure.]

Sol launched out of the forest as a giant silver energy-coated Falcon. Chiyo struggled against his normal Falcon Mode. She internally shuddered at the thought of attempting to face this. As much as her dragon pride wanted to scold her, she was completely aware of the transformations that could ignore all levels or even take a person out of the restrictive system entirely. She placed that in the mental bullshit Dues ex Machina folder and called it a day.

Clyde hovered into the air, completely unfazed by the giant bird. It screeched, charging city-destroying negative Ki with its beak.

It never got the chance to fire. The Stone teleported right in front of the bird and with one hand and a squeeze, crushed its beak. He teleported by one of the legs, grabbing one of them and cartoon slamming it side to side, creating craters the size of large houses. Chiyo would undo the damage to the road and the area around it after the execution ended.

"I think it's time to end this," Clyde said as he teleported above the bird. Abruptly he crashed down on top of it while still standing up straight. The breaking and cracking of the Falcon's back, along with the ear-piercing screams said everything. Chiyo took notice of the Falcon's blood all over the place. She'd have to make that disappear too.

Suddenly, Clyde waved a finger, causing all of the energy-feathers to rip themselves off the Falcon in an instant. The bird's wail of agony became a man's deepthroated scream as the transformation undid itself.

Clyde unleashed several more punches and kicks to the Falcon's head and face, drawing more blood. He looked as if he was about to stop holding back.

Abruptly—just like that, with a single swift hand motion, he actually ripped out Sol's throat.

"Your torture is only beginning," Clyde said. "Enjoy your trip to Venus's Hell."

Sol's lifeless body fell to the ground, truly dead. It didn't burst into purple flames like everyone else, it just laid there. Clyde set it on fire with just a thought. "So…our bodies don't turn into flames."

He looked at the sky. "I'm truly sorry, Tessa. You didn't deserve your fate. I know his death won't be enough…"

Clyde turned to Chiyo. "Go ahead and do your thing. I'm headed back to Lot City."

Chiyo watched him disappear…but…he didn't seem like he went home. His power…Why didn't he undo the transformation?

She rarely got the chance to witness such power. This was perhaps the most one-sided battle she'd ever witnessed in her life. Two participants of the stone-viper games were already dead.

The stone-viper games. A cruel game, purposely spelled with all lower-case letters, its roots embedded with tragedy. Now it continued.


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Sol found himself falling in an endless black with something shining below. What a turn of events. His father once told him that death meant the release of fear, pain, and all emotions. Maybe that applied for ordinary people, but his fear still remained, amplified to the max, along with so much pain.

What he fought was no human, no man, but something else.

Sol couldn't die yet. He wasn't finished. He couldn't! The stone-viper games were his! The Falcon games deserved to exist, to be the face of the universe. There was so much to accomplish, so many plans.

He couldn't… A voice caught his attention.

"You really think this is over."

His heart raced in utter terror as he turned to see Clyde at his side in that same form, brewing with power. But…how could he be in the death plain? This was impossible, even for the Bright Ones. This…

Clyde grabbed Sol by the throat.

"You know," Clyde said, "I wasn't sure I could do this, but Soul Travel is one hell of an OP power. I'll need to find a way to grind Jump out to unlock this. Hell, it may be forbidden." He grinned evilly at the terrified Falcon. "Time will barely pass in the outside world by the way." He looked around, as if admiring the blackness and wind. "Falling to Hell in a place like this. It's the pre-scare before the scare." He eyed Sol, frown returning. "I've never been a sadist, but hearing that you killed my friend while she was attempting to get medicine for some sick children, kind of made me reconsider, at least in this case."

"Please," actually came from Sol's lips as he trembled in utter terror.

Clyde materialized a jagged bloodred sword. "Did you show mercy to those who you attacked? Did you not throw my best friend in front of a truck to die? Did you not knock her from hundreds of feet in the air? If she weren't the Wind, it would be death from above. You brought these consequences upon yourself."

In an instant, Sol felt the agony of being stabbed and slashed hundreds of times. Clyde snarled, smashing his fist against the Falcon's face again and again. Each time the pain grew worse until Sol wished he could be put out of his misery.

Abruptly, the punches stopped, but the hand around his neck still held. He looked at the frowning…demon.

"Sol, I'm your first torturer," Clyde said. "I may not be able to enter Hell, because I sure as shit will give the demons awaiting some ideas, but I'll make you understand the gravity of what you did." Sol saw the fist before his vision was but an explosion of stars and pain. "Did no one explain anything to you about the stone-viper games? Did you not see the vision of the Viper casually killing off an entire population while using less than one percent of his power? There are bigger things going on and the last thing I need is to waste time on a piece of shit like you."

Clyde spent another hour beating and slashing up Sol before letting him drop. Erasing the Falcon would be too easy. He had to let the turd fall to damnation.

And fall did Sol, filled with an eternity's worth of raw pain.



The avatar of Taint couldn't stop laughing. Never in his life had he witnessed a more satisfying conclusion to a fight than that. To think travel to the death plain was possible by someone alive. It was restricted to even deities so that souls could pass without interference.

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