"Hey, Tear I need…" Chika froze when she saw the scene. A standoff between a woman who was obviously the Supreme based on Hinako and Clare's description and Tear, Ruri at her side blasting her aura at maximum heights. Chika sighed. "I certainly hope you're not here in some vain attempt to kidnap Tear. You know that's not going to work."

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The Supreme smiled. "Is this your human friend, Tear?"

"Chika, you may want to leave. This is going to get ugly," Tear said.

Chika shook her head, not having it. "I think I'll stay. And don't go trying to boss me around, you know I'm going to do what I want. I refuse to leave you to face her alone."

Tear gasped, seemingly moved.

The Supreme blinked. "You know, I like this girl. Allow me to show you what you're up against. Maybe you'd reconsider." She winked.

[Chika has entered a *Final Boss Fight.]

[Warning: this fight may be quite impossible to win.]

[The Supreme is not taking you seriously…]

Chika enabled her foresight, which gave her the ability to check out an opponent's strength. She knew she couldn't win—she wasn't stupid, but buying her Clyde the time needed should have the same results, showing that smug bitch that she didn't own the world.

Lilith, the Supreme Demon Lord

Level: ??? [This feels incredibly high.]

Gist: A royal succubus, the empress of the Monster Kingdoms.

Such power… How could Chika catch up to such a being?

Lilith suddenly allowed her crimson aura to coat the city, as well as three of its neighbors. The winds picked up, but the succubus seemed to keep complete control of them. Chika could tell. The sky darkened. Power rushed through the air like static electricity.

"I think you should take Tear's warning and get going," Lilith said. "I'm about to cum buckets—"

Abruptly, Chika teleported next to the Supreme to Tear's horror and whacked her on the head with a paper fan. Lilith blinked.

"Are these the manners of someone ruling over a nation? Is this really how you're presenting yourself?" Chika said.

Lilith tilted her head. "Hmm, you know. You're exactly right. It's not like I'm going to attack you, anyway. I can't kill someone so cute."

[The Supreme used Head pat.]

[Chika's gear blocked the confusion status alignment.]

[Chika's passive activated: GODDESS tier skill: The Stone's Reflect. When attacked by an enemy several levels higher, your next attack or skill will double the power of that enemy's strongest skill. This is an unblockable, undodgable, and unstoppable attack. This can be combined with your Infinite Stalking ability to target her anywhere on the planet. This will remain stored until you need it.]

This…was a fluke. Her passive ability accidentally counted the head pat as an attack. This…this was hilarious.

Chika wanted to grin madly but what Lilith did next caught her off guard. She bowed to Tear.

"I'm sorry. I'm actually taking this joke too far. I mean you no harm. I'm also not just hear to remind you of your duty, but looking for a particular man."

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Chika's stomach dropped at the sound of that. There was just no way they could allow someone like this to enter the harem. Nope. Besides, Clyde wanted to kill her. Or "have words with her."

"What man?" Tear said, voice skeptical. She clearly didn't buy Lilith's apology.

"You don't believe me, do you," Lilith said. "If I weren't kidding Tear, you'd be gone already."

"You really think so?" a voice said.

Chika's eyes widened when a void-like rip in reality appeared between the space of the standoff. Clyde stepped out of it in a form that was slightly similar to the one he had when Maverick pissed him off. The eyes made the young woman flinch.

Lilith blinked. "The hell happened to you?" Her voice didn't seem serious, but Chika could see Clyde's aura eating hers rapidly. If those two fought, the city would explode. "Wait…I recognize you! You're him. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I've been meaning to say something to you about what your Inquisition did to my city," Clyde said. Lilith raised two hands in defense, her voice amused.

"I think someone should calm down first," Lilith said. "It's not like I could control a rogue unit you know."

"You sent them after Tear without thinking about the implications of the so-called rogue unit taking things too far, costing millions their lives," Clyde said.

Lilith responded calmly. "Unforeseen circumstances."

"Is that so?" Clyde said.

>>>>Clyde activated Judgement: Unlimited Great Seal<<<<

[Supreme Demon Lord Lilith is unaffected.]

Clyde's eyes widened. Lilith frowned.

"I think someone's getting too big for their britches."

Lilith teleported next to Clyde, sword unveiled, but when she swung, Clyde blocked it with a single finger. It shattered into dust, blowing away in the wind.

He grinned. "I get it. You're immune to light and all of its attributes. Only the light-based deities took you on, providing you with the perfect cover for the dark gods to not even try."

Lilith chuckled, aiming her hand. "I didn't come here to fight, but…"

The white flames in Clyde's eyes roared even harder. Chika noticed something within her foresight.

[Due to being a threat in Clyde's territory, the Heart Core has activated, drastically reducing all of Lilith's stats.]

Chika could defend the supreme, but considering the lives lost due to her, she didn't bother to open her mouth. Besides, Tear also kept quiet.

"Tear," Lilith said. "Say something."

Tear said nothing.

"Well, time to die," Clyde said. The Supreme's eyes widened as energy gathered in the young man's hands. And there would be no surviving whatever the hell that was.

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Chika gulped. Did Clyde become...Would he ever be the same? Why did Tear not say anything? She knew something.

Chika really looked at her Clyde and caught just the ghost of a smile. She looked back at Tear to see a smirk. They…were playing with her.

Clyde was so strong in this state that he could casually terrorize the Supreme Demon Lord without a care in the world.

"Please," Lilith said. "I'm not your enemy. I'm here to personally apologize. That's why I was searching for you."

>>>>Clyde charged Judgment: The Final Breath<<<<<

[This is a skill directly from the avatar of Purity. Warning, it is impossible to survive this attack.]

Chika sighed, pulling out a paper fan. Enough was enough. She casually walked over to the young man and not only delivered the swat of justice to him but also Lilith. Clyde seemed so surprised that even through the blazing white fire, the silver-haired young woman could tell his eyes were wide.

"Will killing her bring back those people?" Chika said. "Everyone had known for many years that she couldn't exactly control the inquisition."

Besides, Clyde didn't need to bloody his hands with her. Chika could do that in one shot now, even if Lilith left the city. The silver-haired girl put on a serious expression, but inside, she laughed darkly. The Supreme was her bitch and didn't know it. She gained the passive from Clyde a day after the proposal, but didn't know its usefulness until this moment. "Why don't we discuss things over tea?" Chika continued.

"No," Clyde said. "Lilith, you will leave this city at once. You do know there are two giant guns pointing at you right now."

"How did you know?" Chika said, but Clyde pretended not to hear her. Of course. To hide the hidden ace.

"I just want to talk," Lilith said. "And form an alliance—"

"I SAID LEAVE!" Clyde's voice shook the multiverses and the planet. The sky flickered between day and night. Lilith was on her knees and for the first time since she appeared, had fear in her eyes.

"Pardon me for sounding like someone who's throwing a tantrum," Clyde continued calmly, "but I cannot in good conscious welcome you to this city. It wouldn't be right for those who lost their lives for just living. Your order put my Tear in fear, broke her down. And now you show up to play with her emotions. The only reason why you're alive right now is because Chika has a point."

"You're making a grave mistake," Lilith said, standing up to face Clyde. "I don't care how strong you think you are, passing on this alliance will be your downfall."

"Is that a threat?" Clyde said, causing Lilith to take a few steps back. "I recall my team and I taking on many things without you around. Including your inquisition." Lilith's eyes widened for just a moment before hardening. Clyde continued. "We're not heroes of justice, we're not expecting any thanks for what we do. And we certainly don't need you."

"You do need me," Lilith snapped. "YOU ARE ONLY A BOY taking on something more vast than he thinks. You are still weak and stupid for shutting me away. Think again."

"And why should I ally myself with the likes of you," Clyde said as he walked over to her. Standing taller, he looked down on the succubus with fiery eyes.

"Because I'm the only one who will truly stand with you," Lilith said, not backing down. "Do you think Celestial gives a shit? If so, why didn't they stop the rogue inquisition? Why didn't they cleanse the taint of the legendary beasts? Why is the Thousand Year Dragon roaming the planet again? Why did they pull you from your home world to enter a death game? You are nothing more than a pawn to them. I will leave, but I don't want any bad blood between the Monster Kingdoms and Team Stone. I…only want to make things right. I'm working harder than ever to undo what I've done to the world…but…your help would be a great relief."

"The Supreme Demon Lord actually coming to me for help?" Clyde said. "Or is this another joke?"

"Please," Lilith said.

"You're hiding things," Tear said.

"Of course," Lilith said, "but so are you. What kind of an empress would I be if I let anyone scare me into releasing the Nation's secrets?"

Chika watched Clyde anxiously, praying that he made the right decision. She didn't sense any deception, but Yuki wasn't here at the moment to know for sure.

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"I will think on this," Clyde said, "but in the meantime, you will leave. I'm still feeling quite murderous right now and without mercy. If I have to tell you again, I will kill you."

Lilith, feeling the truth of that statement, went pale.

"I will go, but please seriously consider the offer. This isn't a joke. I'm not joking around about servitude or anything ridiculous of the sort. I just want to save this world. Everyone misunderstands what it means to be in the position of Supreme Demon Lord. But it is simply a title. The empress of the Monster Kingdoms. I've broken ties with standard demon lords long ago."

Lilith turned to Tear. "I can't force you, but I can remind you."

"Yeah, I'm going to need you to stop doing that," Clyde said. "If she doesn't want to, you, her mother, or whoever else will not be making her. Just leave her the fuck alone. How hard is that?"


"I swear if this bugging Tear shit doesn't stop, I'll come to the monster kingdoms and destroy everything you own."

Lilith sighed. "You can't avoid politics forever. There are beings worse than me, expecting her on that throne." She looked at Clyde. "And not even you can stop them."

She bowed. "Thanks for not splattering me across the pavement."

[Lilith activated Jump.]

[Quest: Make a decision to ally with the Supreme Demon Lord or not. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Think on it…]

Clyde sighed, releasing his energy. Chika expected him to faint from all of that pressure, but he turned to Tear.

"Take me to Tessa. Even if she isn't…with us. I still want to be there."

"I'm coming with you," Chika said, grabbing Clyde's hand, willing comfort into him. He nodded appreciatively.

"Me too," Ruri said. "If you're hurting, we're all hurting."

For a moment, Chika could've sworn Clyde's eyes glistened. She truly hoped Harumi saved his old friend. Tessa and he were from the same place. She came to visit him one day only to find out the young man disappeared. And for weeks, maybe months, she believed her friend to be dead. Who wouldn't in such a situation?

Chika would be there for Clyde just as he was there for her. From giving her the courage to stand up for herself to being her very own angel of vengeance, the state of Clyde's heart meant a lot to the silver-haired girl.


Liru's room, Ring City…

Harumi and Alice poured all of their power into healing Tessa, yet no matter how hard they tried, her health remained at zero point one. And she continued to fade.

The kitsune was afraid to see Clyde's reaction to her failure. She didn't want to see his sadness. She knew what it was like to lose a loved one and didn't wish that feeling on anyone. Harumi began to panic.

"Stop healing with your emotions," Amaterasu said to Harumi. "You're holding yourself back, placing a block on the greatest healing powers in existence. You're the only one capable of saving this girl. Distance yourself from your head right now and allow it to flow. Otherwise, she's dead."

Harumi took a breath and let it out, then closed her eyes. She searched deep within herself, pulled on her bond to Clyde, and thought peaceful and happy thoughts. She thought about the beautiful babies that she, Alice, and Kitome held. She thought about…that mysterious girl from the sparkles of energy. She allowed herself to be engulfed in full peace.

Abruptly, Harumi shifted into a fox state that was so powerful, that even Amaterasu could barely stand… Alena took a knee and watched all nine tails appear.

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"You finally accepted it," the angel said, smiling.

>>>>Harumi invoked Nine-tails form<<<<

[ Form: Nine-tailed fox.]

Harumi's healing abilities spiked to a level that she could not understand and right now she didn't try to. She needed to heal a girl that only wanted to save sick children. That reminded her of Liru and made the kitsune feel warm inside.

Surely enough, Tessa's health began to rise and quickly, until at last she opened her eyes. Harumi felt an arm drape around her. She thought it was Alice, but when the young woman turned, there stood her fiancée.

"You are amazing as always, Harumi," he said. "And I'm loving the new look. I mean you're the freaking nine-tails, holy shit."

The entire room, including Tear, Ruri, and Kitome looked at the pink-haired young woman. She blushed.

Clyde smiled at Tessa. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I didn't get smashed by a semitruck," Tessa said, then chuckled. Clyde pulled her into a hug.

Harumi relaxed, allowing herself to change back to her human form. She could now invoke both the kitsune state and the nine-tails. The Nine-tails didn't change her personality…

But to be the nine-tails meant being queen of the kitsune. It also meant that she was undoubtably never going to age again. Practically immortal, unless someone killed her.

She'd have to learn to control the Nine-tails abilities through purity and peace. Ironic since with one wave of her hand, she could crush an entire city.

"So, who's up for dressing up in some cute maid outfits to help run a restaurant," Yuki said half an hour later.

All of the girls looked at her, some sighing. Airi and Tear had stars in their eyes. Harumi softly facepalmed.

"Oh no," she said softly.

"Oooh, can I take pictures?" Dark said. Selkie thankfully whacked him on the head. Myriad shook her head, probably wondering why she worried over an idiot.

"WE have to leave," Selkie said.

"Awe," Dark said. "You just don't want to dress up—ow! Alright, alright, sowwy."

Selkie released the chuuni's cheeks. She had a satisfied smug look on her face.

Alice squeezed Harumi's hand, surprising the kitsune. She returned the half-demoness's smile.

"You're the best, Harumi," she said. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"And so are you," Harumi told her.

Alena couldn't help but smile. Both Harumi and Alice were incredibly powerful beings of nature and didn't know it. Alice would have to let go of her blocks too and train more, but in time, she'd reach her true potential.

Harumi, the Nine-tails. Now this was how things should be.

Alena glanced at Liru. A great older sister, setting a beautiful example for her younger. Being a Kitsune, she still had to fight the urges left by the Supreme, but other than that, Liru was practically a modern saint.

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