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Lot City, Satovia…

Tuesday. Week 1. Month 3. Year 1. Season: Winter.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Domino, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 11 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia, Kitome, Yuki.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice, Kitome. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Kitome, human: 9.3 months. Kitome: week 1, day 3. Harumi: week 2, day 5. Alice: week 2, day 3.]

[Natalia's birthday is coming up in 2 days.]

While his eyes were still closed, Clyde finally allowed the delayed prompts to flood into his mind's eye.

[You have killed another "Player." You have earned the title, Player Killer.]

[This title has granted you a chest containing all of Sol's items and money. Sol's Omen's sphere has been added to your count.]

[You have gained an Evil alignment of 0.1% of 100. To reduce this, you must generate good karma. An archangel, goddess, or elf could help you.]

[For killing the Falcon in defense of the Wind, you have gained additional EXP. For the Wind being your childhood friend as well as the love connection remaining despite the test of time, you have gained even more EXP. You have done well keeping Mortem's advice for being kind, thus creating a powerful harem. For defending Tear, a truly special being, you continue to gain additional EXP. Alice cannot ascend without Tear. Natalia would lose her sense of self in either an endless drive to rescue her or depression.

For bringing Alice and Harumi closer as friends, you gain more EXP. Due to Harumi successfully ascending to performing one of the most difficult heals known to the universe, you receive additional EXP. Your children automatically receive some too.]

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 171-211.]

[You have gained Sol's 50 million dollars.]

[Astral projection has jumped to level 5. You may now fly without wings.]

[Dragon Breath, Cloaking, and Area Sense have jumped to Ki level 4.]

[Your adventurer rank increased from A-50 to A-40! If you impregnate Airi with an adventurer rank of 40 or better, all of that child's stats will be doubled.]

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[Holy Energy Ball has evolved to Gold tier skill: Reaper Sphere.]

[Heavenly Aura has jumped to rank 4.]

[You have learned Wisp level 1. Turn into a spiritual form to hide within the body of one of your fiancées/wives for two minutes. Increase the level to increase time before you're violently thrown out. Warning, this takes a lot of Ki to perform. This is a *Blood Ki skill.]

[System message: what a way to be inside her!]

Goddammit System, Clyde thought as he opened his eyes, curious about the sensation of softness smothering his face. It was nothing short of a miracle he didn't suffocate. Melody squirmed, engulfing the young man in a scent of flowers and bath soap. The young man didn't think the morning could get any better after the fuck ton of rewards received for making an asshole disappear.

He also didn't want to use whatever the hell that was again unless absolutely needed. Clyde didn't understand how the fuck he maintained such control while still feeling murderous. And you know what, right now, he didn't care.

Clyde took a deep whiff as his boner maxed out. Melody awoke, blushing furiously, but she didn't move. The others were still asleep

He kissed the redhead while slipping fingers into her panties, feeling her wetness ooze to life. To warm her up of course, he sucked the young woman's breasts, kissed her passionately, and just radiated love. Because Clyde really did love her.

Melody let out a soft moan and a sigh as the young man entered her, sinking as deep as possible. The warmth, the tightness, and the sensation of soft breasts threatened to make him nut right off the bat, but he gathered himself and pleased her. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Before the young man could cover Melody's mouth in time, she let out a moan that immediately woke everyone up. And of course, Clyde released on the face of…Chika shot him a blank stare then wiped the liquid off Tear's forehead. He smiled sheepishly.

"Really," Tear deadpanned. "You miss her and shoot me." She licked her lips, crawling past Chika, slowly stripping. "I'll have to punish you."

"Pervy husbando preggo me too," Natalia cheered, diving toward him. Clyde dodged in time as he hopped to his feet. His boxers and tank top prevented her from seeing anything. She also ruined the mood just enough to wilt the boner, hiding it.

"What's up with all the noise," Alice said. She sleepily crawled over to the edge of the bed, grabbing Clyde's boxers with both hands, and almost yanking them down with full force.

"Go Highness, Go!" Natalia cheered. Chika laughed.

Yuki sighed. "I'll take her outside."

"What? No fair! I can't be denied," Natalia whined, dodging Yuki's grab attempts. A knock on the door grabbed everyone's attention.

"Oh it's unlocked," Tessa said. "Clyde I just…" she froze at the sight. And of course Alice pulled his pants down. Tessa stared right at it.

"How do you even fit that into—" she covered her mouth, blushing heavily. Tear closed the door behind her using telekinesis.

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"She's seen too much," Tear said. "And you're here to confess your love, anyway. We're doing this the succubus way. No arguments."


Tear pushed Tessa into Clyde. She still blushed heavily, but didn't move or jump back, despite the awkwardness of the young man's erect wood pressing beneath her thighs. Clyde found himself slightly moving, enjoying the sensation of panties and thighs.

"She's right," Tessa said. "I love you. Still love you. There, I said it." She covered her face, blushing. Kitome let out a sigh.

"I love you too," Clyde said, moving her hands from her face with gentle telekinesis. He kissed her. "And I want you to be with me. Not like the old times, but something better and new."

Tessa's wetness sprung the young man into action. He gestured for everyone to move and laid her on the bed. Thankfully Yuki got Natalia out of the room, despite the protests. Detective Tetra was still in the house after all.

"Not until you can hold your adult form," Yuki said.

While everyone watched, Clyde kissed Tessa, then Alice who hovered at his side with hunger, Harumi in kitsune form, a lusty Chika, a sexy and devilish Tear, an amazing Yuki, a super cute Kitome, and adorable yet busty Melody. He'd save one for Natalia on the cheek. And when she regained her true self.

Clyde nibbled Tessa's elven ear then ran a tongue to her breasts, undressing her. None of the other women interrupted, but they were naked and ready. Hell, Tear teased him by sticking two fingers into herself. Using materials won from Sol, Clyde created two rings. One for his childhood friend, the other for someone who was long overdue. He wondered if he should present the ring to that person at a steakhouse.

"You're a virgin?" Clyde whispered to Tessa as he entered pure tightness. She gasped and sighed.

"So what?" she said. "Don't make fun of me."

He grinned then went to town on her. She burst into happy tears when he slipped the ring onto the young woman's finger.

After finishing Tessa, he moved to the other girls, who took him on two and three at the time. Tear almost got Yuki with the tail as she bounced on Clyde in a furiously delicious ride, but the demoness grabbed it in time. The succubus tightened as a result.

At that moment, they both climaxed. The young man was pretty sure he avoided that close call.

They really did have one giant fuck fest. Clyde thanked his stats that he successfully pleased all of them. He sure as shit wasn't sure how his balls produced so much milk, but questioning anime logic didn't appeal to him at that moment.

Clyde and his fiancées showered before relaxing in the giant tub. Natalia was invited back. She joined, angry at first before just sighing away the frustration. Tear teased her anyway.

[Secret quest completed: Pave the way to marry your childhood friend. See? The childhood friend doesn't need to lose! Reward: Arch Dragon armor set. Item class: *legendary.]

[Perk bonus on hold until you marry her: GOD tier skill: Planetary Winds. You have absolute control of the wind without being in Stone Mode. This control means the entire planet. You may also generate a giant bubble of air from nothingness to be as big as you need it. This will automatically act as a form of defense. You will be coated in a thin layer of special air that protects you from time-based spells.]

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[Warning, God tier skills will drain an enormous amount, maybe even all of your MP upon use. Use sparingly. You do not have to train this skill.]

[While Tessa isn't exactly human, she's still from Earth and only knows the human way of marriage. She will refer to you as her husband when married.]

At the breakfast table, everyone noticed the ring. As expected, Clyde saw something in Ruri's eyes. Hope or hurt, he wasn't sure. The young man had to restore her excitement, asap. Tail wagging, carefree but powerful, the hellhound princess was just a glowing beacon of adorable personality. He'd time it right so that it could be special.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Airi said, smacking Clyde on the back.

"Relaxation for the most part," Clyde said. "Yuki's going to take me to see the master chef."

"I'm going," Airi said.

"You said chef," Ruri said, tail wagging. "I can't miss out."

"May I ask, why?" Amina asked.

"He's offering a world star fragment to anyone who can help get him out of debt."

Yuki actually grinned. "Remember when I asked each of you to try out maid outfits?"

The women gaped at her. Tear laughed.

"I've got to get my camera," the succubus said, eyes starry. "Come on Airi, help me find it." She grabbed the poor girl before she could even object.

Alice calmly put away her dishes and then started for the door, attempting to be as unnoticed as possible, but a grinning Matsume blocked it.

"Lady Alice, you've got something on your cheeks," she said then gave them a squeeze.

The teary-eyed half-demoness gave her puppy dog eyes. Chika shook her head.

"There's no getting out of this, Alice," the silver-haired girl said, walking over to pat her shoulder. Toru chuckled. Fumi smiled at him.

"Nyaaa, don't think you boys are getting out of this," Neko said after downing her second glass of milk. Clyde could've sworn her breasts were bigger than before. They were always nice and average…he pushed aside the thoughts. No need to be a horny dong-man.

"Oh great horny dong man," Asu said, entering the house and twirling right over to the young man for a hug. She smelled amazing. Clyde caught a whiff of roses and cinnamon. "Good morning."

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The Stone Maidens entered the house seconds later, dressed in casual clothing instead of the chihaya. Sophia was among them, seeming somehow more sophisticated. Maybe due to being a little older.

Clyde hugged the lich back and gave her a head pat which triggered an adorable smile. For some reason, the young man could feel Ruri's jealousy. He sighed.

"Fine, Ruri, get over here," he said playfully. The hellhound smiled innocently as she trotted over to him. "Everyone be ready in an hour. Yuki, do you mind grabbing Tear and—"

"I'm here!" Tear said, appearing. A teary-eyed Airi followed behind the succubus, dressed in a hot maid outfit. Airi, actually teary-eyed. The young man heard the shutters of a camera before he got the chance to reach for his smart phone. He turned to look at an innocently smiling fox girl.

Seth laughed. "And that's a wrap."

Clyde massaged Ruri's head. "Not bad, not bad. You look amazing."

Airi puffed her cheeks up in a surprising pout. Everyone gaped. Airi never pouted, never complained, and always seemed to be in control. She was actually blushing.

Clyde forced down the thoughts of being turned on by the super druid's rare vulnerability. Ruri laying across his lap didn't make it easier. He wanted to take the hellhound….

Didn't I just have sex. Why am I so horny, Clyde thought. He cleared his throat for clarity.

"Anyway, one hour to get dressed. Help each other out. Also, what about the guys Neko?" Clyde said.

"If you're expecting me to get in a dress, you'd better think again," Seth said.

"I agree with him," Yusuke said. Undine smirked.

"It'd be hilarious," she said. "Come onnnn."

"No," Seth said.

"Nya, but we need security," Neko said. "Who's going to stop the molesters? Who's going to stop the girls from killing anyone who touches them?"

"They shouldn't be touching anyway," Toru said. "This is a restaurant not a titty bar."

Fumi sighed. Toru gave her an innocent smile.

"We'll figure something out," Clyde said then nibbled playfully at one of Ruri's ears. She let out a soft moan, but before the young man realized what he just done, the people that were still in the room stared at him. He grinned. "I'm just messing with her. Go get dressed. Besides, Ruri's mine."

Ruri's blush was so cute, Clyde actually considered jumping her right then and there. She'd probably encourage it too. Well, he didn't know for sure, she was still a princess—she probably had dignity to maintain or something. But damn.

Noona continued to glare at Clyde. He hid behind a blank stare. The busty blonde demoness was a cute girl that he'd further improve his relationship with a little later. Or maybe at the exact same time as everyone else…Opportunities presented themselves in strange manners.

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