The young man noted a few stats, as he simply didn't have time to go through everyone's set at the moment. He examined, Alice, Melody, Kitome, Tear, Chika, Harumi, and Yuki.

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The slots available, waiting for points were Skill, Administration, Speed, Cooking, Customer Service, and Luck.

Skill covered efficiency at a position and general ability. Administration of course was management. Speed, cooking, customer service and luck spoke for themselves.

Clyde shook his head, feeling a bit annoyed at Team Stone's individual restaurant stats. He worked plenty of restaurant jobs as a teenager and during the summer semester of his former college. That didn't appear to be the case for the others, being either rich and pampered or otherwise. Fortunately, it wasn't all bad. Where some lacked skill, they made it up in other places.


Skill: 2

Administration: 11

Speed: 1

Cooking: 0

Customer service: 1

Luck: 1

Horrible. Absolutely horrible. His own stats were completely different, factoring all of his years living among the working class. A win for being a peasant, he supposed.


Skill: 40

Administration: 37

Speed: 40

Cooking: 19

Customer service: maxed.

Luck: 17


Skill: 1

Administration: 2

Speed: 1

Cooking: 2 Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Customer service: 3

Luck: 0


Skill: 2

Administration: 34

Speed: 1

Cooking: 2

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Customer service: 20

Luck: 12


Skill: 20

Administration: 7

Speed: 12

Cooking: maxed.

Customer service: 26

Luck: 21

Harumi, a saving grace, also worked for the things she wanted, although, Liru took care of her at first.


Skill: 2

Administration: 1

Speed: 3

Cooking: 11

Customer service: 0

Luck: 3


Skill: 11

Administration: 40

Speed: 7

Cooking: 11

Customer service: maxed.

Luck: 12


Skill: maxed.

Administration: maxed.

Speed: maxed.

Cooking: over-maxed.

Customer service: maxed.

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Luck: 34.

Clyde anime-dove into Yuki, arms wrapped around her. He inhaled her delicious perfume.

"Yukiiiii help. You're all I've got."

"What's the matter?" Yuki said, rubbing the young man's head. He couldn't bring himself to look at more stats—not at that moment. There was just too much work to do. And to think he only had a starting amount of ten points. This difficulty felt like suicide mode. Well, Tear and Yuki saved him a little.

"We've got our work cut out for us," Clyde told her. "I suppose it's admirable that they'd do this without complaining, despite the lack of actual restaurant experience. We'll have to separate an active worker team, which includes a cashier, administrative team, and so on. I doubt day one training will be enough, but we don't have the time to be picky."

"Give me a whip and they'll get it," Yuki said.

It took Clyde a second to realize the demoness was simply joking and grinned.

"Hilarious, but I'd rather not draw in the activists," he said. Rin entered the restaurant at that moment to the young man's relief. "Do you mind explaining how your grandfather normally ran things?"

"Sure," Rin said, then chatted away. Judging by some of the team's dead eyes, Clyde could tell they missed most of her explanation. They had no motivation. Yuki saw that and made an announcement.

"Whoever performs the best, whether you form a team with your friends or not, will be granted one request by Clyde," Yuki said. "If it's reasonable and within his power, then he'll take care of it."

Everyone's eyes seemed to glow evil red as they mentally planned their routines of attacking. What could Clyde say? The wager gave them a reason to somewhat care. His eye twitched a little. Why did it always come to this? What was this, a comedy movie?

"Let's start the training," Rin said. "Uhmm, Alice, let's start with the drink tray carrying."

Clyde saw the inevitable coming, so he readied his telekinesis. He whispered at Tear to do the same thing. And the nervous half-demoness really did trip over air, which would've led to the shattering of the glass.

Rin flinched at the casual display of magic. She more than likely never encountered supernatural phenomena in her daily life, just knew of it due to the news and her grandfather's tales.

"They will get better," Clyde said. He walked over to Tessa, the only one who could possibly relate to him. Her stats were pretty good as expected, not counting administration.


Skill: 34

Administration: 2

Speed: 17

Cooking: 27

Customer service: 33

Luck: 20

"I guess it's true what they say about those born in luxury," he said, chuckling.

Tessa smiled. "It's kind of cute. Especially Alice."

"Just wait until you see her sleeping," Clyde said, holding back a nosebleed. "Anyway, I've unlocked this point system. And some of them have abysmal stats. I'll only receive a shitty ten points daily, so we'll have to count on earning them from whatever task the system throws at us."

"Just ten?" Tessa said. "What is this, hard mode?"

"I know, right?" Clyde agreed. Natalia hopped on the young man's shoulders.

"Pervy husbando, I'm bored," the loli said. "Do something about it."

"And this is what we'll have to deal with," the young man told Tessa.

"Pervvyyyy niiiiiii, stop ignoring me," Natalia continued. "Or I'll cry. You pervy husbando."

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"Natalia, if you don't get off my back, I'm going to send you flying to the moon," Clyde comically snarled. Tessa giggled. Tetra, who stood nearby sighed.

"What am I doing here," the detective said. "I can't be seen dressed like this."

Clyde looked at the busty dark elf, then gave her a thumbs up, nose bleeding. "We can't do this without you."

Tessa delivered the young man a paper fan of justice. Clyde shrugged. Tetra snorted.

"I'm still embarrassed you know," Tessa hissed. "You pulled me into…" She paused, letting the unspoken words hang in the air as Tetra joined them.

Clyde looked at the ring on her finger and smiled. "It wasn't so bad."

Rin cleared her throat, interrupting the duo's banter. "Am I boring you? You're more than welcome to take over the training for me if that's the case." She stepped into Clyde's bubble. Well, she tripped over a cup Alice dropped and fell into the young man, giving him a full feel of soft breasts. The young woman blushed heavily.

"I'm sorry," she said as she jumped backward, though Clyde somehow knew that apology was directed at his harem, not him. When he looked at the women, they had on innocent expressions. He glanced at Neko, only to see the catgirl playing with a ball of yarn.

"Nyyaa, nya nya nyaaa."

Ako whacked her on top of the head. "At least pretend to care or I shall make you commit seppuku."

Ah, the scary anger Neko often said about her sister.

Clyde reminded himself that hardly any of Team Stone worked in a restaurant before, but giving Yuki the whip started to sound like a plausible idea.

And the training grew worse to the point that Rin fainted a few times, along with Misaka. Sometimes Ruri and Matsume would eat some of the food they were supposed to be bringing to the pretend customer. Neko took catnaps in closets, Matsume joining her a few times. Melody tried hard, but her nervousness caused her to make clumsy mistakes. She looked up to Yuki and attempted to mimic her skill. Rin had to step in and guide her to start with the basics first then go from there.

Rin and Kaguya actually started to bond, between sighs, helping others, and talking. They seemed to be interested in the same things. Kaguya took advantage of her ghost girl abilities to assist Rin.

Despite being shy, sweet, and nervous, Misaka was surprisingly decent at being a waitress. Not amazing, but certainly way better than most of the others. Her base stats revealed as much.


Skill: 20

Administration: 2

Speed: 16

Cooking: 9

Customer service: 24

Luck: 3

"Where'd you learn to get so good at this?" Alice asked, eyes glistening. Clyde gave the half-demoness a head pat.

"I…learned it from anime," Misaka said, causing everyone to anime-fall backward.

Toru, Yusuke, and Seth looked bored on Security.

"I'll summon Ashard to help!" Natalia declared.

"Wait don't—"

She ignored Toru, unleashing her magic right in the restaurant. The winds turned every table. Alice, who worked so hard to place the cups onto her tray properly, looked at Natalia with teary eyes. Then they became comical rage.

"Harumi," Natalia said, eyes teary. "Alice is about to bully me." She attempted to anime-dive into the pink-haired girl's embrace, but the half-demoness caught her by the back of the shirt in time. And right in front of everyone, she pulled up Natalia's skirt, pulled down her underwear, and spanked her bottom.

Fortunately, normal summons worked favorably for the being asked to be summoned. A portal would appear nearby. That person would get the chance to dress himself, eat, do whatever before accepting or rejecting the call. Clyde wasn't sure if Natalia was paying or he felt guilty about the prior events and just wanted to make things right. Then again, he was usually called for actual important matters, so when Ashard saw that he stood in a restaurant, the fairy man made sure to shoot the loli-witch a blank glare after her spanking. Seth laughed.

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Natalia wiped the last of her tears away and pointed at the fairy prince. "You will be…" She sniffled, rubbing her bottom, "working with dummy blond and the others to keep this place safe. A world star fragment is on the line."

Ashard blinked. "Seriously? But why should I waste my valuable time…never mind." He sighed. His follow-up words were underneath his breath. "At least pay me you snot-nosed brat."

After Clyde, Rin, Tessa, and Yuki drilled the others on more basics for a few hours, it was time for a trial run. Maya and Chika's marketing should be ready.

Clyde put two of his ten points into Alice's customer service, praying that it would do something. Sure they improved, but the young man's cautiousness wouldn't go away. He checked Noona's stats and nearly fell backward.


Skill: 0

Administration: 0

Speed: 0

Cooking: 0

Customer service: 0

Luck: maxed.

He gave her one point in each category, except administration, hoping that would make her at least a little useful. No wonder why she was such a disaster earlier. He felt a little bad for pushing the klutz on Rin.

"Noona no!" Sazuki snapped, snatching away a bottle of sauce from her. "Look carefully. It's Alethian pepper sauce."

"I'm sorry," Noona said sadly.

"It's fine, it's fine," Sazuki quickly said. "We're learning."

Clyde considered buying a flask, even though he didn't drink. He did however catch Airi pulling one out of her pocket. Harumi snatched it away on time.

"I'm only kidding," Airi said. "It's empty. See."

"Uh-huh. I'm holding onto it, just in case," Harumi said. "You told me about the light-as-air alcohols made in the sorcerer manors."

Airi shrugged, smiling. "It's not like I could've afforded to buy any at the time. They're a million dollars a bottle."

Clyde left Harumi to lecture and headed back to his office. He put his last four points into Kitome and Noona's customer service slots.

Rin would do a majority of the cooking, knowing all of her grandfather's recipes, until all of the dishes were taught to Yuki. From there, knowledge could be passed down.

"This is going to be a long fucking day," Clyde said as he entered his designated office. It came with a computer, a security monitory, a pager capable of contacting the security butlers, a phone, and a suspicious magazine with a busty anime woman on it.

Suddenly, soft snoring caught his attention. He peeked under his desk to see Nina, the gothic loli sleeping under his desk.

Fully dressed like someone from the Rococo period, Toru's assistant being a vampire would not be an excuse for her to get out of work. Sazuki's younger sister, Kiko and also a vampire, operated just fine and cheerful.

Clyde figured this little runt didn't like people, but if Naoko was out there, she'd be out there. Speaking of Naoko, what if he…implanted the idea of making the kuudere loli the restaurant's mascot into Tear's head. At least Fuyoko would love the idea.

The young man grabbed the gothic loli and tossed her out of his office.

"Hey Yuki, we've got a slacker," Clyde shouted then grinned evilly.

He closed the door as Nina begged him to let her in. The loli's kicking and screaming faded away as an angry Yuki abducted her.

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