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Twenty-first street…

Maid café…

Tyrone took a sip of his coffee as his girlfriend, Kazumi, ranted about anime titties. Some of the surrounding customers and maid waitresses probably thought she was drunk, not knowing the blue-haired girl's normal behavior. He lightly karate-chopped the top of her head.

"I think you've made your point."

His pervy girlfriend gave him a pouty face. Her phone buzzed, snatching her interest. Tyrone wondered if it was yet another girl ready to debate perverted things to Kazumi. She almost always dragged the young man into the conversation and even bragged about his size, embarrassing the hell out of him. He wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls in his class knew every detail about his wood, his strokes, and other private bedroom matters.

Kazumi looked at Tyrone. He braced himself.

"We have to go," she said seriously, eyes seemingly starry. "We have to go right now." There was a perverted gleam to her eye that he'd only glimpse after making the young woman orgasm.

"What's got you so uppity?" Tyrone said while motioning for a waitress to give them the bill.

Kazumi grinned. "Harumi's in a maid outfit." Her nose bled a little. "She's got a new gig at Yoshi's and I've got to see it. Not only is she dressed up sexily, but so are the rest of Team Stone."

Tyrone hid his reaction behind a blank stare. All of Team Stone… Including Ming. Now that was going to be one hell of a sight. Kazumi made grabbing motions while nearly drooling.

"Harumi's giant bags of joy and softness in a maid outfit. How jealous will she make a girl feel?" Kazumi said.

Tyrone softly facepalmed. Some of the surrounding people grew interested after hearing his loudmouth girlfriend blow Team Stone's location. He noticed some of the maid café's waitresses eye twitches or sighs of annoyance due to people being more interested in Team Stone than them.

Someone from afar, who went to Sato Academy said, "I'd cum in midair if I saw Ruri in a sexy maid outfit."

"I'd like to see Maki," his dorky friend said.



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"I am Dark, King of the Lolis, great lord of the dark, the king of card games." His loli-wives surrounded him, smirking. Mentally, the young man screamed. As much as he enjoyed the Loli Saga books, the manga, games, figurines, body pillows, plushies, cards, and even jewelry. Not once had he thought lewd things. He was a man of culture, not a…Dark froze as a loli reached toward his junk, casting a spell for it to rise.

The feeling of being swatted on the head with a newspaper woke him up. He was actually covered in sweat, breathing hard. He did a quick FBI check and then sighed in relief at Selkie and Myriad's glaring expressions.

"Oh thank god," Dark said. "You have no idea what you just saved me from."

He moved, allowing all fifteen Loli Saga movies and games to slide to the side. He caught each of them before they could fall to the floor. Nightmares didn't mean let his treasures take damage.

Selkie shook her head. "You need some serious help." She sighed. "Get dressed chuuni, it's time to go. You were supposed to be up an hour ago."

"Fine, fine, alright already. You're not the mother of the great lord of the dark." Dark hopped to his feet. "I'm going to shower. Give me a bit. Where are we going, anyway?"

"You'll find out after breakfast."

As Selkie marched out of the room, muttering under her breath, Myriad said, "he who breathes the moon." Dark's grimace made her snicker. Then she jumped him. Or at least tried to, but Dark just happened to move at that moment, causing her to smack into the wall. The move was completely unintentional. The young man looked at her, before snickering, which burst into a roar of laughter. Selkie stepped back in to look into the commotion.

"Selkie, I think he's broken," Myriad said. "He's actually capable of laughing." The thunderbird rubbed her forehead, eyes somewhat teary.

Dark rolled his eyes, then started for the shower. The thunderbird tried to follow him inside, but he slammed the door in her face, locking it.

"Go away, stupid birdbrain," Dark snapped. "The great lord of the dark must take his shower. I do not have time to meddle with the likes of you."

Myriad pouted. "Selkie was right. You really do need help."

"Selkie's just jealous that she lacks the greatness and culture that I have," Dark said.

"What culture?" Myriad said, tired, annoyed, and seeming to be a little confused. "You humans are doing something new and strange every day. I just don't understand it."

"That's because you've got a birdbrain in that head of yours," Dark said. "But weep not, for the lord of the dark has some advice that can save you. In drawer one, compartment two, pick up Loli Saga number one. Read that and you shall take your first step into ascension. Otherwise, do not bother me in the mornings, for the great and all mighty Dark must acquire all eight hours of his godly sleep."

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No reply.


No reply. Of course she walked away. How dare she ignore top quality advice. Dark only tried to help her. Ah well. No one would ever be as cultured and amazing as he.

Ten minutes after the shower, Dark heard voices.

"What's this?" he heard Selkie say.

"I think he forgot to…close this hentai on his laptop," Myriad said. "He fell asleep without locking it. It got really interesting. I think Charles wants to do me like this."

Dark dashed out of the shower naked and all, only to see that he was played. Selkie and Myriad burst into laughter.

"Get dressed chuuni, Myriad and I just finished our breakfast," Selkie said. "And please cover that thing up." She snickered and left, closing the door behind her so that no hotel guest passing by would see Dark's wood. He facepalmed.

"I knew I'd never leave my laptop unlocked," he said, feeling relieved, then quickly spouted, "not—not that I have anything on there."

Myriad undid her shirt, revealing average breasts. "Let's make this quick, which you're good at doing. Selkie's waiting."

"I told you birdbrain, I'm not interested," Dark said, attempting to reach for a clean pair of boxers, only to trip over a small empty chest. He landed on top of the thunderbird girl.

She locked her legs around the young man and stroked, while breathing sexually, forcing Dark's body to respond. And respond it did.

"Dominate me," Myriad said in a sultry voice.

Dark tried to untangle himself from the young woman, knocking over a deck of Loli Saga cards.

Myriad frowned. "You really need to quit this anime stuff. It's just cartoons."

Dark forcibly got out of Myriad's embrace. "And that's why you'll forever remain a pleb, beneath the pity of the great lord of the dark, birdbrain. Until you learn how to be cultured, I shall not engage myself with you."

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He quickly dressed, gathering his cards, and then left, leaving Myriad there with no way to quench her horniness except manually.


Lot City, Yaponiya…

Yoshi's Restaurant…


[Status. Customer flow: high. Customer satisfaction: surprisingly okay, but this can increase!]

Clyde took a long gulp of the ice sweet tea that Melody brought for him. He watched the action unfold from his office. He shut off footage from Maya's office. The young man would rather not catch any glimpses of her pulling Seth in there for some on-the-job romping.

He turned the sound on for the main monitor. Five girls, who looked like they attended Sato Academy, walked in like they owned the place. They gazed around, talking amongst each other in what appeared to be a condescending way. Poor Sazuki was the unlucky person selected by Yuki to take them to their seats. They knew not to talk shit directly to the student council president, as she always punched first and talked later. The cold ice queen demeaner started to return, which would definitely be a bad look for the restaurant. Thankfully, she took their orders and left. As expected, they burst into laughter and spoke ill of her.

"She's such a slut," one of them said. "Her family must be broke now, having her work here."

"She probably gives sloppy blow jobs for ten dollars in the back corners," another laughed. "Anything strange for some change."

They erupted into laughter.

"She's such a stupid bitch," another said. "Let's accidentally spill the coffee on the floor. And blame it on her."

"Careful," one said. "She may punch you. Gorillas strike with ruggedness. Which is why they're ugly, brute, and lack any class whatsoever."

The girls laughed, their condescension so strong, the young man felt it from the office. Before he could figure something out, Chika appeared at their table, eyes glowing and cold. And she delivered condescension and icy coldness far stronger than them just by the venom in her voice.

"That 'gorilla' put her neck on the line to save worthless crabs like you," Chika sneered. "Without her, this city would've been destroyed ten times over, way worse than the reported things you see on TV, so I suggest you watch what you say. Yusuke, be a good little delinquent and show these ungrateful sacks of shit the way out."

"Get the fuck out," Yusuke snapped in his delinquent persona. And he looked the part, wildness in his eyes. The girls hurried out, some yelping.

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Clyde didn't give a shit if that tanked the restaurant's score or whatever, no one should have to deal with any bullies, assholes, or arrogant bitches while on the job.

The next problem customers…no, not customers, but obvious creditors surprised the young man. He didn't expect them to show up until it was time to collect their debt. Judging by their expressions, the assholes were surprised to see the place running with full staff and plenty of customers. They were about to cause trouble anyway, that is, until Chika approached them. She said some sharp words that the monitor didn't catch, but that seemed to strike some fear into the pricks because they stormed out without another word. The young man clapped. The silver-haired girl was a better security entity than the men selected.

The activity of the lunch period increased. An interesting prompt caught Clyde's attention.

[Task one: Survive the lunch period. Choose the right waitresses to take the forefront.]

Clyde chose Yuki, Tessa, and Misaka to be the main three. Naoko somehow had better skills, so he buzzed in Chika to make use of her.


Skill: 9

Administration: 12

Speed: 9

Cooking: 13

Customer service: infinite.

Luck: 40.

Naoko somewhat ended up becoming a mascot until escaping to join Nina and Natalia. They had some kind of loli alliance going on. That wasn't all. The young man saw more team ups. Ruri, Matsume, and the catgirls formed an alliance and…used cuteness to get smiles out of their customers. Clyde checked the rating system on the restaurant. The review platform was nearly loaded with compliments on the beast kin women. Holy shit, what brilliance.

Tear however wasn't an easy opponent. She teamed up with Tetra and even professor Hinako. Clyde wondered how they'd react if he named their alliance, the Anime Titty Alliance.

Surprisingly, a solo contender seemed to take on the world. And that was, an incredibly kind beauty named Harumi. Her ratings exceeded everyone's. Hell, she seemed to have gathered a cult, a few referring to her as Mother Harumi, Onee-sama, or Goddess-sama. Fucking weebs.

Clyde shook his head. The cash flow was insane. They…could actually do this. Hell, who wouldn't want to eat at a high-end restaurant with a bunch of respectful and beautiful women? Damn he couldn't wait to show these early results to the old man. Sure, they had a long way to go, but things didn't seem as hopeless as they started. Yuki would work out most of the kinks and he'd give his team the appropriate points to cheat toward improvement.

[You have earned 5 points for improvement of Team Stone as workers as well as surviving the chaotic lunch hour.]

"Fuck yeah," Clyde said. He chuckled when he saw Kazumi and Tyrone walk into the restaurant. Harumi's blush surpassed Melody's. This…was actually kind of fun. He had to look into investing in a restaurant for Yuki as soon as possible. Damn the stone-viper games.

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