Corporate building of Lot City…

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Juro snarled, banging his fist on the desk as the lackies gave him the reports. They gave Yoshi a solid warning, yet the fool believed he still could defy them. He had some nerve insulting Juro, who gave the fucker a chance. He tried to let the pitiful human walk out with dignity.

Juro shook his head, rage boiling in his veins like rivers of lava. How fucking dare that old bastard, pathetic, human humiliate his company like this. But how? Who would be foolish enough to work for Yoshi without the guarantee of being paid? Who?

"How in Fatalus's name did he get people to work for him?" Juro snapped.

"Sir, I don't know," one of the minions foolishly said. He was a plump bald man with a long gray and green lizard tail.

Juro looked like a chubby balding man in his forties in human form, but in his monster state, he was something fierce. Something deadly. Something angry.

Completely furious at that answer, he shifted into a nine-foot-tall lizardman-like creature with dark gray scales, a muscled body, sharp and long claws, and razor-like teeth to go with the snarl. His muzzle was similar to that of a crocodile, only thirty times angrier. He let out a gut-wrenching roar, then dove on that lackey. And the other minions watched in horror as the bald man was torn apart. His screams echoed all the way from the fortieth floor to the first.

Eventually Juro calmed down, shifting back to his human state. His clothes were magically still on him and intact.

"Clean that up," he said. "Get a contact with the local Yakuza to kill them off."

"Sir…one of them is—"

"GET IT DONE. I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR YOUR GODDAMN LAZY EXCUSES. GET IT DONE OR I WILL SEND YOU TO FATALUS'S DOORSTEP. And while you're at it, get that stupid werewolf girl to find me that delinquent punk's whereabouts. I want him dealt with."

"Yes sir!" the minions said then hurried off, nervous.

"If we don't turn up profits, we'll be a laughingstock and AE will shut us down," Juro said. He typed furiously on the computer in front of him. "Fucking Chika Corp, believing they can compete with any of AE's videogame divisions, as well as the food enterprise. I'LL KILL THEM ALL."


Late afternoon…


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"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Ruri said to the customer. He gave the hellhound a smile.

"I'd like to get the bill."

"Sure thing," Ruri said, tail wagging eagerly.

"She's definitely getting a huge tip," he said as Ruri headed toward the back. What a nice man, the hellhound thought. She accumulated hundreds of dollars in tips. Since she had no use for the money, Ruri wanted to add it toward the collective debt to help out Rin and her grandfather, but Clyde told her to keep the money. Apparently, they were doing so well that they exceeded day one's expectations by four hundred percent. She hoped this would stop the creditors from hurting the restaurant owners.

Ruri took in all of the delicious scents that flowed from the kitchen as she pulled a clipboard from a cubby beneath the register. Steaks, burgers, bison, specialty hams and salami, sausages, bacon and pork, chicken and even some exotic yummy monster meats. Rin and Yuki's cooking made the hellhound's mouth water. Spices and the sizzling of grilled and pan-seared meats. She especially respected the humans that ordered rare, some even amazing enough to try blue-rare.

Ruri loved almost all meat equally. Well, she didn't like when someone cooked her steak well done. Medium rare was the highest she'd willingly go before getting angry.

When Ruri peeked into the kitchen window, she saw Chika stab a large kitchen knife into a watermelon, grinning, before returning to work. What a dangerous human. Ironically, she didn't appear to be as dangerous as she was when Ruri first met her, but the hellhound knew that no one should let their guards down.

Ruri's mother made her study a lot—she hated it, so wow did it baffle her to see Chika obsessed with it.

The customer was true to his word, over-tipping the young woman. And he wouldn't take any of it back. Ruri couldn't help but be cheerful inside. There were a large number of customers that came in with depressed or angry moods. They left with much better moods, most of them quite upbeat after the young woman served them.

Her day was met with success from serving customers, to helping a little boy find his father, and just enjoying the pleasant aromas of high-quality food. Wow did it smell so good.

Ruri wished she could have a life that consisted of eating, head patting from Clyde…and maybe more and then going out for a run with Matsume. They'd return for a nice hot bath and diving into the comfortable bed to start the cycle over again. She knew it was unrealistic thinking, but a hellhound had the right to dream.

Tear had a no-lazy policy, so if she weren't helping with chores, she'd be working for the succubus. The booby woman seemed to have a never-ending line of work. The only people exempt from it were anyone attending Sato Academy or had careers. Ming was a successful manga artist, writer, and the creator of the Loli Saga famous series, Hero-sama and the Maidens, and many more. Chika and Alice were business owners in addition to attending Sato Academy. Harumi, Kitome, Melody, Sazuki, Kiko, as well as Seth and Toru were students too. Noona and she were simply…rich. Matsume worked for Ruri. Hell, even Noona owned a business—she took over her father's work.

Ruri's ears sagged. She didn't want to be the one left out without some kind of career to show off. That didn't mean she'd take over the family businesses as her mother wanted—she'd find her own calling. If only the hellhound knew where to start. Maybe she could draw manga like Ming. She was good at that, although she didn't have as much talent as the seer.

Ruri's ears perked up and her tail wagged as she saw Clyde walk back to his office alone after checking on things. There was somebody who'd accept her no matter what. He'd have the answers. The young woman observed the restaurant, seeing that all of the customers were gone, and all tables wiped clean. She checked the floors to make sure trash didn't pollute them. Clean.

With all checkups good to go in accordance to Rin's training, Ruri cheerfully started after Clyde.

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Aunder's Castle…

Aunder gazed over his new Forgotten Party members. Terrance, one of the most powerful psychics on the planet and Kayman the Devourer. There were misses such as the blond young lad from Alon's capital, with incredible hidden potential. He turned out to be much more capable than the man thought to actually evade Dire, his nearly inescapable apprentice.

Aunder…no, the entirety of the Forgotten Party was not looking forward to the next target of recruitment, but they needed someone both influential and had insider information on one of the most powerful organizations on the planet. They were going to recruit a crusader. Specifically, Tiffia.

Aunder possessed a wealth of artifacts, relics, money and gold, and alliances that would help in convincing the woman to join them. He had a ridiculously large and expensive laboratory built for her, along with access to knowledge that not even the crusaders could easily find. World domination was still a way off, but patience stood as the pentacle of success. Su Yang had the ability to convince anyone, and she'd do fine here.

He turned his glowing purple-eyed gaze to Dire. The kid bugged Kaymen with thousands of questions. The Devourer sighed, putting down his book.

"Your Highness, I really appreciate your company, but I'd really like to find out if Hero-sama will survive against the Giant Falcon of Silver Streams. He's kicking its butt by the way, but I'll never finish if you keep asking me millions of questions. You remind me of this girl I once adventured with a couple of years ago, Airi. She asked more questions than you—god she was annoying."

Dire stuck her tongue out at the man, causing him to comedically glare. "Then answer my questions, meanie-head."

"You know the answer to all of them," Kayman said. "You're just bored and want to bug me." He collected his book and started toward the library. Dire followed him. "Leave me alone!" He made a run for it.

"Wait for me, baka," Dire said, chasing.

Aunder laughed. "It's good to see things upbeat again."

"Things were upbeat?" Terrance said as he entered the main living room. The dark man had an impressive sword sheathed and looked a tad exhausted from training.

"Indeed they were," Aunder said then took a gulp of his beer. The man motioned to one of the castle servants to pour Terrance a cold one. The former Viper Maiden of love bowed, before quickly taking on the task…

Aunder wasn't sure if he could call them "former" Viper Maidens, as they still radiated a strange power when near him.

To think that he ended up taking them in after visiting them recently. Things were headed south despite the funds in which their former arch priest "left" for them. The women tried to open a restaurant, but the city refused them a permit because a company called AE owned the rights to the land somehow. That meant they couldn't open any business whatsoever. The only reason why the temple didn't get shut down was because religious buildings were protected by that nation's law. They weren't Aunder's problem, but the teary begging to not be abandoned gave the man an idea. Employ them.

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Momo and Julius hunted down the True Poison, killing them off slowly. Aunder would invite them to the Forgotten Party of course without any force involved. He had plenty to pay, whether they asked for it or not. Only people who wanted to see his vision expand across the wrong, undoing and replacing corruption, and daring the Watchers that played with the lives of mortals to challenge him, would join.

Ever since that defeat by Fatalus, the man decided to handle the battles smarter. He had the strength, but nearly every opponent he faced were so weak that he purposely fought with less than one percent of his power. That wasn't a good idea with the dark goddess. She didn't give him the luxury of going to one hundred percent. That woman played to win and snatched every advantage stupid opponents gave her. Allowing Aunder to awaken meant game over. She'd also be careful not to respond to another of his summons.

Aunder still changed out his gear, anyway. Anti-deity everything. The hunt of course was on for something beyond legendary gear. Sure, this class of gear was incredibly strong, amazing, and would be enough to take on virtually any opponent, maybe even with the greatest of ease; however, it didn't excuse the fact that Relic, Symbolic, Ancient, and Godly classes still existed. They were just impossible to find.

Aunder raised his mug. Terrance followed up, smiling and appreciating the drink. "To change and success, may we conquer it all."


Late Afternoon…

Lot City, Yaponiya…

Clyde finally received the prompt that he waited for all day, which meant closing time.

[Day end. Money earned: surprisingly outstanding! 25% of debt paid off from just day 1 alone. However, it will only continue to get more difficult. Bonus points received: 10. Good job.]

He now had a total of fifteen points to spend. Nice. The system had more for him.

[If this was your restaurant or one of your wives' establishments, you'd be able to level it up and upgrade capabilities. You're still able to place points into the restaurant itself for repairs, bonus systems, etc, but it would require you to buy upgrades, machines, etc. Let's just say you'd be better off having your own restaurant. One could call you a pleb, but this shall be let go on the account of helping a desperate man retain his life's passion.]

System, you really are a piece of work, Clyde thought. Sometimes he wanted to put the system ai or whatever it was in timeout or ground it. Weird. As if punishment was possible for such a…being? Universe? Robocops it is then.

Just then, Ruri stepped into his office and closed the door behind her. Clyde smiled, happy to see the young woman.

"You did an amazing job," he said. "You and Harumi are like forces of nature on your own."

"Really?" Ruri said, anime-diving into him. He gave the cute young woman a head pat.

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"Damn right," he said. "I hope you buy yourself something nice with the tips…Although, with you being already rich, a princess, I doubt money means much."

"Being a waitress is fun," Ruri said. "And I like helping people."

Ruri snuggled into the young man. He…definitely felt something within. She liked helping people.

Did she notice that every customer left her table with a dramatically improved mood? There were three people confirmed to him by Tear, ready to commit suicide or drink their lives away, until the hellhound showed them a level of kindness they hadn't experienced before. Her perky attitude was genuine, not superficial like the standard waitress.

He chuckled. Ironic. A hellhound being an angel. Celestial or whoever would need to redefine their definitions of the monster, monster girl, or demon races.

Clyde pulled the ring from his inventory. There was just no way he could let this young woman get away. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Ruri, will you marry me?"

Ruri gasped, looking up at him and then the ring. She stared at Clyde for a few moments then held her hand out, allowing the young man to slip it onto the ring finger.

Her tail wagged at double the speed as the excitement poured through both she and Clyde.

He kissed her passionately, Ruri returning it stronger.

That quickly turned into steamy office sex between lovers.

[Perk bonus on hold until you marry her: GOD tier passive skill: Omnipotent Senses. You will be able to detect anyone, no matter where they're at, on the planet. Once per battle, at the start of the battle, if your opponent makes the first move, his first attack will always miss, no matter what, even if you're just standing there. This effect cannot be negated. You are unaffected by skills that negate magic and this effect cannot be disabled.]

[Warning, God tier skills will drain a tremendous amount, maybe even all of your MP upon use. Use sparingly. You do not have to train this skill.]

Clyde's mouth dropped. He now knew for sure that the Watchers or some kind of force were going to become active around his wedding time. No…they wouldn't, because they had no idea, he'd get so powerful from marriage. Only the system knew. The universe?

The young man decided to keep this a secret to protect his wives. If even one of them died because of this, that would break him.

As he cuddled with his fiancée, Ruri, he wondered how the hellhound family would react.

[Hellhounds are the only monster girls in the wolf family that don't normally take alphas; however, you have been acknowledged by Ruri as Alpha. Warning! While Matsume would be fine with this for obvious reasons, the hellhounds of Ruri's family may take offense. You'd better stand your ground when the time comes. Pssh, even the system knows you will. Do not kill any of the hellhounds for this; however, your dominance will help change things for the better.]

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