Late afternoon…

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Clyde's office…

As Team Stone cleaned up the restaurant and prepared for closing, Clyde peeked into the restaurant upgrade menu just for the hell of it. Naoko was asleep at his side. Ruri had left a few minutes ago to assist the rest of the staff. And probably show off her ring.

[Upgrades unavailable due to being temporary owner of the restaurant. Upgrades list: Maintenance: 80 points. Food resupply: 147 points. Increase building size: 2,000 points. Increase food quality: 50,000. Ramp up advertisement and Marketing: 23,000 points. Increase furniture quality: 400 points.]

Clyde exited that menu, as the list continued to go on and on. Even with the examples shown, holy shit they were expensive. How in the fuck was he supposed to earn those points? Well, for now, he wouldn't have to worry about such a thing.

The young man picked up Naoko and exited the office, locking the door before joining the others in the eating area. He passed the loli off to Fuyoko.

"Thank you all for helping," Rin said then bowed.

"It's no problem," Alice said, giving the young woman a smile. "Today was fun."

Rin waited for everyone, including Maya, to leave before locking up the restaurant. Chika took the liberty of assigning some of her father's armed security to patrol the area in shifts. Of course she made sure to pay them, even when they told her that her father paid the group already.

That evening, Team Stone relaxed, some reflecting over the busy first day. The Stone Maidens served tea to anyone who wanted it. Arch Priestess Ichika wanted to lecture Clyde about the stone-viper games, but he was simply too tired to care.

"Maybe later," he said as he started down the hall. Asu bowed deeply, before anime-diving into his embrace.

"Great shafting pump with big sweaty balls, how can I serve you today?" Asu said. "Would you like me, a bath, or…me?"

"Go away you pervy lich," Natalia said as she strolled down the hall. "Onii-chan, carry me."

"Yeah, no," Clyde said, speeding up his walk. "You don't have that much hall left to walk."

"Let me strip you and prepare your bath water, my great one," Asu said. "It's the least I can do for such incredible benevolence."

"Head Maiden Asu, Emi needs your help," one of the Stone Maidens from down the hall called. Clyde believed it was the one called Megu. The lich pouted then gave the young man a bow.

"By your leave, oh great baby maker of pleasure." Asu hurried down the hall. "What do you want? I'm supposed to be attending to my master you know."

It was at that moment, Clyde realized he needed to reorganize Team Stone. Shit, just interacting with the lich girl gave him the idea. There were fucking powerhouses of knowledge on the team and he didn't utilize them. One being Amina, the guardian of the Infinite Library. If there was anyone who could give him juicy information, it had to be the sorceress. Following her, Asu worked her days as an alchemist, yet he didn't assign the lich anything significant. She even resorted to asking for simple servant work such as preparing his bath. That…wasn't good. He wasn't sure if Neko and Ako, being observers, could count. Naoko, Undine, and even Kanako would fit just fine to finish up the Wisdom part of Team Stone.

The genie especially knew a lot of things, often revealing insight when unable to grant a specifically powerful wish. She knew all about the Punishment Squad and Celestial-exclusive events.

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That night, Clyde took one good look at everyone's restaurant stats, deciding which people needed the improvements.

Hopefully the second day would do just as smoothly. Harumi snuggled into him. Chika did so from his left. Ruri, slept on top of the young man, her lightness not causing any problems.


Lot City, Satovia…

Wednesday. Week 1. Month 3. Year 1. Season: Winter.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Domino, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 12 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia, Kitome, Yuki, Tessa, Ruri.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice, Kitome. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Kitome, human: 9.3 months. Kitome: week 1, day 4. Harumi: week 2, day 6. Alice: week 2, day 4.]

[Natalia's birthday is tomorrow!]

Clyde awoke to Alice stroking his wood while kissing him. He didn't question it, just gave it to her. Plunging into tightness and wetness, he took extra pleasure from Alice's moans and sighs. And he released inside without a moment's hesitation.

The Half-demoness wanted another round immediately after. In order to keep from waking everyone, Clyde took her into the bathroom and pounded the young woman from behind. The second climax wasn't enough.

Fortunately, hour number three did it for Alice as she laid backward on the sink, Clyde's wood still inside of her.

"You really know how to please a woman," the half-demoness said. Clyde chuckled.

"Don't sell yourself short, you're addicting, love," Clyde said. Alice smiled.

Someone burst into the bathroom, shattering the moment. Well, it felt like a burst, since Alice and Clyde were trying to be discreet. In truth, Kitome entered the bathroom, half asleep. She went to the toilet and peed with them still around. It was after she wiped and flushed, the magical girl realized what she'd done. Clyde and the half-demoness hopped into the shower as she blushed, struggling to find the words.

"You may as well join us, Kitome," Clyde said. She did without speaking of her embarrassing moment. The young man took her from behind in the shower, enjoying the freedom to release inside the tight ass. He knew that when parenthood approached, things were going to be permanently different.

"Tomorrow, we're going to throw Natalia a birthday party," Clyde said to the two young woman, after he finished the second round with them. "I don't know if it should be kiddy or mature."

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"Kiddy," Alice said, voice deadpan. "She certainly wouldn't change to her adult form, even for a mature party. Not that she could last more than a few minutes at a time. Besides, as you explained, birthday parties from your world involved lots of cake. Something I stand by with all of my heart."

Clyde sighed. "Of course you would. Try not to get too much of a sugar rush."

Alice's eyes went starry as she smirked.

Kitome shook her head. "Just don't let Chika decide the food. I'm not standing for her bizarre healthy eating, weekend binge shenanigans."

"Did she try to get you on that stupid diet too?" Alice asked the magical girl. "It's weird I tell you."

"I can hear you," a familiar voice said. Chika entered the shower with them. "And my diet is just fine." She poked Kitome's small breasts. "If you follow it properly, maybe these will get bigger. And you'll score at the top of the school." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Kitome rolled her eyes. "No thanks, I'm not freaking torturing myself."

"What's this about…" Chika lowered her voice to a whisper. "Actually, let's make it a surprise party. Everyone's going to be in on it."

"Fine, but Yuki and Toru will handle the food," Alice said. "I want him to order the finest cakes. Maybe even some red velvet." She licked her lips. Chika grimaced.

"That's so bad for you," Chika said. "If you follow my plan, you can eat as much as you—"

"I already told you, I'm not," Alice interrupted, then squeezed Chika's breasts with both hands. "You're not really bigger than me."

"I don't know, I think I've got you beat," Chika said then grinned evilly. Kitome hid behind Clyde.

"Don't bring me into this," the magical girl snapped.

Clyde sighed. "Let's wrap this up and get to the restaurant. There's no need for us to be late."

Chika shrugged. "Sure thing, hon." She smiled.

"Hey, don't use my toothpaste," Alice said as Clyde reached for it. He quickly squirted it onto his toothbrush.

"Oops," Clyde said, grinning evilly. Alice let out a sigh before resigning herself to joining him.


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At the restaurant, Clyde began the day by entering the menu. He gave Alice some points first so that she'd have more than just visible improvement over the previous day. Some of the perverted customers liked that clumsiness about her, but Alice's motivation would certainly appreciate the extra points.

[Your points remaining: 15. ]

Clyde started the improvement of his life mate. Hopefully her new stats, even if it was just a slight boost, would prove to be useful in the day's long run.


Skill: 5

Administration: 11

Speed: 4

Cooking: 0

Customer service: 6.

Luck: 1

Twelve entire points devoted, but he felt this would be worth it. Now if Clyde could figure out how to earn more points, he'd take Alice's enhancement further. Ah well, one step at a time. He stashed the last three points into Melody's skill and customer service. The young man would not forget the adorable redhead.

The morning hours, which Rin described as normally very slow, were instead quite active. Tear and her team seemed to have the lead in terms of popularity. And in fact, Clyde could've sworn, one of the customers was attempting to be grabby, especially with Tetra. As Toru stated, this was a restaurant, not a titty bar. Sure, the dark elf's boobs were every man's dream, rivaling, maybe even exceeding Yuki's, but that didn't mean he'd stand there and let some ugly bastard violate her.

He didn't have to worry, as the problem corrected itself. Tear gave him the gin smile, aura surrounding her and the room almost darkening as she politely asked the customer to follow the restaurant's rules. The unspoken threat made the ugly fuck apologize…and have a nosebleed, revealing his…well fuck. Of course, there was an M.

Speaking of M's, Sazuki gained quite the following. She couldn't stop the S from flowing out of her. Clyde felt sorry for the pathetic crowd. He'd keep in mind to watch out for when the ice queen attempted to give him a foot job with insults attached to it.

On second thought…how would it feel? He wasn't an M, but maybe he shouldn't dismiss this one before trying it. Clyde shook his head. Oh, the great poison, altering his reasonable thoughts.

Just then, Clyde witnessed a group of angry and rough-looking young men enter the restaurant. He paged for security to be on alert. They were on their way.

"I heard he was working here now," one of the delinquents said. "He went all soft. What a pussy." He kicked over a table that luckily no one sat at. "We'll fuck this place up."

Yusuke's fist seemed to come out of nowhere, moving at the speed of sound as it retracted and struck repeatedly like a viper. The force of the blows rocketed the gang right back out of the eating establishment. Chika motioned for her father's armed guards to seemingly appear out of nowhere to beat the shit out of the gang then drag them into staged police cars.

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Clyde laughed. "Fuck yeah. Way to be a useful ninja. Or should I call him shinobi. Damn Chika, overboard much? I guess that's why I love her."

Amina walked into his office and plopped into a chair next to him.

"Are you alright?" Clyde asked. She fixed a stern glare on the young man, which eventually softened.

"My legs are killing me," she said.

[Quest: Give Amina a massage. Accept? Reward: increased relationship with the sorceress.]

Looking at the beautiful golden-haired woman, Clyde immediately accepted the quest.

"Let me give you a massage," he said. "I'm sorry we have someone of your stature working like this."

She blinked. "Pssh, you owe no apology, this is fun. I just never worked so hard. As a keeper of knowledge…well, I spend more time with books than with people until a contractor summons me to fight in Stone-Tokken."

Clyde nodded as he massaged the woman's smooth and beautiful legs. The short sexy maid outfit made it easier. That and of course pulling off the stockings. He had to think non-perverted thoughts…

Yep, he failed.

[Quest completed.]

[Your relationship with Amina has increased to Friend- Closer level 7 and Absolute endearment.]

The Absolute clause again. Just how powerful was his deck leader? She smiled at him.

"Your technique may be unpolished, but you're quite gentle," she said. "I shall call you for massages often. Maybe we can talk about your lack of utilizing me in a duel."

Clyde sighed. The edgelord would be creaming himself if he found out his deck leader lived with him. And that his relationship with her was damned high. Eventually…he'd probably…start having sex with her.

Surely it couldn't be the same as having sex with a card, right? Like Dark Magician Girl or something. Yes, that's the familiar name! His childhood senses beamed with joy.

That joy ended when a man with a gun entered the restaurant.

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