All Team Stone heads turned to the idiot gunman. Their eyes seemed to glow red like demons. Clyde facepalmed. Yeah, this guy was a real genius, attempting to rob a restaurant with them in it. Or was he here to carry out a hit from Yoshi's creditors? The security cameras Chika installed caught everything. Detective Tetra worked on the case behind the scenes. Tear provided a succubus lawyer with a purpose to maximize the money obtained from the suing. This would put a small, but noticeable dent in the parent company's machine of monetization.

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Speaking of Chika, Clyde winced when a kitchen knife whistled through the air and plunged into the gunman's hand. He sounded like Tom the cat when he yelled.


Clyde burst into laughter. The hilariousness didn't end there. Yusuke appeared behind him, but he stepped to the side to reveal a cute and innocent Naoko. The wild-eyed man stared at her in confusion. The green-haired elf kid picked up the gun and aimed it at him, expressionless, but adorable. The gunman began to sweat.

"What's your name?" Seth said as he stepped to the man's side with a hand glowing with magic pointed at him. "And who sent you? And don't try to bullshit us because that kid's a great shot."

Clyde wished he had some popcorn.

The gunman still held his bleeding hand, snarling in pain. Chika joining the group to surround him only made the situation worse for the idiot minion. The terrified look in his eyes.... The customers continued to stare in astonishment.

"I can't say," the man said, "he'll kill me."

Naoko cocked the gun, causing the customers to gasp. Uh oh, the young man couldn't have this show downing the ratings of the restaurant. What if the kuudere loli accidentally fired?

Clyde pressed the intercom button. Amina shook her head.

"Hey guys, cuff him and contact the law enforcement. I'd like our wonderful customers to return to peacefully eating as soon as possible. And remember, you'll always be safe. We don't let idiots like this ruin your meal. Yuki, please come to my office immediately."

"I'm going to check on the others," the sorceress said then kissed Clyde's cheek. "Thanks for the massage. And don't forget, Stone-Tokken."

The crowd actually applauded and cheered when the restaurant security forces took the gunman away.

[Your Faith level has increased to 22. +30 Faith points. Total Faith points: 140.]

[Secret quest completed. Save the restaurant from a shooting without killing the gunman. Reward: 50 free points! 350,000 EXP. 1 Forger's anvil. Item class: epic.]

[Your total free points: 250.]

A forger's anvil…Oh shit. That and the hammer.

[Having both the forger's hammer and the anvil is but a major step toward special weapon creation. Weapons beyond legendary class are either extremely difficult, maybe impossible to find or can only be forged using special materials. Someone with the blacksmithing ability will do you wonders. ]

Clyde did a quick check of his inventory while he waited for Yuki.



-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

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-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.

-Map of Ring City, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

-Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

-Wind blade: Item class: very rare. +16 to attack. Wind element.

-Place of Power Core: Item class: Relic. Item value: priceless. Establish a place of power. [Lot City House…]

-Forger's hammer: Item class: very rare.

-Exploding blowup doll: Item class: *One of a kind*. Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

-Root Tree seed: Item class: epic. [In Airi's care…]

-Mysterious Harp: Item class: *One of a kind*. This special harp is loved dearly by a special type of harpy called the Gandharva. Handing this to her will get you a *World Star Fragment* and another reward.

-Breast enhancement potion x 2. Item class: bizarre.

-World Map: Item class: *Legendary*.

-Universal dungeon key: Item value: well-above standard.

-Holstaur breast milk.

-Goblin dust: Item class: meh. Item value: worthless. Maybe a crafting ingredient, maybe trash.

-Potion of Sharpness: Item class: very rare. Increases attack.

-Potion of Gloominess: Item class: bizarre.

-Cup of Alien Goo: Item class: bizarre.

-Book of Blue Ki: Item value: mysterious.

-Hyper Sex Potion: Item class: very rare.

-Full Restoration Potion: Item class: epic. Full restoration of HP and MP.

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-Potion of Ki Wishes: Item Class: epic. Increase any Ki stat by 2 points.

-Ki Book of Soul Concentration: Item value: mysterious but incredibly valuable.

-Special Portable Forger's Anchor: Item class: epic.

-Elroot Wand: [Parts: 3 of 3.] Find someone to merge them.

-Potion of Horniness: Item class: epic. What's the difference between this and the sex potion?

-Golden Wizard Robe Set: Item class: *epic and bizarre.

-Map to Special Arena Z along with a built-in teleportation scroll

-Sword of Thunder and Rage. Item class: *Legendary*.

-Monster Girl Bait Necklace: Item class: Epic.

-Book of Dual-wielding: Item class: *Legendary.

-Book of Dual-casting: Item class: *Legendary.

-Book of Tri-casting: Item class: *Legendary.

-Book of Blood Ki Spell: Possession: Item class: *Relic*. Item value: *priceless*.

- Potion of Angelic Resolve. Item class: * Holy Legendary*. Your EXP and as well as any ally with you will be increased by 100% for one battle. It will also increase attack and Intellect by 50%

-Chest filled with Sol's items.

-Arch Dragon armor set. Item class: *legendary

- Forger's anvil. Item class: epic.

MAN did Clyde have a lot to sort through, which was nice for once. There was nothing more boring than having an empty inventory. What could he craft? One thing he found interesting was that anything placed into the dimensional space never spoiled, never aged, never wrinkled. He pulled the holstaur breast milk out of his inventory right as Yuki walked in.

"Ah, Yuki," he said, warping it back before she had the chance to focus on the carton that had a picture of a holstaur monster girl on it. A cowgirl. "I was wondering if you could erect a barrier around the restaurant, just in case some dumbass tries to fire a missile at it or something."

Yuki didn't even question it, she simply sat in his lap and raised a hand. It pulsed twice, spouting the magic around the eating establishment.

"There," she said, moving in a way that allowed Clyde's boner to really enjoy Yuki's ass. His hand moved on its own as it entered the demoness's panties and rubbed on her core. He expected her to tease him, maybe even deny the young man entry, but instead, they ended up having wild sex.

"Where's Yuki?" he heard Melody say over the intercom half an hour later. The young man didn't realize he accidentally turned on the surveillance sound during the act. Good thing one had to hold the intercom button or else the entire restaurant would've heard quite the interesting radio show.

"It seems like she's looking for you," Clyde said.

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Yuki shrugged. "I think quality time with my fiancée is more important." She still righted herself, but before leaving, she engaged in some deep kissing, which almost led to more sex. Except someone knocked on the door.

"Clyde, I have the reports," Tetra said. The young man made sure the office was nice and tidy before opening the door. Thank goodness for the Kleenex.

Yuki snickered, but didn't say anything about their…activities. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Melody's looking for you," Tetra said to her. "I think she has more questions."

"And here I thought Harumi was the only one interested in apprenticing from me," Yuki said.

Tetra chuckled. "They say it's not easy being a role model."

"I don't know if I'd call it that," Yuki said, patting the other woman's shoulder. She gave Clyde a wink before heading out.

Tetra laid the folder of reports on the young man's desk. "It smells like air freshener covering the smell of sex in here."

"Pssh, sex doesn't have a smell," Clyde lied. "Anyway, what's the ETA on the police arrival?"

"In about a couple of minutes," Tetra said. "I'm going to greet them. I just need to borrow this office to change into…something more serious."

"I don't see anything wrong with the sexy maid outfit," Clyde said then grinned. Tetra playfully swatted his arm.

She started to undress.

"Not going to ask me to turn around?" Clyde said.

"You've already seen me naked," Tetra said. "Besides, we're not as ashamed to show off our bodies as humans."

"Fair enough," Clyde said as he allowed his eyes to feast on Tetra's curves, breasts, her thighs, and even the stockings she wore with the maid uniform.

When she left, he propped his foot on the desk and relaxed. Melody strolled in with a bento. As if to remind him of the energy used making love to Yuki, the young man's stomach growled.

"You are amazing," he said to Melody, accepting her kiss. She sat with him or rather in his lap and they talked for a few minutes before the redhead returned to work.

An hour after lunch, an angry customer fussed at Kitome.


Skill: 2

Administration: 1

Speed: 3

Cooking: 11

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Customer service: 3

Luck: 3

Yikes. The young man turned on the intercom. He was sure Yuki, Tear, or Rin would assist the magical girl with the resolution of the problem.

"I'd like to speak with your manager."

The angry woman's partner seemed to plead with her. "Karen, it's not that big of a deal."

"No! Give me the manager."

Clyde really didn't feel like dealing with that shit. Fortunately, Rin decided to take that roll. The young man thought he was home free, free as a bee, but Karen snarled.

"Give me YOUR manager now."

"Are you being serious?" her partner said. "They said they'll replace your meal for free. Take it, Karen."

"NO! I WANT TO SEE THE MANAGER. NOW! Don't be rude to the customer."

Rin looked at the camera, eyes pleading. "Clyde, you've got a customer." She paged him just to make sure he couldn't pretend as if he didn't observe the footage at that moment. She even asked Kanako to fetch him to add more icing to the cake.

"Alright, I get it already," Clyde said. "I'll be out in a few." Karen continued to talk shit, which sparked anger in the young man. He decided to approach her with glowing eyes and visible aura. She actually took steps backward.

"How can I help you," the young man said with venom in his voice. Karen fainted. Her partner caught her.

"I'm really sorry," the woman said. "I'll take her home."

Clyde let go of the power. "Are you sure she doesn't need an ambulance?" Pretending to care usually brought up restaurant ratings, right?

"She'll be fine," the woman said. "I'm sorry for causing you trouble." And just like that, they hurried the fuck out of there.

"You're terrible," Rin said jokingly, then sighed. "I hate dealing with customers like that. I don't know how Grandpa does it."

Clyde lightly laughed. To think even Satovia had to deal with Karens. No, the system had to be fucking with him there. Her real name was probably Japanese or of some unknown Satovian nationality.

At the end of the day, Team Stone had reached another successful milestone.

[Day end. Money earned: surprisingly outstanding! 48% of debt paid off. Bonus points received: 20 in addition to your daily 10 point earning. Good job.]

Thirty points? Hell yes! Sure, it was a small reward, but Clyde would be able to use them to make sure another Karen situation didn't happen again. He could focus on pooling points into customer service…and… How in the hell was the debt being paid off so fast? This wasn't possible…not this early on, else anyone could open a place with maids and reap the benefits. Hell, the maid café on twenty-first street had less traffic.

[Noona's maxed luck stat increases profits dramatically. The combined luck is also why you received more than just 1-2 points per day. ]

Clyde's jaw dropped. Luck actually did something. He thought it would be for their own individual performance or something. Well, any gamer knew not to waste points in luck. That was a simple rule of thumb. Any competent player would only use equipment that increased luck when farming for specific items…

Something he needed to look into…after all, he needed crafting material, forging material, things to improve enchanting, so on. He'd deal with all of that later and just focus on gaining the world star fragment from the restaurant. One of seven made it obvious that this was a game-winning object.

He watched everyone perform the closing routine before joining them. Noona's luck stat…what a goddamn cheat code. They may be able to pay off this debt the next day or after. However, Yoshi's creditors were sure to step up their troublemaking. If they weren't dealt with, an innocent customer who only wanted to fucking eat could lose their lives.

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