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Lot City, Yaponiya…

Clyde's house…

As Clyde relaxed that evening, he examined a few things from the menu in hope for self-improvement. Sure, they were focused on getting the world star fragment, but that didn't mean let his guard down. If the creditor bastards sent a gunman, who knew what they'd do next.

[BCFUS level 5, Rank 2: You can only present a temporary speed and jump boost. You may make only some changes to their appearances, heal moderate injuries, and sense their whereabouts at a better range, all using Free Points (also known as Soul Points). You can now increase present temporary attack and defense increases. All women married to you will now have the deity and divine element attributes embedded into some of their attack skills. Chances of inflicting status alignments and heavy or more damage increases. You may rank up your prophet by spending points.]

Prophet Ming's Rank: 3 Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Abilities: Seer Combat. She will always see an attack half a second before it happens. [Passive.]

Basic Enemy Predict. She can now predict the movements of standard enemies during battle. This skill will gain experience as Ming gains experience.]

[Ming can now link with Alice once per day. All attack and defenses double for both women when linked. This will apply to any transformation]

This brought the thought of the cave to him and how the system basically made the women a little broken in terms of power. He needed to use it more, get this damned thing ranked up to maximum already.

Clyde washed his face and looked at himself in the bathroom's mirror. His green eyes seemed more vibrant than usual. Looking closer into the glass did not make his earthly image appear. He shrugged.

Walking back into the room, he glanced at the women currently lounging around, some getting ready to call it a night. The light was dimmed, but gave enough for Alice to read and Natalia to play her game. Melody put away her book and gave him a warm smile. Tear lowered the TV's volume. Yuki sipped on a glass of wine while carrying on a conversation with the succubus. Ruri watched Natalia game. Harumi wrapped up the brushing of her hair and fluffy fox tail. Chika reviewed emails on her tablet. Kitome and Tessa talked.

Clyde would be marrying all of them… Holy damn. They all said yes, they all knew what they were getting into. They all loved him and he loved the women back. Something like this just wouldn't happen on Earth, but on Satovia, things were completely different. The young man crawled into bed, ready to call it a night. Melody snuggled into him and soon beneath the covers, he entered the demigoddess. Later that same night, he and Tear almost woke the others with their extra-curricular activities.


Thursday. Week 1. Month 3. Year 1. Season: Winter.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Domino, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 13 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia, Kitome, Yuki, Tessa, Ruri.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice, Kitome. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Kitome, human: 9.3 months. Kitome: week 1, day 5. Harumi: week 2, day 7. Alice: week 2, day 5.]

[Natalia's birthday is today!]

[ID Store is available!]

[Items available: Sports Car (4T), Rusty spoon (500QD), Blood Rage Warriors Stone-Tokken Deck (800M), Loli in a box (FBI), FBI (Loli), Book of the Diplomat Path (650M), Book of Raw and Concentrated Void Magic for those Who Want to Conquer the World with Smiles (500T), Teddy bear Suit (250B), Super Mega Special Awesomey Cool Mystery box (100B). Anime Titties the Game (777SPT)]

System what the fuck—these prices are outrageous, Clyde thought.

[System advice: Take it or leave it, scrub.]

And this is why loot boxes or predatory microtransactions should not be allowed in the game, Clyde thought, shaking his head. The only item that made sense was the Book of the Diplomat Path. Mainly because it was the cheapest.

Anime Titties…the Game. Really system. Seven hundred seventy-seven SEPTILLION! Getting this much money wasn't even possible. The universe just really loved to mess with the young man.

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Like selling a Rusty spoon for five hundred quadrillion dollars. Or selling the FBI for a Loli. Wait, did that mean he could trade in Natalia for control of the FBI or just one agent because that was messed up. Hilarious, but messed up.


That was it. A simple reply from the System. He decided to just go through with the purchase. Sure, he could complain why some of the craziest items such as the Void Book was locked behind an insane paywall, but fuck it.

[You have purchased Book of the Diplomat Path. Item value: Exquisite. Description: think very carefully before using this.]

Such a STEEP cost there, but items in the shop were virtually impossible to find anywhere else. He would match his higher level with the cost of the items if it weren't for the fact that they were always priced this way. How come the system was consistent with that but not anything else?

Clyde felt a little puzzled at the item's description. Never mind the fucking hefty price tag, what the hell did it mean, think carefully before using it. Why didn't it tell him before….oh what was the use thinking about that now.

[Personal balance remaining: 1,391,465,400]

Despite making that hefty purchase, he was still a billionaire. Woo! Something about the money acquired from Sol didn't add up. Why did he lack money?

[Sol stashed away his main money into a magical bank account in which no one has access to except the Goddess of Money.]

Do you want to elaborate on that, Clyde thought to the system. And why the fuck was there a goddess of money…

[System advice: you should probably realize that your encounter with Sol may not be the last. Alas, it is not the system's job to hold your hand.]

Clyde's eyes widened. System, what the hell do you mean that encounter may not be the last, Clyde thought. Do players respawn?

[No. As with all life, once you die, that's it. However, Sol has two allies. Who they are, it is entirely up to you to find out. System correction. That second ally is in fact not truly an ally, but a yandere chasing him. The first one, you may already know.]

That elder dragon. How in the fuck was he supposed to find…Chiyo. He needed to contact her for more information.

[Adventure Side Quest: Respawn Camping. Prevent Sol's resurrection by KILLING. Yes, KILLING, BOTH of his allies. While Sol's revival isn't a sure thing, who knows if either of them cares to or knows he's dead, you can still keep things ended. Reward: Sol's mostly guaranteed prevented respawn. +0.9% evil alignment. Unknown high reward. Note: side quests are completely optional. You may even assign them to be completed by other party members. They will receive a portion of the EXP and rewards.]

[You have completed the Pre-step toward the new source of power, Cosmic energy. Strengthened friendship between Alice and Ruri has increased to 2. Such a low increase. Why not encourage them to hangout again? Or you can have them both at the same time—they're your fiancées. Spoil them simultaneously.]

Clyde finally opened his eyes, relieved to be done with all of the goddamn system updates. The first thing he did while still laying there was text Chiyo.

Clyde: Chiyo, please meet with me when you get the chance. This is Clyde.

Sure, she probably saved his number in the speed dialing area, but some people needed to be reminded. As for Sol's situation, the young man could not allow him to be brought back to Satovia. It was kind of a morbid and sad ordeal in which the Watchers brought the players from their homelands to be killed, but instead of working with everyone, the Falcon decided to be a psychopathic murderous asshole, leaving the young man with no choice but to put him down like a ravenous animal.

[System advice: you made the right choice. Had you not ended him, your friends would probably be killed, along with many more lives. If you want to know why Sol made his choices and what led him on such an unreasonable path, you could befriend his elder dragon ally. Or let your new friend, Chiyo do it.]

[Your relationship with Chiyo is Friend level 7. Endearment.]

[Your relationship with Kimiko is Friend level 3. Endearment.]

[Your relationship with Aimi is Friend level 5. Endearment level 5. Warning. Aimi cannot fully control her sexual urges, poured down via the Supreme's influence. She also hates most men.]

Chiyo of course didn't reply to Clyde's text, being on the other side of the world. Without Sol around, Liru was able to go back too. Her place as a teacher and orphanage worker wouldn't be compromised.

Clyde looked at Harumi to his right and caressed her face, also played with her fox ears. She was the first person he'd met in this world. The kind fox girl helped out her fellow Sato Academy student without a second of hesitation. Of course thinking about it now, she had no reason to feel threatened. She was levels above him, already trained with her abilities for some time, and probably assumed the young man to be civilian.

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He spared a micro-glare at Natalia, who held the fox girl while asleep. She was most likely up late gaming. An outsider would believe that the loli did nothing else but game; however, she ran the succubus network along with Tear. He caught her a few times miserably doing administrative work out in the open.

Clyde carefully picked up the loli and placed her onto Tear. Before he could do anything, Alice rolled over into Harumi. The young man anime-fell to the side. He picked up the half-demoness, poking her cheeks a few times. She softly groaned, but wouldn't wake.

Grinning evilly, he said softly, "What's that Natalia? You discovered her most hidden stash of chocolates? Why are you eating all of them?"

Alice's eyes shot open, causing the young man to burst into laughter. She glared at him, teary-eyed, then puffed her cheeks up into a pout.

"So mean," Alice said.

Still holding her in a princess carry, Clyde grinned. "Maybe. Do you want to take the morning off to…" he lowered his voice, "buy you-know-who a gift?"

Her eyes went starry. "It's cake day."

Clyde and Harumi, who just happened to awake with perfect timing, softly facepalmed. Alice smiled sheepishly.

After the morning activities—Clyde wished he didn't forget to ask where Alice ordered her toothpaste—Team Stone set off for the restaurant, feeling motivated from Yuki's breakfast. Seth, Toru, Fumi, Nina, Misaka, Sazuki, Kiko, Tetra, and anyone else who didn't live in the Lot City house either met them at the restaurant or showed up to Clyde's house for breakfast before the Jump.

Clyde viewed the stats of some of the women and added points accordingly.

[Opening balance: 30 points.]


Skill: 5

Administration: 11

Speed: 5 (One added)

Cooking: 0

Customer service: 11. (Five added.)

Luck: 1


Skill: 5 (Three added)

Administration: 2

Speed: 5 (Four added)

Cooking: 2

Customer service: 7 (Two added.)

Luck: 0

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Skill: 5 (Three added.)

Administration: 1

Speed: 5 (Two added.)

Cooking: 11

Customer service: 6 (Three added.)

Luck: 3


Skill: 4 (Three added)

Administration: 0

Speed: 4 (Three added)

Cooking: 1

Customer service: 5 (Three added)

Luck: maxed.

All thirty points where drained, but these four women spilled more coffee on laps than everyone else. Even Ruri. Ruri's canine senses seemed to give her a slight advantage, helping her to make less mistakes, despite her awful stats.

There were a few mysteries that Clyde just didn't understand about the restaurant system such as Naoko's stats. Like how the fuck?


Skill: 9

Administration: 12

Speed: 9

Cooking: 13

Customer service: infinite.

Luck: 40.

Questions for later? Could anyone answer that? The kuudere loli, an entity really, didn't complain about wearing a maid outfit and serving food like a peasant. She still had her sassy moments, especially when the situation involved Seth. Other times, she could walk behind Clyde without making a single noise and—

"The cake delivery was scheduled, onii-chan."

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Clyde nearly leapt seven feet out of his chair. He turned around to address the kid that stared at him with the usual heterochromatic gaze. She, Ming, and the Supreme so far had the dual-eyed condition.

"Try to make your presence known, Naoko," Clyde said as he gave the loli a head pat. "Anyway, that's good to hear. Anything else?"

"Alice has left early to…"

"Ah yeah, that's a surprise," Clyde said. "Be sure not to tell you-know-who."

The loli nodded, eagerness twinkling with the kuudere expression. "What else?" He smiled at her. "Your reports are very important."

"Some of the maids are struggling with the morning rush, onii-chan," Naoko said. One glance on the monitor and Clyde saw that she was right. With the increased popularity of the restaurant, the variety of customers expanded. The security butlers were actively patrolling, even around the areas that had Sato Academy students. Chika singlehandedly handled all of the big guns, tossing out drunks, calming down frantically hungry customers, and relaying important information to Rin. The young man felt kind of bad for Rin, but the granddaughter of Master Chef Yoshi, was like a Team Stone member at heart. Tough and passionate. Respectable.

Abruptly, the phone ring. Clyde answered.

"Yoshi's, how can I help you?" he said.

"You're not the owner, but you will relay this," said an angry voice, clearly a creditor. Maybe even the leader. "We're calling in all of the interest payments. If he can't get them in by the end of the day, the restaurant's ours."

"What? You can't fucking do that," Clyde said. "We're making progress in paying your bullshit debt. Paying all of that interest is not possible—"

"We've already gotten approval from the judge," the creditor interrupted then chuckled darkly. "Get my money by closing or else. Heheheh. Tell that old bastard that's what he gets for not accepting my hospitality."

"Now listen here you fuck—"

The creditor hung up on Clyde after laughing again.

[Objective: Pay off ALL of Yoshi's interest with restaurant earnings. This task is mandatory. Failure means Yoshi loses the restaurant. You will drop five reputation levels, twenty faith levels, and your reputation with Yoshi and Rin will become Unreliable. This will spread and close all of your opportunities to advance your cooking. It will also shut doors for Yuki. Difficulty: Very hard – Intense.]

Clyde could not believe this bullshit! This wasn't fair. What the hell System—this isn't fair, Clyde thought angrily.

[Interest earned: 0 out of 100%]

Clyde immediately sent Naoko to summon Rin, Yuki, and Tear. Chika and Misaka could hold things down in management. The shy phoenix girl fortunately had the stats to do just that. Well, not administration, the silver-haired girl would handle that.


Skill: 20

Administration: 2

Speed: 16

Cooking: 9

Customer service: 24

Luck: 3

Paying off the interest…all of it, would probably not be possible, which was why the fucker requested it all at once. Something had to be done. An entire day toward interest meant absolutely zero earnings for the main debt.

"This is bullshit," Clyde snapped.

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