Corporate building of Lot City…

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Juro's Office…

Juro chuckled, feeling satisfied. Now with the world star fragment guaranteed to be his, he could in fact offer it up to his goddess, Fatalus in exchange for her blessings. He'd take over AE. And hell, the dark goddess may be so happy with him that she'd trigger the Universal Weather Phenomenon and put in a good word for him to the being who lives within it.

If he received those blessings, Juro would have infinite good luck, maybe incredible power. Or so the legends claimed. The cryptic words made little sense. "After the death of the silver bird, a gale powerful enough to abolish all things shall appear, and none shall rival its power. Rocks cannot crush it, serpents cannot wrap around it."

Juro wasn't one hundred percent certain if the being was truly around, since the bird's supposed death danced as nothing more than a rumor. A wildfire of a rumor, but the demons of his circle and their contacts were simply ignorant buffoons. Well, not Lilith.

He hadn't heard from that traitorous bitch in years. OOOOH let her be dead, Juro hoped. Someone else needed to take the Supreme Demon Lord title and bring the strong monsters to a new era. Oh who was he kidding, she wasn't dead. Everyone would know.

"I need to make sure this interest can't be paid," Juro said, then dialed a number. "Henchman, send the Montreal to pay Yoshi's a visit. And make sure he spills some blood. What? I don't care who. GET ON IT NOW, SON OF A BITCH." He hung up on the minion and chuckled to himself.

He normally reserved his top elite for the most troublesome problems, but the Yakuza outright refused to accept Juro's job. The annoying idiots acted as if the Oyabun's daughter or something worked at the restaurant. Who the hell ignores his money?

Juro scoffed. Fucking simpletons.


Late morning…

Clyde's Office, Yoshi's Restaurant…

Clyde took in the grim expressions and yet, found it very hard to focus on the situation at hand with Noona in his lap. She reminded the young man of her nice ass.

He shook himself. Focus Clyde, focus. She's only mad because you didn't give her the chance to utilize House Necro.

The situation wouldn't be so bad if Kitome wasn't there glaring fire at him.

"Noona," Clyde said then shook his head. "Never mind. Anyway, feel free to toss up some ideas. Otherwise, all money made today will be wasted on interest."

Tear gazed at the document Rin handed her, which told her everything she needed about Yoshi's interest. What fucking loan sharks.

Noona moved in a way that maximized his boner. And with it beneath her maid skirt, he felt panties and beyond. The young man let out a sigh. "Fine. Noona seems to know a little about the creditors after looking into them last night." He continued in a sarcastic voice. "We'll let House Necro take it from here. But make it quick."

"You got it, Master," Noona said, diving back into her maid persona. She pulled her smartphone from her pocket and hurried outside.

"At least she's not acting like a cowgirl," Clyde said. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Get annoyed when she calls you boy-yah?" Tear said.

"Both anime-style and normal," Clyde said as he cleverly rolled back to his desk. Office chairs with wheels were awesome like that. Nobody noticed his massive boner. Maybe Kitome, but she didn't say anything. "Anyway, what are your ideas, Tear, Rin? What about you Kitome?"

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The magical girl flinched, almost as if she wasn't expected to be called on. Clyde gave her a Gin smile. "Surely you were not in here just to skip out on work."

Tear snorted.

Clyde just happened to look at the monitor and noticed Amina struggling with the electronic cash register.

"I'll be back," he told the women in the room. "Pool together some ideas now." He winked at the blushing magical girl.

"Having some trouble there," Clyde said when he reached Amina at the register. He gave her an amused smile.

"I do not understand this contraption," Amina said. "Just like many things in your world."

"You've kept oddly quiet about it," Clyde said.

"Or maybe you haven't paid me any attention." Amina fixed him with a glare. "This is not how you treat your deck leader."

Clyde shrugged. "I guess you don't want help opening that register." He pretended to turn, but she grabbed his arm, eyes teary.

The young man sighed in amusement. Coming out here was so worth it. No wonder why Amina didn't ask where to get a smart phone nor really anything technological. Her world had no such things.

Clyde showed her how to open the electronic or "smart" register. She jumped a little when it opened. Blushing, the sorceress loaded the greenish blue Yaponiyian dollars into the device. Come to think of it, the young man did catch a few glimpses of her interactions with technology. The TV always seem to fascinate her. Hell, he caught her inspecting it one night when he went for a quick glass of cold water. The tour bus intimidated her too—he should've noticed how she closed her eyes at first, before eventually getting used to it.

An evil grin curled onto Clyde's face, almost causing his nose to bleed. He needed to take the sorceress to the arcade. As if wanting to see that interaction, the system generated the quest.

[For coming all the way from your high horse of an office to help Amina with the register, you received 20 points!]

[Ahahahahaha. Quest: take Amina to the arcade to play some games. Reward: relationship gain with Amina. Accept? Yes or No.]

Clyde happily accepted the quest. When he returned to his office, the women seemed puzzled about his newly upbeat mood. Amina's cuteness replenished his mood and motivation. Sure, poking Alice's cheeks would've done so too, but the half-demoness was busy trying her best as a waitress. He caught a glimpse of Dera perfectly serving the customers. The ghost girl seemed to take notes from afar. Kanako sighed. At least she had a friend to relate to now.

"We'll have to just double our efforts," Clyde said to the women, then turned to Kitome with an evil grin on his face. Or maybe a perverted grin. The magical girl gave him a nervous teary-eyed pout. "I think a costume change will double our income. We'll make the advertisements and get them in asap. Sexy magical girl theme."

Kitome's face turned blue. Tear's eyes went starry. Her nose bled a little.

"Cuteness overload?" Rin said to Tear.

"Oh Airi," Tear said, playfully and maliciously. Airi, who just happened to step in at the perfect time bolted.

"Nooooo," Airi whined as the succubus gave chase. Clyde almost fell to the floor laughing. Yuki softly facepalmed.

"Kitome," Clyde said after collecting himself. "Let's get the transformation started. We can't have our cutest magical girl missing out."

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Kitome's blush hit supernova. "You-you-you can't make me go out there. People will see me." She gave him a teary-eyed pleading pout. Yuki's eyes went starry. The room seemed to darken as purple aura surrounded her. A Gin smile actually curled onto the kuudere's face. The magical girl gulped. Hell, that kind of made Clyde a little nervous—Yuki rarely smiled. Well, he did get a few secret smiles for himself and that one time he caught her satisfied beam during her cooking session. Then again…could the evil Gin from Bleach smile really count?

"Surely you don't want us to fail, Kitome," Yuki said as she placed both hands on the magical girl's shoulders. Kitome looked to Clyde for help. The young man took Toru's defense and hid behind a blank stare. The demoness let out an evil chuckle.

"Well, I'll leave you to it," Clyde told Yuki. "Oh and don't let Rin miss out the fun."

Rin flinched as the young man hurried out the room. Yuki chuckled evilly.

"How could you—you traitor," Rin whined after Clyde.

He watched Melody nervously take an order. Seeing that the customer was an angry middle-aged no-nonsense woman, Clyde gave the redhead some points. Her new stats popped into his mind's eye after he clicked the confirm button.


Skill: 7 (Two added.)

Administration: 2

Speed: 7 (Two added.)

Cooking: 2

Customer service: 10 (Three added.)

Luck: 0

[13 points remaining…]

While he was at it, the young man took a peek at Dera's stats.


Skill: maxed.

Administration: maxed.

Speed: maxed.

Cooking: maxed.

Customer service: maxed.

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Luck: logical system does not believe in luck.

He wondered if he should've even bothered. Ah well, an android may be cheating, but the young man would take all the masters he could get. The lack of luck annoyed him. It increased point yield and maybe even the chances of getting a bonus of some kind.

Someone tapped on Clyde's shoulder. He turned to see Tear dressed in a magical girl outfit.

"Send all of the girls to me after they finish taking orders," Tear said. "My succubus network teleported the outfits to me." She grinned. "Check out Airi." She whistled as the teary-eyed Super Druid served a group of customers. Wait a minute, the young man recognized them. A weeb, an entity, and a thunderbird harpy. That sounded like the start of a bad bar joke. Before he had the chance to turn around and retreat to his office, Selkie waved at him.

"Clyde," she called. "Don't be a stranger."

"The great lord of the dark approves," Dark said. Clyde knew he couldn't stop the Toru-style blank stare from appearing on his face.

"I'm guessing you lot somehow heard the news," Clyde said as he approached them. "Damn Naomi's good."

"Your journalist friend is quite cute you know," Selkie said. "There was no way we could resist missing out. And the food here is so good. It's kind of… better than Yoshi's. Or at least super close to it. Is she a master chef?"

Clyde glanced at the kitchen, noticing that Yuki was back there again, cooking and preparing food at impossible speeds. Kitome was now taking orders in her magical girl form. Of course, everyone already knew—Team Stone made the news often enough to catch all of them.

"All she needs is a restaurant of her own, right?" Dark said. "Or wait, I think the qualifications to upgrade will be to serve customers in a…restaurant and have a very high approval rating."

Clyde blinked.

[Master Chef Yoshi has sampled Yuki's cooking and is impressed. With his recognition, Yuki's rank has advanced to Master Chef. Congratulations. Harumi's cooking skills will advance much faster as she continues to learn under Yuki. You may have trouble defeating either of them in a cook off at this rate.]

Clyde looked around and sure enough, he saw the old man eating at a table and watching Tetra. His granddaughter interrupted his perverted staring with a glare. The young man assumed Rin broke the interest news to him judging by the hardened expression.

"You guys enjoy your meal," Clyde said to Selkie and her group. "I'm going to prepare the others for the doubling of the customer base. Yoshi's shitty creditors have called on his interest."


The young man turned just in time to have Noona anime-dive into him.

"We've pinned down the creditors," Noona said. "Are you proud of me, Master? Are you going to give me a head pat?"

"You really did? Holy shit," Clyde said, giving the demoness a head pat right in front of everyone. Not that he gave a fuck about what they thought. The men were just jealous. He could see Dark's widened eyes.

"His harem never fails to impress me," Dark said. "If I weren't on a world domination quest, I'd do the same."

"No you wouldn't," Myriad said.

"Give this information to Tear," Clyde said.

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"What about Yoshi?" Noona asked.

"Don't worry about the old man," Clyde said. "He has enough stress to deal with."

Noona nodded and hurried off. The young man chuckled evilly. "Tear will dress her up nicely."

"Wow, you really are quite evil," Selkie said. "I would go watch it unfold, but I don't want the succubus attempting to dress me up."

"The great lord of the dark believes you should be a good sport and go back there," Dark said.

Selkie rolled her eyes. "Maybe when you stop being such a chuuni. Now finish your food. We've got to warp out of here in the morning."

[Thanks to Naomi's journalism, the magical girl outfit theme, and Master Chef Yuki's upgraded super-cooking abilities, the interest owed is projected to be paid off very quickly. Prepare your team for the rush! You have earned 50 points due to Noona's luck.]

Sixty-three points. Fuck yes. Clyde was ecstatic. He could feel the approach of the rush and quickly pooled his points into the women that needed it. Good thing Yoshi's restaurant was large enough to hold them.

To the young man's relief, the old man actually entered the kitchen to assist his demoness. Harumi joined them seconds later.

Ruri, Matsume, Airi, Undine, Kanako, Noona, Fuyoko, Ming, Chika and Alice received all the points. That should dramatically help them take on the rush.

And they certainly did.

[Interest paid 50%. Interest paid 60%]

The paying off was increasing so fast, the young man almost foamed out his mouth in excitement.

Too bad someone entered the restaurant to ruin everything. He tossed an unconscious Yusuke right onto Dark and his group's table.

The analysis identified the newcomer as Montreal. And he was quite strong.

"This day just keeps getting better and better," Clyde said sarcastically. He could tell Montreal was about to do some major damage to the restaurant, both physically and through reputation.

Sighing, Clyde walked up to the assassin.

"You obviously have no idea what fear is, do you," Clyde said.

[Clyde's unstoppable pressure.]

The young man didn't even tap into the power yet, but his pressure still resonated from his annoyance.

And with one bitch slap, the assassin became a plane.

"Sorry about that Yoshi, I'll have that door replaced in no time," Clyde said.

Yoshi cackled. "No worries, no worries. That door was a worthwhile investment to see that." He laughed. "Montreal's one of the worst pain in the asses I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with."

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