A Few miles from Aunder's Castle…

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[You have entered a Death Sentence!]

Aunder analyzed the three-headed dragon-like creature that flew toward him.


Level: ???

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Inferno Death Blast [This attack ignores all armor and does Immense damage.]

Weakness: ???

Resistances: ice.

"Now that's something you don't see every day," Aunder said. Hydras were also on his world, but incredibly rare and dangerous creatures. They made legends for a reason. Best of all, they were delicious. The man felt his mouth water as he dashed toward it unarmed.

"You take me lightly, Esper."

[The Hydra activated Inferno Death Blast.]

The middle head charged the attack, the other two attempted to bite Aunder. He easily dodged. Then with one good unsheathe of his orange blade, the man sliced off both heads. The middle moved back in time.

The orange-red blast it unleashed, came at Aunder in a fiery beam. He placed a finger in the path and redirected the energy, which could destroy entire continents, back at the hydra.

"Shit, I want the meat."

But it was too late. The energy obliterated the shocked hydra. The only thing remaining of it were the sliced heads on the ground. "I suppose that's good enough." He chuckled. A good campfire and the right kind of wood would bring this delicious monstrosity to life.

Something caught his attention. A glowing light-green rock? Something about it pulled Aunder in…

[Congratulations! You have found a World Star Fragment! What will happen if you find all 7? What game-winning event will occur?]

Aunder tilted his head. Maybe he'd get some of his most powerful allies to hunt them down after fully assembling the New Forgotten Party. He turned to the woman standing a few meters from him.

"Did you at least bring a mug or two of beer, Tiffia?"


Late Afternoon…

Clyde's Office…

As Clyde petted a napping Ruri and observed the monitor, a morbid thought forced its way into his head. Would anime logic kill him for being a parent?

The young man sighed. This wasn't just a Shonen problem. Then again, maybe he'd be fine. Unlike anime, Satovia wasn't dictated by a lazy writer. Right? Not that all of them were like this—but come on. So many kids without parents, living in a cozy apartment. Fuck, even Harumi fell to that trope.

Closing time approached and Clyde had to trust that Tear and Noona would locate the creditors by the next day. All the interest was paid, and they made at least some of their normal earnings. The head fuckhead running Yoshi's debt collectors would surely make his appearance.

Clyde made sure Natalia stayed back with him so that everyone else could be in place when they got home. The loli tapped at her game as he glanced over everything on his monitor and restaurant menu. All clear.

After closing down the shop with Rin, Clyde and Natalia started home. He was kind of surprised she didn't bring up her birthday nor acknowledged anything relating to it.

The party indeed surprised her—and fascinated those associated with demon culture. Even Kanako loved the idea of birthday cake and punch.

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The loli gave him a tight hug then rejoined the others at the party.

[Your relationship with Natalia increased—]

He closed the prompt as Tetra looked at him. Well, mostly out of old habit. Tessa, the only one there that could relate to him, seemed to enjoy their reactions and joy of the party. The young man wondered about other things he could eventually introduce to the demon culture.

Fuyoko wiped cake from the corners of Naoko's mouth. Like usual, the kuudere loli didn't react to the babying. Tear did scold Fuyoko. The Master of the Stars puffed her cheeks up in a pout.

Middle of the night…

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Clyde awoke to see Harumi looking down at him. She was rolled on top, soft breasts pressed firmly against the young man.

"Could you get me a chocolate-covered pickle dipped in peanut butter, please?" she said. Groggy, Clyde gave her a quick skeptical look, figured this had to be a dream, and closed his eyes. Shaking… He opened his eyes to see a glare. "I'd get it myself, but my stomach is cramping. Now go get me the pickle. I'm starving. Double scoops of peanut butter."

"Are you…"

The system seemed to be irritated with Clyde's tiredness and intervened.

[Urgent quest: Getting the pickle as if your life depended on it. If you do not do this now and correctly comply to her demands, you may lose half of your levels. This is a mandatory quest with no rewards, except for the happiness and satisfaction of someone special. Remember, you are the one who implanted the seed, which was super brilliant by the way. And you'd better take responsibility, you.]

You sure are uppity, System, Clyde bitterly thought. He glanced at the time and grimaced.

"Hurry hurry," Harumi said. "Make it two jumbo-sized, double-scooped pickles."

Clyde sighed and reluctantly got out of bed.

[Dill will it.]

Did the system just make a pun? He gritted his teeth and made his way to the kitchen. There were no pickles in the fridge. They had peanut butter in the cabinet—and he knew of Alice Stash Five.

Knowing the prompt, Clyde knew he'd have to make a run to the store. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK.

Good thing they were in a city or this quest would be on its way to failing. He did a quick Airi check, then activated Fly. The clerk at the gas station looked as if she had something sarcastic to say, but seeing the tired look in Clyde's eyes and the pickles seemed to change her mind for some reason. The young man didn't care and just made the purchase. In fact, he bought additional jars just in case. And even made Harumi six extra pickle abominations.

This turned out to be the best call he made in a while and soon he found himself sleeping again with a passed quest and satisfied pregnant fiancée.

Too bad an hour later, more shaking woke him. Alice? Alice actually awake? While the system didn't force him this time—Clyde didn't give it a chance—he ended up creating two jumble waffles covered in fuck-off large slices of wabu—a Satovian meat that was basically bacon—and topped with whipped cream. What the fuck…

After that, the young man snuggled into Ruri for luck. Somehow it worked because no one else woke him up.


Friday. Week 1. Month 3. Year 1. Season: Winter.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Domino, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 14 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia, Kitome, Yuki, Tessa, Ruri.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice, Kitome. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Kitome, human: 9.3 months. Kitome: week 1, day 6. Harumi: week 3, day 1. Alice: week 2, day 6.]

After breakfast, Clyde and the team wasted no time getting the restaurant running for the day. Ironically, Clare and the magical girls were the first customers, dropping by to "say hello." The young man and Tear grinned devilishly at the shrine maiden. She rolled her eyes.

The morning and early afternoon went mostly uneventful, the debt paid off at an astonishing ninety percent. Hope visibly blasted through Yoshi like a brilliantly shining star. He looked as if he planned to award the young man the World Star Fragment early, but of course Clyde wouldn't accept it. Team Stone completed jobs. And right now, they wanted peoples' faith in them as high as possible.

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"We've got some trouble," Tear whispered to Clyde. "In your office, now."

Clyde sighed. "It's always too good to be true with these peaceful times."

He followed Tear to the office and shut the door. Noona, Rin, and Kitome were seated, expressions grim.

"You were right," Tear said. "The hotshot himself is on his way to declare some bologna debt and then demand ownership of the restaurant."

"I think this demon could use an exorcism, boy," Noona said, then giggled.

"Noona, I will assign you to sweeping floors," Clyde comically snarled, then cleared his throat. "I guess I'll go have a word with the asshole who harassed a feeble old man on a daily basis. This has got to stop."

Not to mention the fucker was a division of AE, one of Chika's biggest rivals, and one of the most anti-consumer companies in existence.

"I'm coming," Kitome said.

"Me too," Noona said. "I'll go nab Harumi."

Tear shrugged. "I'll pass. I'm going to start sending the paperwork to the idiot judges. Tetra and her lawyer friend should have Yoshi's countersuing case done by the end of the day. She'll get it fast-tracked through some connections so AE can't stall it out."

"I imagine Yoshi will have the funds to get this place back to full power," Clyde said. "Well, let me give him the head start."

He sighed as he approached the front doors. "I'll have to wait in the cold for this clown to arrive. Just my luck."

Seeing how the restaurant was crowded, he turned to the girls and shook his head. "It'd be unfair if you bail out on work." He gave Noona a look that left no room for objections. She seemed to wilt, but knew he had a point. The others were working hard and the help was needed.

Clyde stepped outside to see a massive ongoing line of cars, many of which, were trying to find a parking spot, so they could eat at Yoshi's. Shit, he needed to ask Tear what the creditor boss looked like—

Something that felt like a mosquito bite slightly aggravated his chest.

[Juro fired a standard handgun.]

[Clyde's HP dropped from 910% to 909.99% Bullet-proof vest armor set protection!]

"What the," Clyde turned to see a…really ugly bastard walking toward him, covered in purplish aura. He was a muscular chubby man stuffed in a suit that looked as if the buttons would pop off due to a belly that could rival the shopping mall. Bald head, creepy toothy grin, and seemingly dark, rapey eyes.

"So that old fart didn't get help from some puny human," Juro said, then cackled in a voice that…kind of sounded slurpy. The young man grimaced.

"You really are an ugly bastard," Clyde said with a chuckle. "Both inside and out. I'm normally not one to judge someone's appearance, but ew. You're basically the villain of every NTR out there."

"I don't know what you're going on about, worm, but you will pay for insulting me," Juro snapped. When he took a step toward Clyde, a picture fell out of his pocket. A picture of a high school anime girl. And on it were the words, Next to Taste.

"Oh no," Clyde said. "You really are a real life…" He jumped, dodging the fist that plowed into the ground, leaving a huge dent in the road. NTR villains always had super strength, money, or held some position of power.

[Quest: Realization that Satovia has Ugly Bastards. It is unknown how they form and why. The innocent girl on that photo will be violated if you don't stop him now.]

Juro, AE Division Leader and Ugly Bastard #23.

Level: 358

Type: Monster

Work under: AE

Special: Manipulation and Bang. [Works strongly on feeble and innocent young girls.]

Resistances: ???

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Secret: Fatalus is someone he's hoping to ****. [System advice: what a scumbag. Enemy to all women. KILL HIM!]

[You have entered a BOSS fight!]

[Juro's passive skill activated. Ugly Old Bastard Protection.]

Clyde blinked and snorted. I'm really fighting an Ugly Bastard boss battle, he thought. He needed a drink after this. Preferably from Yuki.

Juro charged the young man, coated in purple flame-like aura. It seemed awkward seeing someone of his size move so fast, but before the young man knew it, the ugly bastard's next fist flew.

Clyde easily ducked beneath it—he was a tall bastard—and kneed him in the stomach.

[Juro's HP has dropped from 800% to 1%]

Clyde flinched. How? Oh… he unconsciously added the power behind the blow. Fuck, that was as automatic as it came.

Juro fell to his knees, huffing, and groaning.

"Not so tough, now are you?" Clyde said. "I stole those clichéd words. Seriously though, harassing an old man and his granddaughter. What the hell is wrong with you? Shit, knowing what you are, your second target was probably her. Why do every ugly bastard in anime have to be like you? Shit makes no sense."

[Juro's passive restored his HP to 400%]

Juro chuckled. "I will admit that your strength has caught me off guard…"

Juro suddenly changed in a display of what mimicked Pokémon evolution, his form becoming that of a tall and gray lizard-like creature. His voice changed to what the young man could imagine sawblades would sound like if they could talk. Or maybe grinding glass and rocks. "Yes…you're a strong one."

[You've entered a BOSS fight phase 2.]

"Yoshi owed me money and how I choose to take it back is none of your concern," Juro continued, then laughed. "His granddaughter and the world star fragment are just prizes."

Clyde backstepped from his claw swipe, then aimed a hand at the creature.

[Clyde activated Gold tier skill: Saint Ray Spears.]

[Gold tier skill: Saint Ray Spears [evolution 2]: Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Shoot a flurry of holy energy spears at multiple enemies. 12% chance to stun or paralyze an enemy. Does holy and glass damage. 1.5% chance to instantly kill enemies ten levels or more below you. You can will the spears to explode upon contact.]

Juro dodged them all due to his ridiculous passive, then managed a tail swipe on Clyde. Well, the young man caught it with a single hand.

"No, I think I'm done letting every single boss fight put me through a struggle," he said. "I mean sure, I know I've got some tough ones coming, but for an ugly old bastard turning into a giant lizard, I don't think so."

He sneered as he slammed the monster onto the ground.

[Juro's HP has dropped to 1%]

[Juro's passive, Ugly Old Bastard Protection increased his HP to 200%]

Well, at least the passive was becoming less effective, Clyde thought. Still, healing bosses were among the top tier most annoying fuckers to fight.

"Fuck this," Juro suddenly said. "I've got queries to taste. I'll be coming back for my debt!"

He suddenly took off running, abandoning all of his defenses. And he was quite a fast fucker.

[You have entered a Boss fight phase 3!]

[You have entered a Pursuit! If Juro escapes, that girl may be murdered out of frustration when he's done with her.]

[Tessa activated Path of the Cheetah. Target: Clyde.]

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[Your speed and reaction time increased!]

"Hurry, get him," Tessa said. She rubbed her hands together as a cold breezed smothered them.

"Thanks," Clyde said then started off after the lizard bastard. Holy shit was he a fast fucker, but the young man soon found himself running beside Juro. "You know, I'm starting to understand Sonic the Hedgehog, just a little. And maybe Mario Kart."

His attempted elbow missed due to….one could guess.

[Juro's passive Ugly Old Bastard Protection.]

Juro laughed. "I think I'd had enough of you. I do know a little magic. Let's see…"

He aimed a clawed hand at Clyde.

[Juro activated Ugly Bastard tier skill: Netorare Overload Beam.]

The buff Tessa gave the young man seemed to do its job, because Clyde was already dodging before the words came out of the lizardman's mouth.

"My turn!" Clyde said. "Check this out."

He exchanged Bloodlight for the Executioner's Staff. Suddenly, he felt Kitome's energy surge through him.

[Necklace of Her Devotion: Item class: *One of a kind*. This necklace was made with love. Unknown benefits. Has a 1% chance of triggering Enlightenment Mode 1 during battle. All stats will increase by 100% during the Mode.]

Clyde charged the magic and unleashed. All without interruption. Ah, Juro had to be experiencing the good old restrictions of the cooldown.

[Clyde activated Special tier skill: Molten Burst of the Fiery Deities.]

[Special Tier skill: Molten Burst of the Fiery Deities [evolution 3]: Type: spiritual, fire, deity. Class: mysterious. Call upon holy fire to destroy your enemies. Will always target multiple enemies. This is an unblockable skill. Chance to inflict Super-severe burns on enemies with even the slightest weakness to fire at 95%. Chance to inflict quadruple damage to all dark creatures among all attributes.]

"I'd like to see your passive get you out of that," Clyde called sarcastically over the roaring of the magic.

[Juro's passive skill—]

You've got to be kidding me, Clyde thought. This guy is virtually unkillable… Something interesting happened.

[Necklace of Her Devotion has disabled the activation of Juro's passive skill.]

"Kitome, you are a crafting genius," Clyde said as his magic obliterated the boss monster.

[x4 damage!]

[Juro's HP has dropped to 0%]

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 12 million EXP. 200 million dollars. Book of Cucking. Item class: *Dark rare. Item value: unknown.]

Clyde stared at the ashes. "You really were one ugly bastard, even as a deadly lizard creature." He shook his head. "Hopefully the demons of hell do the same to you when you get there."

He Jumped back to the restaurant.

Peeking several yards from an alleyway, a newbie crusader girl gave the young man a fascinated grin.

"Now that…just wow. I should report to one of the Pillars." She giggled. "Yeah right. I just wish he knew I was the girl on that decoy photo. Annnnnd he just saved my life. How was I 'sposed to know that ugly man was some kind of creature from hell." She winced. "Those bastards were setting me up, I bet. WELL two can play at that game." She pulled out her phone. "I'll just give their location away to one of the most ruthless groups of adventurers out there." She texted away on her device. "Have fun."

The adventurers probably wouldn't be able to kill them, but at least they'd trash up the place while looting the hell out of it. No one sets me up, she thought.

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