Sadly, the Queen of Hearts had a hotel booked in the city. Apparently, she was looking for someone, but didn't disclose any additional information. Clyde dialed up Yuki, Natalia, and Tear to erect a barrier around Naomi's apartment before they called it a night. The young man took Naomi's refusal to bring up his offer as a declination.

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The Queen's analyze ran through his head while he headed to the library upstairs.

Cora, the Queen of Hearts

Level: *???* (This power made even deities weary of her…)

Type: Dark fairy

Work under: N/A.

Special: ???

Weakness: none.

Resistances: ???

Secret: is afraid of dogs.

Her secret gave Clyde a few laughs. Since the queen didn't seem in the slightest bit hostile on the surface, more like nonchalant, kind of airheaded, and maybe fan-girly, the young man wouldn't have to gather an army of one hundred dogs to scare the fairy away.

He never expected the Queen of Hearts to be a fairy, but in a way, it made sense with all the whacky shit occurring in the story. Magic.

A yelp grabbed the young man's attention right as he was about to sit. He rushed downstairs only to stop to see Alice fainted and Melody holding a small spider inside a container. She took it outside the kitchen's door, releasing the bug back into the wild.

"So…" Clyde said, stare blank. "I heard her scream all the way in the library. What's going on? I know it's not something as ridiculous as Alice being afraid of spiders."

Melody gave him a sad smile, a drop of sweat falling from the back of her head. "She's terrified of them."

"Alice Hades, Great Princess and House Head of the Hades family, rulers in the demon realm, arch angel blood and a hidden lost goddess bloodline, fearless, powerful Alice…afraid of spiders," Clyde said. He looked at the fainted half-demoness as if to confirm if the sight before him was real.

"I think she's afraid of a lot of bugs, especially cockroaches," Melody said. "Well… I'm not a fan of them—but that's besides the point."

Clyde picked up the half-demoness. " Are you terrified enough to faint like this? Never mind, I'll carry her back to her room."

"Harumi! Matsume's bullying me," Natalia whined as she ran away from the angry hellhound.

Clyde and Melody shook off their blank stares and proceeded to the master bedroom. Chika was at the desk, laptop displaying her company's new website.

"What happened to her?" the silver-haired girl asked.

"Spider landed on her arm and she fainted," Melody said.

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Chika shuddered. "Who could blame her? Spiders are scary."

"Scary enough to faint?" Clyde said as he laid Alice onto the bed. Good thing she was already in her nightgown.

"Maybe," Chika said then shrugged.

Tear, who was already in the giant bed, put her book to the side, and motioned for Clyde to join her.

"It's time for some bedtime conversation," she said. "You can learn your spells tomorrow. It's not like you need them right now. You've got enough, anyway."

The gamer inside Clyde roared at the young man to pay some attention to his stat screen. He should be building up his strength, molding his power, becoming something great.

"Let me shower first," Clyde said.

"I've prepared your bath," Yuki said upon entering the room at that moment. She stripped him in one swift movement, gaining a smirk from Chika.

"I'm not even going to ask how you two do that," Clyde said as he proceeded to the bathroom stark naked. The fiancées watched him behind, Natalia and Ruri excluded as they weren't present in the room.

"Nice ass," Tear said.

Clyde showered first then entered the tub to relax. There, he accessed his menu. He supposed he could train magic one day and then Ki the next or vice versa. For now, the young man needed to read his newly acquired magic text. Sure, Tear was right, but Yuki slipped him the opportunity, so now or never.

Kitome exited the shower and joined Clyde in the tub, immediately pulling his attention. He was faced again with another decision. Power himself up, reach new heights, excel at the stone-viper games. Sure, he could've done that.

The magical girl's lips tasted of berry.


Sunday. Week 2. Month 3. Year 1. Season: Winter.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Domino, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 16 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia, Kitome, Yuki, Tessa, Ruri.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice, Kitome. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Kitome, human: 9.3 months. Kitome: week 2, day 1. Harumi: week 3, day 3. Alice: week 3, day 1.]

The morning rays pulled Clyde back into the waking world. Softness smothered him. He woke up to see Harumi asleep on top of him. The scent of Yuki's breakfast cooking made his mouth water a bit, but it still didn't cancel out the erection. That's when he noticed Tear smirking at him. Using telekinesis, she moved the fox girl to the side and took her place, meeting the young man with a passionate kiss. He sucked her breasts, while plunging fingers inside of the succubus, excited at the sea of lustfulness. Tear rode hard and fast, as if starved, her breasts bouncing. Good thing Natalia wasn't currently in the room. That didn't stop them from eventually waking the remaining fiancées up. He almost unleashed a furious load in the succubus.

"Really," Kitome deadpanned.

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Tear shrugged, then shot the magical girl a devilish grin. "There's nothing wrong with a little breakfast."

She seemed to be considering round two when Natalia's voice rang from the hall.

"Pervy husbando nii! I sure hope you're not a pervy cheater, inviting this new lady over."

"She's not just some lady," Chesire said from the hall. "Respect the queen."

Clyde and his fiancées froze.

"How…" Chika said.

Clyde checked the barrier.

[Lot City: [Current Main.] Barrier Level: 13. PP: 100. BP: 100. You are moderately protected. Not even deities would easily detect you.]

[Moderate protection isn't enough. Would you like to invest free points to raise the barrier's level? Until level 20, raising a level will cost only two free points each. To completely hide the house's level from the queen and any being at her strength, the barrier needs to be at level 52 or greater.]

Clyde checked his free point balance.

[Free Points: 450.]

Not bad. The young man spent the first fourteen points to raise the barrier to level twenty. It was too late to keep the queen out, she'd memorize the location. He also invested points into both Power points and Barrier points, even though the combat log verified the defeat of the automatic magical guards produced by the Power Core system. He'd have to continuously raise the PP to increase their combat capabilities.

[Free Points: 406.]

[Lot City: [Current Main.] Barrier Level: 20. PP: 120. BP: 110. You are moderately protected. Not even deities would easily detect you.]

Having a harem really made it difficult to get to training. Then again, his women were incredibly powerful, adding to his strength, setting the young deity at an enormous advantage.

Abruptly, Asu burst into the room and anime-dove into Clyde, tears streaming.

"Oh great master of rising towers, I have failed you. I accept my punishment, even my death to protect your honor."

"Calm down Asu," Clyde said, holding the beautiful lich. "What happened?"

The teary lich girl looked up at him. "My maidens are gone."

"What? You sure they didn't just—"

"Their belongings are gone too," Asu said. "I thought we have become friends…but they left. My master, I tried my best to treat them with care…but I messed up. I don't know what to do, I really tried, Master."

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"It's not your fault," Clyde assured her. "We'll worry about them later. Take the day off."

"But Master—"

"It's okay," Clyde interrupted. "Maidens that simply take off and leave without letting me know anything are not suited for the job anyway."

Clyde's phone rang. One look at the caller's ID revealed Clare's name.

"Clyde, get your ass down here and retrieve these idiot Stone Maidens before I lose my mind. It seems whoever trained them about saving the world didn't do a good job. Damned morons forgot that there will not be a world to quit in if they throw in the towel without actually making an effort to communicate with you. You owe me for the all-night interrogation."

She hung up before Clyde could get a word out.

"Well, that's strange," Harumi deadpanned. "I'm going to brush up. Let me know when you go to Clare's. I'll tag along."

"I'm right behind you," Clyde said to his kitsune fiancée then turned to Asu. "You're coming too. Be ready in an hour. Our unwanted Alice-in-Wonderland guest should be gone."



Julius's house…

Julius held Momo tight as he unleashed his load into her, captivated by the third round of intense sex. Ever since they worked together to utterly crush the rest of the Viper Maidens, the petite beautiful woman has been quite cheerful. The duo did everything together, despite not declaring themselves an official couple. She wasn't his type, but the man didn't…he didn't want her to leave.

He found life to be pleasant with her around, his days brighter. So why did he have such a bad feeling in the pit of his gut?


Lot City, Yaponiya…

Hinako's house…

Professor Hinako sighed as she admired her clean house…thanks to Tessa's help. Yuki wanted to lend a hand, but the professor couldn't do that to the demoness. Luckily the green-haired sweetheart offered to help her locate her briefcase containing the material for next semester's course work. Losing all of that work would've been devastating.

"Are you excited, Tessa?" Hinako said after serving the young woman a nice cup of her best tea. Not that it was anything amazing. A single woman who spent most of the time working herself to death wouldn't have any noteworthy tea. Thankfully the green-haired elf-like girl sipped without complaint.

You're too kind, Tessa, Hinako thought, eyes teary.

"I am quite excited," Tessa said. "A little nervous too, but it's just another challenge I'll take on."

Hinako smiled. "I'll be looking forward to your progress."

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Cora, the Queen of Hearts, was staring teary-eyed at a checkerboard.

"Would you like to try again?" Yuki said. "Triple the wager?"

"You hustler," whined the queen.

Clyde nearly fell backward. Another anti-climactic moment with this woman, but he wouldn't dare let his guard down. They knew nothing about her, except for the fact that she sent her cat minion to kidnap Alice.

He briefly wondered if Harumi finally managed to wake up the sleeping half-demoness.

"Any particular reason why you're here?" Clyde said.

"Boredom," the Queen said. "And before you ask how I found this place, I found an approximate location through Naomi's head. Thank goodness your protective barrier was so weak. I was starting to think no one wanted me around."

"You're here because you're looking for someone," Clyde said. "I think it's time to get off your—"

"Don't talk to the queen that way," Chesire said. "Besides, I'm doing the searching. My queen's going to wait until I find her."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Nya, as if I'm telling you any classified information."

"Wait, I'm sorry!" the catgirl whined as Clyde tossed her outside using the power. "Please, I'll tell."

"Much better," Clyde said. "If you show us respect, we'll give you respect."

"He's right you know," Cora said as Yuki smacked a checker down in what appeared to be a winning location. Judging by the teary eyes, the queen lost more money.

"Nya…she's not very good at games," Chesire said softly.

Clyde shot them both a blank stare, then directed the catgirl to the couch.

"Who are you looking for?" Clyde said. "Maybe I can help, so you can leave sooner."

"Nya, how rude," Chesire said. "We're looking for Lilith."

Clyde sighed before anime-falling to the side.

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