Clyde analyzed his situation. The Queen of Hearts from the real fucking Wonderland was here, shitting on Team Stone's day. On the side, they were looking for the Supreme. That meant despite sending her away, the succubus queen still lurked somewhere around Lot City, completely undetected. Area sense didn't show her….so maybe a town nearby? He doubted anyone could easily take her out.

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The young man addressed a few delayed prompts.

[Ki increases: Kitome, Tear. +4 to each crest.]

He examined a few quests that were out of his reach.

[-Adventure Quest pending: Pay the Order of the Crusaders a visit. Stop their cruelty once and for all. You will have to rely on Chizuru to bring you back the researcher to begin this quest.

-Create a Workshop! Build your economy. It is recommended to do so in your territories. Neither "Players" nor Adventurers will be able to attack your territorial workshops. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused.

-Adventure Quest: find a Depleted Omen's Sphere, an essence crystal, and the horn of a chimaera for Naoko. Reward: Weakening of Natalia's curse. Unknown. Items gathered: 1/3.]

Clyde had shit to do. Wasting time on the Wonderland bunch would further delay his step toward responsibilities. On his quest log were world objectives, side quests, and even something called waifu quests—that came out of nowhere with no fanfare. He also had a Viper to destroy.

"You're looking for the Supreme," he said. "You know what, here's what you and your queen will do. First step, hit. Second step, the. Third step, road."

"Nya?" Chesire said, blinking. "Wait—"

"I've already kicked the Supreme out of my city, so she's long gone somewhere or is hiding very well. Your problems are your own. I only care for Team Stone and mine."

The young man walked to the front door and opened it.

Neko was asleep on top of a rug, ball of yarn in hand. All of the tension in the air spazzed away as the young man nearly fell backward.

Chika, exiting the hall, walked over to the catgirl with a rolled-up newspaper. Somehow Neko sensed that and dodged the swipe.

"Nya, what's the big idea? Can't a girl take a catnap?"

"I didn't mean literally find a rug to sleep on," Chika snapped.

"But it was a good idea," Neko said, stretching.

Clyde continued on his way, deciding now was a good time to go to Clare's.


The lich girl seemingly appeared out of nowhere as she twirled into Clyde's embrace. The young man secretly inhaled her flowery and tangy scent, which radiated as much seduction as Tear.

"Great Master Ball, I answer your call," Asu said.

"We're going to see what the hell is up with the maidens," Clyde said. He nodded to Harumi, who was chatting in the kitchen with Alice and Ruri.

"Coming," Harumi said.

"I'm going too," Ruri said.

"You can't forget me, pervy cheater nii," Natalia said as she hopped on his back.

All of his fiancées, except Tessa who was away helping out Hinako, ending up going with him to Clare's. The jealous looks from random men he received along the way made him a little tickled by the decision to Jump only halfway then walk. Chesire, Neko, and then Queen of course were forced to join by order of the power. Queen Cora seemed completely oblivious to his threat, acting nonchalant and really cheerful.

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"I often forget how beautiful human world cities are," Queen Cora said. She looked at Alice. "Any particular reason why you're not choosing to be queen of your family's demon realm territory? You're royalty you know. Your friend there doesn't call you Highness for nothing."

Alice ignored her, holding Clyde's arm, radiating love. Harumi and Tear were on the other side. Kitome walked alongside Alice. Men—a few that were even Sato Academy students—eyed murder at the young man. He just smiled back, acting oblivious, but knowing damn well that he was enjoying himself. Natalia hummed a few anime themes, arms draped around the young man.

"Nya, public affection is not fair," Chesire said.

The queen laughed. "I think it's cute. Can you feel the love energy from them? They're engaged."

"Nya," Chesire said in a grudging way.

Just then, someone yelled, "get off me, you crazy cosplayer. There are children watching, fucking pervert. I'm not trying to get arrested."

Clyde recognized the young man ahead, Tyrone, Kazumi's boyfriend. A petite monster girl attempted to publicly…take his goodies? Short with very long white and pink hair and ferocious pink eyes, the young man had no doubt that she had little fucks to give about what humans thought when it came to monster ways. A quick analysis confirmed so.

Redcap- Ia-Ia

Level: 200

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Chu-Pounce. [A pounce that has a great chance to stun its foes. You know what happens afterwards.]

Weakness: neutral magic

Resistances: nature, forest Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

Secret: she stepped into the wrong neck of the forest and was chased out by a group of angry chickens. Ironically, despite being afraid of them, chickens are a staple of her diet.

Note: redcaps are a type of goblin.

"Dibs!" Ruri cheered as she took off before Clyde could say anything. The hellhound's aura burst from her petite body, coating the city for a bit, then she reeled it back in.

[Your party has entered combat!]

Can't say no to free EXP, Clyde thought. He also didn't want to see Tyrone humiliated in front of the curious eyes. Since this was a city, many people didn't care, moving on to the next task of their daily lives. Others recognized Team Stone, choosing to stay and watch, eagerness in their eyes.

[Ruri activated Bronze tier skill: Pounce of Challenge.]

The redcap turned only to get bashed the fuck down into the pavement.

[Critical! Ia Ia's HP dropped to 300%]

"Is there any particular reason why you're attacking people in our city," Ruri said as she looked down upon the goblin.

"You don't scare me hellhound—you and I crave the same thing. We're all daughters under the great light of the Supreme. And don't deny it." The redcap chuckled as she stood, unarmed, and taking a halfhearted fighting stance.

"And that's where you're wrong," Ruri said. "But I owe no introductions to a beaten-up goblin."

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The redcap sniffed the air. "I smell no killing intent…" She looked at the white-haired girl with wide eyes. "A hellhound with no killing intent?"

"You're not worthy enough to dirty my claws," Ruri said as she seemingly vanished out of midair. The fact was, the hellhound moved so fast that only Team Stone who trained and fought at her side could see her.

The redcap attacked wildly at nothing, cursing Ruri, humankind, and even the chickens. Clyde shook his head. What were they going to do with this wild monster?

"I'll take her to my realm," the queen said, as if she read his mind. "She's a wild cannon and will only keep returning to cause trouble."

Clyde nodded at Tyrone who joined them.

"How's it going, Team Stone. And thanks for…intervening. She's a hell of a lot stronger than she looks."

"That's a monster girl for you," Clyde said.

Tyrone examined him and the crew. "So, no progress with Ming."

"What are you talkin—"

"I'm just kidding," he said. "You're all she talks about these days. Take care of our team leader." He waved. "Thanks again and I'm off. Kazumi should be getting off work in a few."

"Tell her I said hi," Harumi said.

[Battle completed. Victory. Reward: 550,000 EXP. Elixir Health Mana Potion. Item class: epic.]

Note to self, re-organize items sometime, Clyde thought.

Clyde turned back to see Ruri snuggling against him, the unconscious goblin girl at her feet.

Tail wagging, she said, "so what should we do with her?"

Petting the hellhound, Clyde said, "I think the queen here has a suggestion."

"Would you like to make a deal with me," Cora said. "I will grant you the ability to send all defeated wild monster girls to my realm in exchange for…"

"Be careful," Tear warned. "She'll twist her words and cut you out a terrible deal."

"Intense sexual pleasure," the queen finished.

Tear smiled at the queen, with….a Gin smile. The area seemed to darken. "What was that you said to our fiancée?"

Cora laughed. "The wonders of youth. Calm yourself succubus, I only jest."

"I'm conflicted on that one," Ruri said after sniffing the air.

The queen winked. "Maybe when he's older in the deity eternity. No, my deal is a lot simpler. Take care of my Chesire."

Chesire's eyes widened. "What do you mean by that, my queen?"

"Just that. You need to explore the world, distance yourself from Wonderland. And also of course be my eyes here. Let's not hold back such an important fact." She smiled. "Eventually I'd like to brown-nose my way into your protection for Wonderland, but baby steps you know."

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"Nya, I thought we were here to look for Lilith," Chesire said.

"She's not here," the queen said. "Sheesh, I could've told you that."

"You're not trying to corner me into some bullshit or conjuring a scheme to kidnap Alice, right?" Clyde said.

"Clyde are you really going to accept the deal?" Alice said, worried.

"I'm not sure, I mean it's convenient, but I don't want you kicking out your cat," Clyde said.

"I'll pay," the queen said. "I have a nice and shiny Super Omen's sphere in my castle. Should you accept the deal—"

"Nope," Clyde said then started walking, his fiancées at his side.

"We don't want another cat," Alice said.

"So rude," the queen said. "I wonder what you've been through to be so lacking in diplomatic matters. The God of Life and Eternity, Princess Alice Hades, Princess Tear Hades. Princess Ruri Nile." She said the next name with a darker voice. "Nine-tailed Fox."

The group froze.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Kitome said.

"Someone's acting fishy," Asu said.

"Oh nothing, just wondering if the human realm abandoned all sense of manners," Queen Cora said. "Well, that darling girl Naomi didn't. To think such a delicacy of noodles was common in this realm." She raised a finger.

"You could always get with the times," Alice said. "One must earn respect before she gets respect. You don't see me going around expecting everyone to bow down."

The queen shook her head. "You weren't taught much about royalty. But your grandmother knows. When she finds out—"

"I agree with Alice," Tear said. "Get with the times. And this is Clyde's territory."

Cora nodded. "Hmm, I like that loophole."

"That's not a—"

"I'll accept it," Queen Cora interrupted Tear. "And when anyone questions this, I can simply tell them that these are among the rules of the God of Life and Eternity's territory."

"You really are an impossible hag to deal with," Tear said.

A Gin smile emerged on the queen's face. "Hag? Perhaps the succubus is jealous of my beauty. Jealous that my joy bundles are bigger than hers?"

A Gin smile emerged on Tear's face. She squared off with the queen. "Certainly someone who lived in the golden days, reads the newspaper, and requires someone to change her diapers isn't comparing herself to me."

Clyde sighed. Both women were incredibly beautiful, although the young man could only assume the queen was perhaps hundreds of years old. She looked to be in her mid or late twenties.

Fortunately, Chika ended the bickering by paper fan. Melody leaned into the young man, sighing.

"To think they're arguing about age while acting like children," the redhead said. Clyde laughed.

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Despite the circumstances, there was no bloodshed.

"It'd be funny if the queen accepted five hundred boxes of instant noodles in exchange for the power and the Omen's sphere," Natalia joked. "But no dummy head would—"

"Deal!" the queen said. "Well, you must come to Wonderland to retrieve the Omen's sphere. No exceptions."

[Quest: Go to Wonderland to Retrieve the Super Omen's sphere. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Tear's succubus network has been notified of the odd task of gathering five hundred boxes of ramen. Wait for the queen's call.]

"Unfortunately, it cannot be today," the queen said. "Maybe in a couple of days or so. I must inform Mad Hatter to dig up that thing. Watch over Chesire in the meantime. Ta-ta!"

Before Clyde could object, Queen Cora vanished, taking the unconscious goblin girl with her.

Chesire's ears sagged. "Sorry. You don't have to put up with me. I'll go sleep in a trash can."

Clyde sighed. "Come on," he said right as she started to take off. "I have a feeling your queen manipulated this anyway. Tear and the others will explain things to you. And for now, you'll be at least a temporary member of Team Stone. Deal? No need to sleep in a damn trash can."

Tear of course would put her under the bindings, and all should be well. What worried him now was the system forcing him into a Wonderland quest. But the Super Omen's sphere couldn't be ignored.

[Omen's Spheres:10 of 25. Number of Super Omen's spheres: 2 of 5.]

The queen's appearance was progressing things. Maybe he should ally with her. What are the odds of gaining a super-hot, big-boobed single queen as an ally? Oh wait, Titania. Hold on…Titania is of light element. Maybe a light fairy. Cora's dark. Did that mean anything? Maybe not. This was real life, not some lazy system created by an unimaginative game developer. But it was still anime…

"Let's get on to Clare's," Clyde said. "She—"

Just less than a minute from Clare's café, the group froze as yet another interruption presented itself in front of them. A man running away with something in his hand and a magical girl chasing him.

"Do you think I'm going to let you get away," Sahara yelled. "Pervert! Get him!"

The rest of the Fireside magical girls, all transformed, popped from all directions, tackling the man to the ground, and retrieved something from him. Sahara hid it away in a bag too fast for Clyde to see.

"Do I even want to know?" Clyde asked her.

The silver-haired magical girl flinched, just now noticing the group.

"No," she said. "Are you here to collect your idiot maidens?"

Clyde gaze Asu a reassuring head rub. "I'm going to hear them out and see where it goes from there."

Sahara sighed. "It's their fault for not trying to actively communicate with someone as busy as you are." She turned to Kitome. "Do you mind if I have a word with you? It's about…"

Clyde didn't hear the rest as she pulled his magical girl off to the side.

"It's about Yusuke," Ruri said.

"Ah," Clyde said. He nodded toward the restaurant. "Let's go see what we're in for."

[Quest: Stone Maiden Relationship Save. Hear the voices of your maidens, including Asu. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Failing this will result in an immediate game over.]

Well fuck, Clyde thought. Couldn't the system be just a little lenient to him for once.

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