Niyoto, Yaponiya, Noona's home city…

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"Dark, I swear if you embarrass me, I will cast you with a curse so that you may never rise again," Selkie snapped.

"Get off my back already, annoying woman," Dark said. "And that's my line. Don't go embarrassing the great lord of the dark. People must remember my coolness when I take over this miserable world."

Myriad sighed. "Someone end me already."

They walked into the most popular restaurant in the city, surprised to not see a line. And that's because people were already seated, attended by maids. Most customers were men of many ages.

A familiar blonde demoness dressed in a maid outfit greeted them.

"Welcome back, Master, Mistresses, please allow me to take you to your table," Noona said.

"Noona…what the hell are you doing here?" Selkie said.

"Niyoto's where I live," she said. "The minotaurs and I are helping out here for a bit."

"But aren't you one of Clyde's wives?" Selkie said. "What are you doing in some random place like this?"

"I'm not married," Noona said. "And this isn't some random place. It's number one here for a reason. Besides, it's owned by my family. My servants who normally run it has a cold, so I stepped in."

"You know, it kind of defeats the purpose of being a master if you're doing your servants' work," Myriad said. "Not that I'm the expert on that."

"This is fun," Noona said. "Where else can I dress like this and put smiles on peoples' faces."

"Can we get a table to eat already," Dark said. "The great lord of the dark didn't come all this way just to die of starvation."

"Please take us to a table," Selkie said, annoyance in her voice. "The faster we eat, the faster I can get away from the chuuni."

"Right this way," Noona said, smoothly popping back into her maid persona.


Lot City, Yaponiya…

Clare's Café…

[Quest: Stone Maiden Relationship Save. Hear the voices of your maidens, including Asu. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Failing this will result in an immediate game over.]

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The moment Clyde stepped into the cafe, the maidens nearly fell to their knees in a bow.

"We're sorry!" they all said in unison.

"It's my fault, not theirs," Ichika said. "Please don't punish them. I was being selfish. I didn't consider the fact that our time spent training was for the fate of the world. It took Clare smacking some sense into me. So please—"

"It's okay," Clyde said. He took a seat at a table, surrounded by his fiancées. Ruri laid on his lap. He started petting, ignoring his secret urge to nibble at one of the hellhound's ears.

Abruptly, he felt Tear's tail slip into his pants, curling around his wood, stroking. And there was nothing he could do as it erected beneath the table. Ruri's head was just shy of his erected tower, so she didn't feel it. She also didn't appear to be catching the scent, distracted by the head massage or simply didn't care, knowing of Tear's teasing.

And Clyde had to hear out the Stone Maidens while receiving a tail job. Quite the life he obtained here. "Sit," he said to the maidens, gesturing at the opposite side of the table. "We're all in this against our wills, so let's hear each other out. I'm basically a stranger to you right now. I think the first thing we should do is get to know each other. At least over time. And not just with me, I want you to intermingle and be a division of Team Stone."

"Before we get to that," Harumi said, "I'd like you to apologize to Asu."

The lich flinched. The Stone Maidens quickly bowed and apologized to her. They even smothered the woman with hugs. The young man was taken aback by the blushing and just adorableness of the normally worship-heavy alchemist.

Tear's stroking increased, causing Clyde to tense up and fight harder to keep his expression neutral. He shot Tear a glare, but she made sure not to look at him, smirking faintly.

"I think getting to know the maidens is a wonderful idea," the succubus said. "Maybe we should do a picnic. Drink and—"

"Don't forget the sweets," Alice said. "I'd like to try more whisky chocolate."

Clyde tried to give his life mate a Toru-approved blank stare, but sudden intense stroking from Tear made him jump a little, hitting his leg against the table.

"What the hell?" Ruri said.

"Sorry," Clyde said. "I'll be back—bathroom."

After gently placing the hellhound's head down onto the soft leather seat, he headed toward the employee bathroom, which was just past the breakroom. In his haste, Clyde bumped into someone, falling into a heap. An anime fall. His still erect boner pressed into Clare's crouch. She let out a soft moan then promptly blushed furiously.

Fortunately, the breakroom was far enough in the back and positioned where no one upfront would see.

"Oh what in Venus hell," Clare said. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Sorry, that's on me, I didn't see you there," Clyde said. His erection increased even more somehow as he took in Clare's large breasts and vulnerable position, her shirt about a quarter off her. "You were taking a nap, weren't you?"

"The magical girls aren't the only ones who do it," Clare said, "now…" She froze. "You're…"

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Clyde tried to move, getting ready to explain things, but Clare suddenly pulled him onto her, legs locked.

"You sure have nerves of steel, coming into my shop with perverted intentions," she said.


"Did you plan this fall?"

"You know, if I gain the foresight to plan something like this and make every event fall into my favor, I'll let you know," Clyde said as he attempted to get up.

"What's taking Clyde so long?" That was Harumi's voice from the front.

"I'll go check on him," Ruri said.

Clyde tickled Clare, which easily got him out of her hold. The shrine maiden puffed her cheeks up into a pout.

He grinned. "I think there's a time and a place for what you're implying. Thanks for taking care of the maidens by the way."

Clare was standing and adjusting her shrine maiden outfit. Clyde noted that the Stone Maidens currently wore casual clothing during their off time.

"He's just talking to Clare," Ruri called to the other women when she entered the breakroom. "Come on, you can't just leave in the middle of an important conversation." The hellhound princess pulled the young man back into the eating area.

After settling back into his seat and making sure Tear couldn't make him bust a load right in front of Clare's customers, Clyde addressed the Stone Maidens.

"As I was saying, we'll start with getting to know each other," he said. "Also, I think the community too, so I would like you to enroll in Sato Academy. Well, if you want. I will warn you that it's the number one college in the nation."

"We'll do it," Ichika said. Emi and Jae nodded. Megu sighed

"Do I really?" she said.

"You can be normal girls and Maidens at the same time," Clyde said, causing each of them to gasp. He could see understanding dawn in their eyes. "You're not here to do chores, but I do thank you for taking care of the place while we were out. Serious trouble urged us to leave in the first place."

Ichika nodded.

"Anyway, Tear and Hinako will help you with the enrollments and our Chika here will be coming after you, so be prepared to be caught up with any subject of your choosing."

Chika winked. "We've got a no-fail policy. Sometimes I've got to kick Alice in the butt a little to make sure she keeps studying."

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"Does Highness even need to study?" Natalia said as she looked up from her game. Clyde had almost forgotten about the loli. Or maybe he'd gotten used to the clacking buttons of her handheld, enabling them to blend into the background.

"Of course she needs to study," Chika said. "I said no failures. And that goes for you too, Professor Natalia."

The loli puffed her cheeks up in a pout. "My teaching is perfect. You just have little faith." She raised a paper fan toward the silver-haired girl, but for some reason, decided not to gamble her little life. Clyde strained with every fiber of his being to hold in that laughter. He rubbed Harumi's belly to distract himself. Sure it was flat, but the young man knew that it held a sweet new life. He spread the love to Kitome and Alice.

"You know, it's nice to relax like this," Harumi said.

Alice nodded. "Sweets, no fighting, and our Clyde."

Clyde felt his face go warm. He couldn't help it. His women's affections caught him off guard in many ways.

"Let's go grab Yuki," Kitome said. "Her ring could use some company."

Melody smiled, nodding in agreement with the blue-haired magical girl.

"Nya, I'm going to gag at your public affection," Chesire said, even though she blushed furiously.

Tear laughed. "Maybe someday you'll understand, virgin catgirl."

Natalia pouted. "There's nothing wrong with being a virgin."

Tear pulled the loli into a breast trap.

"Tear you booby cow monster," the loli whined.

Clyde turned to the maidens. "Do you mind if I ask you to return home?"

"Me too," Asu said. "You five are really near and dear to me."

All of their eyes, including Megu's, seemed to glisten. Ichika answered for them.

"We'll get our things."

"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it," Clyde said. He forced away the thought of how he'd like to pull all five maidens, especially Ichika, into the harem. The maidens were beautiful, but unknowingly chockfull of sex appeal. He slapped the thought back into the corner. Dammit Tear.

[Quest completed!]

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Later that afternoon, the temperatures plummeted to what Clyde mentally described as the bit right before sub-zero. He and Yuki were alone in the kitchen, preparing a hotpot. The demoness showed him no mercy, which brought up his cooking level two times. When the opening preparations finished, she pulled him into a secret kitchen closet. Soon he found himself enjoying a nice supper of sucking Yuki's breasts. She felt nice, wet, and warm as the young man entered her.

When someone entered the kitchen, they slowed from hyper sex to slow and methodic. He almost released inside Yuki as she came. Almost. One round later, the duo emerged from the closet right as Airi and Matsume entered the kitchen.

"It's only four thirty and you two are going for the booze already?" Clyde said, hoping to prevent the subject from falling upon he and Yuki's activities.

"Of course," Matsume said.

"Waiting is for noobs," Airi said, slapping Matsume on the back. "And Tetra just arrived. Hinako and Tessa should be joining us in a few."

"Fine, but try not to let Alice drink," Clyde said.

"She's cute when she's drunk," Airi said, laughing.

Clyde gave the super druid an air karate chop above her head then started toward the hall, hoping to get to the shower. Airi grabbed his ass, hiccupping. That's when he smelled the alcohol.

"You're already drunk and looking for more booze," he said.

"That party's just started," Airi laughed, attempting to strip. Matsume was on the floor laughing her ass off. Yuki delivered the paper fan of justice and ordered them out of her kitchen.

After he and Yuki showered, having another round of intense sex in the process, they started toward the dining room. Maki and Sophia had the hotpot set up at the center of the table, surrounded by incredible desserts.

The young man's phone rang. Misaka? She surprisingly wanted to hang out, insisting that this wasn't her mother's idea. Clyde invited her over for the hotpot. What he didn't expect was for Mother Phoenix herself to join too. With Kitome's mom. Oh fuck. Well, as long as no one ratted his magical girl out before she was ready to tell, things should be fine.

Thought the Gin smile on Kitome's mother's face felt quite uncomfortable.

"Pervy husbando nii, feed me!"

Detective Tetra raised an eyebrow at the young man. He smiled sheepishly. Misaka's mom laughed. Thankfully Kitome's mother seemed too occupied with the heavenly taste of Yuki's hotpot to care.

"Could be worse," Chika said. "My mother could be here."

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. The silver-haired girl seemed unconcerned. Yusuke entered followed by Undine, Toru, Seth, Maya, and…Chika's father. The silver-haired girl nearly fell to the side.

"Never say never," Clyde said with a chuckle. His following call from Noona made him frown.

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