Last time on The Anime Trope System, Clyde was just getting adjusted to the strange world, Satovia. He made mistakes, rushed into battle, had girl trouble, had GIRL trouble, learned the hard way. The struggles taught him a lesson—but the lesson isn't over with it, not yet. Despite the battles, the boss fight, and gaining an Omen's sphere, the journey has not even begun yet.

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The Anime Trope System Volume 2: Breaking the World…

Monday. Week 2. Year 1.

Clyde found himself walking on a dark path of mist and fire and golden light. On his left side was the real world. Friends and family waved at him. He tried to turn away, but their images embedded in his skull like a tattoo inside his eyelids. On the right side waved his friends of Satovia.

Fwoosh! Went the flicker of light, then he was approaching a table with two stools. Someone in a black cloak, hood up, waited for him.

"Let's have a drink, you and I."

The voice gave Clyde chills. He couldn't see anything in the cloak, but a pair of glowing purple eyes. Two mugs appeared on the wooden table. "What's the matter, friend? Unable to speak? Cat's got your tongue? Looking for some pretty ladies? Or…"

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Clyde stared into those purple eyes, paralyzed. He could feel it. Overwhelming power. Absolute control of it. Death, screams of those killed, ghosts of a past all seemed to stare at him. Worst of all, he felt like he should know the man. Yet, nothing rung a bell.

"Wake up," chanted a whisper. Something dug into the young man's ears.

Clyde flinched, eyes shooting open. He sat up, taking notice of the classroom. Chika retreated a finger covered in what he assumed was…saliva. She had a yandere half-smile on her face.

"You were sleeping," she said. "Class is over though."

Clyde felt the invasive moisture in his ear. Ugh. Wet willy. Chika gave him a wet willy. A really wet one.

"Ugh, did you really have to," he paused his thought as the professor walked over to him.

"I'll see you later," Chika said, using that chance to escape, but not without winking.

The professor, a beautiful young woman, smiled him.

"Are you feeling okay?"

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"I'm fine," Clyde said. "Just a little tired, that's all."

"Alright, but don't burn yourself out after just being here a week," she said. "It's a tough school and judging by the high scores on your handouts and quizzes, you seem to be putting in the study time."

Clyde almost choked on his air. The professor placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't overdo it okay. And it's good to see you relying on a fellow high-scoring student, even if it is that one. She seems a little different lately, maybe cheerful? Stay friends with her if so." She smiled again then left Clyde to gather his things.

Ye of the naïve professor, if only you know, Clyde thought.

When he left the classroom, he noticed something sparkling on the ground. Something compelled him to pick it up rather than ignore it.

A trading card. Why wasn't he surprised?

[You have found an Attacker card. Item class: bizarre. The Druid Karla. Power: ??? Defense: ???.]

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[The cards effect's and abilities cannot be revealed to you until the contract is formed.]

Clyde ignored the trading card prompt as usual, eyes checking the area for annoyances. He'd take Chika over the annoying popular girl. In fact, he hoped he'd run into the silver-haired girl. She needed a mouthful for the wet willy, that he hoped was just a wet fully. Clyde ended up washing his ear in the restroom before marching to class.

During lunch, he invited Naomi against Chika's protests. She'd think twice before giving him a questionable wet willy.

Naomi was put off by Chika's glare at first, but Clyde kept her into the conversation, until she spoke of her own accord, unfazed by the other woman. It was when Clyde felt an extreme jealousy aura from the yandere, that he ended the lunch. He didn't want her killing Naomi or doing anything harmful to her. Not that Chika threatened anyone. She mostly controlled it, though sometimes let it slip around the young man.

"Doing anything after classes?" Chika said.

"Studying with Harumi," Clyde said. She gave him a glare. "Okay, we're playing chess. She's impossible to beat, but I can't give up."

Clyde wasn't sure what changed between the first meeting and now, but he found comfort in being around the pink-haired young woman. Hell, she was the nicest person he'd ever met.

Chika sighed.

"I'm coming over and I'll show you how it's done."

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"I'm not ready to embarrass myself yet. Maybe—"

"I said I'll show you how it's done," Chika said. The perverted yandere look in her eyes returned. "I mean…you could come over to my place and I'll teach you every move in the book."

Blood gushed out of Clyde's nose for the first time in his life. Somehow none of it touched his clothes. Chika handed him a handkerchief.

"Just wash it before..." she paused as if regretting to tell him to wash the cloth.

"You perv," Clyde said as he wiped his nose then stuffed the handkerchief into his pocket.

"Says the guy who took my virginity," Chika said then smiled slyly.

"I did? Whoa," Clyde said, forcing his ego to stay in check. Chika did him as if she had experience.

He forced the thoughts away. Now wasn't the time to think with his horn. He wasn't looking forward to Harumi's secretive glare when he brought over the insistent yandere.

After classes, Clyde bumped into someone he least expected. He saw her with the uniform on before, but never caught her on campus. The petite redheaded girl smiled at him. Melody.

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