"Hi Clyde," she said, twirling her hair with a finger, like a nervous schoolgirl. Her sweet charismatic words seemed to dance in the air. "I just wanted to thank you for everything. And I'm truly sorry for—"

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"It's fine," Clyde interrupted. He didn't want Chika to have a reason to end her murder-free ways. "It's good to see that you're okay."

That he truly meant. He looked deep into her eyes, searching. Apart of him still felt like utter shit for not having the power to help her at the time. Adventurers took huge risks when facing enemies or simply going out into the night.

Melody probably knew that—her increased stats revealed resolve. He still didn't forget when she tried to kill him, yet they faced the night together. Neither planned to make the same mistakes.

"So how are your school days?" a short boy said to his friend as they passed by. Clyde almost grimaced at the unintended reference. He wasn't a murderer, but if any yandere attempted to go stabby-stabby on him, he'd defend himself. Not that he'd want to get into blows Chika. She was that crazy friend who'd make things happen.

He often forgot that the silver-haired girl was rich. Growing up in the lower end of the middle class, other people's finances didn't sway close to his mind.

"If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask," Melody said. "If you don't mind trading numbers with me."

[You have received Melody's phone number.]

I swear this system is deciding for me, half a second before I actually respond, Clyde thought as he put away his phone.

"The offer goes both ways," Clyde said. "If you need anything, I'm on your man."

"Within reason," Chika said with assertiveness in her voice. She and Melody shared a brief micro-glare.

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"Well, see you tomorrow," Melody said. "I've got to explain to the student council president why I declined some invitations."

She moved in a flash, engulfing Clyde in a hug. The young man shook his head when he noticed the obvious evil smirk she gave Chika. As if he'd be one of those main characters that missed the juicy cues. Still, it was on her if she wanted to pick a fight with a fucking yandere. He'd stay out of it.

Clyde chuckled when Melody left, remembering how last week, he simply wanted to avoid the harem trope, if not all of them. He still hated harems, but only a fool wouldn't use this to an advantage. Not that he wanted to think of any of the girls as minions to fight demons—his friendships went a little too deep for that—but solving his dilemma alone was just next to impossible, whether the system intervened or not.

"Find something funny?" Chika said, jealousy aura flowing.

"Just remembering something stupid," Clyde replied. "Let's go."

Chika gave him a brief look of suspicion then followed, cheerfulness ringing like the reverberation of a bell. He thought about stopping at Clare's shop but one glance at his companion made him put it off to the next day. He'd finally get started on his path of the mystic. That combined with his new weird-feeling Omen's sphere powers should tickle the gamer inside.

A trading card awaited the duo on Clyde's doorstep. Indignation frisked through the young man's veins. Fine. If he was going to get sucked into this mystical game anyway, he'd get it over and done with.

[You have found an Action card. Item class: bizarre. Wizard's Call.]

[The cards effect's and abilities cannot be revealed to you until the contract is formed.]

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"What's that?" Chika asked.

"Some kind of trading card," Clyde replied, handing it to her. "I keep finding them. Any idea what game?"

"Let's go inside and examine it." She gave the card back. He warped it to his inventory.

Clyde opened the door without thinking. Chika entered his apartment first, pulled the young man inside, then closed the door, smirking.

He found himself pinned against the wall before a thought could pass.

"Don't think you can just take me once and run," she said, yandere eyes seeming to glow. She kissed him before words could flow out of his mouth. Someone giggled, causing her to quickly pull away.

"I was trying to tell you that I had an uninvited guest," Clyde said.

Chika glared.

"I swear if I turn around to see that demon girl, I'll flip."

"Alice is actually welcomed here," Clyde said then pointed at the white-haired catgirl lounging on his sofa.

"Nya, don't stop on my account," Neko said.

"Clyde," Chika said in a deadly calm voice. "What is she doing in your apartment?"

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"Fuck if I know," Clyde quickly said but the young woman didn't let him pass.

"Not good enough," she said, voice still deadly.

"Nya, I needed somewhere to sleep. So I snuck into his closet."

"I think the real question is, how'd you get into my apartment?"

Neko winked.

"That's a secret."

Clyde frowned.

"Yeah, no. I think I'll get Alice to show me how to ward this place when she gets here."

Chika sighed.

"What are you, the harem king now? Why do you have so many girls coming to your apartment." She fixed him with an inescapable stare. That hit Clyde. Still, they had reasons to meet with him. It wasn't like he spent his days thinking with his second head.

"First all of, don't forget we all fought and almost died together," Clyde said, moving past her into the living room. "Second, you know you can call me anytime, Chika."

She flinched. "I already told you that I was willing to forget that day."

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Clyde almost gave her the welcome to barge over anytime, but quickly thought against it. Close friends or not, after the love nectar cookies, he wouldn't dare push his luck.

He also admitted to himself that Neko's unwanted presence either ruined or saved his day.

"You're right, sorry," she said. "But I still don't like anyone, but me, breaking into your home." Clyde gave her a tiny skeptical look—she said the, "but me," under her breath. "Why are you still here?"

"Nya, so ungrateful," Neko said, smiling innocently. "I broke the rules set by my clan thousands of years ago to save your lives." She gave a satisfied smirk at Chika's silence then leapt up. "Anyway, before I go, I have two warnings. One, He who contradicts the stone is on the move. Second, the demon lord of this city is now fully aware of you. By taking out one who is bonded to him, you've essentially called him out. Be watchful of his Middle Eye."

She gave Clyde a long lick across his face, opened the door before anyone could say anything, and vanished, leaving the young man with uneasy thoughts.

A knock on the open door brought him back to reality. Harumi walked in with her leather bag containing the chessboard and pieces.

"I just saw Neko," she said. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh you know, the usual," Clyde said. "Me being screwed and all." He stretched and allowed a smile to curl on his face. "It doesn't matter. I don't plan to be stomped on by the demon lord or his Middle Eye."

He who contradicts the stone is on the move… Clyde nodded. The Viper? Someone actually told him something about the freaking Viper.

Also...did he ever actually introduce himself to Melody? Did she analyze him? Clyde wondered.

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