Clyde watched the redhead carefully as she sat in silence, engulfed by their gazes. And Chika's glare. And Selkie's glare.

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"Okay, this isn't going to work," Clyde said, "we're not going to achieve anything by giving her the hornet stare." He looked at the clock. "I've got two more errands. Melody, could you join me please. Just a talk. And no one's forcing you to do anything."

Melody's eyes brightened.

"Sure," she said, standing. She muttered, "I'll take anything over being near that one."

Clyde knew she meant Chika and held down a laugh.

"You can't be serious, Clyde," Chika said, but he gave her a hard stare. For some reason, there was a look of disappointment in Dark's eyes when they briefly met with Melody's gaze. Maybe even disgust… He knew her? But the way he and Selkie reacted to trickster demons at the café, something shitty must've happened to them. As if answering his thoughts, Selkie spoke.

"I agree with silver hair," Selkie said. "You should not be alone with her."

Melody glared in defiance.

"Do not speak as if I mean him any harm."

"You did before," Harumi barked. "What's different now? Clyde, I'm with them. Don't put yourself at her disposal."

So much for having any faith in him. Clyde had a summon at his disposal. And if Melody made any threatening move toward him, the system would warn the young man then halve her defenses. He also had his new mystic abilities which he'd show off that night.

"Just trust me," he said. "And I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Remember Sunday night?"

Everyone but Selkie frowned. Melody's face flushed, probably remembering the act, gauging in some kind of sexual fantasy or illusion of it, then fleeing away with crocodile tears. Unless the stinger of that honeybee took her by surprise—the young man pushed away those thoughts. He needed to get to the bottom of this situation right now. "Let's go."

Selkie stood and offered a hand to Clyde.

"The chuuni and I will be going to the hotel to retrieve our things. It's been a pleasure to meet you." Clyde accepted her handshake. She suddenly pulled him in to whisper. "And if we cross paths ago, let's find a hotel or something. I'll show how entity women handle the bedroom."

Clyde's mouth hung agape. Selkie winked.

"Let's go Charly. And Clyde, if you ever need to chat, just text Dark. His number will be in your phone."

"I don't—"

Selkie and Dark vanished before the chuuni's protest could leave his tongue.

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What Clyde would give to take Selkie right now. He replaced his current expression with a neutral one at the glare of the surrounding women.

"I trust you two to lock the door when you leave, if you do," Clyde said. "Just call or text if you need anything. Otherwise, same spot tonight at eight if you're not here when I return."

Clyde strolled outside, followed by the redhead.

[Your relationship with Melody changed from Absolute Endearment to Friend closer level 1 and Absolute Endearment.]

How? Clyde raged in his mind. How? Why? Oh, who was he to question anime at this point.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," Melody said softly. "I've never had anyone actually do that…or anything for me."

Clyde shrugged.

"What about your parents?"

"Demon gods aren't exactly…never mind. It's too much for a mere human to understand."

"We both know I'm no mere human, so let's just skip the denial phases and talk," Clyde said. His mystic senses picked up the flows of the air as well as detected the moods of the city. It allowed him to walk without even paying attention, easily dodging citizens and objects. That still made the young man a bit uneasy, so he opted to do the human thing and use his eyes. Yet, his senses came naturally, as if he was one with the wind, one with Satovia and its spirits and even earth. If he made it home, that power would still follow him.

"Fine," Melody said. "But I'd like us to be friends. More than friends. Agreed?"

A little too late for that, Clyde thought. He wanted to smash the system, but also liked it. Well, when it wasn't being a dick to him.

"Sure, I don't mind being friends," Clyde said then he gave her a car salesman's grin. "And the first step of friendship is trust."

Melody sighed.

"Will you trust me?" she said. "You know what I am. This could be an illusion."

He decided not to mention her mute status or the fact that if she casted anything against him, her strength would be zapped.

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"We've got to start somewhere," Clyde said. "So let's handle the obvious question. Why are you here? Daughter of the fucking deities and all that jazz, serving a demon lord."

"Punishment," Melody said. "I…broke something very important to my parents. Well to my clan, so I was forced to handle a favor of my father. Things happened, and I ended up becoming a Hidden Eye to Demon Lord Hades. I've been plotting revenge, planting tiny little seeds into as many humans as possible, silently encouraging the city to risk their lives in an uproar against Hade's estate. Then you came along. Your presence wiped out every single seed in the city—frustrating me to no end. My second mistake came along when I tried to put on an act, as if you defeated me in battle. Following you just to see what happened, the only reason why that Dark Abyss creature spawned was because of my presence and…I…was so scared. It nullified my powers, made me feel useless. That was no illusion. You really did save me. I took the monster girl illusion of being violated too far, but the truth is, I wanted to lose the fear and stress that was still strong in me. The thought of being consumed by…that blackness. And you, who had no power to do anything against it, risk your life for me. Me…who didn't deserve it." Melody grabbed Clyde's arm. "I really am sorry for the trouble I've caused."

Clyde nodded, understanding the big picture. There was a lot going on and not everything was what it seemed, yet the sincerity in the powerless girl's face sounded very real. It reached Harumi's level of honesty. Good enough for him, but he wouldn't be naïve enough to let his guard down. Clyde knew of the ancient stories of deities being able to fool humans with ease.

If Melody was putting on a truly convincing act without her magic to back her efforts, then she did a good job. But… Absolute Endearment.

"Melody," Clyde said. She stopped and looked at him with eyes that hoped for more. He decided to drop the "if you're lying to me and threaten mine, you'll regret it," speech. Even if he was that type of mobster-like man, a threat like that to a being like the redhead was a good as mud. "Be yourself."

Clyde continued onward, kicking himself for saying something so cheesy to the beautiful girl. So much for maintaining an image that he didn't have yet. Suddenly, he felt her soft hands grab his arm. Then she was in his, tears falling. He noted to himself that Melody's crybaby attitude had two possibilities: cute and heartfelt or annoying. She seemed to be pouring out her heart, so he cut off his dickish thoughts. Sure, he had the right to them, accounting for the time she tried to kill him, but he did make the forgive and forget declaration. No one put a gun to his head.

"I'm sorry," Melody said. "I don't know what it's like to have someone who actually cares. It's a take-care-of-yourself or die thing in my realm."

"You're such a sweet young man," an older woman said as she passed by.

He took notice of a few people looking at them, some nodding, some seemingly jealous.

"Let's go," he said, feeling his face burn of the embarrassment. No reputation for him. The system should just take away that level two, he thought.

Clare's shop was closed with a Be Back Tomorrow sign on it. A part of him was relieved.

He stopped at the dojo, got suckered into a match, but his skill level surprised him. He beat his foe so easily, it gave him chills.

[Congratulations, your combat level has increased from basic level 4 to intermediate level 1. Mediate without distractions to increase your Mystic combat level. You can only increase that once per week.]

"That was impressive," Melody said, "show off."

Clyde chuckled.

"To be honest, even I didn't know I was good, but in addition to my usual skill, I sensed… Never mind. Must be the monster fighting and all."

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Melody gave him a skeptical look but allowed the topic to drop. He could keep secrets too.

"Excuse me."

The duo turned around to see a short bald man bow.

"Can I take your picture for the magazine. You two are…" He showed them a sample copy that didn't seem all that impressive. Clyde looked through it to make sure this wasn't some kind of left-field trap.

"No need to be like that, darling," Melody said to Clyde. He gave her a blank stare.

"Please don't—"

She smiled wider.

"I like it. Take our picture, kind sir."

The man nodded appreciatively then ordered them close enough to look like a married couple. After the positions were perfect, he said something that made Melody flush.

"Okay, go ahead and kiss her."

"Sir, we're not like—"

"We'll do it," Melody said, then closed her eyes for the kiss, anime-style.

It seemed the system no longer needed to push anime tropes on him. They were drawn to the young man, he, the magnet.

He kissed the demi-goddess and received a prompt.

[Hahahaha, you certainly know nothing of the culture of the gods, whether demon or not.]

[Melody has fallen in love with you. Warning, there is a 99% chance of a fight breaking out if she declares this near Chika. Her relationship with Chika is sworn nemesis, the lowest possible negative relationship level.]

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[Your relationship level with Melody has changed to unrequited love-female's side.]

Clyde pulled away from the kiss, baffled, but Melody had the look of longing. The old man's eyes were wide.

"You two were amazing," he said, "especially you, young woman. A look akin to a newlywed couple."

"Alright, you've got your photo, enjoy your day, old-timer," Clyde said then marched ahead. No need for the geezer to give the trickster new ideas.

"You didn't have to be so rude," Melody said.

"Says the scammer," he said.

Melody stopped, frowning. Clyde did too.

"Listen here, darling. I won't ever do such things, I promise, but I do not wish to be called that, especially by you."

Clyde nodded, letting out a breath.

"Sorry. That was uncalled for."

He turned but was a little worried by her surprised look. Was he that much of an asshole? He needed to watch that.

"All is forgiven," Melody said, cheerfulness returning to her voice.

"Will you join us tonight?" Clyde said as they reached his house. "Or fight for the demon lord."

"I will not get in your way," Melody said, "but as along as Hades is alive, I'm stuck in a pinch. This is his territory, darling. I cannot attack him due to the oath." She turned to leave. "Please take care."

"You too," Clyde said then watched her wave down a taxi.

He felt something…sticky and…slimy on his door knob. Fully coated and of course he grabbed a handful of it.

He grimaced, opening the door anyway, preparing to bolt to the kitchen sink. Chika was still there, alone, watching TV. She gave him a lusty yandere smile.

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