Clyde's blood began to boil. The air around him shimmered once. With all of the crap of the games happening, he didn't have time for this shit.

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"You did not." His voice was deadly calm. Her smile only widened but she said nothing. "Ugh, that is—why didn't my trap detection go off?"

Chika continued to smile at him, pissing off the young man even further. Oh, this bitch was going to get it, his thoughts raged. He shoved his hand under the kitchen sink's hot water, grabbed his clear dish soap.... Clear dish soap… Chika roared with laughter.

After washing his hands, he hurried to the doorknob, took one whiff, and verified the smell of dish detergent. A prank. A fucking terrible prank, but just a prank. Oh, thank God it was just a prank, Clyde thought. He chuckled with relief. A few seconds later with a wet cloth and the doorknob was fine. "And here I thought you were trying to pick a fight." He turned around and she was right there.

"Certainly, crossed my mind, but even I know that's going too far. And there's no telling who or what touched that doorknob."

Clyde felt her control slip before she kissed him. Normally, he'd be more than happy to oblige, but this time, for petty revenge, the young man would deny her.

"Not right now," he said, pushing past her. "We've got only a couple of hours to prepare and I need to do some crafting."

The persistent girl followed him into the bedroom.

"We've got plenty of time," Chika said. The girl looked hungry. She was like a cat, ready to pounce on her prey. Clyde simply shrugged.

"Plenty of—"

"Let's ask what he thinks," Chika said, petting the young man's rising horn.

"His opinion doesn't matter," Clyde said. They gazed at each other for a moment, but instead of resigning in defeat, the silver-haired girl attacked Clyde with an assault of strawberry kisses.

Denying her turned out to be a lot harder…ahem…more difficult than he thought. Her gaze had a combination of love and lust, both things he was unsure if he truly earned. Then again, earning friendship with a yandere could be one hundred percent faster or deadlier. Or both.

"Just one round," she said. "I can barely contain myself."

Clyde still felt the edge of vengeance pulsing through him. No, he'd refuse her this time just for the fuck of it.

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"What are you doing?" Clyde said to the undressing girl, amused.

Chika gave him a stern look then continued to undress. The level of persistence—if he didn't take her, she'd probably find a way to irritate the young man in the most obnoxious ways. He weighed his options. Revenge. Plus, he needed to prepare and act like the group leader for once. A hand curled around his erect horn.

"Love making now, demon lord stuff later."

"Love making later, demon lord stuff now," Clyde said. He said that but didn't resist her straddle. The instincts that made him a man overrode his logical mind. But… what if he could craft and have sex at the same time? It showed up in his mind's eye anyway. Then upon competition, entered his inventory. Plus, the extra stats offered from having sex could be used anyway. Bright side talk. A man's revenge could come in other forms anyway. He'd get her back.

Chika's phone rang the moment she began the ride. She tried to ignore it, but the persistent anime ringtone didn't waver. The girl was so wet, Clyde worried that he'd unleash the load before getting her off in time. She answered while riding slowly.

Clyde thought for a moment… While the duo talked about Chika's yandere problem back then with the tainted cookies, he needed to be reassured where she stood. He had a vast sense of humor, but with Chika, unpredictability was the least of the problems.

"I told you, I want nothing to do with his stupid company," Chika said to the caller. "Why? And? I don't care. He tried to marry me off. What? If he tries again…" She paused to cover her mouth, hiding a song of ecstasy. A vicious grin emerged on Clyde's face as he thrusted up harder. And she had no choice but to continue the call. Despite having the choice to simply crawl off, Chika continued the ride.

"Could you tell…him….What? No, I'm…I'm not doing anything."

Clyde intensified the ride but instead of the glare he was aiming for, Chika gave him a look that urged him to keep going. "I…what meeting? That…can't it wait? Who? I…" she covered her mouth again, climaxing. A lot. Her tightening and quivering made Clyde lurched into motion, turning the girl over just in time as his load covered her chest. His pants looked as if he had an accident. Annoyed, he pulled them off but before he could move to gather everything for laundry, Chika grabbed his horn.

"Nope," Clyde said.

"But I'm not done yet," she whispered, hand over her phone.

"Take care of your business. We can mess around later."

With reluctance, she nodded then took the call with the woman on the line seriously.

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After starting the load of laundry and showering, Clyde used the remaining time to craft. He'd pass on meditating since it had to go uninterrupted.

"Can I suggest something?" Chika said, sitting beside him. He took in the faint fragrance of the shower gel.

"Enlighten me oh great honor student," he said. A prompt surprised him.

[Do you wish to allow your companion to shape your items? Your crafting level allows this.]

Clyde selected yes then handed her raw materials. She started, dawning on her items like a machine.

[Congratulations, your crafting level has increased to 4. You can now make somewhat complicated items.]

"Okay, it's finished," Chika said five minutes later. She made some kind of ring. "Now inject magic into it."

Clyde played along, injecting a tiny bit of MP into the object.

[Chika has created you, Ring of Emergency Magic. Item class: very rare. 20% increase in MP while equipped.)

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The ring faintly glowed, its flicker reminding him of Christmas lights for some reason.

"Think of it as a gift of love," Chika said smugly. "And forgive me for the prank."

"This is…Are you sure you don't need this for yourself?" Clyde said. "I don't have anymore materials to make it again."

"Keep it," she said. "Please."

Clyde put the ring on and right there, felt the increase his power pool.

"This is awesome," Clyde said.

Chika smiled.

"I'm glad you like it." She stood. "I'm going to head home to grab a few things and exchange words with my mother. See you at eight?"

"Of course," Clyde said. When she left, he focused on crafting a few more things. He'd have to get rid of his basic armor set eventually. He searched his inventory until coming across something interesting.


$ 8540

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-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Natzo hand bomb. (Does Fire and Metal damage on enemies caught within the blast. 40% chance to cause burns, 20% chance to deafen. 30% chance to stun.)

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Zeth's book of mist. ]

Zeth's book of mist. His prize for defeating the leader of the Hidden Lotus. Everyone worked as a team to take down the bastard, but he never asked about their rewards. Well, considering how everyone is seemingly protective of him now, they were probably good.

Clyde used the book.

[You have learned Summon Mist! While the cooldown on this is very long, you may cover a large area in Mist. You and your allies will be able to see 40% better than your enemies. Warning, this is useless against enemies that do not rely on vision.]

A knock on Clyde's door caught his attention. He hurried to answer, expecting Harumi or one of the guys. Clare was a definite surprise.

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