After covering the couch with his blanket, Clyde slowly pulled off Harumi's nightgown, revealing what made probably made other women jealous. The lingering scent of flowery soap tickled his nose as he took control. His kisses moved from her belly, where she let out a soft giggle, then rose to her breasts. He could barely contain his excitement.

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He randomly selected one, caressing it with his tongue, gauging Harumi's reaction, her face full of longing. Two fingers entered a warm sea. Holy shit was she wet.

She let out a surprised song that made Clyde freeze, smirking. He allowed one second to pass but Alice didn't emerge from his room. He didn't have the arrogance to believe he was ready for two. Scratch that, if she got angry and used the force to kill the mood…

Harumi softly pulled Clyde's lower lip with her lips, then pulled him in with a soft kiss. She squeezed around his fingers, breathing huskily. He removed his fingers to enter her, gently and while they vigorously kissed.

Her tightness almost made him burst on the spot. The two gazed each other, Harumi's arms around him, then he moved. She clung to him, her soft songs outpacing his breathing.

The two traded top and bottom multiple times as they rode, sweat glazing from each other. Clyde's grunts were inaudible, but Harumi responded to them anyway, squeezing tighter, fingers pressing onto the young man's back.

"Yes, right there," she said softly. "Yes!"

Clyde just barely covered that squeal of excitement, but the pink-haired girl didn't seem to care. She melted into him, her songs ringing through the room. "Harder."

As the climax approached, the ride grew faster and faster. Harumi convulsed, clinging heavily, juices pouring. She covered her mouth as the ecstasy song burst from her throat, threatening to wake the entire apartment complex. Harumi at first nearly refused to let him pull out—he fought with the need to not impregnate against her desire for pleasure. He won by half a second, releasing the impossible load onto her stomach.

They panted, lying next to each other still naked.

"Let's…shower at my place," Harumi said. "We don't want to wake Alice."

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As soon as he closed the door behind him, the pink-haired girl pinned him to the wall, kissing and stroking his horn. They were both still naked—a simple slip into the apartment being quick and easy. "Now we don't have to worry about waking anyone."

Clyde still found himself taken aback by this side of Harumi, but there was no doubt she was a virgin during the first round. The awkward mount and tightness didn't lie. And the tightness remained in the second round, yet somehow felt even better. The duo kissed passionately, switched positions, and danced to each other's pleasure until the climax.

Once again, Clyde had to fight a little, against Harumi's nearly iron hold, to pull out in time. He really needed to practice safe sex. Did anyone give a shit in this world? Somehow, he knew the answer to that.

Harumi lied on top of him, breathing heavier, her juices oozing onto his stomach. That caused his horn to rise again. She giggled, stroking it. Clyde didn't remember having this much libido in his homeworld. That could possibly mean his stats did wonders outside of battle too. That thought made him smile.

Harumi took that as a signal for a third round and proceeded to kiss him.

"Is lovemaking always this fun?" she said as she mounted the young man. "Oh!"

"With you, it is," Clyde said then began power-thrusts upward. Harumi's loud moans only excited him.

After the third round, Clyde gestured toward the shower. His ploy to end it right there didn't work. Harumi somehow tricked him into a four dance. They ended up turning off the shower to save hot water.

That night, they cuddled together on Clyde's couch with Harumi's blankets. His own were in the wash.

The smell of breakfast woke him the next morning. Harumi cooked a Japanese breakfast of rice, soup, fish, vegetables and some kind of beans Clyde believed his weeb friend once called natto. Sitting at the table, talking with her, was Alice, Natalia, and Tear.

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He made one micro-move and all eyes were on him. A tiny trickle of sweat dripped from the back of his head.

Harumi and Alice's eyes looked like those of someone newlywed. Tear held a predatory gaze. And Natalia… He grunted when the brat jumped on his stomach.

"Pervy-monster, morning!"

"You freaking brat," Clyde growled but she was gone before he could reach her cheeks to pull. "Why do kids do this to me?" he muttered, wearily. The women laughed.

"That smells so good," the young man said as he sat. "I'll be back—need to wash up."

Tear's eyes, maybe all of their eyes, followed him.

He took an extra minute to brush his teeth and an extra minute wash his face. He did not allow himself to think about how he walked past his guests in a simple tank top and boxers. He did not.

His closet was divided with school uniforms hanging on one side and casual clothing on the other. Jeans and a black shirt with tennis shoes did the trick. The bracelet Alice gave him blended in with everything he wore.

When he returned, food was served, but everyone waited before eating. His plate rested in a spot between Alice and Harumi. For some reason, he felt a brief spark of electricity jolt between the two. As Clyde reached for a spoon, Harumi started one of the founding fathers of anime tropes.

"Clyde, ahh," she said, chopsticks loaded with rice and fish. His normally composed face fell into a gape as the heat of embarrassment covered him. And as if to make matters even more awkward, she took that chance to stuff the food into his mouth, giving him a warm and inviting smile.

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"Must be nice to have someone feed you," Alice said, grabbing his ear. Her jealousy aura felt kind of surprising—the demoness normally had no fucks to give. She turned his head around and forcefully shoved meat and rice into his mouth.

Clyde realized he somehow let this lurch to the point of no return. What could he do? How fucked up would things become if he decided to just date one of the women, only to get sent back to his dimension the next day. He wanted to tell himself that he wouldn't get romantically involved, but somehow, they may have won his heart, rather than the other way around. He forced the ridiculous thoughts away. He wanted to be a man of order. Not some dense main character. Well, he was already past that. The dense harem MC never had sex with any of the women, choosing to live his life like an idiot pulled by the system. Clyde managed to overthrow the trope only to eventually get to this point. A goddamn love triangle. He wasn't going to have that. He'd talk to them again about his situation.

[Let it be known that you are able to date and marry as many women as possible without consequence, desu.]

You're not helping, System, Clyde thought. This wasn't a damn quest to become some harem king.

"Harumi, did your friend ever send you details about Kiko?" Clyde asked, breaking up a passive aggressive argument between her and Alice.

"Airi texted me back this morning," Harumi replied.

"Awesome," Clyde said. "Take care of any business before noon. Afterward, we're going vampire hunting."

"You really think you can take on a vampire," Tear said, her voice full of sex and music. Tendrils of sex stretched out toward him, but he resisted. At least the best he could. Alice's presence made it easier. "You have no idea just how powerful they are."

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"Never said anything about fighting her," Clyde said. "Just talk. She's someone's little sister."

Tear shrugged then winked. Clyde forced his eyes away from the extremely sexy woman. So many things he wanted to do to her—these couldn't be his thoughts. Damn succubus.

A buzz from his phone caught his attention. The sender of the text was surprisingly Toru.

Toru: Can you meet me at the bus stop? I need someone to talk to. Maybe confess something.

Clyde: I don't swing that way, so forget it.

Toru: not like that, moron. I don't swing that way either. Man, to man talk, I need your advice.

Clyde: Alright, I'll meet you there right in fifteen minutes.

Toru: check.

Toru had something to confess… What in the hell could it be? Clyde shook his head as he finished his breakfast. Toru acting like this…definitely some entertainment to be found there. Of course, if his friend was in trouble, he'd help out.

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